01x44 - The Problem with Paras

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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01x44 - The Problem with Paras

Post by bunniefuu »


-I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


Ash and his friends

arrive in Moss Green Village.

It's a quaint, cute place,
but it's so small

it doesn't even have
its own Pokémon gym.

There's no use stoppin' here
if they don't have a gym.

-We don't have any choice.

We have a big problem.

Check out our potion
and antidote bag.

It's empty.

I'd say this is a good time
to stock up on supplies.

Might as well grab
a bite to eat, too.

I'm dyin' for a cheeseburger.

No way.

I want to eat
in a nice restaurant.

-Cheeseburgers are nice.
-Are not!

-Are too!
-Will you two cut it out?

Come on, let's go.

Fine with me.

Come on, Pikachu.


NARRATOR: Say, what's that
rustling in those bushes?

It looks like those brats
are heading into town.

Let's sneak ahead of them.


Aren't we forgetting something?

Forgetting what?


Hey, Meowth, catnap's over.

Get up before I lose my-


He's burning up!

I don't feel so great.

Too bad we can't wait around
for you to chill out.

-Hold on.

If we leave Meowth here, he
could collapse from that fever.

Don't worry, he's still
got eight more lives left.

That's a good point.

This time we're
gonna nab that Pikachu.

-Pikachu for me and you.
Let's go!

-Hold it!
BOTH: Hmm?

-Oh, you poor thing.
You're so hot.

How could you even think
of abandoning your Pokémon

when it's overheated like this,
you irresponsible trainers?

-Does she think...

That we're Meowth's trainers?


Why are you laughing?

You must be joking if
you think we'd ever be

the trainers of that thing!

Don't you recognize
superheroes when you see them?

You're superheroes?

Sometimes we
both go undercover...

But our enemies soon discover...

BOTH: We're the Team Rocket
super squad.

You're super losers
if you'd leave a sick Pokémon!

-I guess you're right.
-We're sorry.

Don't worry.

I'll make something
to cool you down.




Here, drink this.

Thank you.



It'll be fine now.

Just give it one of these
pills after each meal.


See you later.

She really cared about me.

Meowth's turning red again.

Maybe it's getting sick again.

I'm not sick!

-He's back...
-To normal.


Is anybody home?


Excuse me.

We'd like to buy
some potions and antidotes.


Got some snakeroot here
that'll cure insomnia

and grow hair
on your nose and tongue.

Grow hair on your
nose and tongue?

Uh, does it come in
a "no-hair" formula?


I've asked you before not
to frighten the customers.

I didn't mean to scare anyone.

I know, but we're here
to help trainers

with our miracle potions,
not scare them away!


My name's Brock!

Are you the owner
of this Pokémon pharmacy?

Yes, with my grandma.

I'm interested
in Pokémon potions.

If you're not doing
anything tonight,

maybe we could have dinner
together and talk about them.


Are all three of
you Pokémon trainers?

Uh, well-

-instead of dinner,
how about a Pokémon battle?

-Okay, you can battle with me.

-That's great.
We can battle out back.

To protect the world
from devastation...

To unite all peoples
within our nation...

Yeah, well, unite all people
after that girl comes out.

-What girl?
-Who do you mean?

-That's her.
It's the nice nurse.

Now wait, Meowth.

Don't forget our mission
is to capture Pikachu.

She's captured my heart.


Paras, paras, paras.

This Paras will
be your opponent.

A Paras?

The mushroom Pokémon.

Rare mushrooms grow on its back.



you can't give up already.

Seems like your Pokémon
doesn't want to battle us.

You're right.

I'd love for Paras to evolve
into a Parasect very soon.

But it's too cowardly to battle.

The best way for Pokémon
to evolve is by winning battles.

The more battles they win,
the quicker they evolve.

But what do you want to make
Paras evolve so fast for?

Because I really must
have Parasect's mushroom.

Why do you need
Parasect's mushroom?

You see, after Paras evolves,
I'll use its mushroom

to make a new potion
especially for Pokémon,

and I'll use the new potion to
help Pokémon all over the world.

She's too terrific to be human.

That's it,
I'd give up all nine lives

to make Cassandra's dream
come true.

He's going to make
a fool of himself.

Oh, I understand.

You must think this Cassandra
is the cat's Meowth?

That ain't funny!

Don't be shy.

I know exactly how
you feel about her.

You don't think I'm an idiot?

You might say that
Cassandra's one female

who really knows how
to treat a feline.

I was so unprepared for love.

Well, cupid's arrow strikes
when you least expect it.

Help me catch Pikachu,
you two lovebird brains!

Just this once,
since it's for a good cause,

we're gonna let Paras win, okay?


Good luck, Paras.

