02x08 - Surprise Attack!! The Elder's Target was the Scouters

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x08 - Surprise Attack!! The Elder's Target was the Scouters

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on! Unless you want to die, get moving! I told you to step forward further! Hey, hey, snap to it! What are they planning to do with the Namekians? K- Kuririn-san, are those all Saiyans? No, they're not.

They're wearing the same battle dress, but they're not Saiyans.

Besides, Vegeta is supposed to be the only remaining Saiyan.

Not including Goku or yourself.

T- then Come to think of it, there was that guy who said he was Goku's brother.

Our task is to go through space, searching for planets with good environments, and once we've exterminated those who already live there, we sell them for a high price to aliens who are looking for a suitable planet.

It could be that these guys are in league with them.

Though if so, I don't see Vegeta around.

Is he off somewhere else, looking for Dragon Balls? My name is Freeza, and as you can see, I am gathering your so-called Dragon Balls.

Incidentally, where are the others? According to our survey, there are supposed to be ten of you here.

You intend not to say anything, do you? I will k*ll you.

gravity sure is tough But I have to thoroughly retrain myself, starting from the fundamentals or I won't be able to bear multiple Kaio-ken levels Now, I shall have your answer, please.

Not in Namekian.

Speak to us in language that we can all understand.

We know that you are able to speak it.

T- the others are out working the fields.

Only those of us who are elderly or children remain here.

There you go.

As long as you answer me honestly like that, I will not do anything to you.

Now then, I will continue to have you answer me, please.

Where is your Dragon Ball? I believe there is another one here.

I- I don't know.

We don't have anything like that.

Dodoria-san? Sir? As I recall, the second Namekian that we k*lled said something quite interesting, yes? Yes.

" We can only turn over the Dragon Balls to those who we judge to be men of valor.

" Yes, yes.

He was a very stubborn man, too.

I simply could not get him to cooperate with me but then I k*lled one of them, to serve as a lesson to him.

What!? Once I did, I got him to say all sorts of things.

The seven Dragon Balls were created by the Grand Elder of this world.

Each of them is in the custody of one of seven Elders.

Each one is to engage in a contest of wits, a contest of strength, and to ask the reason for one's wish.

And once each Elder judges you to be a man of valor, you are at last able to obtain their Dragon Ball, or so he told me.

Well, I attempted to do as I was instructed, but he told me that he was absolutely unwilling to turn his over to me.

I could not help but k*ll him.

H- how could you do that!? And so, it took some effort to find the first Ball.

The next three were easy.

Everyone was very accommodating.

I see.

So that's it, huh? A- accommodating, you say? You are lying! T- that's right! There's no way the other Elders would obligingly hand over their Dragon Balls to you! Oh, no, they became quite accommodating once we did this.

Zarbon-san, please show them.

Yes, sir.

--Why, you! --No, don't! H- how could they do that!? That was awful! Gohan, control your Ki, or they'll find us.

But I can't take this! Still, you want to bring Piccolo and everyone else back to life, right? That's not the sort of opponent that we can stand up against.

If we come forward now, we'd just die for nothing.

Darn it! And here, after we've come all the way to Planet Namek How about it? Are you feeling a little more accommodating? What is your purpose in gathering the Dragon Balls? Oh, it is just a trivial little wish.

I would like to obtain eternal life.

What!? Then, he and Vegeta are both after eternal life? Maybe they aren't friends with Vegeta, then.

I don't know.

I would not turn over the Dragon Ball to the likes of you, even if it meant my own death! So you mean that you would choose death over handing it over to me? I see.

The people of this planet do seem to be quite stubborn.

However will you still be so stubborn after the deaths of those children? W- what!? You would even k*ll children!? Oh, no! Hide! There's a strong battle power Freeza-sama, over there.

Oh, you've come for us? Namekians! They've come to save them! Damn! Then our bad feeling turned out to be true! This is trouble.

Here I was, just about to have the Dragon Ball brought out to me, when you interrupt your work just to come here to be k*lled.

I see now.

So the rumors about someone attacking the villages and taking the Dragon Balls are true, are they? You're going to pay for this! Trample on the peace of Namek, will you!? Be careful fighting them! These guys are quite strong! Good luck! Oh, you plan to fight, do you? I wonder how much battle power they have.

Dodoria-san? Yes sir, I will check.

Please do not be discouraged, sir.

All three are around 1000.

We will not even be needed to fight them.

So that's it.

I get it.

So that's how they can pinpoint the few small villages that dot the vast surface of Namek.

lt's because they can search for us with those devices.

I'm so hungry Vegeta, and someone even more incredible than him, are up ahead All right! This is laughable! You want to tangle with us with a battle power of 1000!? Not true.

Those three are just suppressing their Ki.

Don't they even know that? The Saiyans were surprised about that, too, huh? Get them! What is this? You call that a battle power of 1000? What's going on here? All three of them have increased to 3000.

Way to go! Awesome! Hang in there! Oh, my, they fight pretty well, do they not? I've got it.

The Namekians are a race that can control their battle powers.

That's not a type you see very often.

Way to go! Hang in there! Go on! Go on! Let them have it! All right, including his, there are only three devices that have not been destroyed.

Children, stand back from me.

Quickly! Dodoria-san Yes, sir.

Those guys are pathetic.

Now I have to be put out.

May I take care of all three of them? Feel free.

Y- you bastard, you think you can defeat me with such a puny technique? Elder! No! He was targeting the Scouters! Scouters? Those devices that can tell your opponent's strength and location! So that's it! Then they can't tell precisely where the Dragon Balls are, after all! Using those Scouter things, they just searched out Namekians, then forced them out of them! That old man knew that, so that's why he destroyed all of their Scouters! Why, you-! I- I'll k*ll you all I'll k*ll you all!! I'll k*ll each and every one of you! Elder! Look out! The Elder had made a quick-witted attack.

However, it has set the enemy's fury ablaze.

Can Gohan and Kuririn do nothing but watch on?
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