03x03 - Ishida Ultimate Power!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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03x03 - Ishida Ultimate Power!

Post by bunniefuu »

Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Scars that just refuse to fade from memory Sometimes the burden 's too much for one to bear Don't give up on me, please don't turn me away Whoa! I'll hold your hand in mine Will I lose my hold on her someday? Will her smile fade In a flood of tears Or can I keep the fears at bay? Echoing, distant voices wither into silence.

But there is one thing that will never ever age my love for you is timeless Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Smiles with hearts' bitterness replaced "I'll never smile again" "I'll never let love in" Don't ever say such things to me A future we cannot see All happenings Find meaning in the story In time the clouds will clear away, so just stay, please stay with me Whoa! Who are we to pass through you? Whoa! That answer will find you someday The last specimen I had was a nasty old man.

He kept calling his apprentice's Or grandson's name the whole time.

It was so creepy Do you want to see his picture? It's after the experiments were done so his original form wasn't maintained.

What was the name of his apprentice? Goodness It seems once my experiments are concluded, I lose all interest.

What's that?! The name of his apprentice Do you want me to tell you? The name of his apprentice is Uryu Uryu Ishida! That was Soken Ishida He was my teacher As well as my grandfather! Oh And? On my honor as a Quincy, I'm going to k*ll you.

Oh Even though I immobilized your limbs with Ashisogi Jizo, how did you still manage to stand up? I know why It's Ransotengai! Countless threads of spirit particles twisted together attach to immobilized limbs, forcibly moving them, like the strings of a puppet! Originally, elderly Quincies, in order to continue fighting Hollows, developed this technique.

Whether their tendons were cut, Or their bones were crushed, it meant nothing with this technique.

It exists so that one can fight until one's body turns to dust.

The Quincies' ultimate combat technique I had thought it was a lost art.

In fact, of the 2,661 subjects I've studied not one could perform even a part of that technique.

And for you to be able to use it at such a young age Are you what they call, a genius? Genius? You shouldn't refer to it by such a commonplace term.

What?! My Ransotengai is neither an ordinary defense technique nor a way to prolong my life.

Until I avenge my master, even if I'm reduced to a corpse, it is the expression of my will to fight! Let me retract the term "genius.

" You're just an inexperienced brat.

Uryu I heard you went to your grandfather's place again.

How many times have I told you; stop going there.

B-But- Don't make excuses! I've told you time and again.

It's pointless to save the dead.

Father--! That's a Soul Reaper's job.

You only need to study how to save the living.

I have no interest.

You don't have talent for it.

Let the Quincies die out with your grandfather's generation.

Understood? Father Why do you hate the Quincies so much? Because there's no profit in them.

Hmm There is truth in what he says.

These days, you can '1' put food on the table by being just a Quincy.

With a family to support, that's a big problem.

But Still Hmm What he says is right.

B-But I can see them! The Hollows, and the people being att*cked by them I know the Soul Reapers can't handle them all.

I've seen it with my own eyes! I'm sure Dad can see it too.

So how how can he say those things? - Master - Hmm? I want to become strong! I want to become strong! I want to become a strong Quincy and protect everyone from the Hollows.

If I do that, then I'm sure Father will acknowledge the Quincies Thank you, Uryu, my boy Pretty good.

Seems I could gain interest in you I won't k*ll you.

I'll take you back alive.

And have you be a research subject.

But Uryu Try to understand your father too.

What you think is right depends on what you want to protect.

That's just how it is.

What Father wants to protect? What is that? Money? The time will come when you understand.

And by that time, you should understand what it is that you truly wish to protect.

For that time, I shall leave this with you.

This is? This is the Reishi Glove.

It is a glove with the power to disperse spirit particles at a high level.

If you put this' on and create a bow, and are able to maintain it for seven days and seven nights, you will become infinitely closer to the pinnacle of the Quincy powers.

However, once you go there, Uryu you must never remove this glove.

For if you do, at that moment, your ability to draw in spirit energy will have surpassed the limits of a Quincy.

Too strong of a flame, and you will burn yourself.

If you remove the glove, for a moment you will gain enormous powers, however you will surely lose all your Quincy powers as well.

Well, shall we go to my laboratory? I wouldn't want to k*ll you before that.

One day, you'll understand your father's feelings and when you find that which you truly wish to protect, If you still wish to follow the ways of the Quincy, then You will surely come upon an unavoidable battle.

