21x18 - Set Off! Our Ultra Guardians!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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21x18 - Set Off! Our Ultra Guardians!!

Post by bunniefuu »

Poi! Poipole! [gibbers]

Poipole! [squeals and giggles]

Okay, Laki, it's time for scene 28!

I'm all set!

Ready, Smeargle? This scene
is the episode's climax, you know.

-All right, scene 28, take one.

-We're rolling!
-And action!

The culprit is the only person who could
have misused Oricorio's Teeter Dance.

So, the culprit is you!

-Hold on.
-What's that?

I have no idea.


Buzz. Buzzwole.

What is that?

Huh? Buzzwole!

♪ Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele
Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini ♪

♪ We've been preparing, sharing
Training, studying A to Z ♪

♪ Bonding, battling, laughing
Gettin' crazy, you and me ♪

♪ 'Cause it's coming soon
When we all meet our destiny ♪

♪ Under the Alolan moon ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪

[narrator] Yes, it's another beautiful day
at the Pokémon School.

You see, environmental differences

can have a great effect
on the development of Pokémon.

Of course, these differences apply to
all living things, including humans.

-[bell rings]
-[all] Huh?

Komala sure is ringing
the bell a lot today.

-It's never done that before.
-I wonder what's going on.

Members of the Ultra Guardians!

[all] Huh?

An emergency dispatch
is Darkrai-sing into view!

[all] Emergency dispatch?

[Rotom imitates siren]

Lusamine called you?
What did she have to say?

Lusamine informed me that a new
Ultra Beast sighting has been reported.

She's asking you, as members of the
Ultra Guardians, to spring into action!

Ultra-Guardians? That's the thing
Lillie's mom wanted us to help her with.

Give it all you've got!
Use your bag of... Vultricks!


All right then, class! Off we go!

[all] Huh?

Amazing! The Aether Foundation partnered
with the Pokémon School to create it.

-Isn't it a Dilly-pup?
-Wow! Who knew?

-Now get into your positions!
-Our positions?

[laughs] I want to be first!

-I'm second!
-Sounds like fun!

Ah... Huh?

-Wait for me, everyone!

[all gibbering]

-This is awesome!
-I wonder what this is connected to.


[both scream]

[laughs] Wow, this is fun!



[all gibber]

[Sophocles chuckles]

My mother just adores
technology like this.

-Wow, she does?
-I think it's because of the kid in her.



Whoa. Huh?

-[all] Huh?

-[all] Whoa!
-[Ash laughs]

-[all] Clefable?


Alola, class,
and welcome to the Ultra Guardians team!

-[both] Alola, class!
-[kids] Uh... Alola.

I don't understand. Why is Clefable here?

From this moment on,
Clefable will be there

to provide assistance as a member
of the Ultra Guardians team.

Take a look at this.

[Rotom] It's Laki!

He's the source of the newest Ultra Beast
sighting we received.

Yes! The culprit... is you!

[chuckles] Pay attention
to what's going on behind him.

-Does that mean it's an Ultra Beast?

[Wicke] Yes,
but we decided to give it a name.

-[Ash] Buzzwole...

-It's big!
-That thing must really strong!

Look at all of those muscles!

-That's the coolest!
-[both] Huh?

[Rotom] Lusamine, would you please
allow me to download all of the data

the Aether Foundation possesses
pertaining to Ultra Beasts?

You may download all the data you want.

After all, you're an integral member
of the Ultra Guardians, Rotom.

[Rotom] Why, thank you!

Now, connect your terminal
to the touch panel,

and you can download whatever you like.

Great. Copy that!


[bleeps] Ultra Beast data, downloaded!

-Buzzwole. The Swollen Pokémon.
-A Pokémon?

After much deliberation, we've decided
to define Ultra Beasts as Pokémon.

[Rotom] So Ultra Beasts equal Pokémon.
I understand now.

Buzzwole. The Swollen Pokémon.
A Bug and Fighting type.

Buzzwole is so strong, it can destroy
heavy machinery with just one punch.

We've concluded Buzzwole appeared
from an Ultra Wormhole

that accidentally opened up
in Melemele Meadow.

[Burnet] We think its destructive behavior
stems from the stress

it's experiencing from being
in an unfamiliar world.

Ultra-Guardians, I'm asking you
to protect Alola's safety and tranquility

by apprehending Buzzwole.

[Ash] Apprehend? You mean catch it?

[Wicke] Yes, but it's temporary.
Then we'll return it to its own world.

-[Lusamine] Show them, Clefable.


