01x59 - Volcanic Panic

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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01x59 - Volcanic Panic

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ I want to be the very best
Like no one ever was ♪

To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause

♪ I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide ♪

♪ Teach Pokémon to understand
The power that's inside ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ It's you and me
I know it's my destiny ♪

♪ Pokémon! Oh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all
A heart so true ♪

♪ Our courage will pull us through ♪

♪ You teach me and I'll teach you
Pokémon! ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all Pokémon! ♪

NARRATOR: As our heroes
take a break in their journey,

Todd, their photographer friend,
decides to sh**t a few Pokémon pictures.


Come on. Turn around, Togepi.


-Now, don't be shy. Turn and say Togepi.

Great! That was a cool shot!

-WOMAN: Now a Pokémon weather update.

Our area will remain clear and sunny today
with highs in the upper s so get...

-Sounds like good weather.

It should be great for taking pictures.

Pokémon love power!

Find it at our five-star breeding center,

where every Pokémon
is treated like a loved one!

This guest evolved into a Charmeleon

and then into a Charizard
in just a few short days.

At the five-star breeding center,
a little pampering goes a long way.

Let our experts provide your Pokémon
with our loving care.

So, why go through all the fuss when you
can bring your Pokémon to us, huh?

What's that?

Looks like somebody just opened up
a new breeding center.

-Breeding center?
-The newest thing!

Breeding centers raise Pokémon
for kids who can't themselves.

It's like a Pokémon spa.

A really excellent breeding center
can even help your Pokémon evolve.

Wow! Let's check it out.

There's no need to push. We have plenty
of rooms left in our luxury suites.

We guarantee your Pokémon will soon be
like new and some may even evolve.

She seems really nice.


And do you know why we're so popular?
It's because we believe in love.

We feel every Pokémon is lovable.

-We believe in Pokémon love power.
-Love power.

BOTH: Yay!

Love power.

Wow, she sure knows
how to attract customers.


-Our next guest.
-Right this way, please.

-I have a Pokémon, too!
-Well, you're in the right place.

So, what do I have to do to check
my Pokémon in here?

-Misty, you're leaving one here?
-Yup, I'll give it a try.

But which Pokémon?
Not your Staryu.

Togepi's too young.

My Psyduck. I want to leave
my Psyduck here with you!

It's so cute.
Don't you just adore those eyes.

They're bright and bouncy
as ping-pong balls.

Yeah and I wish I had a paddle.

So, then, is there anything special
you'd like us to do?

For starters, you might try knocking some
common sense into its big, empty head.

There's an awful lot of unused space
in here.

Hmm, that's strange.
It looks intelligent to me.


And you have to change
this clueless-looking face.

-That'd take a miracle.
-Funny you should say that.

The motto here at our breeding center is:

"A little Pokémon love power
works miracles."

-ASH: Have fun, Psyduck.
-Bye, Psyduck. Good luck.


Psyduck'll prove
if that place is any good.

I bet you're going to just leave
Psyduck there and never go back.

No way!
I'd never abandon Psyduck like that.

Well, I think Psyduck
has some good points.

Want me to take it off your hands?

I caught Psyduck and I plan to keep it,

even if it's still annoying
when I get it back.

TODD: That looks tasty.

Hey, it's a restaurant.

-Come to think of it, I'm really starving.
-Hey, look at this.

MISTY: All-you-can-eat-for free.
All right!

I'm heading straight for the dessert bar.

It can't really be free, can it?

There's got to be a catch, like you got
to order ten dinners to get one free.

Well, I'd eat ten dinners
if they came with ten desserts.


No need to eat that much
unless y'all really want to.

The buffet is free on one condition.

ALL: What's the condition?

Well, just show me
my favorite Pokémon

and I'll treat you to
all the food you can eat,

plus all the deserts
you can eat, too.

-I'm sure one of us has your favorite.

Okay! Come out, everybody!

Mm, hmm.

ALL: Hm.

None of these.

ALL: Ah!

-Well, how about Pikachu?

Mm, I'm afraid not.


Maybe your favorite's Onyx, or Geodude,
or Zubat, or maybe it's Vulpix.


Well, how about Goldeen, Staryu, Starmie,
Horsea or maybe my Togepi?

None of them is my favorite.

