02x20 - Watch Out, Bulma!! The Si Xing Qiu Falls into Freeza's Clutches

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x20 - Watch Out, Bulma!! The Si Xing Qiu Falls into Freeza's Clutches

Post by bunniefuu »

W- what!? What was that!? I've found you! V- V- V- How dare you make a mockery of me! Where is the Dragon Ball!? There.

Where is it!? I- I told you it's right there.

If you won't tell me, then I'll just have to do this! What are you talking about? l've been telling you, haven't l? It's there! It's there! Why don't you get it!? It's there, I tell you! It was a dream, huh? Damn it lf the device that kid was holding really is something that can seek out Dragon Balls, then I can't be careless about leaving here.

They wanted these six, too.

All I can do is wait for them to make their move.

Freeza is starting to get pretty impatient, huh? That means l've destroyed the spaceship's power, and he can't move.

Even assuming that he radioed to have more Scouters brought here, it would take three or four days for them to get here, at best.

l'll have to settle this before that time.

lf I can just acquire eternal life with the Dragon Balls, then depending on my strategy, l'm sure I will be able to defeat Freeza.

Now, when he doesn't have a Scouter, is my chance.

That miserable Vegeta! W- what is with all these earthquakes lately? That's it! I've had all I can take of this crazy planet! Damn, it's going to take quite a bit of time for us to get there at this speed.

But if we use any more Ki than this, that Vegeta bastard will find us, no doubt about it.

It looked like he had gotten even stronger.

Right now, even with the two of us going at him together, there's no way we could beat him.

But then, do I really have enough power to rival Vegeta? I wouldn't think so.

Well, I had this much latent power, so with you having Saiyan blood, I think we're okay to expect quite a lot.

Probably, anyway.

It's not like I have to go in and get it, right? Even in the water like that, it's still right nearby, the same as if it were on shore.

Once Kuririn gets back, I can just have him go get it.


D- don't tell me it's Vegeta! What do I do? lf Si Xing Qiu falls into Vegeta's hands, he'll have all seven Dragon Balls, and be granted eternal life.

lf that happens, then no matter how much training Son-kun has done, he'll have no chance of winning.

And that's not all.

Yamucha and the others won't be able to come back to life, either.

And l'll never be able to return to Earth.

All right Let's see, as I recall, it was this one.

Taking the fight to Vegeta, or whoever it is, is better than waiting around, rotting away on this planet.

Let's see This is for missiles, and this is for the laser cannon.

Okay There it is! I get it.

You're the culprit, huh? Well then, I'm not going to hold back.

I did it! Yahoo! Ka me ha me Ha!! S- senzu senzu Whew! I have to be more careful.

I got a glimpse of the Next World there.

If I'm dead, I won't be able to train worth crap.

I'll be there in just over two days.

Well, I guess I should keep at it a little longer.

That's a good boy.

Just stay still.

That's a big pearl! Something like that would be Be a good boy there for just a little while, okay? All right Huh? Hang on a minute! There it is! H- hold on, here What is this? It's almost as though they were imitation Dragon Balls, huh? What in the world could this be? In any event, the first order of business is to get the Si Xing Qiu Ball back.

My Capsule! My escape Capsule! It's gone it's gone! You're kidding me! It was there just a moment ago! Where is it!? Where did it go!? There it is! It will take more than that to defeat Bulma-san! Geez, like I've been telling you, that's my Si Xing Qiu there, not yours! They were eggs! Watch out! What are you doing!? Run! I'm not doing this for you! I'm doing it for the Dragon Ball! I've had it with living like this.

Where are the other Dragon Balls? Where is Vegeta? No matter.

Once you go before Freeza-sama, you'll talk, whether you want to or not.

Freeza? Come on! Bulma goes from one crisis to another.

And has one of the Dragon Balls once again passed into Freeza's hands?
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