02x07 - Goku's Power Unleashed!! Six Days to the Far End of the Galaxy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x07 - Goku's Power Unleashed!! Six Days to the Far End of the Galaxy

Post by bunniefuu »

A Ki! There's another unknown Ki coming this way from over there! Hide! Gohan! Bulma-san! W- what, now? Come on, hurry! What in the world is it? I'm always impressed by how you guys know these things.

Shh! Keep quiet.

It's coming this way.

Could we have been discovered? I don't know.

They're here! T- they're gone.

Thank goodness.

It looks like those people weren't coming after us, huh? B- but, what exactly was that about just now? What's the matter with you guys? B- Bulma-san, could you check something with the Dragon Radar? W- what? W- when you examined it before, there were four Dragon Balls together, right? What are they doing now? All right, I'll check.

All four of them are moving.

Which means R- right, no doubt about it.

Those guys just now had the four Dragon Balls with them.

I- I knew it.

You don't say.

Gohan! Gohan! Yes? Gohan, did you see him? The weird one, flying second from the front? Yes.

I sensed an incredible power from him.

The moment I saw him, I froze.

That guy might be even more ridiculously powerful than Vegeta.

I- it looked like there were some other amazing guys in there, but that guy was in a whole different league.

Stronger than Vegeta? It couldn't be! Just who is he? I- I don't know, but I think he's one of Vegeta's pals.

They were all wearing the same kind of outfits.

Dammit! How are we supposed to get the Dragon Balls away from those guys!? H- hey, look at this.

That group just now is heading toward another Dragon Ball.

What's going on? Do they have radar, too? What's the location? About 14 kilometers in that direction.

That's where we sensed that Ki Kuririn-san said could be Namekians! I'm going to go over there and see what's going on.

I'm going with you! J- just a minute, now! Are you planning on leaving me here all by myself!? It's a lot safer staying here than moving around carelessly.

W- when you put it that way, you're right.

Okay then, I'll put up a house with my Capsules inside this cave and wait for you.

Okay, please do.

Come back soon, okay? Remember, Gohan, keep your Ki as suppressed as you can, but hurry.

You can do that, right? Yes.

All right! They're gone.

I wonder if they'll really be okay.

Oh, that's right! I need to contact Earth! Oh, okay, okay, okay Hello? Oh, Bulma Yeah, I was just heading to the hospital What? Doctor, can't I have your permission to train yet? Are you still goin' on about that!? I told you, bed rest is the best thing for you right now.

If I don't start training soon, my body is going to go soft.

How are you doing, Goku? Old Timer! Oh, Doctor, hello there.

Uh, is Chichi around, too? Does me bein' here make things inconvenient for you? Oh, no, no, no, I wouldn't say that I'm goin' to go do some laundry.

Ah, thank goodness.

As it happens, I just received a message from Bulma and the others.

Not again! Oh, my, no, what a naughty hand! Sorry 'bout that.

So, are Gohan and them okay? Ah, they did indeed arrive on Planet Namek safely.

However, Gohan and the others weren't the only ones who went to Planet Namek.

That Saiyan, Vegeta, has gone there, too.

Vegeta!? He's there!? That's not all.

In addition to Vegeta, there are dozens of his buddies there on Planet Namek.

Those guys wrecked the spaceship they went there in, so they can't get back to Earth.

W- what!? What's more, at least one of them has a Ki that's even greater than Vegeta's.

That can't be Someone with a Ki even greater than Vegeta? Hey, you still alive? What's this? After I went to all the trouble of comin' here, ya don't look to happy to see me.

The senzu beans're finally ready.

There's just a few of 'em, though.

But Karin-sama said to take all seven of 'em.

Wow, all right! That's what you call good timing! Hurry and let me have one! N- now look, you, you can't go giving strange foods to patients! Here ya go.

I've been waiting for this moment! Here it is, here it is.

Kaio-sama sent this new gi to me for just this day.

All right! I'm off to Planet Namek! Oh, thanks.

I'm taking the rest of the senzu with me.

H- how are you planning to get to Planet Namek? When Bulma's daddy came to visit me here earlier, I asked him to make me a spaceship, just in case.

A spaceship? You mean like Kami-sama's? That one was made from stuff that ain't found on Earth, so even Bulma's daddy said he couldn't do that.

Well, then-? When I thought hard about it, I realized there were still two Saiyan spaceships here on Earth.

The spaceship that my brother came here in, and the spaceship that I myself came to Earth in as a kid.

T- that's right! I had Bulma's daddy go looking for them, and while my brother's was blown up, mine was from long ago, so it was still all right.

I'm having him repair and rebuild it.

Kinto Un!! Okay, I'll be back later.

Um I'm off to Bulma's house! Ah! Goku-sa! Hey! Where are you goin'!? Goku-sa!! So, where's he going? Hmm, well, as it turns out With things's bad as you're saying they are, what's that guy so happy for? I guess it has to be his Saiyan blood.