ALL: Aw!

But that's all of our Pokémon.

Maybe it's a Pokémon
we haven't caught yet.

My favorite Pokémon is this one.

ALL: Huh? Psyduck?

BROCK: You're a Psyduck fan?

Hey, that looks like a picture I took.

I think Psyduck is the greatest thing
since the invention of the microwave oven.

I'm such a big fan that whenever
a customer brings in a Psyduck,

I let them eat for free.

Sir, if we come back in a couple minutes,
will you be here?

Sure. I've got to wait here for
a delivery of gallons of ice cream.

Yay, yay, yay!
Heh, back in a flash!

That's typical. It figures Psyduck isn't
around the one time I really need it.

You're the one
who left it at that center.

MISTY: Ah, it's already closed!

Ah, guess we'll have to come
back tomorrow.

We won't get that free buffet today.

No way!
I'm getting into that dessert bar now!

There might not be any ice cream
left tomorrow!

Let's go see if there's a back way.

Hello! Anybody there?
I need to get the Pokémon I left here.

Please come open the door
so I can get back to that dessert buffet.

Huh? It's open.

Hello? Is there anybody
who can get my Pokémon?

Is there anybody who can help me?

There's nobody here.

Is there anyone here who can help us?
It's so dark. I can't see.

Hey, I got a light.

-Ah, what is this?
-It's the Pokémon. Oh.

This doesn't look like
a luxury hotel to me.

This is cruel.
They're crammed into cages.


These Pokémon don't look like
they want to smile for the camera.

Huh? Hey, here's your Psyduck.

I have to say, it looks a little smarter
than when I dropped it off.

Take a closer look.
They just pulled its eyes back with tape.

-MISTY: That's terrible!


ASH: What's that?

The next Pokémon's a Sandshrew.

WOMAN: Hm, looks like this one
is in pretty good shape.

It could be very useful, as long as
we can teach it to use fury swipes.

We've got an awful lot of Pokémon
piled up in this dump.

Yeah, just goes to prove that
a lot of Pokémon trainers are suckers.

Now all we have to do is pick out
the choice Pokémon

-and ship them out to the boss.
-We'll be his absolute favorites.

-And we'll be in for a big bonus.
-This breeding center was a great idea.

BOTH: We believe in love power.
That's because we love power.


-ASH: So it's all a big fake.
-We've got to do something to stop them.

We can't let them treat Pokémon like this.

-Hey, I think I have an idea.
-Pika, pika?

I'll take pictures of this place
so everyone can see what's happening.

Yeah, that's a great idea.

So tell me, how is the breeding center
scam going?

Very well. As planned, we've collected
lots of promising Pokémon.

Excellent. Send them to me immediately.

I want to pick the choice ones for myself.

BOTH: Yes, sir.

I want to congratulate the two of you
on your splendid work on this project,

unlike those other blundering idiots.

Just doing our job.

But I don't know how you put up with
that Jessie or her stupid partner James.

They're an embarrassment.

They are completely unreliable.

It's a good thing we didn't tell them
about this plan. They would've ruined it.

Butch, Cassidy,
you know I'm counting on you.

BOTH: Yes, sir.

We won't disappoint you.



-Todd, take a picture of that. There.

TODD: Okay.

-What, Butch? Something wrong?

I thought I saw something back there.

-It looked like a flash.
-ALL: Oh.

I better go check it out.


PIKACHU: Chu! Pikachu! Chu!

The light was only from this Pikachu.

-You pulled it off, Pikachu.

TODD: I think I have all the sh*ts
I'm going to need.

Good. We better get out of here quick.

-Wait, we can't. Psyduck.
-What's wrong?

The cage is locked. I can't just leave
Psyduck trapped in this awful place.



ASH: Uh, what's that?


-JESSIE: Be quiet as a mouse.
-MEOWTH: Did you say Meowth?


This way.

This is so exciting!

-Keep it quiet, James Bond.

Breaking into this breeding center
was genius. It's a burglar's dream.

I told you this place was going
to be packed with Pokémon.

And we're going to steal every last one.

That'll put us back
on the boss's good side.

But we've never been on
his good side before.

JAMES: Almost got it.

All the Pokémon we could ever want.

-ASH: Hey!
-ALL: Huh?

