02x24 - Super-Magic or Just a Trick!? Mr. Ghurd is Angry!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x24 - Super-Magic or Just a Trick!? Mr. Ghurd is Angry!

Post by bunniefuu »

A leadoff attack, huh? Ha! Well, I doubt it will do any good.

Gohan! Right! Fools! Stop!! You brats! T- they're not there! W- where are they!? There they are! All the way over there! Did they move in that one instant? Dammit, I can't hold my breath any longer Those tiny bugs are better than we thought, huh? Their rating on my Scouter It's a rare species that is able to change their battle power without transforming.

You've got some nice friends there, Vegeta-chan! Those guys' speed and power is incomparably better than the last time we fought.

But still Incredible! You've increased your destructive power several steps over what it was before, Gohan! That's all thanks to having Grand Elder-sama unleash my power! But that guy fled all the way over there.

I'm sure he must have stopped time again.

Let's go, Gohan! Right! Oh! They vanished! Stop!! They're already here!? W- wait, there's no need to run away.

All right, l'll start with that pipsqueak over there.

Oh, crap! Over there! Kamehame-Ha!! Oh, man, we almost had him! What are we going to do with Ghurd? He's having trouble with them.

At this rate, we're going to have to redo our bet.

All right, I'll bet this bar of chocolate that he finishes it in the next minute.

Okay, I'm in.

Damn it! Attacking while keeping time stopped consumes energy too briskly! I don't know what's going on! Kuririn and Gohan took the Dragon Ball they worked so hard to get, and flew away with it! And Vegeta was with them! What? Vegeta was with them, you say? What on earth does that mean? lf I knew that, I wouldn't be letting it get to me, would l? l can't stand anything that's been happening lately.

So you say, but didn't your space capsule get all busted up? Whoops There's no way you can come home, is there? But then, it's been six days since Goku took off from here, so he should be arriving pretty soon.

Huh? I can't hear you very well! I know! Really! What is everyone thinking, tossing a lady aside like this!? Son-kun, hurry and get here.

Look, Gohan! Every time he stops time, he gets more worn out! All right, let's keep attacking him like this! Right! S- stop!! l- it's no use! l don't have enough energy! All right l think l'll go hide somewhere and rest for a bit.

Let's see, let's see Behind that rock! He's gone! Over there! How did they know I was here!? S- s- stop- Hey, Ghurd! This is disgraceful! You're going to bring shame upon the Ginyu Special Corps! Ghurd, you dummy! If you get yourself beaten by those pipsqueaks, I'm not going to play with you anymore! You'll have to take your I- I just got a little bit careless! I'm going to put these maggots away right now! All right, now's our chance! Let's charge him, Gohan! Right! T- they're coming again! All right, if that's how they want it, I'll use my trump card! What is this? My body won't move! It's my paralysis technique! No matter how hard you struggle, you can't move! Dammit! I can't move! What happened to all that energy you had earlier? Looks like Ghurd is getting pretty anxious.

He's using his paralysis technique, which he doesn't show off that often.

And against those two sawed-off little bugs, too.

Hey, ReaCoom, the chocolate.

That bet you just made.

One minute has long passed.

All right.

Ghurd, you piece of crap! T- those idiots! After I told them to watch out for his supernatural powers, they go launching a frontal as*ault.

I'm going to get you good for all the embarrassment you've caused me.

Way to go, hand power! Get them! Get them! No need to hold back! Your flesh is so soft, huh? All right, now it's time for the 100-blow punishment.

I'm going to hit you a hundred times! G- Gohan! I'll do it to you, too, just to be fair.

Yow-ow-ow-ow-ow! You give me my due! Hey, Ghurd, how long are you going to keep this up? You're holding up the next fight! Hurry up and finish them off! Okay let's see All right This tree will do.

Hey, you guys! I'm going to skewer you! You might be good if I cooked you up and ate you! Yeah, I bet you'd like to escape, huh? What's the matter? If you don't run away soon, this huge skewer is going to run you through! F- Father! Uncle Piccolo! Gohan! G- Gohan is in danger! Piccolo, are you sensing the Ki on faraway Planet Namek? Still, there's nothing that you can do with your power as it is now, Piccolo! I can't eat with this knife! (" taberarenai-fu" ) (" naifu" ) Yeah! Can't you move? You poor things.

All right, I'll take care of the kid in the yellow outfit first with this thing, and then I'll use a different supernatural power on the other one! G- Gohan, can you do anything? I- it's no use! My nerves are all paralyzed! Here goes! Our constraints have been released! Kuririn-san! Gohan! T- that was dirty, Vegeta! T- this was supposed to be a fight between me and those kids That's something that you guys decided for yourselves.

You think there's such a thing as fighting dirty in a w*r? T- to think that I would be done in by a lowbrow monkey bastard Saiyan like you It's infuriating Hmph.

You're the last person I want to hear that from.

Who would have thought we'd ever be saved by you? Thanks.

Don't get me wrong.

Do you think I deliberately rescued you? I just had the perfect chance to k*ll that grubby bastard Ghurd, that's all.

This is no time to be feeling relieved.

Brace yourselves.

We won't get lucky this time.

Hey, hey, hey! Ghurd got himself wasted! T- that is a problem Our Ginyu Special Corps fighting pose won't be as beautiful with one of us missing! ReaCoom! Butta! Jheese! Ginyu Special Corps! S- sure enough, it's not beautiful.

We'll have to have Commander Ginyu think up a new pose for the four of us.

Putting that aside, we have to decide who is going to take out those two runts in Ghurd's place.

I still get Vegeta, you know.

All right, Jheese, rock-paper-scissors with me.

Okay! First time is rock! Rock-scissors-paper! Tie, go again! Tie, go again! Tie, go again! Tie, go again! Tie, go again! Tie, go again! W- what could those people be thinking? Yeah I can't figure out their character one bit.

Tie, go again! Tie, go again! Tie, go again! The real hell starts now.

Goku was moments away from landing on Planet Namek.

However, the greatest, most evil emperor in the universe, Freeza, was waiting there.

Further, Kuririn and the others were squaring off against the Ginyu Special Corps.

Could they defeat ReaCoom, Butta, and Jheese?
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