02x18 - Desperation! The Broken Zangetsu

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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02x18 - Desperation! The Broken Zangetsu

Post by bunniefuu »

Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Scars that just refuse to fade from memory Sometimes the burden 's too much for one to bear Don't give up on me, please don't turn me away Whoa!
I'll hold your hand in mine Will I lose my hold on her someday?
Will her smile fade In a flood of tears Or can I keep the fears at bay?
Echoing, distant voices wither into silence.

But there is one thing that will never ever age my love for you is timeless Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Smiles with hearts' bitterness replaced "I'll never smile again" "I'll never let love in" Don't ever say such things to me A future we cannot see All happenings Find meaning in the story In time the clouds will clear away, so just stay, please stay with me Whoa!
Who are we to pass through you?
That answer will find you someday Why do you have to keep fighting?
What's your purpose?
Why did you come here?
My purpose is to save Rukia Kuchiki!
To save Rukia?
Wasn't it just this spring that she went missing in the human world?
That's too short.

It's a shallow friendship.

I would hardly think that's worth risking your life for.

It's true I know nothing about her And that it may fall short of being worthy enough to risk my life.

However, Ichigo wants to save her!
So that's enough of a reason!
I don't need any other reason to risk my life!
Oh man, what a problem.

Well, if you're that determined, then it would be insulting to ask you to go away.

I guess it can't be helped.

Then, I guess I'll have to take your life!
I'm sorry What does the Stealth Force want?
If they wanted to give orders, a Hell Butterfly should have sufficed.

Yes Well it's because this message is signed by both Head Captain Yamamoto and Captain Hitsugaya of Squad Ten.

Signed by both captains?
Is it a priority order?
Is running all you can do?
Calm down Calm down I can get him.

There's no way I can't!
I'll let you take the first swing.

You can cut me anywhere you like.

So, come on.

You can go for my neck, my gut, my eyeball If you want, you can even k*ll me with this attack.

Quit being scared!
You've got to be kidding I know I swung with all my strength How come there's not even a scratch on him?
Why's my hand's torn up instead?
This What the hell?
Is that it?
Damn it!
Don't be scared!
Don't run around so much.

I don't like playing tag with weaklings.

Damn it!
I hit him I hit him But I couldn't cut him!
Does it mean there's that great a difference in power between us?
Damn it!
No Calm down I've got to calm down.

There's no reason for me not to be able to cut him.

I'm just overwhelmed by his Spiritual Pressure.

That's the problem!
If I calm down and sharpen my Spiritual Pressure there's no reason I can't cut him!
- Even Old Man Zangetsu said it - Calm down calm down - Rid yourself Of fear Look forward - Calm down calm down - Retreat and you will age - I can win I can win - Hesitate and you will die!
- I can win I can win- I can win!
I'll get him!
Chad's Spiritual Pressure is gone!
No No way Did Chad lose?
Is he dead?
No way!
That can't be!
Chad can't lose It's impossible!
Who'd have thought his final attack would be this powerful?
If I'd taken a direct hit, it could have been really bad for me.

It's amazing for any human to even get into Seireitei, but to think he could fight this hard Captain Kyoraku!
We have a message!
What is it?
It's not like you to be out of breath.

Come to think of it, one of the boys from The Stealth Force was here, wasn't he?
What did he want?
Captain Aizen has passed away What?
The cause of death was removal of his Saketsu Chain and Hakusui, and destruction of his heart.

It wasn't an accidental death.

He was m*rder*d.

The m*rder*r is unknown.

It is a top-priority message signed by both Head Captain Shigekuni Genryusai Yamamoto and Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya, so I don't believe there is any mistake.

I see.

Sosuke was Well, anyway Shall we go and see him?
Yes, sir.

Chad Chad Chad!
Is something wrong, Captain Kyoraku?
This Ryoka isn't dead, is he?
Shall I finish him?
Shall I finish him?
Leave him be.

Girls shouldn't do things like that.

But, sir!
The person who k*lled Captain Aizen was probably one of the Ryoka!
Hmm Perhaps.

But then again, maybe not.

No I'm just talking about possibilities.

Anyway, there's no need to be in such a hurry to k*ll him.

Let's call the Medical Crew and have him put into a cell somewhere.