What are you doing here?

I put that very same question to you.

Keep it down.
You'll get us all in trouble.

How did you get in here anyway?

Don't tell me you goody-goodies finally
decided to become baddy-baddies.

You'd better not try to take
over our territory.

I knew all along we couldn't trust you.

Will you shut up! Ah!

This time,
you're in way over your heads.

She's right. We better get these Pokémon
out of here fast or we're all in danger.

I know what you're doing.

You're trying to trick us into helping you
steal all these Pokémon for yourselves.

MISTY: Fine, believe what you want.

ALL: Huh?

CASSIDY: I knew there was something
rotten back here.

And I was right.
Looks like rats have snuck in.

-What should we do?
-We'll exterminate them.

-We're not afraid of creeps like you.
-Let's mix it up.

-You don't know who you're dealing with.
-But we'll be glad to show you.

Prepare for trouble and make it double.

-To infect the world with devastation.
-To blight all peoples in every nation.

To denounce the goodness
of truth and love.

To extend our wrath to the stars above.


We're Team Rocket,
circling earth all day and night.

Surrender to us now
or you'll surely lose the fight.

That's right.



Does this mean
you belong to Team Rocket, too?

Jessie, it's been a while.


-Do you know that girl?
-She used to hang around with me.

She was jealous because I'm so beautiful.

You haven't changed a bit,
unfortunately for you.

And you're still a selfish little brat.
How dare you use that motto.

It's an outrage! It took us months
to find a motto we could swipe!

Steal your own slogan.

Save your arguments for the boss when
he finds out you're stealing his Pokémon.

-We're in trouble.

The boss is really ticked off
that he hasn't heard from you.

He thinks it's insulting!

But we can't call him
till we do something wrong right.

-He might throw us off the team.

We got this mission
because the boss can't trust you.

When he finds out
that you managed to bungle it anyway,

well, I hate to think
what might happen to you,

but I suppose getting thrown off the team
is the best you could hope for after this.

Isn't that right, Jess?


MEOWTH: We'd be infernally grateful
if you could forget this ever happened.

Heh, what's it worth to you?

-Not so fast, children.

Now that you know our little secret,
I'm afraid we can't let you leave.

We don't know anything
about any secrets!

We were just trying to get
a free all-you-can-eat buffet!

You kids can't get away from me.
I'm not a little pushover like Jessie.

Let's make a run for it.


What's the matter?

This is the breeding center
where I left my Weepinbell the other day.


It evolved into a Victreebell!
Isn't that just... [SCREAMS]

I just wish his brain would
evolve a little.


-There's the exit!


-We're trapped!
-What do we do?

-Misty, you better hide.
-Okay. Pikachu, come on!

Our rat trap worked.

You crooks better let us out of here.

-What's that?
-It's mine!

You won't be needing this.


Burglars! Oh, I'm still shaking
like a leaf, Officer.

Thank goodness our security system stopped
them before they hurt the Pokémon, oh.

Don't worry. We'll make sure
these thieves are punished.

Thanks to you, our city's a little safer.

I'm telling you, you're arresting
the wrong guys. We're innocent.

-Those guys are the crooks, not us.
-Hey, speak for yourself.

Look in the warehouse.
Ugh, then you'll see.

Save your story for the station house.

This is the low point, turned in not by
these brats but by our own teammates.

Great, now we're going to jail.


Oh, no, now we've got to find some way
to convince Jenny that they're innocent.

-MISTY: Think, Misty.

There's got to be some way.
Ah, I've got it!

All we have to do is show Jenny
some of the pictures that Todd took.


MISTY: Excuse me.
I left a Psyduck here yesterday.

We have a two-day holding policy.

Ugh, but you see,
I have to take an emergency trip

and I really need my Psyduck
to come with me.

CASSIDY: I understand.
Just a moment, please.

-Okay, Pikachu.

-You stay here.

Pi, pi. Pika, pika.

Pikachu sure is taking a long time.
I wish it would hurry.




I'm afraid there wasn't time
to give your Psyduck a proper facial,

so there hasn't been
much improvement.


-Don't you have to leave?

MISTY: Uh, well, I'm not in that much
of a hurry. [LAUGHS NERVOUSLY]


-CASSIDY: Is something wrong?

