03x05 - Authentic Records! School of Shinigami

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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03x05 - Authentic Records! School of Shinigami

Post by bunniefuu »

Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Scars that just refuse to fade from memory Sometimes the burden 's too much for one to bear Don't give up on me, please don't turn me away Whoa! I'll hold your hand in mine Will I lose my hold on her someday? Will her smile fade In a flood of tears Or can I keep the fears at bay? Echoing, distant voices wither into silence.

But there is one thing that will never ever age my love for you is timeless Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Smiles with hearts' bitterness replaced "I'll never smile again" "I'll never let love in" Don't ever say such things to me A future we cannot see All happenings Find meaning in the story In time the clouds will clear away, so just stay, please stay with me Whoa! Who are we to pass through you? Whoa! That answer will find you someday Follow me, Izuru.

See you later! Shiro.

Don't call me "Shiro" and don't pat me on the head! When you get into the same school as me, I'll call you by your real name.

Forget it! Who wants to join a school for Soul Reapers? I'll be living in the dorms, but I'll come home on vacations! See you! Don't come back, Bedwetter Momo.

KAGEKIYO AND SHIZUKA KIRA I'll be going now, Father and Mother.

Damn it! We're gonna be late! It's your fault! Sleeping in a tree! I was looking for you all over! Shut up! It's none of your business where I sleep! I should've left without you! SOUL REAPER ACADEMY WELCOME SOUL REAPER ACADEMY WELCOME The Stealth Force and the Thirteen Court Guard Squads of the future! I ask that you apply yourselves diligently and uphold the pride of our school! CLASS 1 I am your instructor Gengoro Ounabara.

This Freshman Class One took the top scores in the entrance exam.

In other words, you are in the elite class! Rather than merely serve your future squads, train hard to excel in your various pursuits! CLASS 2 CLASS 2 If you train just as hard as they do, you too, could be just as good, - if not better.

- That Renji.

So arrogant Group 1, step forward.

Yes, sir! Hado exercises! Begin! Yes, sir! The one who reigns Mask of flesh and blood, all creation, the flutter of wings, the one who crowns us with names, gathering of heat and w*r beyond the seas in reverse, take steps to the South.

Hado 31 Shakkaho! Wow! Awesome! Good! Next! Yes, sir! That was amazing, Ms.

Hinamori! You did it in one shot! Luck, it was just luck! I barely hit it It was still great.

Others couldn't even reach it! Wow! Did he do that? Wow, amazing! He hit it dead center! He's pretty good.

I didn't know there was a guy like that in my class Next, Group 3! Yes, sir! Whoever he is, I'm not gonna let him show me up! I'll hit the bull's eye in one shot! Hado 31! Shakkaho! W-W-What?! What was that?! An expl*si*n how? Abarai, stay after school.

Yes, sir Match! Abarai! Are you all right? You're not hurt? Hey, you were too rough! Kira, you okay? Yes, sir You seem tired.

Huh? You're I'd like to take a break, too.

May I? Uh sure Your attack left me flabbergasted.

I was overwhelmed by your power, and I couldn't counterattack.

My arm's still numb.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean anything by it.

I messed up during the Hado practice, so I wanted to make up for it.

Zan Ken So Ki" We must master each discipline in order to become Soul Reapers.

Our work's cut out for us, isn't it? Y-Yeah.

I guess so I'm Izuru Kira.

Pleased to meet you! Won't you tell me your name? A self-introduction and a handshake? So you come from a good family Huh? Shaking hands isn't my style.

I'm Renji Abarai.

Nice to meet ya too.

Right! Likewise.

Huh? What's that? Huh? Uh, what's happening? Huh? Oh, the captain of a 13 Court Guard Squad is visiting us.

What? A captain?! Wow! W-Watch it! That's a captain? Anyhow, the captain is amazing! The Spiritual Pressure surrounding his body is totally different from ours! Hey, are you listening, Shiro?! I said quit calling me Shiro! Why do you come home on every day off, anyway? Do you have that much free time at the Soul Reaper school? But I came home just to visit you! I never asked you to.

When I become a Soul Reaper, I'm going to join Captain Aizen's Squad 5! Hey! I'm serious about this! Hmmmm What was that for, Renji?! What're you daydreaming about? Six months, and you still haven't adjusted to school, yet? Hah! You should talk! You've got a lot of bags.

Do you have field training today? Yeah! We're gonna practice fighting dummy Hollows in the World of the Living.

