01x41 - Wake Up Snorlax!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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01x41 - Wake Up Snorlax!

Post by bunniefuu »


-I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


-Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


Once again we find Ash,

Misty, and Brock continuing
their journey.

And once again the ever
vigilant Pikachu keeps

a careful watch
for trouble... sort of.



Greetings, children
of the universe!

Are you all by yourself?

I have my music!



Pi? Pika.

-That was nice.

Now that you heard my music,
you have to give me some food!

ALL: Huh?
-We thought it was free!

Isn't my flute playing
at least worth a sandwich?

Uh, we'd like to give you
something to eat,

but we don't even have
anything to eat ourselves.

Not even a cookie?

We don't even have crumbs.

Another free concert.

Well, guess you should
hit the road, then.



I'm so hungry.

I'm about to collapse.

We haven't had anything
to eat since yesterday.

-Pika, pika.



Pennies for the piper?

Food'd be nice too.

You stop people,
play some weird song...

Then you beg for food?

You should be beggin'
for music lessons.


Bad vibes.

Those dudes should at least
respect their elders.

We finally made it.

At last we can get
something to eat.


There's no bread left!


Excuse me.

We'd like to buy
some bread, please.

-What's that?
A customer?

We'd like to buy
some bread, please.

-I'm sorry.
We don't have any bread left.

No bread at a bakery.

There aren't
any vegetables either.

Where'd all the food go?

I'll eat anything!

I'm sorry, but we are closed.

I'd like to cook,
but I have no ingredients.


Come back some other time.

This is great.

An entire town

with absolutely
no food anywhere.


Children, what's the matter?

We've been looking all over
for food in this town,

but there's nothing to eat.

We're so hungry
we can hardly move.


So you are trying
to become a Pokémon master?

That's very difficult.

What's wrong with this town?

There's no bread in the bakery.

And there aren't
any vegetables at the market.

The water in the river
has completely dried up,

k*lling all our produce.

So food in our town has become
very, very hard to come by.

It's hard enough to keep food
for ourselves to eat.


Oh, please don't worry.

My family can live off
our food stores

for quite a while yet.

But, I don't remember
the weather being any drier

this year than it usually is.

It rained just like
it always does.

It's not the rain.

This is the river that used
to flow through our town.

For some reason, it suddenly
stopped running two weeks ago.

The plants.

They're all dried up.

Pika, pika?

We can't produce
wheat or vegetables.

Our town's in real trouble.

And you can't grow anything
without water, can you?

This is a serious problem.

Could the source of the problem

be somewhere upstream?

Let's go check it out.

We have to pay you back
for that delicious meal.

We'll find out
what the problem is.

Mr. Mayor,

we'll be back as soon as we can.

I should warn you

that no one dares
go upstream anymore.

There's no telling
what you might find.

-That's okay.
We're always ready for anything.


Why would the river
just dry up like this?

-It's weird.

Hey, what's that?

The river leads to a dead end.

The whole thing's
covered with thorns.


-Be careful.
Those things are sharp.

How am I supposed to be careful?

Everywhere you look,
there's more thorns.

Pika, ka, ka, ka.

Hey, Pikachu, are you okay?

Say, Ash, let's get
our Pokémon to help us out here.

Good idea.


Bulbasaur, Razor Leaf Attack!


Okay, Starmie, your turn!



Just when you think
things can't get worse.

Ugh, we're finally
through those thorns.

Ah, it's a spring!

It looks like the spring
is starting to dry up too.

What's that?


-Pika, pika.
-Whoa, it's huge.

It's a Snorlax!

-That's a Snorlax?
-All right.

A sleeping Pokémon.

Snorlax wakes only to eat.

It doesn't sound too hungry.

Ash, look.

Snorlax is blocking
the water from the spring.

That's why the water
in the stream stopped flowing.

So we just have to get Snorlax
out of the way.

Well, let's wake it up.

Wake up, Snorlax.

Hey, Snorlax, wake up.

Wow, he's really big.

Pika, pika.

Hey, Snorlax!

