02x02 - Kind-hearted Aliens — There's the Six Star Ball Already

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x02 - Kind-hearted Aliens — There's the Six Star Ball Already

Post by bunniefuu »

Both of you, fasten your seat belts.

There'll be quite a jolt when we touch down.

Oh, right.

Commence landing in a suitable location.

We did it! We've landed on Planet Namek! Amazing! What kind of place is it? We can't see much through this mist.

Are you sure this is it? No mistake about it.

But I rebuilt this spaceship! Are you trying to put it down!? No, it's not that Then what is it? We should be able to tell right away by looking at the Dragon Radar.

Y- yeah, yeah, right! Good grief, you're so skeptical K- Kami-? You're finally awake, are you? --Who are you? --Lychee.

The biggest quack doctor on the planet.

And this loudmouth is Zarkuro.

He's been bad company for me for 300 years now.

T- three hundred years!? Nice to meet you.

That's how we say hello on this world.

Nice to meet you.

I'm Bulma.

You know, you're lucky that I was the one who discovered you.

If it weren't for me taking the proper measures, all three of you would have croaked.

Thank you.

Come on, now, how long are you going to sleep? Both of you, hurry and wake up.

Come on.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Um, this is Planet Namek, right? Yes, it is.

We can tell just by looking at your faces.

You look just like Kami-sama.

That's right.

You look just like Piccolo-san, too.

I sure hope you find them okay- the Dragon Balls.

H- how did you-? We know everything there is to know about you.

Well, you are Kami-sama's relatives, after all.

I guess there's no reason why you wouldn't.

You needn't worry.

We won't stand in your way.

Oh, right, where's our spaceship? Oh, we put it in the storeroom in back.

Here it is.

It's pretty damaged, but still okay, right? Probably.

Thank you for everything.

Don't mention it.

You really are kind-hearted people for doing all this, aren't you? --Look! They're here! --All right! There, look, look! See? There are three of them grouped together near here! How lucky for us! Let's hurry and go look for them.

With any luck, we can get three of them today.

All right, let's go! Okay, let's go! Right.

That thing won't do you any good.

This area is a dangerous one, and teeming with monsters.

If you go out in that toy-like thing, you'll get yourself stomped on easily.

Monsters? Bulma-san All right, what choice do I have but to let you use my goku? Goku? What do you think? My dear little goku is pretty fast, huh? Yeah There it is! It's around here! Could you land around here? A- all right.

Goku, here! Land! Oh, no! With a spaceship like this one Was it down there? No, it wasn't.

Search carefully.

It has to be around here.

Sorry to have to make you do this, as well.

That's okay, this is staving off boredom.

It's a big help.

After all, right now, Earth could be facing a great crisis at any moment, and Oh, you know all about it, huh? Yes.

It's definitely down there somewhere, no doubt about it.

Did you find it? We couldn't hold our breaths any longer.

This is going to be really hard.

Still, there's no mistake that it's around here someplace.

Huh? Where's Lychee-san? Here it is! Here it is! Lucky! R- really? He's completely regained consciousness.

K- Kakarrot Why? Why, when my battle power is far and away higher than his, did I take that attack dead-on? What!? What did you do that for out of nowhere!? Ee-yow! Patients should act like patients, and lie there quietly, you know! I'm just so bored, so bored! I can't wait to go cut loose! Patients shouldn't be talkin' nonsense.

Goku-sa, until your body is doin' better, you're to behave yourself.

Is that for me? This? If you can put it on, you can wear it.

I guess not, then.

These ancient ruins are from four or five-thousand years ago.

Wow, 5,000 years? Look here, the Dragon Ball is within a 5-meter radius of us.

Bulma-san, over there.

Find it? There are stairs over here.

The Radar's readings are getting stronger.

It must be in here.

All right, let's go.

Bulma-san, wait! Wow, these are ancient Namekians.

Their faces are completely different from the way they look now, aren't they? Yeah, it would seem so W- what are these? I wonder if there's treasure in them.

It's right close by.

In here.

T- that's-! Ulp Is that-? Okay, let's find one more before the day is over! You're sure a chipper old man, huh? He's a nice fellow, isn't he? Doing this for complete strangers like us.

That's what's so fishy about it.

We should be careful.

It's possible that once we get all seven together, he might be planning to swipe them from us.

He couldn't be.

It's in this area.

Could you set us down soon? Yes, yes! Huh? What's the matter? The Dragon Ball is moving.

A- are you all right? I'm fine, but the Radar- C- could you hand that over? Hey! Hold it! Bulma-san! Hey! Hold it! Telling him that isn't going to get through to him! Wait! What are you doing!? Y- you can't go any farther! We have to hurry, or he'll get away, you know! Why are you stopping me!? Let me go! If you go any farther, your life will be in danger.

He's gone.

Listen, you're not planning to swipe the Dragon Balls from us, are you!? I- I wouldn't do that.

You're acting funny.

You're being far too nice to perfect strangers like us.

That's his voice.

Something has happened to him.

Let's go have a look.

I'm sure it was around here Whoa! That's that thing from earlier! The water in these swamps is dreadful stuff that will dissolve any living thing, and the gasses that rise from it will take out any ordinary person who breathes them.

Is that so? So that's why you stopped us, huh? I'm sorry for saying something so terrible.

Just so long as you know, it's all right.

Thank goodness.

Still, we're in a jam.

If he's ended up like that, that means the Dragon Ball is in the swamp, right? How are we going to get it out of there? Oh, that would be impossible.

Under any circumstances? Well, I do have a bodysuit for that sort of thing, but even if you were to wear it to dive down there, it would only be good for ten seconds.

Any longer than that, and the suit will dissolve.

I'll do it.

After all, we can't do anything unless we have that Dragon Ball, right? That may be so, but I just need to come back up within ten seconds, right? I'll give it a try.

Please let me do it.

I know.

What if we tied a special rope around his body, to pull him up before ten seconds is up? Mm-hmm, that sounds good.

All right, let's give it a try.

Judging from the readings on the Radar, it's right underneath us.

Good luck.

We'll pull you up with the rope after seven seconds, okay? Okay.

Now! Oh, no! The swamp water is stronger than I figured --Gohan-chan! --Gohan! All right, great.

Now to hurry up on the rope.

The rope! l have to act fast, or I won't make it! lt's no good! I won't last until l make it to the top like this! lt's no good! Masenko!! Gohan-chan Gohan! I'm back.

He made it! He made it! He made it, all right Bulma and the others were ecstatic over already obtaining three of the Balls.

Now then, will they be able to get all of the Dragon Balls without any trouble?
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