01x56 - The Ultimate Test

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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01x56 - The Ultimate Test

Post by bunniefuu »


-I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


ALL: Let's eat!

NARRATOR: It all began with
an innocent question from Misty.

You know, you haven't gotten
a badge in a long time, Ash.

You think you'll
ever get another one?


I guess you could make another
gym leader feel sorry for you

and get another badge that way.

-Take it easy, Ash.
Drink this.



I win matches with skill!

How much skill does it take

to win a match
against Team Rocket?

ALL: Huh?

I'll show you some skill.

I challenge you to a match
right now!

Pika pika.

No, I will not change my mind!

Hold it!

Why should I "hold it!"

Not you; Pikachu!

That's a perfect expression!


Hey, cut it out!

Okay. Okay.

It looks like you wanna prove
you have skills somehow right?

That's exactly
what I wanna prove!

Well, why don't you
just get yourself admitted?


Take the Pokémon League
admissions exam!

The Pokémon League...

Admissions exam?



NARRATOR: To get into
the Pokémon League,

a trainer has to travel
from one Pokémon gym to another

and collect badges to prove that
he's defeated each gym master.


Here at the Pokémon League
admissions center,

we evaluate applicants
based on a combined written

and practical skills exam.

And all those who pass
receive this badge

qualifying them
for the Pokémon League!

Take this.

It's your testing number.

Lucky seven!

See Misty,
I have skill and luck!

A little modesty wouldn't hurt.


-Oh, no.
I wanted number seven.


Age: .

Profession: Diva.

That girl looks familiar.

Wow, look at all the different
kinds of people

showing up for the exam!

Nobody I'm not better than.

Oh, Nurse Joy!

Yeah but which one?

Just a minute!


You'll have to leave
your Pokéballs here with me.


You're not permitted to use
you own Pokémon in the exam.


Thank you.

Can I take care of his Pikachu
during the exam?

Of course.

Good luck, Mr. Ketchum!

I'd wish you luck, too,
but you're just so skilled.

You got that right.


So you want to become
a Pokémon master, too,

huh, Nurse Joy?

Well, it always has been
a dream of mine.

So, uh, where are you from,
Nurse Joy?

I'm Nurse Joy
of the Fuchsia City Joys.

Sister to the Vermilion City

You're the most
beautiful one yet!

That's what you always say,


I came here for the exam

because my work keeps me
too busy to travel very much.

This exam is
really a great idea.

Yes, it's perfect for people
whose age or health

keeps them
from traveling around.

And it's also nice for people
like me

who can't ever seem
to get away from work.

I can feel it.

I'm sure you're gonna pass
the test!

I hope you're right.

That'd make a nice human
interest shot.

Hey, save your film for Pokémon!



That's weird.

That guy looked
really familiar too.

Here's the exam form.


Let's see.
Your name is James.

Will you please keep it down!

Is that.

Hey, get lost, old bat!

Old bat?


What are you-unhand me, you.

Please let me go!
Come on!

So I'm an old bat am I?


That outfit is atrocious.

And what are you doing here?

What am I doing here?

Well, truth to tell, I,
not unlike many other people,

dream of becoming
a Pokémon master.

Make fun if you must!


No, you're doing just fine
on your own.

I want to live my dream
instead of my-my reality.

I can see why.

What's your reason
for being here?

I simply wanted to add
another talent

to my very impressive
and extensive resume.

As you know I'm already an
accomplished hostess, florist,

costume designer, wine expert,
beautician, style consultant.

In fact one of the only things
I'm not-

-ls a Pokémon master!


What are you doing here?

Looking for you.

The one who suddenly remembered
an important engagement.

This seems suspiciously unlike

A visit to your sick uncle's

and I thought you had
a dental appointment!

Well I-it was just such
a beautiful day.

We decided to have a picnic!

Don't try to fool me!


-Come clean.
What are you doin' here?

Mind your own business!

Take this and leave us alone!



-Hurry up!
-The exam's about to start.

Pika pika!

Pika pikachu.

The first test will measure

your overall knowledge
of Pokémon.


-I can't wait.
This'll be easy!

Lickitung's tongue
is twice the length of its body.

True or false?

I'm pretty sure it was longer
than that.

Ninetales evolves from Vulpix
only by use of the fire stone.

True or false?

Oh man, that's too easy.

True, true!

Hitmonlee is also known
as the punching demon.

Let's see.

It's either Hitmonlee or
Hitmonchan that's the puncher.

Oh, I think it's true!

The only attack Magikarp
originally knows is splash.

True or false?


Just hearing that name
makes my-my blood boil!


That's true too.

Caterpie is the world's
smallest Pokémon.

