02x22 - The Great Battle Approaches! Ginyu's Special Corps Takes the Stage!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x22 - The Great Battle Approaches! Ginyu's Special Corps Takes the Stage!!

Post by bunniefuu »

Hang in there, Gohan! Grand Elder-san's place is just ahead! Right! l might have said that once we have the Grand Elder draw out Gohan's dormant power, he would rival Vegeta, but to be honest, l doubt we can expect that much.

That bastard really does have a gift.

There's no end to how strong he's becoming.

After having Gohan made stronger, all we can do is wait for Goku to get here, and then have all three of us fight together.

Amazing! I'm hardly tired at all! I've surprised myself! Now then, all right, that's all for my training.

With the time that's left, I'll rest up.

I have to get used to regular gravity again, too.

I did it! What agility! I'm so surprised! I'm so light, it feels like I ain't even here! Whoo! Light! Light! So light, so light, so light, I say! And strong, and strong! After building myself up this much, I'm sure I'll be able to withstand a 10X Kaio-ken! " Shampoo" I'm almost to Planet Namek, huh? All right, let's do this! Let's do this! Whew, that was refreshing.

Now, all that's left is to sleep tight.

But let's take a moment before doing that.

Let's see here it is.

Huh? My mistake.

This stuff is bitter, after all.

Let's see here it is, here it is, this, this! Bulma's daddy's specially-made sports drink! Goku had not realized that at some point along the way, he had obtained a level of power that went beyond Saiyan limits.

Almost there.

Almost there, you dirty punks! Gohan, it's coming into view! You see that tall mountain there? That's where he is.

All right, we're in the home stretch! G- Gohan, there's a Ki! There's a Ki coming from behind us! I- it can't be! I- it couldn't be Vegeta! Gohan, I'll use all of my strength to stop him here.

You go on to Grand Elder-san's place! But Hurry up! Go get yourself made stronger! Okay? Right! All right In any case, I have to try.

What speed! Yo.

I- I'm impressed that you discovered us.

Of course I did.

I'm in a completely different league than you are.

Now, why don't you return to me the Dragon Ball with the four stars that I had hidden? You've made a mockery of me! W- what in the world are you talking about? Don't play dumb.

I'll make you talk soon enough.

This is incredible! What's that? That mountain where Kakarrot's son fled to There's something else there.

That's where you've hidden the ball, is it? It is not! Wait! You have a tremendous amount of dormant power, don't you? Are you not an Earthling? Excuse me, but could I ask you to hurry? They are here.

What is this place? Wait, Vegeta! Please wait! Leave here.

Looks like you want to die.

H- he did it! Gohan's Ki has risen! So that's it.

Kakarrot is here, is he? All right, today's the day when we settle things! Come on out, Kakarrot! What!? I- it's you!? What did you do in there!? Why has your base power risen so sharply!? It's true, your battle power seems to have risen to a level incomparable to what it was before.

Even so are you telling me you want to exchange blows with me at your level? Very well.

Grand Elder-sama! D- Dende Y- yes? Go tell everyone at once There is a large, mysterious power approaching Namek.

Grand Elder-sama! Quickly! R- right! L- listen, Grand Elder-sama says that there is something approaching this world! --Huh? --What!? Grand Elder? Who's that? I- it's true! There really is something up there! I- it's an incredible power! I- it's Goku! Goku has finally gotten here! What? I'm not so sure.

It doesn't feel like there's just one I- it couldn't be! No doubt about it! Freeza has called in the Ginyu Special Corps! Damn it all! You guys, hand over your Dragon Ball to me, now! N- no way! We won't do that! I promise you, once I gain the power of immortality, in no way will I do anything to you! Hurry, or there will be no undoing what will happen! Y- you think you can fool us!? If we do that, we'll be playing right into your hands! Listen to me closely, you dirty bastards! This Ginyu Special Corps that Freeza has called in has five men, each of which is as strong as me- no, probably even stronger! They're going to use the latest Scouters to find me, as well as you guys, and then come k*ll us at once! T- that can't be true! Can't you sense their power!? There's only one path we can take! The only route we have is to make me immortal, and have me defeat them! What he's saying might be true.

There are indeed five great evil powers out there.

Well, let's make Gohan immortal! He might have the power, but he's utterly lacking in tactical experience! B- but then if that's the case why the hell did we even come here!? The Dragon Balls can grant you three wishes.

You guys will be sure to have your wish granted.

Three? Not just one? T- three? Y- you guys! Why do you keep repeating it!? Snap to it! Who knows if there's going to be enough time!? L- listen, we really we really can have three wishes granted, right? Come with me! But we're going to make sure you keep your promise, you got that!? Wait for me! Damn it! Fly as fast as you can! It looks like they've left, huh? Yes.

But even if it works out, their chances of winning are extremely low.

Nail-san Nail You go on as well.

You want to help out some, don't you? But If it's about me, I'll be all right.

My life should still hold out for a little while.


So, you have arrived at last, Ginyu Special Corps.

I have been waiting for you.

Aren't we there yet!? They've already landed! Just a little farther.

Why does this have to happen to me? W- what in the world was that!? Huh? Bulma-san, I'm taking the Dragon Ball with me.

All right, hurry! This way now! H- hey, what exactly is going on!? Gohan-kun! Hold on! Explain what's happening before you go! Do you know the kind of trouble I've had to go through!? For crying out loud! Really, when it comes to those guys, I've just about- Huh? Wasn't that Vegeta with them just now? ReaCoom! Butta! Jheese! Ghurd! Ginyu! To-geth-er we are The Ginyu Special Corps! I- I have been expecting you.

The tense situation was starting to change rapidly.

Who exactly are the Ginyu Special Corps, whom even Vegeta is afraid of? To whom will go the Dragon Balls, along with their wishes?
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