01x33 - The Flame Pokémon-athon!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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01x33 - The Flame Pokémon-athon!

Post by bunniefuu »


-I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


-Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


We're here!

NARRATOR: After earning a
Soul Badge at the Fuchsia Gym,

our friends arrive
at the Safari Zone,

where they're sure to discover
some new and unusual Pokémon.

Hey, it feels like
an earthquake!

-Look out!
Over there!


Uh, what is it?


-Oh, man.
What are those things?

A wild bull Pokémon.

When whipping itself
with its three tails,

its tackle is a powerful
destructive force.


Okay, Pikachu.


Hey, Pikachu!

Nice time for a nap.

Don't you think Pikachu's
outnumbered here?

I know that.

Charmander, I choose you!


Ember Attack now!


What's that thing?


A puppy Pokémon of pleasant
demeanor and great diligence.

It drives enemies away
with barks and bites.


All right, Charmander,
Flamethrower Attack!



So it's a fire type too.

Charmander, return!


GIRL: Hold it!


Hey, what are you doing?

You little sidewinder,

don't tell me you don't know

this whole area
is a Pokémon reserve.

A Pokémon reserve?

-What's that?

It's a place where it's
against the law

to capture Pokémon so they can
grow up here naturally.

That's amazing.

You grew up right
pretty yourself miss.

What's the name
of this here place?

Have you ever heard
of the Big P. Pokémon Ranch

that's owned by
the Laramie family?

Isn't that the place

where they raise lots of Pokémon
in the wild?

This must be that place.

This is the Laramie
Big P. Ranch,

and I'm Lara Laramie.


And this Growlithe

makes sure nobody tries
to capture our Pokémon.



A fire horse Pokémon.

Its mane is made
of intense flames.


Isn't it real hot?

I don't need to worry,

'cause Ponyta will never, ever
burn anybody it really trusts.

Nice Ponyta.



It took a while for Ponyta
to trust me too.

Just training one Pokémon's
a big job,

but a whole herd
must be really tough.

Breeders love Pokémon
from the Laramie Ranch,

'cause they're raised
in the wild

and they're a little stronger
than other Pokémon.

You're lucky if you get
a Big P. Pokémon.

I'm real glad some folks know
about all the hard work we do.

We're real proud of the way
we raise our Pokémon here.

I'd love to see more
of this place.

Well, we're having our big
party here tonight.

Why don't you all come
as my guests?

-A party?
That sounds great!


And if you stay here at the
ranch tonight,

you'll be able to see the big
Pokémon race tomorrow.

A Pokémon race?

We race one another to find
out who's got the best Pokémon.

Anybody who wins
the Big P. Pokémon race

becomes an honorary member
of the Laramie Clan.


The Tauros again?

That sound could only be...

-Oh, man.
They move fast!

Howdy, Lara.


A three-headed bird Pokémon that
can run faster than it can fly.

It's three heads represent
joy, sorrow, and anger.

We're gonna win the Pokémon
race tomorrow.

Don't be too sure, pardner.

It takes more than just speed
to win the race.

Just get ready to lose, Lara.


What a jerk!

Who is that guy?

He's Dario, a Dodrio trainer.

And we'll see what kind of guy
he is.

Hey, Lara, good luck
in the race tomorrow.

We're all gonna be rooting
for you.

Thank you kindly.

Your Ponyta's great.

Thank you, ma'am.

Good luck, Lara!

Appreciate it.

Go for it, girl!

She must be a real contender
in that race.

Well, she sure has done
a great job

training that Ponyta of hers.

We're really lucky to have run

into such an incredible Pokémon
breeder, aren't we?

Hey, Lara!

All of your Tauros are going
crazy back at the ranch.




Let's go!




Growlithe, get in there
and settle 'em down.



Hmm. What's that?



Lara! Ponyta!


I think I'm okay.


Don't move that arm!

Whoa, Ponyta!

Settle down!


Calm down.
Settle down.

Calm down, Ponyta!


I wonder what happened
to spook all the Pokémon.

He's good.

Pretty nice work.

Even better than we planned it.

I have got a very good feeling
about this one.

Good work.

I wouldn't expect anything
less from Team Rocket.


We're just here to do
the best job possible

so we can all get
just what we want.

Once Team Rocket gets in with
the Laramie Clan,

we'll make big bucks.

We're gonna get rich
and rule the world!