Wake up!


It just won't wake up.

Well then,
we'll have to move it.



[SNORING] Snorlax, snorlax.

Why is it so hard to move?

is the heaviest species

of all known Pokémon,

with some weighing
more than , pounds.

, pounds?

Well, then there's no way
we'll be able to move it.

There must be some way.

Well, what if we tried
to capture it in a Pokéball?

That's it!

Pokéball, go!

Oh great.

We've got to move it

or the town
will run out of water.

Ah, Snorlax, wake up!

Come on!

It's a Snorlax.


We'll go after it
in a formation "z."


Well, then, how should we
wake it up?

Good morning, everyone.

-Oh, well.
It's not really morning anymore.

Who cares anyway?

I'm here to report
on the eagerly awaited

awakening of the Snorlax.

Zoom in, cameraperson.

Ah, it's sleeping.
Still sleeping.

Watch closely, everyone.

This is how Snorlax looks
when it's sleeping.

Ooh, doesn't it look cute?

Now watch carefully
as we wake up the Snorlax.

What do you think you're doing?

Prepare for trouble!

And make it double!

To protect the world from

To unite all peoples
within our nation...

To denounce the evils
of truth and love...

To extend our reach
to the stars above.


Team Rocket, blast off
at the speed of light.

Surrender now
or prepare to fight.

Your routine's so boring,

Snorlax'll go
into a deeper sleep.

That's what you think.

This is R calling R, over.

-This is R.
All systems are go.

It's Meowth!

The ultra-deluxe
balloon Bang-Bang

is about to begin.

ALL: Who's that Pokémon?

It's Snorlax!


What are those things?


Soon you'll be seeing Snorlax
on cable.

I hate to let them
steal Snorlax,

but if they get it
out of the way for us...

The spring water
will flow like before.

Pika, pika.

Well I never thought
I'd live to see this day,

even with nine lives:

Team Rocket
and Team Twerp workin' together.

Pika, pika.

Pika, pika.
-Okay, hoist away!



Keep it up.
Keep it up.

We've got it now.



Just a bit further.



The cables were too weak
to lift Snorlax.

I knew this wouldn't work.

Yeah, we should have known

Team Rocket
would mess things up.

What did you say?

Well, it's the truth.

Nothing makes me angrier
than being told the truth.


It looks like we're gonna have
to wake up Snorlax after all.


-An alarm clock doesn't work.

Let's see it sleep through this.



That's sure to do it.

Nothin' could
sleep through that!


[CRYING] It's not waking up.

But why not?

I've got it.

In the story of Sleeping Beauty,

the beautiful princess-
with whom I identify-

was awakened by the kiss
of a noble prince.

Jessie, that's it.

Snorlax might just wake

with a kiss
from a noble Pokémon.

Hey, that might just work!

All right, everyone.

Pick your noblest Pokémon,
and we'll try it.


It's supposed to be
a noble Pokémon, right?

Yeah, whatever that means.

What about Misty's Horsea?

-Yeah, that's right.
It's like a prince's horse!

You want Horsea to kiss that?

-It has to.
Horsea's our best bet.

No fair.

-Horsea, horsea.
I think this is-




Oh, no!


You dimwit duck!

There's nothing noble about you!

Psy, psy, psy.

Psy? Psy?

Brock, which Pokémon
do you think they'll try?

The same ones they always do.

Snorlax will have nightmares.

Those lips would
give me nightmares too.

Our noble Pokémon:


Meowth is the only one
with a kiss powerful enough

to wake Snorlax.

Give it a big wet one, fella.

Why do I have to be the one
to kiss that big lummox?

So we can bring that Snorlax

back to the boss.

Hey, you don't look
half bad, Meowth.

Keep your eyes to yourself.


Pucker up.

Give it a smack attack
right on the lips!

I quit. No way!

The hygiene!




Is it...

That kiss may've done it!


It looks like
it's been poisoned.

How'd you look if you
got kissed by Meowth?

I'd look for a new mouth.

Wake up, you big lump!





What'd you find, Ash?