On second thought, I got to run. Bye!

Let us out. We're not the crooks!

BROCK: Those two at that breeding center
are the criminals!

-That's right! Not us!
-ASH: Just go there and see for yourself.

Wow, it grew into
a fabulous Victreebell.

It's so big and strong
and healthy-looking. Friendly. too.


If you're trying to win sympathy,
it won't work.

The judge is going to throw the book
at you Pokémon snatchers.


-You're making a mistake.
-Pika, pika!


Misty! Pikachu!

These guys have been telling the truth,
Officer Jenny,

and these photographs prove it.

-Ah, what a cute little Pikachu.

Ah, wrong pictures. Look at these.

[GASPS] Oh, no, that's terrible.

That place isn't a real a breeding center.

They just steal the best Pokémon
that are brought in.

Those two told me the center
was like a Pokémon spa.

-That was a lie.
-They cram the Pokémon into cages.

Pika, pika.

That's why they told you
we were the crooks

-because we found out about their plans.
-They tricked me?

When we heard what those crooks
were up to, we went to stop them too.

-It's true. Honest.
-Yeah, we're good guys.

Please. They broke into the breeding
center just to steal Pokémon.



So you thought
you could frame these kids

when it was you
who were really stealing Pokémon.

You're under arrest!

-But we're not...
-JENNY: We already know everything.

There's no use resisting.

Raticate, go!

Go, Pikachu!


-Raticate got fried.
-Tough break.

-CASSIDY: Let's go.

-Bulbasaur, I choose you!

-Bulbasaur, it's vine whip time!


BOTH: Love power?

Pikachu's the one
who snuck into the breeding center

-and got the camera back.
-Pikachu, you're the best.


Heh, good thing Todd takes
great pictures.


You all did a great job.

Now we'll return all the Pokémon
to their rightful owners.

That's great, Jenny.

-JENNY: Anybody hungry?
-ALL: Huh?

-More ice cream!
-Take it easy.

-Yeah, leave some for the other customers.
-Pikachu, pi.

Don't worry.
There's plenty of ice cream left, Misty.

And all of it's free,

since you brought this cute little Psyduck
to visit my restaurant.

You have good taste. [MUNCHES]

JESSIE: I can't stand it here.
There's not a single mirror in our cell.

JAMES: I refuse to wear
those horrible prison uniforms.

And I would give this food to a Muk.

We shouldn't have tried to steal
from that friend of yours, Jessie.

I'll show her who's the queen of mean.

I guess you guys are heading
to Cinnabar Island, right?

That's right.

Well, I think I'm going to head up
to the mountains

so I can take some new sh*ts
of wild Pokémon.

-That's great.
-We'll all miss you.

-Bye! I hope we meet again real soon.

And so thanks to a few photographs,

getting out of jail was a snap
for our heroes.

As they continue their journey,

who knows what adventures lie ahead...
or below?

James, watch where you're throwing
that dirt.

I can't see a foot in front of my face.

If you don't quit squawking, you'll see
a foot in front of your face, mine!

You guys up for the Pokérap?

There's Pokémon.
You gotta name 'em all.

I'm doing today, so try to keep up.

♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon! ♪

♪ Zubat, Primeape, Meowth, Onix
Geodude, Rapidash, Magneton, Snorlax ♪

♪ Gengar, Tangela, Goldeen, Spearow
Weezing, Seel, Gyarados, Slowbro ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Kabuto, Persian, Paras, Horsea
Raticate, Magnemite, Kadabra, Weepinbell ♪

♪ Ditto, Cloyster, Caterpie, Sandshrew
Bulbasaur, Charmander, Golem, Pikachu ♪

♪ At least or more to see ♪

♪ To be a Pokémon Master is my destiny ♪

All right, how'd you do?

Loosen those lips.
Shake out that tongue!

Give it a rest.
Today's song is sung

We'll be back tomorrow!

♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon! ♪

♪ I want to be the very best
Like no one ever was ♪

♪ To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause ♪

♪ I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide ♪

♪ Teach Pokémon to understand
The power that's inside ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ It's you and me
I know it's my destiny! Pokémon! ♪

♪ Oh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ A heart so true
Our courage will pull us through ♪

♪ You teach me and I'll teach you ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Pokémon! ♪
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