We're going to make sure
that you win that race, Dario.


If I get what I want,
you get what you want.

Right, pardner.



With my arm like this,
I can't grip Ponyta's reins,

so I won't be able
to race tomorrow.

Too bad for the Laramie Clan.

Hold on.

Ash, you could ride Ponyta
for me.


I can't do it.

Ponyta will burn any rider
except you.

I'm sure you could do it.

When I saw you trying so hard
to pet Ponyta,

I knew you could, Ash.

Please give it a try.

Yeah, but...

Give it a try.

We'll help you
in every way we can.

Pika. Pikachu.

Well, in that case I'll do it.

Looks like we're partners,


I guess Ponyta's
not too cool with this.



Ponyta, if you win the race
with a new rider,

it'll prove how great
you really are.

Everybody'll know that
you're the best of all.

And that'll be
the best praise for me.

Won't you please let Ash
ride you tomorrow?



Remember, Ponyta...


Hey, it's not hot.

I did it.



At least he's hanging in there.




ladies and gentlemen,

to this year's
Pokémon challenge,

sponsored by the Laramie Clan.

Our course takes our
challengers over rugged terrain

to test their speed and ability.

Whoever clears all the obstacles

and crosses the finish line
first is our winner.

Will the Pokémon and trainers

please come to the starting line

Good luck, guys!


Ready to race Ponyta?


They're gonna burn up the track!



ALL: Who's that Pokémon?

It's Ponyta!

And they're off

on this exciting
Pokémon challenge race.

When the dust settles,

we'll be able to see who's
in the early lead.


Now the contestants
have left the stadium

and are on the first part
of the obstacle course.

-Pika pika!

And Dario riding Dodrio
has pulled away from the pack.

If he keeps up this blistering
pace, he'll be unstoppable.

You can beat him, Ash.


And something has happened
to the Tauros.

It's acting like this
is a rodeo.


And now Nidorina is fighting mad

after getting bumped by Tauros.

They're ignoring their trainers
and starting to battle.

These Pokémon could use
some strict training.

They look like they're out
of this race.

I got a bulls-eye!

Or close to it.

The next obstacle
is a -degree uphill climb:

a test of endurance for
the Pokémon and their trainers,

and Dario still holds the lead.

Come on, Ponyta!


Bringing up the rear
are Pikachu and Squirtle,

but slow and steady may not be
enough to win this race.


Who is that barreling down
the steep slope?

-He's fast!

That's electrode using
its perfectly round body

to gain speed and take the lead
on the downhill.


Oh, and it's another accident!

Electrode has fallen
into a hole,

and Dodrio once again
takes over the lead.

Oh, no!

Electrode's voltage level
is too high!




What a shock!

Electrode's most powerful
attack: expl*si*n.

Its destroyed everything around.

Electrode's living up
to its "b*mb Ball" nickname.


Another one bites the dust.




Oh, no!

They're back up!

Ponyta and Lara's replacement,

are showing that
they've really got guts.

All right.

Now one of the most difficult
sections of the course.

The Pokémon have to jump
from one stone to the next

to cross the river.

Go, Dodrio!



-That's okay.
We tried.

Too bad, folks.

Rock Pokémon can't deal with
water, so Onyx is out of here.

And looks like surf's up
for Pikachu.

Squirtle and Starmie
are performing

like true blue water Pokémon.

I'll keep on going, Brock!


Ponyta's a great jumper
and crossing beautifully,

with no fear of the water.

It could make a comeback!

-Faster! Faster!
Faster! Faster!

-That's it.
You can do it, Ash.

Now to boost their energy,

each Pokémon can resume the race

only after eating
an entire bowl of food.

The Pokémon decide
which bowl to eat.

Oh, quit fighting!

You'll all get your fair share.

It looks like each one
of Dodrio's three heads

wants to eat first,
and a fight's broken out!

The fastest runner is losing
valuable time here

as Starmie, Squirtle and Ponyta
appear on the scene.

Okay, Ponyta,
time for some fast food.


All right, Team Rocket,
time to go to work!


We've got a major problem
here, folks.

Black smoke is blowing
over the course.

I hope our camera crew can get
our picture back soon

and show us if there's been
another accident out there.


Prepare for trouble.

Make it double.

It's Team Rocket.

To protect the world
from devastation.

To unite all peoples
within our nation.

To denounce the evils
of truth and love.

To extend our reach
to the stars above.