Wha?! No fair! Why lust your class?! Besides, why should you be in the first class? It is fair! It's ability! Real ability! So long! I'm gonna come back way better than you! Look forward to it! Fool! I'll be the one who will Will First, a short introduction.

I'm a 6th year student, Hisagi.

I'm Kanisawa.

I'm Aoga.

The three of us will guide you.

What? Are those upperclassmen famous? Don't you know? Not all of them, just the one in the middle.

Shuhei Hisagi.

He's the first one ever to be accepted into the Court Guards before graduating.

That hasn't happened in the last few years.

They say he'll be a ranked officer.

By the way, he failed the academy's entrance exam twice.

So I might be better in terms of talent since I passed with the the highest score.

Now we'll break up into groups of three.

Look at the lots you drew earlier and find your teammates with the same mark.

So that's what these were for Who's our third teammate, though? Uh excuse me Hello.

Oh, it's you, Hinamori Hello there.

Okay, so you've formed your groups? We'll explain today's exercise.

6th year students have already entered into the World of the Living and built a barrier around a suitable area.

You are to engage in practice combat with dummy Hollows within that perimeter.

The 6th year students will create a combat-ready environment, but they won't assist you in the combat itself.

Got that? Fine.

Let's go! It's begun! Maintain barrier strength! During practice, it's common for the real thing to attack! Right! This is a safe zone, though.

This is part of our own training, too.

Don't let your guard down! Right, right.

Hinamori! It's coming your way! Hado 31 Shakkaho! Kira! Kira! Abarai! It was easier than I expected.

It was our teamwork.

No one could've done it alone.

Stupid! I could've won by myself, easy! I wish I could fight a real Hollow! Not that again, is big talk all you've got? I got more than that! C'mon, let's go back.

- Hey hey! - C'mon! I know, I know.

Hey, what's wrong, Hinamori? Oh.

It's nothing.

It's about time to wrap up.

It ended safely, for now.

This is Hisagi from the meeting point.

Barrier unit, what's the situation there? Hey, report in! What's wrong, barrier unit? Can you hear me? Hey! Answer me! Hey! What's wrong? Strange No answer from the barrier unit Hisagi! What was that? I wonder? C'mon! Wha What's that?! It's huge Damn it! A Huge Hollow? No way! Why didn't we sense its approach?! Bastard, you k*lled Kanisawa! No don't! Aoga! Aoga! Run, Freshmen! Get as far away as possible! So that's a real Hollow? Fool! What're you doing?! Run! Soul Society, requesting assistance! This is Shuhei Hisagi, 6th year squad leader! At World of the Living, point 1026! Being att*cked by a Huge Hollow at NW 2128 Why? Why are they all running away? What're you doing, Hinamori?! We were told to run! We have to obey orders.

But It's impossible! It got two 6th years in a blink! But! Hinamori! Damn! I can't see! Fine! I ain't done yet! You--! Forgive us, sir! For disobeying your order! We came to save you, so overlook this, okay, sir?! The one who reigns Mask of flesh and blood, all creation, the flutter of wings, the one who crowns us with names, gathering of heat and w*r beyond the seas in reverse, take steps to the South.

Hado 31! Shakkaho! Now, sir! Right! How could such a gigantic Hollow get so close?! I don't know.

I never heard of it before, but it probably can conceal its Spiritual Pressure.

We're not strong enough to defeat it! What should we do? I contacted Soul Society! We'll just have to hang on until help comes! What's happening?! Things are getting blurry! It can't be It called its friends! So many Huge Hollows! It's crazy! No It can't be No I don't want to die I don't want to die FIVE FIVE Y-You're! Captain Aizen of Squad 5.

And Lieutenant Ichimaru! You persevered well.

It must've been scary.

You're safe now.

We'll take over now.

You go and rest.

Whoa, there are quite a lot of them sh**t 'em dead, Shinso.

Captain Aizen Excuse me.

Yes, what is it? Happy People Come on, Come on, Come on Happy People Here we Go! Everybody stand up! Everybody fight! Relief is anxiety But Keep Your Head Right Up! To the Sky! No matter when (Oh Yeah!) No matter where (Oh Yeah!) Just call me anytime! (Oh Yeah!) I'll be your strength Happy people's In The House!!! With a tough smile Happy people's In The House!!! You have to live! Wow Happy people In The House All right Happy People It's no good.

I'm too hungry to concentrate on training! Ah, well.

Here, take my emergency rations.

Thank you what the hell is this? This is chicken meat in jelly And this is to remove hair balls You're still eating cat food even after you've returned to human form? It's not that bad.

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