True or false?

Yeah, that's true.

-Look at her.
She's so good.

Koffing was first discovered
in a public bath house.

True or false?

True, true, true.

All I have to do is guess,
and I'll get half of them right.

-Pika pika.

Now we will measure your
ability to recognize Pokémon.

Please name the Pokémon
by identifying its silhouette

or any part of its body
as it's displayed here.

All right!

This is gonna be
a piece of cake!

Here's the first question.

Identify this Pokémon.

This is gonna be a breeze
for me.

It's a Voltorb!

Ah, how simple.

It's a Pokéball,
without a doubt.

Obviously, it's an electrode!

And the answer is Jigglypuff,
seen from above.


Next question.

What Pokémon displays
this pattern?

I've never seen that!

It must be an Omanyte's shell!

It's an Arbok
when it's all coiled up.

It's a Poliwhirl!

The correct answer: Poliwag!


As any master would know:

When Poliwag evolves
into Poliwhirl,

the swirl on its stomach
reverses direction.

Hey, this is hard.

And it's getting harder
by the minute.


Question .

What Pokémon does this tail
belong to?


It's either Charmander,
Charmeleon, or Charizard?

Yeah, it's gotta be Charmander!

The answer is Ponyta.

No, it can't be!


Can't you ask one question
that I know the answer to?

Please, take your seat!

This is a joke!

These stupid questions won't
make you a Pokémon master!

For your information,
young lady,

a Pokémon master
must understand all aspects

of their Pokémon's life
in order to achieve oneness

with their Pokémon.

You're not making
any sense at all!

I'm through with this!

Get out!

I can't wait to go!

But, Jessie...

What a shame.

That girl's attitude
seems familiar too.

Meowth, Meowth.

Hey, let's go!

Where am I goin'?

You're going with me
to help me get my revenge!


Here comes the scoreboard!

The ones on the right
got the low scores,

and the ones on the left
got the highest.

Nurse Joy is near the top!

Hey, where's your picture, Ash?

It must be where
they put the highest scorer.


Down here.
Here's your picture.

That's impossible.

Quit it!

Just a little souvenir, Ash!

Well Ash,
it looks like you didn't have

enough luck or skill
to pass the test.

Pokémon isn't about tests,
it's about battles!


Jessie's been expelled!

Now I'll have to do my best
for her!

ALL: Who's that Pokémon?

It's Vulpix!


-Pika pika!

All right, Squirtle!

Water g*n attack!



Squirtle, give it
the Skull Bash now!

Nurse Joy,
you're doin' great-yeah!

All right, sh**t away.

I want x glossies
and wallet sizes too.

Yeah, sure.

Now, select whichever one
you like.

I don't know which one to pick.

You can't tell us what kind of
Pokémon are inside them, huh?

That's what makes it a test.

All of these Pokémon
are trained for battle,

so they'll obey your commands.

This test determines whether
a trainer can adapt

regardless of what Pokémon
comes out.

With whom do we have to battle?

With me.

Then I'll take these!

I'll take these.


C'mon James!

Beat that ignoramus!

really beat the guy.

This one's for you, Jessie!


ALL: Huh?

Pika pika?


With this, I can't lose!



I've been destroyed by
Pikachu's att*cks so many times,

I know them all by heart!


That's kind of pathetic
when you think about it.


Now, we begin!



It's a Graveler.

Pikachu, Thunderbolt!


Oh, that feels great to say!





I don't get it.

How come the Thunderbolt attack
didn't work?

You should've known
that electricity doesn't work

on rock Pokémon!

Minus point!

-Well then.
How about this?




With these I can win!

Now what do you say?


Good bye!

It's against the rules
to use two Pokémon at once.

I never play by the-

-You're expelled.
Now get out!

He failed again.

Don't think of it as failing;
think of it as not succeeding.

Now we'll see if Ash
can win one!

Go get 'em, Ash!

Pika pi!

Thanks, just leave it to me!

Hey Snap, make sure
you get lots of great sh*ts!

-Don't worry.
Just make sure you win!

I'm such a loser!

James, I have a plan
that will make us all winners.


Are you ready, Ash?


Pokéball, go!


Okay, now I need something
to beat a Flareon.

First Pokéball, go!


I got a Weezing?

That's bad!

I gotta get this.

His face looks
just like Weezing's!

Not now!

It's time to start the battle!

Flareon go.

Flamethrower now!



Oh, I know.

Weezing, give him
your Smog attack now!





Now, Flareon, the Leer!

C'mon Weezing,
fight back with Smokescreen!



Hey, not too shabby.

-Go, Weezing!
Tackle attack!


All right!

My first victory!

