03x08 - Rukia's Nightmare

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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03x08 - Rukia's Nightmare

Post by bunniefuu »

Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Scars that just refuse to fade from memory Sometimes the burden 's too much for one to bear Don't give up on me, please don't turn me away Whoa! I'll hold your hand in mine Will I lose my hold on her someday? Will her smile fade In a flood of tears Or can I keep the fears at bay? Echoing, distant voices wither into silence.

But there is one thing that will never ever age my love for you is timeless Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Smiles with hearts' bitterness replaced "I'll never smile again" "I'll never let love in" Don't ever say such things to me A future we cannot see All happenings Find meaning in the story In time the clouds will clear away, so just stay, please stay with me Whoa! Who are we to pass through you? Whoa! That answer will find you someday So the execution is tomorrow When I heard that, I was surprised but strangely enough I wasn't sad It must be because of the dream I had last night.

A dream about the night that I'll never forget.

Please wait here a moment.

The captain shall be arriving soon.

Um Yes! What is it?! I'm just a new officer.

Please address me less formally.

Ah Yes! I'll be careful in the future! Who's that girl? You know, from the Kuchiki clan Hah! A new pet cat, huh? I heard she was exempt from the graduation exam as well as the enlistment exam What nobles do for fun They've got to be kidding! We worked so hard getting here I knew it.

It's the same here after all Hey! What are you guys doing loitering around here? This isn't a show! Get back to your posts, damn it! I'm the Lieutenant, Kaien Shiba! Pleased to meet ya! Umm Hello Hello"? What kind of a greeting is that?! Your Lieutenant just introduced himself to you! You're supposed to introduce yourself and say, "Pleased to meet you too, sir," right?! Damn it, what's your name? I'm Ru Rukia Kuchiki, sir.

Oh? And? P-Pleased to meet you too, sir! Good! Okay, Rukia! An ordinary greeting, an ordinary chewing-out, an ordinary relationship between superior and subordinate Welcome to Squad 13! Our captain isn't in the best of health, so I'm pretty much in charge Of things here! So it's okay if you sometimes call me "Captain Kaien" by mistake! Umm, I'll think about it.

But "ordinary" was exactly what I was looking for Elder Brother, my enlistment ceremony was completed without any incident.

What Seat are you? Ah well My deepest apologies With my abilities, I'm afraid I couldn't get an officer's seat upon entry I see.

You may leave.

Hey, what's with the long face? What's with you? Every time you see me, you get scared.

It kinda hurts my feelings.

Hey, this is for you, drink up! Y-Yes, sir Knowing you, even if I asked what's bothering you, you probably wouldn't tell me But don't forget.


As long as you're a member of this squad, I'm your friend for life - You're so cool! - You big sap! - Wow! You're so cool, Sir Kaien! - So cheesy! So cheesy! Did you hear that? "I'm your friend for life.


He's your friend! Gotta love him, huh?! Got him wrapped around your finger! Kiyone! Sentaro! You guys went off and got drunk again, didn't you, damn it! Kuchiki! Don't let it bother you! I'm from Rukon District, too! When I first joined, people gave me a hard time too! But those guys are boogers, so just go rub boogers on them! Boogers! How annoying! What a bunch of loudmouthed drunks! You guys need to come back to your senses! Sir Kaien, you're too rough sir, too rough! Shut up! You're still on the clock, damn it! Oh, don't be a square! I felt comfortable being by Sir Kaien.

Take this! Well done! As always, Sir Kaien! Our Lieutenant took it down! Mission accomplished! Ah-Ouch Lady Miyako Are you all right? Y-Yes, it's nothing really! I see That's good.

Hey! Hey! Hey, Miyako, I didn't know you were here.

Just in case you let the Hollow get away.

I thought I should come to take care of the clean up.

I wouldn't get beaten that easily! Kuchiki, sorry, but could you call Sentaro and Kiyone? We're returning! Yes, sir! Lady Miyako, thank you very much.

Do your best! Yes! Sir Kaien had a wife Despite being a strong woman who had risen to 3rd seat she was wise, kind, and beautiful I admired her I wanted to be like her She was my idol Then one day, Lady Miyako received orders for a reconnaissance mission.

It seems we don't know a thing about this Hollow.

None of the Soul Reapers att*cked by it survived.

Don't be reckless.

My, I never thought I'd hear those words from you.

Quit kidding around.

I cannot forgive a Hollow that disturbs a soul's peace.

As a Soul Reaper of the proud Thirteen Court Guard Squads, I must stop their evil deeds.

Lady Miyako Don't worry.

It's just a reconnaissance mission.

I'll leave the rest to you guys.

Well then, we'll be going.

Are you all right? Yes Don't worry.

Excuse me.

Kuchiki, any report from the reconnaissance team yet? No sir, they still haven't returned.

I-It's terrible! The reconnaissance team! Miyako! She's unconscious, but her life is not in danger.

And the rest? They've been annihilated.

