02x10 - Dodoria Dies by expl*si*n! Vegeta's Fearsome Shockwave

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x10 - Dodoria Dies by expl*si*n! Vegeta's Fearsome Shockwave

Post by bunniefuu »

Why, you-! Where did you go, dammit!? Damn you Where are you!? Come on out! Damn It's okay.

There's no way he'll find us.

Having that old timer destroy those Scouter things really did save us.

If he still had one, he'd be able to locate even that little kid's Ki, after all.


How am I supposed to find those tiny little guys!? This is infuriating! Thank goodness.

He's giving up and going back.

I'll blow them away! See you in hell! Take that.

That's what you get for giving me a hard time.

Freeza-sama told me to bring them back, but I guess this is better than letting them get away.

Still, I never did find out who those little brats really were.

They weren't any ordinary folks.

But I suppose it doesn't make any difference now.

We're saved! For now, let's get back to where Bulma-san is, okay? Are you able to fly? Yes.

T- thank you for saving me.

Say your thanks to Gohan here.

I was so fazed that I didn't even want to try saving you.

But if you hadn't helped, Kuririn-san, both of us would be dead.

Well, at any rate, come along with us.

It's not like there's anything shady about us.


There are Dragon Balls here, but there are these strange guys gathering them all up, " Occupied by Bulma-chan! Do not open! Do not touch!" There are Dragon Balls here, but there are these strange guys gathering them all up, and if they make off with all of them like this, then it doesn't make any sense why a delicate young lady like myself has risked all of this danger to come to this planet, does it? Am I right? Hey, are you listening to me, Dad!? Yeah, l'm listening to every word.

So, what's the matter? It's just that this whole situation is just in the worst state it could be in.

Our spaceship was wrecked by these weirdos, so there's no way we can come back home.

You're coming back home? Well, isn't that going to cause trouble? I mean, Goku has just barely left to head there.

Won't it be a shame if you two miss each other? Son-kun? Son-kun is coming here to Planet Namek? Really, really, really he is? Yeah, that's right.

According to schedule, he should get there in six days.

Hooray! But there is one thing that has me concerned Huh? What? He took off without having the speakers installed.

Does Goku not listen to music and such? I've been training too seriously, and now I'm hungry! Aw, is this all there is? Just this much ain't going to be enough.

Ah, I'm full, I'm full! Oh, whoops.

The gravity device is still turned on.

Still, without Scouters, it's going to be a pain looking for the last two Dragon Balls.

Well, this isn't all that large a planet.

V- Vegeta! Why, you-! Yo, it's been quite a long while, huh, Dodoria-san? You're the one who hit me when I wasn't looking, aren't you, Vegeta!? You and Zarbon are always palling around with Freeza, after all.

I've been waiting until you were all on your own.

I should be able to take you, as long as Freeza isn't around, you see.

What? A Saiyan like you!? You've got some nerve saying that, don't you!? Vegeta, hand over that Scouter to me quietly, and get lost.

If you do so, I'll let you slide this one time.

You will? I thought something had happened when the sound suddenly cut out.

It looks like you guys have lost all your Scouters, all right.

This is great.

Now you won't be able to tell when I come up to you guys.

What did you say!? It will take several days for you to go get more Scouters from Planet Freeza.

I'll bet you want this.

You've decided to hand it over, huh? It's about time you realized the terror of your situation.

Now, if you're lucky, you just might at least have your life spared.

H- how could you do that, Vegeta!? Why the hell did you break it!? I didn't have any further need of it.

W- what? Without that thing, you can't tell where Freeza-sama or the Namekians are, either! Sorry to disappoint you, but when I was fighting the Earthlings, I found out that they could determine an opponent's strength and location without a Scouter.

Also, there was a Saiyan, like myself, there on Earth, who had this ability.

Which meant that I should be able to do it as well.

Once you learn how to do it, it's easy.

But then, for those like yourselves or Freeza, who only set their sights on power, it would be impossible.

Although, up until now, I was the same way.

I see now.

Those runts I was chasing earlier were Earthlings, weren't they!? Earthlings, you say? You joined forces with the Earthlings, didn't you!? What kind of nonsense is that? There's no way that Earthlings could come all the way here.

And if they were here, the first thing I would do is go dispose of them.

None of that makes any difference! You just get out of here! Unless you want to get k*lled, that is! I'm offering to let you go.

You should be grateful! What are you so frightened for? Why don't you come at me, already? I know why you don't.

You found out during my fight with Kewie that I've become far stronger than before, and you're afraid of me! What happened, Zarbon? I- I think it was a malfunction, but the rating on my Scouter, which was set on Vegeta, had just risen above 22,000 What? 22,000, you say? That has to be a malfunction, you fool.

You saw it on your Scouter, right? My battle power? T- that rating was wrong! A malfunction in the Scouter! Don't you belittle me! You're the one who's belittling me.

There's no way that technique is going to work on me, you know! We Saiyans grow stronger every time we fight.

The stronger my opponent is, the more my own strength increases, so after nearly dying on Earth, I have powered up considerably.

Such is the warrior race, the Saiyans.

This is what happens to you for letting that power you're so proud of go neglected.

Die, and come back next time as a harder worker! Wait, Vegeta! If you let me go now, I'll let you in on a secret! I- it's about your world, Planet Vegeta! What? Did you say Planet Vegeta? What secret is there about Planet Vegeta!? Let go! Let go of me, and I'll tell you! Y- you're not planning to k*ll me right after I tell you, are you? If you don't tell me, I'll k*ll you right now! Start talking! Y- you Saiyans' Planet Vegeta wasn't wiped out when a giant meteor struck it, like Freeza-sama said.

What!? Individually, the Saiyans' powers were a far cry from Freeza-sama's, but if a large number of Saiyans were to unite together, it would become fairly troublesome.

What's more, there were small groups of Saiyans being born, like yourself, who were outstanding warriors, and their numbers were increasing.

Figuring that once you started having such extraordinary power, you weren't the sort of race that would just go on obediently following orders forever, so Freeza-sama decided that it was necessary to take measures as of right then.

And so And so, Freeza-sama himself obliterated Planet Vegeta, along with all the Saiyans.

However, Vegeta, you should be grateful to Freeza-sama.

He thought he could use the prodigious talents of you, the prince of Planet Vegeta, so Freeza-sama went to the trouble of going after the planet when you were not on it.

Looks like this comes as a great shock, all right.

I'm going to use the chance it gives me to return to Freeza-sama.

Don't misunderstand, Dodoria.

I don't care about the planet, or my pals, or my parents.

I'm just furious at myself for not knowing this, and allowing myself to be used according to your whims ever since I was a kid! Freeza-sama! Freeza fears the bottomless potential of the Saiyans.

I've got to hurry and conquer this 20-times gravity quickly.

Okay guess I'll get started.

One two one two one two one two Goku is full of energy.

Vegeta keeps on gaining more power.

The time when these two will once again clash is near.
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