It says, "Do not disturb."

It's like those signs
you hang on hotel doors.

Turn it over, Ash.


"In case of emergency,

please use
a Poké flute to wake."

A Poké flute?

-That's right.
Now I remember.

I heard once
that you play a Poké flute

to wake up a Snorlax!

A Poké flute?

[ELECTRONIC VOICE] The Poké flute is used
to wake sleeping Pokémon.

Snorlax will only awaken
to this flute.



It looks just like the one
that old hippie had.

-Come on.
Let's go find him.


-Poké flute?


BOTH: The music man!

-Oh, no!
We've let them get ahead of us.

Let's hurry.

Wait for me!




What's the rush, dudes?

Ah, thank goodness
you're still here.

Please, Sir.

We have a favor to ask of you.

Ask away.

-Just come with us.
-Wha! Hey, hey.

Chill out, my friend.

ALL: Wait, wait, wait!


-Hi again.
Please come with us.

We really need your help.

-Hey, let go of him right now!
We got here first!

The first are the worst.

If you don't stop,
you'll both get half of me!

Enough of this.

Arbok, go!


Pidgeotto, I choose you!


Pidgeotto, Gust Attack now!



ALL: Team Rocket's
gusting off again!

Now's our chance.

Please play your Poké flute
to wake this Snorlax.

Hey, you've gotten a lot bigger

since I saw you last, Snorlax.

Your girth is blowin' my mind.

You mean you know this Snorlax?

-I don't just know it.
This Snorlax is mine!

This little dude
loves to snooze.

I can't even take it for a walk.

I just come
to wake it up once a month.


I'm running a little late
this month, though.

Your Snorlax
is stopping the water

from flowing into town.

We've got to move it
out of the way.

-No problem.
I can do it.


Snore, snore, Snorlax.

Snore, snore, snore,
lax, lax, lax.


-Snore, lax, lax, lax.


I guess that did it.


Later, Snorlax.

Look, the water still
isn't coming out.

Ah, look at that!

Oh, not more thorns!

That means we'll have
to clear out all of these thorns

before the river can start
flowing into town again.

What a job.


ALL: Huh?


Chow down, Snorlax.

Looks like you got
a case of the munchies.

Look, it's eating the thorns.

Thorns are Snorlax's
favorite snack item.

[ELECTRONIC VOICE] Snorlax's hunger
isn't satisfied

until it consumes
pounds of food.

Then it goes back to sleep.

Back to sleep?

Look, guys.

The river's back
to normal again.


Thank goodness!

The river's flowing
just like before.

How can we thank you?

It wasn't just us.

The Snorlax helped out too.

-This calls for a celebration.
We'll hold a special banquet.

ALL: All right!

Pika. Pika!

I'm getting tired
of always being beaten.

I'm as tired as Snorlax.

-Hey there.
What happened to Snorlax?

Mi amigo?

Snorlax ate all those thorns,

and it's coppin' some "z" s.

It went back to sleep?


It'll be a while
before it wakes up.

About how long?

Well, let's see.

This one wakes up
about once a moon.



Well, I got to split,
wake up another Snorlax.

Keep on truckin', dudes.

Should we try
to capture the Snorlax?

I ain't kissin' it.

We'd better kiss it goodbye!

NARRATOR: Our heroes have
awakened the Snorlax,

unstopped the river,
and saved the town.

And the Snorlax?

Well, "Do not disturb"...

until feeding time, that is!






-Don't go away.
The Pokérap is next!


-Okay, guys.
We're gonna rap some Pokémon.

-You just do the singing.
I'll take care of the hard part.

Let's get it on.

[SINGING] - I want
to be the best there ever was

To beat all the rest,
yeah, that's my cause

Catch 'em, catch 'em

Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon

I'll search across the land

Look far and wide

Release from my hand
the power that's inside

- down.
That's it for now.

-Tune in tomorrow.
We'll rap at you some more.

There's , so watch
Monday through Friday.

You'll catch 'em all!

-Catch 'em, catch 'em

Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all



-I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all

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