Team Rocket,
blast off at the speed of light.

Surrender now
or prepare to fight.

That's right!

We don't have time to play
around with you three stooges!

How dare you compare us to the-

I mean, come on up.

I'd like to have a word
with you.

Yes, come on up and bring
your Ponyta with you.

Then I can mess you up again.

"Mess you up again?"

So it was Team Rocket!

It was you who broke Lara's arm.

It was such a sad accident.

We couldn't sleep
after it happened.

Save your tears!

Pikachu, Squirtle,
get ready to rumble!


This race is over
for you losers.

Arbok, Glare Attack!



Let's go, Starmie!

Weezing, Sludge Attack now!

You okay, Starmie?

I think we're winning.

I think you're right!

Settle down, Ponyta.

Hey, calm down!

Now's your chance.

Thanks, Jessie!

Go, Dodrio.

Team Rocket's working for Dario.


Forget about them.

You have to win this race
for Lara Laramie.

Go catch up with Dario,

and we'll take care
of Team Rocket.

But-but I...


Stop Ponyta
with your poison sting.




-Oh, no!
Don't use the gas!


Things seemed to be going
so well for us this time.

Maybe we'll have better luck
next time.

Now we're blasting off again!



Now we've got our picture back

and Dodrio is still in the lead!

Now let's take a look at what
happened to the other Pokémon,

and I can't see any-

Who's that?

It's a giant burning flame!

-Faster, Ponyta.
We're way behind!

It's Ponyta!

I don't know how it happened,

but it looks like this has
become a two Pokémon race

between Dodrio and Ponyta

with nothing left but a
flat out run to the finish line.

And Dodrio has entered
the stadium still in the lead!


I'm gonna win this one!


How'd he get so close!

Now Ponyta's closing in
on Dodrio.

Okay, Ponyta, let's beat him.

Now these two powerful Pokémon
are trading the lead.

Do it, Dodrio.



-Something's happened.
Ponyta is falling behind.

That was a cheap shot, Dario!

I do what I have to to win.

Dodrio is closing in
on the finish line!



Ponyta just-

-Evolved into Rapidash.

Fans, this is incredible!

Ponyta has evolved
into Rapidash,

the fastest sprinter
in the world of Pokémon.

I can't believe it!

Here comes Rapidash,

who has a top speed of over
miles an hour!

And Rapidash has caught up!

They're neck and neck
heading for the finish line.

Come on, Dodrio!


And it's down to the wire!


An incredible upset!

Rapidash makes an amazing

to win this Pokémon challenge!

Way to go, Rapidash!

-You cheater!
You interfered with me!

You're the one who att*cked me!

I'll show you.

Go get 'em!




Congratulations, Ponyta-
I mean, Rapidash!

You are this year's Pokémon
challenge champion.

Let's give a big hand for
its trainer, Lara Laramie,

and for the winning rider,
Ash Ketchum!



Hey, congratulations, Lara.

Thank you, Ash.

You proved yourself to be
a fantastic Pokémon trainer.

Isn't that right, Rapidash?


Aw, shucks, Rapidash!


LARA: If you're looking
to capture Pokémon,

the Safari Zone just ahead
should be perfect.

The Safari Zone?

That's the place for me.

Thanks again, Ash.

You did a great job.

I'm sure you'll be
a Pokémon master.

Thanks, Lara, I'm much obliged.

NARRATOR: As our heroes
say good-bye

to their new friend
at the Laramie Pokémon Ranch,

they're headed for new
adventures in the Safari Zone.

You're the reason I didn't
win the Pokémon challenge!

Team Rocket's the worst.

We'll just have to plan
better next year.

And maybe you can get yourself
some nicer riding clothes.

And give that smelly bird
a bath.


Stop this crazy thing!

-Don't go away.
The Pokérap is next.



It's that time again.

Pokémon, five days a week.

That's about or so each day.

-It's not too hard.
Just listen real good.

-Gotta catch 'em all!
Gotta catch 'em all!

Gotta catch 'em all!
Gotta catch 'em all!

-At least or more to see

To be a Pokémon master
is my destiny

Okay, so today was pretty easy.

But you got to put all five
days together.

It's the only way to name
all .

Catch you here tomorrow.

-Catch 'em, catch 'em

Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all


Catch 'em, catch 'em

Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all


Catch 'em, catch 'em

Gotta catch 'em all



-I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all

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