02x14 - Tragedy of Dawn

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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02x14 - Tragedy of Dawn

Post by bunniefuu »

Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Scars that just refuse to fade from memory Sometimes the burden 's too much for one to bear Don't give up on me, please don't turn me away Whoa!
I'll hold your hand in mine Will I lose my hold on her someday?
Will her smile fade In a flood of tears Or can I keep the fears at bay?
Echoing, distant voices wither into silence.

But there is one thing that will never ever age my love for you is timeless Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Smiles with hearts' bitterness replaced "I'll never smile again" "I'll never let love in" Don't ever say such things to me A future we cannot see All happenings Find meaning in the story In time the clouds will clear away, so just stay, please stay with me Whoa!
Who are we to pass through you?
That answer will find you someday Ichigo!
Hey Ichigo!
Say something!
Someone's coming!
Three maybe more.

Let's retreat for now.

We can't let them find us.

That's Lieutenant Abarai!
Lieutenant Abarai!
Are you all right?
It can't be Abarai couldn't have lost.

His opponent seems to have gotten away.

Shall we give chase?
No, first we must get Abarai treated.

Get a stretcher.

We're taking him back to the barracks.

Healing power?
Without using any medicine?
No, it's different with us.

With other Soul Reapers, their spiritual power is mostly for combat.

But our spiritual power in Squad 4 goes hand in hand with healing.

Although that's about all we can do.

I see And?
How is Ichigo?
It's very bad.

He took direct hits from a Lieutenant's Zanpakuto It's to be expected.

Normally, he'd have died instantly.

He has an unbelievable will to live.

I'll definitely heal him.

Please give me some time.

I'll heal him in one night.

That's impossible!
When I found him, he was already in this condition.

If only I'd found him sooner and assisted his fight.

Don't blame yourself, Kira.

In any case, I'll contact Squad 4.

I'll ask for emergency relief.

There's no need.

Captain Kuchiki!
Put him in prison.

B-But Abarai fought the Ryoka by himself.

And yet I won't listen to your excuses.

If he entered a fight alone, defeat is absolutely forbidden.

I have no use for a fool who did not understand that.

He is an eyesore.

Take him away.

P-Please wait!
How can you say that!
- Lieutenant Abarai - Stop!
MY deepest apologies!
My deepest apologies.

Hinamori, let's follow his orders, and take Abarai to prison.

Oh, that was so scary.

Captain Ichimaru!
Why'd he have to talk like that huh?
He's as scary as ever the Captain of Squad 6.

Well, don't worry.

I'll call Squad 4.

Of course.

Come with me, Izuru.

Yes sir!
Thank you very much.

Wow, Abarai got messed up pretty good.

Hey, hey I'm a Captain, too.

And you're gonna address me like that?
Never mind that!
How come all you Captains creep around so silently?
And why are you here anyway, Hitsugaya?
Yes why are you here?
Without your Lieutenant?
I came to warn you.

Warn me?
Be careful of Squad 3.

Squad 3?
You mean, Kira?
I'm talking about Ichimaru.

But I'm not so sure about Kira, either.

The alarm sounds quite conveniently these days.

I don't understand what you're getting at.

And you think you can get away with that?
You should not underestimate me.

Anyway, it won't hurt to be careful.

Especially The situation is critical.

This means that we are short one Lieutenant in the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.

We can no longer leave this to the lower-ranking members.

Therefore, in view of the situation, I will not discipline Ichimaru for his independent actions earlier.

Thank you very much.

Furthermore, I will allow senior officers, including Lieutenants, to carry their Zanpakuto at all times as well as allow full release of their Zanpakuto in the Court, as in wartime.

Carry the Zanpakuto all the times, huh?
Full release as in wartime, huh?
I couldn't be happier.

If someone hadn't allowed the Ryoka to escape, we wouldn't be talking about this now.

C'mon, stop that talk.

Yes, 'cuz he'll be my prey from now.

Gentlemen This is all-out w*r.

Oh, you're awake, Ichigo.

Hanataro I Please don't move.

Your wounds haven't closed yet.

Oh right I fought Renji Ichigo!
Thanks, Hanataro.

I'll be fine now.

What are you saying?
You can't get up!
Chad and the others don't know where Rukia is.

I have to go, Or else Ichigo!
You can't!
You see?
You're not recovered yet!
If you go out in your condition, you're really going to die!
If I can knock him out like that, how can he be all right?
Sleep until you're healed, idiot!
Oh no he's got another injury now.

You're so rough, Ganju.