I guess Ash is
a pretty good battler after all!

Even Team Rocket could win
if they fought like that!

-Hurry, take notes!
Take notes!

Now round two!


Okay, a Jolteon?

Next Pokéball, go!



Ash got the Pokémon Jessie has!


Let's see.

What're Arbok's att*cks?

Agility attack!


I remember.

Arbok, Glare!


Now squeeze it
with your Wrap attack now!



Ah, that was no good!

I forgot about all
of Jolteon's spikes!

Quick Jolteon,
use the Thunder attack!


Arbok, no!

Too bad you overloaded
Jolteon's spikes.

Sizing up your opponent before
an attack is a fundamental rule.

Arbok, return!

Okay, third Pokéball.





This ought to be interesting.


Hey, Meowth, good luck!

-Let's see.

Meowth's att*cks are...

Use the Fury Swipes!


Pokéball go!


A Vaporeon!

Okay, Meowth!
Use the Fury Swipes!


Vaporeon, use your Ice Beam now!



Oh, Meowth.

Looks like another victory
for me.

That was fast.

Look what you did!

How could you treat
a fellow Meowth that way!


Sorry you had to go
through that!

Say now...

I'd love to catch
that talking Meowth there!

Pokéball, go!

Return those Pokémon

We're not taking orders from
you anymore, Mr. Exam Man!

Now we're the ones
who're gonna test you!


Prepare yourself for trouble...

I suggest
you make that double...

Oh, it's Team Rocket!

To protect the world
from devastation...

To unite all peoples
within our nation...

To denounce the evils
of truth and love...

To extend our reach
to the stars above...



Team Rocket, blast off
at the speed of light...

Surrender now,
or prepare to fight...

That's right!

Don't interfere with my test!

Just go home and study harder
and you can try again next time!

Unfortunately for you,
there won't be a next time!

But now that we've rounded up
all these Pokémon,

it's payback time!

Pikachu, Ivysaur, Charizard, go!

Are you ready?

And I'm gonna teach you a
lesson for pickin' on a Meowth!


We're not gonna let you do it!

-Go, Pikachu!

The Vine Whip now!

Flamethrower now!

Pikachu, Thunder now!

Listen up, Ivysaur!

Charizard, Pikachu!

About face, now!



How did you-

-Oh, they obeyed you

because you're the one
who raised all of 'em!

Very good, Ash!

Meowth, Weezing, Arbok,
stop Team Rocket!

Stop it, Arbok, that hurts!

-Weezing, please!
I can't breathe!

Okay, Weezing!

expl*si*n now!


ALL: Looks like Team Rocket's
blasting off again!

I am terribly sorry, everyone.

But Team Rocket's intrusion
has interfered

with the entire examination.

We have to start over,
from the very beginning.

You mean,
after all that hard work we did?

Well, young man,
you did a fine job

of getting rid of Team Rocket!

What do you say?

Do you want to give
the test another try?

-Ah, no thanks, sir.
I don't think so.

I'm sure you'll pass this time.

Oh, it's not that.

I just think I'm better off

getting badges my own way
for now.

Right, Pikachu?


You proved you're a great
battler after all.

-Thanks, Misty.
I guess so.

Well then,
if you learned that lesson,

I'd say the test really was
worth taking!

Yeah, that's true, Misty!

Anyway, it sure was awesome

to battle with
all those different Pokémon!

NARRATOR: Many roads
lead to the Pokémon League.

Ash's chosen path is to win
all eight gym badges.

Only then can he continue on
to fulfill his dream

of reaching the ultimate goal:

Becoming a Pokémon master!

Hey, where's Ash?

They already left.

They're on their way
to the next gym.

What's wrong with that Meowth?

It got hurt in the expl*si*n.

Where am I?

-This must be-

What goin' on?

Where's Jessie?
Where's James?


I finally got my talking Meowth!

-Wait a minute!
Wait a minute-aahh!

NARRATOR: There seems to be
a little mix-up!


We'll show those twerps
next time!

Next time, Team Rocket triumphs!

Meowth, don't you have
anything to say?



Meowth, meowth, meowth.


-Don't go away.
The Pokérap is next.

Okay, guys.

We got to rap some Pokémon.

You just do the singing.

I'll take care of the hard part.

Let's get it on.

I want to be the best

There ever was

To beat all the rest

Yeah, that's my cause

-Catch 'em, catch 'em

Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all

I'll search across the land

Far and wide

Release from my hand

The power that's inside

- down.
That's it for now.

-Tune in tomorrow.
We'll rap at you some more.

There's ,
so watch Monday through Friday.

You'll catch 'em all!

-Catch 'em, catch 'em

Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all


-I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all

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