Of course, he wants to save everyone, but more than anything, he seems thrilled to be able to fight someone so strong.

That guy sure ain't normal, all right.

I can't take being around him.


It's obvious he's got zero chance of winning.

l can't believe it.

How could there be anyone even more incredible than Vegeta? Gohan, your Ki is a little too strong.

Suppress it a little more.


Huh? Goku-chan! Ah, Bulma's mommy.

Oh, my, are you all better now? As fit as you see me.

By the way, is the reconstruction on the spaceship that I asked for finished? Well, I'm not sure.

It looked like he was still working on something.

He ain't done yet? That's a problem It's in the inner yard.

Let's go there.

You know, I never thought that little Goku-chan would grow up to be so handsome.

Say, let's date sometime, okay, okay? I- I have to beat that Saiyan before I can do that You're so busy, aren't you? Oh, right, I discovered this terribly delicious cake shop not long ago, and it's all thanks to you, Goku-chan.

If the earth had been lost, I wouldn't have been able to eat any of it.

Thank goodness for that.

I guess so.

Dear, Goku-chan is here! I- is this my spaceship? It's huge! Oh, Goku, you're better already? Yeah, thanks to a senzu.

This is mine, right? Is it true it ain't finished yet? Yeah, there's still a little bit left on it.

Well, come on in and see.

Okay, I'll go get us something to drink.


This is incredible! I'm surprised that teeny spaceship has become this.

Nothing to it.

Everything is as you ordered.

I can train just fine like this.

I took great pains.

It was hard to find your spaceship.

It was broken into little pieces, you know.

Still, lucky for us, the important parts were left intact, but I had to rebuild most of it.

My spaceship was in pieces!? That's strange.

I wonder if I busted it when I was a kid.

You know, this Saiyan science is absolutely amazing.

Huh? Um, where is the artificial gravity device thing? Oh, this is it over here.

Wow, this thing, huh? Let's see, this is the switch.

This is the controller.

As you ordered, it can generate at most 100 Gs worth of gravity, but even for you, isn't that a bit reckless? At 100 Gs, after all, if you weigh That's six tons.

Ordinarily, that would k*ll you.

That's okay.

If I don't train someplace like that, I won't be able to beat that Saiyan.

So, can't this thing fly yet? It can fly anywhere you want to.

Even to the ends of the universe.

Huh? Then Uh, the bathroom, kitchen and bedroom are down that ladder Say, then what still ain't done yet? I can't quite settle on the placement for the stereo speakers.

As long as you're listening to it, you want it to sound good, don't you? T- that's all!? When you say it ain't finished, is that all you mean!? " Is that all?" When you consider reverberations and everything, it's quite difficult.

I- I don't care where the stereo is placed! I'm in a hurry here! I'll leave right now! What are you in such a rush for? We got a message from Bulma, and anyhow, I just have to hurry! Tell me how to make this thing fly, quickly! All right.

Now, you're sure about the placement of the stereo? Uh-huh! The data has all been input.

All you have to do is give the switch a little boi-oing, and six days later, you will arrive on Planet Namek.

Six days? I can get there in just six days? That's awesome! Is it true that Goku is here!? Yes.

He's looking at the spaceship in the inner yard right now.

Huh? Let's see after that comes this button, right? Ho, for as hurriedly as I put that together it actually flew.

Huh? Where's Goku? He left in a hurry.

I wonder if he's really okay with the stereo Close we're close.

Cut your Ki completely.

Let's walk our way in.


They're on the other side of that bluff.

What an incredible Ki! This is bad! We've come up right in front of them! Let's move around to the other side.


Those houses are just like the spaceship that we came here in.

What are they doing? Those other guys aside, those three- especially the one in the middle, riding in that round vehicle- each have a terrifyingly strong Ki.

I can tell.

Look at what the two guys on either side have in their hands! They're Dragon Balls! H- huge Dragon Balls Is something the matter, Dodoria-san? No, there was just a slight power reading coming from that cliff.

It is gone now, though.

It must have been a small animal or insect.

Y- yikes, yikes! They very nearly spotted us! Freeza-sama, we have only found five of them.

The remaining others appear to be out at the moment.

Get out here, now, unless you want to die! He looks just like Piccolo-san! T- they're Namekians! Wow, this certainly is fast.

Outer space sure is dark, huh? Or maybe it's just nighttime out here right now.

Well, never mind.

I've got to start training right away.

I'm glad it's only going to take six days to get there, but I've got to surpass that Vegeta guy before then, too.

Let's see, as I remember, Kaio-sama said that his world had 10-times gravity, didn't he? For the time being, I guess I should get used to around 20 times.

It's working, all right! At last, Goku had blasted off into space.

However, the Dragon Balls were falling into Freeza's hands, one after the next.

ls Goku's power about to be unleashed?
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