02x04 - The Dragon Balls are All Found! Piccolo-san Will Also Come Back to Life

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x04 - The Dragon Balls are All Found! Piccolo-san Will Also Come Back to Life

Post by bunniefuu »

Brr H- hurry it up! Are you trying to freeze me to death!? You can't ask us to do that.

He's right.

If we melt it too fast, this whole cave could collapse.

I get it! I get it already, so just hurry it up! Ah, man! I'm sure this cold is no good for my skin! If my beauty is ruined because of this, it would be a serious loss for the universe, wouldn't it, Zarkuro-san? Huh? Where could he have gone? Bulma-san, just a little more.

We did it! The sixth one! One more to go! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! What? What is this!? I thought you were going to keep this from happening! If you're going to complain, tell us later! Let's just hurry! Kuririn, do something, quick! Wah! Oh no! Left! Left! Go left! All right! Ho, ho, not bad.

But they're finished now.

I guess we can relax now.

This is no time to relax! Vegeta-sama, as powerful as you are, you sure must have had a hard time of it.

As busted up as this high-quality rubber protector is, I'm surprised you came back to us safely.

It would take quite a lot for it to end up like this.

What in the world happened to you on that planet Earth? Is Freeza-sama around? N- no, he has departed.

He's already gotten tired of this planet, huh? Um Kewie-sama said that he had something to speak to you about, and that you were to come to the training room when your treatment was finished.

Ha! You tell him that I said " I've got nothing to discuss with the likes of you.

" B- but Vegeta-sama um you've forgotten your Scouter.

I don't need that thing.

You can have it.

It's no good I ain't able to control my power at all Damn I've had it.

I ain't even able to perform the Kaio-ken like this, let alone a Genki Dama.

Hurry up and do something! Gohan, up there! Right, understood! An outlet? Lucky! There's an outlet! I see an outlet! You're right! That was close.

Okay, one more to go.


Say, Bulma-san, don't you think this is a little bit strange? What? N- nothing, really.

Never mind.

It's almost time, huh? Yeah.

It's just ahead.

We're nearly there.

Isn't this where we were before? What's the matter? We'll leave you behind.

It looks like the Dragon Ball is in that lake.

There doesn't seem to be any doubt.

It has to be inside that stone figure.

Judging by all the other events we've had up to now, it doesn't look like this is going to be easy, either.

It would be a relief if Lychee-san or Zarkuro-san were here, huh? What are you worrying about? This one out here is going to be a simple affair compared to the others, isn't it? I don't see you going out to get it.

One more to go.

One more, and then Kami-sama and Piccolo can both come back to life.


But Bulma-san And once that happens, the Dragon Balls will be restored, and we can return to Earth, and bring Yamucha, Tenshinhan and everyone back to life, can't we? Then we can all go back to our regular lives, and Earth will be at peace, won't it? Am I right? Then I can put some makeup on, and go back to being the usual beauty that I am, can't I? Don't you boys forget that you're on a mission to save Earth.

A- all right.

One more to go, huh? One more, and then Piccolo-san will come back to life! K- Kuririn-san! Help me! I can't move! W- what's wrong, Gohan!? Geez, this is no time to be playing around, Gohan-kun! I can't move! It's like I'm being held by an incredible power! Gohan! There he is.

Over there.

W- where? What was Goku-sa doin' in a place like this? D- don't tell me he was training in his condition He's so reckless l'll head for Earth first thing in the morning.

l'm going to smash them to pieces for sure this time.

No, before that, l'll go to Planet Namek Yo, Vegeta.

I heard you had yourself a rough time of it.

They said that both Raditz and Nappa died.

To whom do the supposedly invincible Saiyans owe the pleasure of this grief? Get lost, Kewie.

I don't have time to entertain your inconsequential chitchat.

Now, just listen.

Freeza-sama is cross with you for the actions you guys took without his permission.

He can't complain about it if he's not here.

Now, remove that filthy hand of yours.

Still, Freeza-sama is a magnanimous gentleman.

I hear he's going to forgive you.

That's because you've discovered something wonderful.

What? He was thrilled when he found out he might be able to gain eternal youth and life.

What did you say!? Then, the place that Freeza-sama departed for is-? Planet Namek.

Damn it! He listened in on our conversation over the Scouters, huh? l- l have to beat him to it somehow, or l'll be that bastard's toady forever! I understand that you wanted those Dragon Ball things to gain eternal life too, but you'll have to give that up now.

Once Freeza-sama has his wish granted, he's planning to exterminate the Namekians.

That bastard! Hey! Vegeta! Vegeta-sama! Give me that! It turns out I need it after all! Vegeta! I won't let you do this! Those belong to me! W- what are you doing? If you try anything perverted, you're going to answer for it! We're through playing around now.

Playing around? Yeah.

That's right.

Sure enough, you guys aren't Namekians! That's right! You're just now realizing it? What!? You don't mean-! I- it can't be Are you sure you shouldn't be rescuing him? Those are man-eating nautili.

He'll be eaten if you leave him there.

Gohan! Bulma-san! What's this? This world isn't Planet Namek? Then, just what is it? And who is this "Freeza" that even Vegeta is afraid of? The situation grows more tense.

What fates will everyone meet?
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