Shut up!
I stopped him, didn't I?
Don't complain about how I did it.

But I didn't think that the slash across his left shoulder and chest would be this shallow.

I thought' for sure it' would be a fatal wound Was it because of that mask inside his clothes?
To be able to stop Lieutenant Abarai's attack I wonder what it is?
And This mask looks too much like a Hollow.

Doesn't it, Ichigo?
Excuse me Huh?
Can you tell me what's going on outside?
It doesn't have to be everything Please tell me.

We don't know the details either.

But we've heard that Lieutenant Abarai was taken down.

Renji was?
I'm done treating Lieutenant Abarai's wounds for today.

Thank you very much.

Abarai Why did you confront the Ryoka alone?
Could it have anything to do with Rukia?
Come on!
That hurt!
You don't have to get so serious!
We can't afford to get hurt practicing, you know!
Unless we're serious, practicing is useless.

You just didn't pay enough attention.

Then I'll be your opponent, next.

It's no fun beating a girl, is it?
What are you saying, Kira?
Are you making fun of women?
Oh, no nothing like that!
Quit acting so embarrassed!
Well, I wasn't thinking of you as an opponent, but at least I won't be bored.

I'll make you take that back You're good, Abarai!
So are you!
You've improved, Kira!
Kira, just a minute.

Abarai Lieutenant Hinamori!
Special wartime orders were just announced.

Special wartime orders?
- Special wartime orders!
- Special wartime orders!
Let's go!
All senior officers including Lieutenants will be permitted to wear their swords at all times.

They will be permitted to release their Zanpakuto as in wartime.

Those are the orders from Squad 1 Captain and Head Captain of the 13 Court Guard Squads, Sir Shigekuni Genryusai Yamamoto.


Wartime orders.

Permission to wear swords Why did it come to this?
They don't have to let us carry Zanpakuto.

Peace is all that I want.

And Hitsugaya's warning I'm worried.

Be careful of Squad 3 Especially Captain Aizen What's the matter?
Is something wrong, Hinamori?
I'm sorry What is it at this hour?
Dawn is about to break.

I know full well that this is very rude but may I have a quick word?
I promise not to make any blunders.

So please Do you think I would turn you away simply for rudeness?
N-No Do I seem so heartless these days?
N-No not at all!
Then come inside.

Today was a very difficult day.

Speak to your heart's content.

Are you awake, Ichigo?
Damn that Ganju!
So you remember that?
Of course That guy beating up on an injured man!
But I'm glad Ganju was able to stop you earlier.

Otherwise, you would have started to bleed again.

I know I gotta cool my head, right?
It's better if you lie down for a bit longer.

No one will come after you here.

So rest assured.

I wonder what happened to him Renji?
Oh I'm not really sure of the details But he would normally be sent to emergency relief.

I see.


What's the matter?
Didn't you have something to talk about?
Err, yes I How is Abarai's condition?
Oh his life isn't in danger.

I'm glad.

Don't worry about the captains' meeting.

Captain Kuchiki asked that Abarai be discharged, but there were objections and so he backed off.

Once his wounds heal, he'll be able to return to his squad.

By chance, were you the one who objected, Captain Aizen?
Not only me.

He's an excellent officer and everyone likes him.

There's no one in the Thirteen Court Guard Squads who would be happy if he was dismissed.

Captain Aizen Yes?
I won't disturb you So may I sit here and watch you?
Or would it be an imposition?
No, I don't mind.

Stay as long as you like.

I'm sorry!
I I fell asleep!
Oh no!
Look at the time!
I wish the Captain would've woken me up.

I wonder if I'll make it to the meeting on time?
I'll take a shortcut!
Okay, I think I made it What was that scream?
It came from the Sacred Eastern Wall!
That was Hinamori's voice Hinamori!
What's wrong?
I-It can't be!
Captain Aizen!
Captain Aizen!
I looked up into the night sky and saw a comet!
I want to see you right now, but I can't fly If I could become a comet I would fly across the sky I'm sure With this instantaneous light that will definitely reach you I would circle the skies and shine over you If I could become a comet I'm sure I'll always stay close to you Now and forever Thank you, Hanataro.

I'm fully recovered.

It's about the only thing I can do.

As long as we have Hanataro, we'll be okay!
So Ichigo, go ahead and get all cut up.

Absolutely not!
- Go for it!
Just go!
- No thanks!
Just get cut up!
Squad 4 Lieutenant, Isane Kotetsu!
Call me Big Sister!
February 2017
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