All the Pokémon on earth
are counting on you.


Pikachu, electric-uh, I mean...

What's the matter, Ash?

Electric Shock
might be overdoing it.

Yeah, you might be right.

Look, Paras is
making the first move!


Pikachu, Thunder Shock!

Or, uh, maybe just
a teeny static bolt.




-Oh, no!

Hey, that wasn't fair.

But it was humiliating.

What a pathetic Paras.

How will Paras
ever get experience?


-Oh, this is a tough one.
What am I supposed to do now?

Look up Paras' type,

and we'll just choose
a weaker opponent.

Good idea.

[ELECTRONIC VOICE] Paras has qualities of
both bug and grass Pokémon.

Grass-type Pokémon
have a big advantage

against water Pokémon.

Right, a water type.

Squirtle, I choose you!


Hey, that Squirtle
is a water type.

Maybe you can win, Paras.


Squirtle, use your Water g*n,

but just enough to sprinkle
the mushrooms a little.





Paras, oh, are you hurt?


Please give it one more try.


Squirtle, return!

I'm not gonna give up until
Paras has evolved into Parasect!

I choose you, Charmeleon!


-Your turn, Charmeleon.
Go easy on it.




Charmeleon doesn't
look like a loser.



It's okay, hang in there!


No, stop, Charmeleon!




ALL: Oh!

Paras, paras!

Paras wait!


What are you doing, Charmeleon?


Oh, that wasn't nice.


-It's way out of control.




Oh, thanks, Pikachu.

-Are you okay, Ash?


Oh, dear, Paras has run away.

I didn't want to beat it.

It's my fault for challenging
you to a Pokémon battle.

I was so happy when
Charmander evolved,

but now I'm not sure
I was ready for it.

Oh, Ash, worry about
your stupid Charmeleon later.

We've gotta look
for Cassandra's Paras.

You're right, let's get going.

Paras, paras, paras,

paras, paras, paras, par-




ALL: Who's that Pokémon?

It's Paras!

Paras, paras.

Did you find Paras?

No we didn't.

There's no sign of it anywhere.

-I'm really sorry.
This was all my fault.

-No, Ash.

It's not you.

Poor Paras doesn't have any
confidence in its own abilities.


-Uh, so what about this potion?
What's it supposed to do?


I'm trying to come up with
a miracle potion.


One that'll not only restore
a Pokémon's defensive powers,

but its attack power,

and its determination as well.

And make it smarter, too!

You're trying to
make a smart potion?


When it's done,
you should give Ash a taste!


I want all Pokémon
to grow and stay healthy.

That's why I need Paras
to realize how important it is

and to believe in itself.

BOTH: And?

And what?

And if James and I help this
worthless little Paras,

what's in it for us?

What do we get?

I'll tell you what you get!

If you two can make
this Paras evolve,

then you could become rich
beyond your wildest dreams.

BOTH: Hmm?

Cassandra's miracle Pokémon
potion could make millions,

maybe even zillions!

BOTH: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm...

And how do we get
rich from her potion?

Once me and her
are a cozy twosome,

she'll make me her
company mascot!

-We're thrilled for you.
-But we won't get rich.

I was plannin' on makin'
you two my business managers.

I'll have a lot of
money to manage.

But if you'd rather
not I'll understand.

BOTH: Hmm...

Just imagine, we'll have more
money than we can count.

We can count on that.


Who cares about cash?

I just want to spend
the rest of my nine lives

with that trainer of yours,

I can picture it now:

Her and me sittin' on a porch
on summer nights.

Who would have thought
living with a human

could be so purr-fect!



What's the idea?

Stop daydreaming.

Hurry up,
we want to get rich quick.

I can't do that unless you
lend me Arbok and Weezing!

What do you need those two for?

'Cause losing battles
is their specialty!

He's got a point.

They're bigger losers than
the guy who invented homework.

How did we get
stuck with such rejects?




Paras, paras.

Congratulations to our champion!

That was stupendous, Paras!

You're a heavyweight!


Now let's bring on
our next challenger!




Paras, paras.

It looks like another knockout.

-Slow down, tiger.
Don't get too much experience.


Hey, I think it's gonna evolve!


Needs more victories.

Let's see if it's tough
enough to defeat me!

Put 'em up, champ!


Oh, Meowth!

I'm a goner.
You're too strong.

Paras, paras, paras!

Paras, paras, paras,
paras, paras.


A few lousy wins
and it thinks it's Tarzan.

It's got confidence.

Hey, Paras!

It's the brats!

Maybe they can help
us get Paras to evolve.



-It's Paras!
-There you are.

How'd it get up in that tree?

Paras, paras.

It's acting strange.

