02x01 - Enter! The World of the Shinigami

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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02x01 - Enter! The World of the Shinigami

Post by bunniefuu »

Raise your eyes you can see sh**ting stars up in the night sky Raise your eyes you can see sh**ting stars up in the night sky One, two The sound resonates Into my heart, so hard and deep A field of stars spans endlessly And through it I carve a passageway In step with time as generations change Close your eyes and listen closely sh**ting stars stream on silently until the goodbye Keep the light inside of you, never give up don't ever lose Transcend time and you will prove, there is a special place for you A blaze of glory is there, It's all a part of our estate, life is our story to create Raise your eyes you can see sh**ting stars up in the night sky Wishes speak from ages old by voice of light Throughout the age, never fade away A secret fire, a scream of light, voices calling through twilight Cast your thoughts to the wind, hang your wishes on the moon Live your life with all your strength for dreams will reach you very soon Raise your eyes you can see sh**ting stars up in the night sky Wishes speak from ages old by voice of light Throughout the age, never fade away Someday your dream will find its place somewhere Keep shining like a star irregularities detected along the western perimeter.

Security alert in Areas 3 through 8!
I repeat!
Irregularities detected along western perimeter.

Security alert in Areas 3 through 8!
What's going on?
What's happening?!
The wall is catching up to us!
The place we just ran through is collapsing!
If you have time to look back, you have time to run!
It's all over if the Restrictive Current swallows you up!
- Ishida!
- What's happening?!
The fool!
It's that crazy get-up he has on!
Hold it!
Do not use your Zanpakuto.

The current entangles the spiritual body.

If you use your Zanpakuto, you will get caught too.

Let's go!
Put me down, Sado!
I can run on my own!
Hey, guys.

Something's Something's coming our way!
What is that?
It's the Cleaner!
It appears once every seven days!
And this had to be the day!
Anyways, just run!
It's incredibly fast!
We're close to the exit!
It's no good!
We can't outrun it!
I reject!
Is everyone all right?
The way you land is so artistic!
Shut up!
Damn it.

That was something else.

This is more than I expected.

I never thought I'd have to break out my backup cape so soon.

H-He brought a change of clothes I'm so glad No one seems to be hurt.

What's there to be glad about?!
Were you not listening to me?!
We're lucky the Restrictive Current made contact with just the shield area.

If it had been the Shunshunrikka themselves, you'd be dead now!
I-I'm sorry.

So what?
Don't be so hard on her.

As it turned out, thanks to Inoue, we got through without a scratch.

You do not understand how serious this is.

I-Is this the Soul Society?

This place is known as the Rukon District, the Drifting Spirit Town.

This is where souls first live upon coming to the Soul Society, SEIREITEI RUKON DISTRICT This is where souls first live upon coming to the Soul Society, SEIREITEI RUKON DISTRICT - and is on the perimeter of Seireitei where Soul Reapers live.

It's the poorest area within the Soul Society, but also the area with the most freedom.

It also has the largest population of souls in the Soul Society.

Hmm Even with all that there's no one around here.

What's that?
It looks so different on that side.

Oh that I got it!
That's where the Soul Reapers live the whatever-town right?
All right!
Y-You fool!
Don't get too close!
You'll die!
It's been a long time.

Since someone tried to pass through the Seireimon without a permit.

You're my first guest in along time Welcome, kid!
So the Ryoka have landed outside the Seireimon.

Since they're on that side, there's no need for us to go.

Well Especially since On the other side is Jidanbo Feel free to come at me from any direction Kid!
So huge!
Who is he?
He's too big to be human!
Just what is he?
His name is Jidanbo.

He was chosen from among the best in the Soul Society to guard the Hakuto Gate, one of the four gates of the Seireimon.

Which means we have to beat him to get inside?

But that won't be an easy task In the 300 years that he's been on duty, no one has been able to break through the Hakuto Gate.

He is legendary for his power and strength.

So how do we fight someone like him?
That's where your intelligence comes in.

First, a meeting is in order to come up with a strategy.

Hey Ichigo Hey!
Come back!
Come back, both of you!
Kurosaki, please hold on.

We're coming to help!
W-What is that?!
He's crazy!
You all have bad manners.

You must be country bumpkins.

Now listen up.

We have rules in the city.

First, wash your hands when you come in from outside.

Two, don't eat food that's fallen on the floor.

Three, when you fight, it's one-on-one.

My first opponent will be that kid with the hair that looks like kompeito candy.

Wait here quietly, until I'm done.

Inoue Huh?
I'll wait for a chance to open up a hole in this wall.

The instant I'm done, aim and sh**t your Tsubaki at him through the hole.

Are you still scheming something?
He has surprisingly sharp hearing Yeah.

Are you all right?
Are you hurt?
No, I'm all good!
Just sit tight over there, we're About that, Inoue Can you and Chad just stay put right there?
What're you saying, Kurosaki?
Never mind.

Don't worry, just wait.

No, I refuse!
Our time is limited!
Instead of just you, we have to attack together, and get going.