Annihilated? Sir Kaien This is terrible The entire reconnaissance team's dead, except for Lady Miyako! Is Lady Miyako all right? Yeah They said that her life's not in danger.

Well, that's good She's definitely someone that Squad 13 couldn't do without.

Yeah Hm? My, Lady Miyako, should you be up already? W-What's happening?! Lady Miyako What was that?! Lady Miyako What what happened here?! Oh, no! Stop it, Miyako! No! What in the world-? Sir Kaien Captain She couldn't have gone very far yet.

Wait, Kaien! Hold it! If you chase her now, you're doing exactly what the enemy wants you to do! But still, I must go.

It's controlling Miyako, and used her to k*ll off the subordinates who cared for her.

It's sullied her pride.

Please let me go Captain! Fine.

Then I shall go with you.

Captain?! Rukia, you come too! Yes, sir! You two, take command of this place and prepare for battle.

Understood! Let's go! I smell The smell Of foolish prey That's--! Kaien! Sir Kaien, I'll go first and check it out Captain I beg of you.

Please let me go by myself.

Okay So you're the first, eh, boy? Hey, you How many Soul Reapers have you eaten? I wonder how many? Sorry, but I don't remember the count.

Have you regretted it even once? That's a stupid question, boy.

I have feelings just like you Not a night goes by that I don't regret eating a Soul Reaper.

Even now, I'm having regrets I was just regretting that I should have used that woman Soul Reaper more before consuming her.

So you controlled Miyako and made her k*ll her comrades Controlled? No, not quite.

At that time, I was inside that woman.

It's too bad that I couldn't show you the part where I devoured that woman to revert to this form Want to come? Come! Come, come! I'll eat you up! You're fast! But You touched me! Rage across the seas and heavens! Nejibana! What?! You fell for it! When someone touches my tentacles, their Zanpakuto is destroyed! That's impossible! I've never heard of such a power Sir Kaien! Captain! But, why?! We must help Sir Kaien! If we help him, what will become of his pride? If you help him now, it will probably save his life.

However, at the same time, you will surely be k*lling his pride forever.

Who cares about pride? What's pride compared to one's life? Listen well, and remember this.

There are two types of battles, and each time we fight we must know whether it's a Battle to protect life, or a battle to defend honor.

Right now, he is fighting for honor! His subordinates' honor His own honor And above all for his beloved wife's honor What's the matter? Aren't you going to ask your friends for help? Shut up! I can handle you all by myself! Is that so? Then I shall do unto you the same as I did unto your beloved wife.

I will control your body from within, and against your will I shall slay your comrades! Amusing, isn't it? Sir Kaien? What is it? Did you call me, little girl? Sir Kaien? Why do you keep calling my name? Are you that worried about me? Are you that much in love with me, little girl? If you love me that much then I shall eat you first! Captain Run, Kuchiki.

Hurry up! Do you want to die?! Why? Why did this have to happen?! Why? Sir Kaien! What's the matter? Why won't you attack me?! I know why! You're thinking of a way to drag me out of his body, aren't you?! It's useless! I'm a Spiritual Entity and so is he.

We're fusion of Spiritual Entities now.

It can never be undone! I see Then you leave me no choice.

I shall k*ll you along with Kaien's body! Damn you! Are you crazy? You're going to k*ll your own subordinate? Yes, I will.

I cannot allow something like you to possess Kaien's body! You won't get away! Not now! You fool! Why did you come back?! When I came back, I didn't have a plan.

Captain Thank you so much For letting me fight Yes S-Sir Kaien? Did you intentionally--? Rukia Sorry I got you involved with my selfish request You must have been scared Sorry about that, it must have been rough Thanks to you I can leave my heart behind No there 's nothing to thank me for The only person I saved was myself I'm pathetic I'm not worthy of being saved I'm not worth shedding blood over ever Byakuya! We have a problem! Kuchiki's execution has--! I know.

I see, then And what about it? What did you say? The execution is tomorrow.

If that's the decision, then I'll accept it.

Do not interrupt me with such petty matters.

Now if you'll excuse me Why, you're--! Don't mess around! It really is tomorrow! At noon tomorrow, your sister will be Don't get so worked up.

You'll shorten your life, Ukitake.

You've already let one of your men die before, haven't you? In any case, she is a member of my family.

Whether she dies Or gets k*lled, it's none of your concern.

Please refrain from doing anything foolish.

Happy People Come on, Come on, Come on Happy People Here we Go! Everybody stand up! Everybody fight! Relief is anxiety But Keep Your Head Right Up! To the Sky! No matter when No matter where Just call me anytime! I'll be your strength Happy people's In The House!!! With a tough smile Happy people's In The House!!! You have to live! Wow Happy people In The House All right Happy People I plan on following Captain Ukitake anywhere! That's not fair, Kotsubaki! I respect the Captain too! Well, I stalk the Captain 24/7! Well, I always check the Captain's plans and get there ahead of him! Isn't that a crime?! Former Captain of Squad 12, Kisuke Urahara! February 2017
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