I've never seen it
act like this before.

I wonder what happened.

Maybe it's Paras'
sparring partner!


Paras, paras.

I think it wants to battle.

Oh, Paras, you finally
understand my dream.

That's excellent.

Pikachu, it's time to help
Paras evolve into Parasect.


My plan is gonna work.

-If it wins...
-We'll be rich!

Get it, Paras!


Remember, Pikachu,
go easy on it!





Pikachu, mm-mm-mm.

Pika, pika.

Paras, paras.

That's great, Paras wins!

Paras sure looks
proud of itself.

If you keep
battling it like this,

then Paras is almost sure
to gain enough experience

to evolve into Parasect!



one more time!


I'm countin' on you this time!


Hey, what's the matter?

Charmander was always
totally obedient.


Its trainer needs experience!

If the trainer is poor,
the Pokémon won't respect him

and won't obey orders!


-Call it back.
We quit!

Charmeleon's too strong!

Charmeleon, return!



Charmeleon won't obey Ash.


Paras, paras!

Knock it off, Charmeleon!

Please, stop!

I gotta do something
to help Paras win.

-Meowth is right.
-Our zillions depend on it.



Paras, you can beat it.


What are you all doing here?

It's Team Rocket.

We're the official
Pokémon pep squad,

here to cheer on our hero.

Go, Paras!

Paras, don't forget
all the training we gave you.

You're pumped for victory.

-There's no way you can lose.
-You're a winner!

They really helped train Paras?

Let's hear it!

Give a cheer for our ace,
the great par-ace!

ALL: Paras! Paras!
Stomp and stamp!

You bet!

ALL: Paras! Paras!
That's our champ!




Char, char, char, char,
char, char, char...


Paras! Paras!


-Don't do it, Charmeleon!



ALL: Huh?



ALL: Wow!





It really evolved!

The mushroom Pokémon.

It battles using poison spheres

that spread from the mushroom
canopy on its back.

We're all proud
of you, Parasect!

-I never doubted you.
Great job, Parasect!

-All aboard the gravy train!



ALL: Huh?

Team Rocket's
blasting off again!


Parasect, stay back!



What's that?

It's Parasect's special attack!

It's using Spore Attack!


-That's amazing.
One spray.

If Parasect's Spore
Attack is that effective,

it'll definitely make
a powerful potion.

Charmeleon, return now.

Looks like you have to evolve
into a better trainer, Ash.

Next time I'll be fine.

Pika, pika.

Thanks for helping me, Parasect.

I knew I'd be able
to count on you!

Now it's my turn to help.

I'm going to make my
miracle potion

and help improve
all the Pokémon in the world!


I'm sorry we caused
so much trouble for you all.

Well, losing on purpose

is the toughest thing
we've ever done.

Isn't it, Pikachu?

You'll keep on losing if you
don't bring up your skill level.

You promised
to be nice, Grandma.


Let us know when you finish
your new potion, Cassandra.

I'll be your first customer.

See you later.

Thanks again.

Good luck on your
journey, everyone!


Good luck!

NARRATOR: And just as Ash
and friends are saying goodbye,

guess who's dropping in?



I'm so happy!

I got to be the luckiest
cat in the entire universe.

A little tighter, please.


And here's my star pupil,

who went from chump to champ
in record-breaking time.

How can we ever repay you?

Thanks to you, we'll make
the greatest potion ever known.

It was nothin'.

After you cooled me off,
it was the least I could do.

-She's falling for it.
-We'll be rich.

Now that fate's
thrown us together

to help the Pokémon
of the world,

I guess it's only natural to
make me your company mascot-


I'd never tear you
away from Team Rocket!

You're a super hero team,
aren't you?

-Well, we are super.
-And a team.

It was super heroic to
help out with Paras like that.

Then why-

-We've already got
a company mascot anyway!


I found this Persian
snoozing in the backyard.

It's adorable!

Oh, Meowth, I promise
to pamper this Persian

just like it was you.

Now you can go on
being a super hero!

-There go our billions.
-And zillions.

I'm a hero...

But I got zero.


NARRATOR: Cheer up, Meowth.

Every dog has his day.

Maybe you will too...


Don't go away.

The Pokérap is next!



Attention all Pokémon trainers!

Do you got what it takes
to be the best?

Today we'll do Pokémon.

It's the ultimate test.

-Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all, yeah

Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all


At least or more to see

To be a Pokémon master
is my destiny

Not bad, not bad.

-Hey, don't get cocky.
Tomorrow's the hardest part.

We're on our way
up to Pokémon.

There's no stopping us.

-Catch 'em, catch 'em

Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon

Catch 'em, catch 'em,
gotta catch 'em all.

Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon

Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all



-I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all

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