Oh, so you're there, Ishida?
I've been here the whole time!
Quit saying irritating things at a time like this!
Will you all shut up?
Can you do it?
Umm Probably.

- Probably?!
What the hell are you saying?
- Huh?
Do you understand the situation?!
Damn it.

Look, don't worry.

How can I not worry?!
Let me tell you something interesting My Soul Reaper strength was supposed to be restored in ten full days.

But I got it back in five.

So what do you think I did the remaining five days?
W-What were you doing?
I fought.

For five days and nights, I fought Mr.Hat-and-Clogs one-on-one.

I get it You learned the secrets of fighting Nope Huh?
He didn't teach me a thing.

But Stamina and guts I got 'em even if I didn't want 'em.

Are you done talking?
I don't remember asking you to wait.

You are a country bumpkin, after all.

You have no respect whatsoever.

When someone waits for you you say, "thank you"!
What's happening?!
Just what are you?
Isn't it bad manners to attack before your opponent is ready?
H-He's laughing.

You're good!
It's been decades since someone stopped my thrust.

All right!
This is great.

Today, I get to give it my all.

Among those who've tried to pass through here, there have been only three, including you, who were able to stop my first thrust.

However not one has been able to stop my second thrust!
Hmm Good, you're still standing.

I'm gonna keep coming!
Take this!
Jidan Ten Strikes Festival!
What's happening?!
Uhh Six!
Now it's almost time for the end!
Why are you still standing?!
He's standing!
Kurosaki is still standing!
I see!
What Ichigo learned from that guy was not about stamina or guts or even the secrets of fighting!
Without a doubt, he has spiritual power beyond the norm of Soul Reapers But he's still clumsy at wielding that power What he lacked when he confronted the other Soul Reapers was experience!
And once he got that, he's Are you done?
Cuz' it's my turn.

He's gonna be so strong, it's gonna be scary!
Not yet!
Not yet!
I'm not finished yet!
Another axe?!
Try this!
My final lethal attack!
Jidan Banzai Strike Festival!
Sorry, but I'm gonna destroy those axes.

Kurosaki What did he just do?!
That giant went flying!
Man, that was close!
I slipped and fell on my butt!
What's that look?
I bet you think I went flying.

What are you thinking?
I can't be blown away, it's never gonna happen.

That's why country bumpkins are such a pain.

Just wait, I'll use my axes again and My axes?
Hmm Jidanbo's axes were destroyed in one blow.

Those giant axes?!
Hey, say something.

M-My axes!
They're broken!
They're broken!
My axes are broken!
They broke!
They broke!
Now, he's crying.

What's going on?
It sounds like a siren.

Uh hey l'm sorry about this.

For breaking your axes I didn't have to break both of them, I know That was mean of me Y-You're a good guy.

You and I are enemies, but you're concerned about me, a loser What a big heart You're a great guy!
Uh Well, when someone cries that much, anyone would want to console him.

Meanwhile, I'm acting like a kid over mere axes I'm an failure as a man!
I lose.

A complete loss!
As a warrior and as a man I lost to you completely!
It's been 300 years since I became the guard of the Hakuto Gate.

I've never once lost!
You are the first man to defeat me.

You may pass!
I, Jidanbo, grant your permission to pass through the Hakuto Gate!
All right!
Can we pass too?

I lost to your leader.

I have no right to stop you.

Kurosaki is our leader?!
You must be joking?
Why're you so upset?
Your name is Kurosaki?
Yeah, Ichigo Kurosaki.

Ichigo, huh?
That's quite a cute name.

Shut up!
Ichi means "one" and go stands for "protect"!
It's not cute!
Take care, Ichigo.

I don't know why you're passing through this gate But on the other side, they're all strong.

I know that.

All right.

As long as you know.

Okay, I'll open the gate so stay back.

Don't get scared.

I'll give it one heave.

- Wow!
- Wow!
I never thought that thing could be lifted What's the matter?
Why are you standing there like that?
Did something happen?
Who's that?!
The Captain of Squad 3 Gin Ichimaru.

With much appreciation I send a rhapsody filled with treasured thoughts To the people who have always held me up Thank you for everything Thank you so much Wherever I may be I'll always be grateful for who you are I was casually walking through town Around the time dusk fell and the city was bathed in red It was an afternoon with crowds of people coming and going I don't know why but I just stood there and watched Then my cell phone started to vibrate and I made myself move hoping it could fill in this hole in my heart You're not alone You see, everybody We gotta hold each other up With much appreciation I send a rhapsody filled with treasured thoughts To the people who have always held me up Thank you for everything Thank you so much Wherever I may be I'll always be grateful for who you are A mysterious wild boar g*ng att*cks!
The only one who can stop this outrageous bunch is you!
FOUR WHEEL DRIVE - The only one who can stop this outrageous bunch is you!
And so, I leave it to you, Kurosaki!
Pararira pararira Hey, don't run away, you guys!
Squad Two Captain, Soi Fon!
What are you, a Zashiki-warashi?!
SOI FON - Squad Two Captain, Soi Fon!
What are you, a Zashiki-warashi?!
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