And a time may come when you must thrust yourself into a battle far beyond your abilities.

When that time comes, use this Reishi Glove.

However, I will say it again, once you put this on, you must never take it off.

I know of many ways to take you with me without k*lling you.

That is, if you don't mind experiencing some hellish pain.

Shall I demonstrate one of those methods now? There's a limit to the Ransotengai.

I cannot hold out forever.

I'm sorry Master I still don't understand my father.

And I'm not even sure what I want to protect.

But, that which cannot be forgiven I think I know that.

I'm sorry Master Just one more time I must disobey you! Just one more time I must disobey you! W-What? What is that?! W-What is with that attire? What is with that Spiritual Pressure? I've never known such a thing! That thing! He's absorbing the structures nearby? All the structures in the Soul Society are constructed entirely of Reishi.

He's managing to break those bonds and is forcibly absorbing the spirit particles.

In other words, the subjugation of the Reish! You're exceeding the limits allowed for humans, you brat! He's fast! But if this is all Weep and beg for forgiveness.

And never appear in front of me again.

If you do that, I may let you live.

If you refuse, the next attack will be three times that one! Don't push your luck, brat! A mere Quincy, toying with me Fine.

Then I shall respond with appropriate force! Bankai! What's that? Ban--? Konjiki Ashisogijizo! No way! That Zanpakuto was already released! Didn't you know Zanpakuto have two stages of release? What?! Ashisogijizo is the first stage of my Zanpakuto, the Shikai.

And this Konjiki Ashisogijizo is the second stage.

In other words, the Bankai.

The deadly poison that this thing spews will k*ll off all of you! It's regrettable that I can't do research on an excellent specimen such as you.

GO! Sir Mayuri Damn it You Quincy lowlife! The ability to liquefy whatever it cuts You were close, Quincy.

One's last ace in the hole should only be used after much consideration.

Did you save that move for your escape? Damn it! Don't bother Although I cannot make any att*cks in this form, I cannot be att*cked in any way either.

I'll be like this for a few days.

But I'll return to the Department to recover.

Farewell Quincy You were more trouble than I expected.

But I will live and you will die.

That outcome hasn't changed.

Damn it! The poison At this rate Mr Q-Quincy Behind the Lieutenant's emblem on my left arm I have an antidote Wouldn't you be more comfortable lying down? No This is fine.

Yes, behind there You first.

No, I'm all right.

My body is made from the same substance as Sir Mayuri's body.

This toxin will not k*ll me.

Are you thinking this may be a trap? If so, please bring it up to my mouth.

I will drink it first to show you.


There's no reason to entrap someone who would have been poisoned to death anyway.

Thank you very much.

Had you aimed for the head, you could have k*lled Sir Mayuri.

But you did not It was a fluke.

I had fired intending to k*ll him.

But you refrained from k*lling Sir Mayuri.

That antidote is a token of my appreciation.

I don't get it.

How could you feel that way about someone like that? I do not understand it either.

But, when I realized that he was still alive, I was somewhat relieved.

Leave after you drink it.

I will be all right.

The guards will soon arrive.

Thank you for the medicine.


It hurts My body feels heavy My legs I can't raise my arm either Damn it I guess the end is nearing for my time as a Quincy.

Miss Inoue I I'm sure she's doing fine.

I'm sure that guy from Squad Eleven will lead her here.

Kurosaki Sado Mr.

Yoruichi Ganju I wonder how they're doing? I have to trust that they'll get here.

That's right! If I'm the first one here, I could rescue Kuchiki myself.

I bet Kurosaki wants to save her himself.

If I did that, he'd be pissed off.

I bear no ill will.

However, for the sake of peace, I must eliminate you.

Cry, Suzumushi.

Happy People Come on, Come on, Come on Happy People Here we Go! Everybody stand up! Everybody fight! Relief is anxiety But Keep Your Head Right Up! To the Sky! No matter when No matter where Just call me anytime! I'll be your strength Happy people's In The House!!! With a tough smile Happy people's In The House!!! You have to live! Wow Happy people In The House All right Happy People Oh goodness, once I've taken this form, I can't get back to normal for a while.

Never mind eating, I can't even take a shower.

I wonder if I have a big enough container--! Hey! Don't pour water on me! You're diluting me! It's more inconvenient than I imagined Captain of Squad 7, Sajin Komamura! Can you see what's in front of you? February 2017
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