02x19 - Freeza's Secret w*apon! The Devilish Ginyu Special Corps

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x19 - Freeza's Secret w*apon! The Devilish Ginyu Special Corps

Post by bunniefuu »

K- Kuririn, you handed it over pretty easily, considering, huh? You had to work so hard to get that Dragon Ball, too.

He said that was the last Dragon Ball, so it's all over now.

If I hadn't handed it over, we definitely would have gotten k*lled.

The fact that the two of us are even alive like this is nearly a miracle.

Besides, we're probably still okay handing over that Dragon Ball.

I'm sure that the Dragon Ball that Gohan went looking for is the one that Vegeta hid to keep that Freeza bastard from gathering all seven of them.

That's right! Gohan-kun must have found that Dragon Ball already, and now he's heading back! That means things aren't going the way Vegeta had hoped, are they? Mm-hmm.

As long as Vegeta doesn't find Gohan, they are.

He is late, is he not? Y- yes, sir! It has been four hours.

What could Zarbon-san be doing? Seeing as how he has not returned, he has either fled, or he has been k*lled.

If I had known this would happen, I should have brought the Ginyu Special Corps from the start, huh? Yes, sir! C- concerning that, according to a message we just received from Planet Freeza, preparations for the Ginyu Special Corps' departure are complete.

Is that so? I look forward to it.

Now then I have no need of cowardly men, like yourself.

Be gone.

Ginyu Special Corps, launch! What exactly is happening on Planet Namek!? W- what's this!? There's an enormous power headed for Planet Namek.

Is it Goku? There are five of them.

Is this t- the Ginyu Special Corps!? The Ginyu Special Corps? Mm-hmm.

They are the evil overlord Freeza's special private squad.

The Ginyu Special Corps have always operated in the shadows of Freeza's rule over the universe.

I don't know about " Ginyu," or whatever, but we'll put those guys down "g-iny-ood" and hard! That was funny, that was funny! Kaio-sama, how was that pun-? Kaio-sama The Ginyu Special Corps- a fearsome squad of evil.

Each one of their powers might be higher than even Goku's.

And there are five of them.

For some reason, it feels like my body has suddenly become lighter.

All right, one more burst! Something's coming from straight ahead! It's a very strong Ki Vegeta! All of a sudden, there's a strong battle power in front of me l have to mask my Ki The presence just disappeared.

Impossible I'm sure it was around here.

Vegeta! Hurry and get out of here! Who's there!? Come on out! I know you're there! If you don't show yourself at once, I'm going to blow this whole area away! H- he wouldn't! What's the matter!? Huh!? All right, I wonder if I had better jump out and fight Vegeta.

But then Gohan, there's no way we can match up against Vegeta now.

l have to protect this precious Dragon Ball at this point.

You don't intend to come out, huh? All right as you wish, I'll blow you away! Rats! W- Wait! Please, don't let him find this I- it's me! Kakarrot's son, huh? Kakarrot's son, huh? I thought that perhaps it might be you.

There were other Earthlings here.

You being here isn't all that surprising.

A Dragon Ball! D- don't tell me that's! This? I got it as a present from that bald-headed friend of yours.

Y- you k*lled Kuririn-san didn't you!? If you'd like me to, I wouldn't mind going back now and k*lling him for you.

Be grateful.

To celebrate me getting all of the Dragon Balls together, I let him live.

A- all of the Dragon Balls? Hey, what's that you're holding in your hand? T- this is a clock! Heh, a clock? With science that can only make a clock as huge as that one, I'm impressed that you could make it to this planet.

N- nobody asked you! By the way, is that Kakarrot bastard here, too? No, he's not! We didn't know there would be bad guys like you here! Is that so? That's too bad, huh? The three of us are the last of the Saiyans.

When you get back to Earth, tell him something for me.

Tell him I said that I will come to Earth before long, and this time, I will blow both you and the Earth away.

It's around time for you to be missing your mother's milk, isn't it? Hurry back to Earth, now.

That hurt! But still the Dragon Ball is safe! Dammit! Isn't he back yet!? Kuririn, I've taken down the house, and returned it to its Capsule.

Isn't Gohan-kun back yet? I- I don't see him yet.

I sure hope he wasn't discovered by Vegeta.

Vegeta has found out about this place.

We have to change locations, fast.

What is Gohan doing!? Hurry! Hurry! Kuririn-san! He's here! Kuririn-san, I found this! You did it! We've been waiting for this! Gohan-kun, way to go! Gohan, I'll fill you in on the details later, but we have to hurry and get away from here, or things are going to get dicey.

I know most of it already.

Vegeta found me, too.

But I managed to hide the Dragon Ball somehow, so I got away without him finding it.

Y- you were lucky, too, huh? Kuririn, Gohan-kun, let's just get moving.



This is the lake.

The Dragon Ball is submerged in here.

Once I pull it out l will have all seven Dragon Balls together.

Take that, Freeza! As of right now, the universe belongs to me.

That's strange.

lt was definitely submerged in this area.

lt's gone! lmpossible! lt was him! The place where I ran into that kid was exactly halfway between here and the cave where those Earthlings were! Why, that miserable brat! But how did he search for the Dragon Ball? This is a clock! That was no clock! lt was radar! Damn it! You Earthling punks! Play me for a fool, will you!? You'll pay for this! Damn it all! Damn it all! Damn it all! Where are you, you punk kids!? Come on out, or you'll be sorry! Dammit, they've disappeared, have they!? Damn it all, I can't sense their presence, either.

Those brats are able to control their presence all the way down to zero.

I can't find them like this.

Those rotten Earthlings! That was an insolent stunt to pull! But they are sure to come after the six Dragon Balls that I have at some point.

And when they do It's okay.

He won't find us here.

Hold on a minute.

I can't even set up the house in a place as tight as this, can I? Please don't ask the impossible.

There aren't too many caves like that last one, after all.

We just have to put up with it until Father arrives, Bulma-san.

Huh? You mean, until Son-kun gets here, a lady such as myself is going to have to stay here, in a place that doesn't even have a bathroom, together with you guys? Oh, you don't have to worry on that point.

I'll be taking Gohan with me, and we'll be going to Grand Elder-sama's place again.

Huh? How come? What is this!? You mean you're going to be leaving me here all by myself!? Please bear with us.

Once Gohan meets Grand Elder-sama, there's a chance that he will gain enough strength to rival even Vegeta.

Freeza's secret w*apon, the Ginyu Special Corps, had at last gone into action.

Goku was also headed for Planet Namek while continuing to train under 100-times gravity.

Vegeta was seething with anger.

And Kuririn and Gohan had taken off to see the Grand Elder.

A grand three-way battle intertwining good and evil was about to begin.
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