If there's the possibility that one of them is the k*ller, that's all the more reason to keep him alive.

You understand, don't you?
Yes, sir.

I will make the arrangements at once.

I apologize for trying to meddle.

Things seem to have gotten quite out of hand.

He's alive!
It's faint though but his Spiritual Pressure is still there!
That's right.

Why should I be afraid?
I If I lose here Chad and Inoue and Ishida and Ganju Hanataro and Yoruichi All the people who have lent me their strength They'll all die!
I don 't have the time to be afraid!
So, finally you show yourself.

Are you prepared to die?
Or, have you just given up?
Both of those are wrong!
Wait for me Chad!
I'll beat this guy and I swear I swear I will save you!
Sorry I don't feel like dying yet.

If I die, everything that was placed on my shoulders will be destroyed.

I can cut him I can!
Now I know I can fight him.

I know I can defeat him!
What's this?
So you are capable if you try Don't let your guard down yet.

Stay sharpened like that.

This is where the fun begins.

Isn't that right, Ichigo Kurosaki?
Kenny seems so happy Sosuke Aizen, Captain of Squad Five, has passed away.

When he was lowered from the wall, he was no longer breathing.

Is there any possibility it's a gigai?

I investigated every possibility, including the chance that someone had used a gigai to deceive others' eyes.

But it only served to confirm the truth of his death.

After this wartime chaos is resolved, a new captain of Squad Five will be selected by the Central 46 and Squad leaders.

Squad Seven Captain Komamura Squad Nine Captain Tosen Would you two please return to command your squads?
I too shall visit the front lines soon.

Thank you for your efforts, Captain Tosen Captain Komamura How was he?
I see What did Captain Unohana say?
Just that Captain Aizen had passed away.

In order to inquire into the truth behind Captain Aizen's death, it seems the quickest route lies in ending this fighting.

Then that means Yes.

I will join the fight.

Nothing would be better than to avoid fighting, but it seems things aren't going to go so smoothly.

Fighting If not for fighting, people would not be mislead by ugly emotions nor would ugly tragedies occur.

So it's come to pass for Captain Tosen's Suzumushi to cry out.

I detest fighting from the bottom of my heart.

That's good a good reaction!
Your concentration is improving!
Unlike earlier, you can actually hear my bells ringing!
I wear the bells and my eye patch just so I can get greater enjoyment out of my battles.

There's no reason for me to wear them if you don't take advantage of them.

Damn it!
Underestimating me like that Is that why you won't release your Zanpakuto, either?
Do you realize?
My sword can cut you now.

If you let your guard down and- My Zanpakuto doesn't have a name.

My sword is out in the open.

It has never had a sealed form.

This is the true form of my Zanpakuto.

Oh yeah?
Well, that's a relief.

So that means your sword won't get any more powerful than it is now.

In that case "In that case," what?
"I'll be able to win soon.

" Is that what you're thinking?
You're the one taking me for a fool.

The reason I don't seal my Zanpakuto is that my Spiritual Pressure is so huge that I can't seal it, even if I use all my might.

So, when I fight, I make it a habit to hold back when I swing my sword.

Do you get it?
If I didn't do that, my enemies are so weak that I wouldn't have enough time to enjoy the battle!
I told you not to let up on your Spiritual Pressure, didn't I?
Loosening up just because you found a chance or two at victory What a boring end.

And it had been a long time since I went up against someone who could have k*lled me, let alone hear my bells during battle.

So it's over How boring.

I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
How can I die here?
I can't afford to die yet!
Move, body!
Stop bleeding!
Let me fight one more time!
I I have to save Rukia!
I looked up into the night sky and saw a comet!
I want to see you right now, but I can't fly If I could become a comet I would fly across the sky I'm sure With this instantaneous light that will definitely reach you I would circle the skies and shine over you If I could become a comet I'm sure I'll always stay close to you Now and forever Did you see that, Ichigo?
That's the strength of our Captain!
This fight ain't over yet.

I'm gonna turn things around now!
How are ya gonna do that?
Well, that is Isn't that right?
I'm looking forward to it!
Kenny looks so happy!
I'll do my best!
Squad 4, 3rd Seat, Yasochika Iemura!
His hobby is writing in his diary!
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