Hm. Whoa.

[Wicke] They're Beast Balls,
made specifically for Ultra Beasts.

[Burnet] Based on Poké Ball technology,
they will make Ultra Beasts

easier to catch after you battle
and weaken them.

You've all seen how powerful
this Ultra Beast is,

so remember to be careful, please.



[Mallow] It's filled with Full Restores
and Max Potions!

And berries too!

-Thanks a lot!

Because you have experience
battling against Nihilego,

I'm confident
you will succeed in your mission.

[all] Thanks!

And don't hesitate to contact us
right away if you need to.

-All right, Ultra Guardians, off you go!
-[all] Right!

One more thing!
When you respond, say Ultroger!

-Pretty slick, huh?
-Why does she always do this?

-[Ash] That's so cool!

Let's try this one more time.
Ultra-guardians, off you go!

[all] Ultroger, Lusamine!

[all gibber]

All right, Garchomp, I choose you!


[grunts] I'm counting on you, Metang!

-[both gibber]

Now, Flygon, let's go!


All right, Dragonair!


[grunts] Let's go, Altaria!


[grunts] I didn't expect to see you here!
Ready to go, buddy?






Wow, the sky reminds me of the ocean,
so big and so blue.


-Wow! Snowy, isn't flying a lot of fun?


This is awesome. Are we cool, or what?

[all] We're ultra-cool!


Buzzwole. Buzzwole.


Buzzwole! Zwole?



[both grunt and squeal]

[all] Who's that Pokémon?

[all] It's Buzzwole!

[Buzzwole] Buzzwole! Zwole!


Bingo! The mother lode!

Hm? So, where did Bewear scamper off to?



I don't see hide nor hair of Jessie
and James either.


What's that jumbo-size, brightly
colored thing with the pointy mouth?


It's sure giving Bewear a run
for its money. That's what I call strong!


-Check it out!

Wish I could understand it.
It's talking gobbledygook!


[Jessie groans] I'm beat.

Huh? Meowth! Well? Did you find food?

Jessie, stay away from here!

-Bewear, I found a whole bunch of berries.
-Huh? You stay away from here too!




[screaming and grunting]

-[whimpers] Hey, what's the rush?
-Relax, won't you?

I think it's much better
that we lam out of here

since we don't know
what that thing is in the first place!

[Jessie and James]
We're off with a bumpy blast!

Buzz... Buzzwole.

Poipole! Poipole! Poipole!

Poipole! Poipole! Poipole!

-Hm? Oh.

Urgent! We just got a report
that Buzzwole is attacking a Snorlax.

Please head towards the grasslands
near Mahalo Trail as soon as possible.

[all] Ultroger, Lusamine!

I'll be your navigator!

[Buzzwole growls]


-[Ash] Down there!
-Pika! Pika!


-[grunts] Stop it right now!
-[Buzzwole growls]

-[Ash] Wait!

[Mallow] You okay, Snorlax?

I'm going to spray on the Full Restore!


-Eat this!
-It's yummy!

-[all laugh]
-Eat it all up.

-Eat it all up.

[chattering and laughing]



Buzzwole! Zwole!


-[Ash] That Buzzwole's sure interesting.

Ash, don't let your guard down.

True. We are going to have to catch it,
after all. Right?

Okay, Buzzwole, we're going
to have to catch you now

so we can return you to your own world!

Let's have a battle! Better get ready!


-Do it, Pikachu!

Quick Attack, let's go!

Pika! Pi! Pi! Pi! Pi! Pi! Pi! Pi... ka!


No, Pikachu!


-Pikachu! Pika!



-Pika! Pika! Pika! Pika! Pika!

Poipole! [giggles]


-[Ash] Pikachu, you okay?!


-Dodge it with Quick Attack, now!
-Pika! Pi!

[both grunt]

-All right! Use Thunderbolt!


Poipole! Poipole! Poipole! Poipole!

Pika! Pi! Pi! Pi! Pi! Pi! Pi! Pi! Pi! Pi!

[grunts and growls]


Wow. It's fast!

-Hey, Ash!

I'll battle with you!


-What? What is it?

Buzzwole! Buzzwole! Zwole!

-Zwole! Here you go!

Zwole? Zwole!

[grunts] Zwole! And Zwole!




-Awesome! This is a lot of fun!

All right! Pikachu!
We should get in on this!

-[Ash and Kiawe] Zwole!






-That Ash...

-And Pikachu.
-Don't forget Buzzwole.

[all sigh]





Oh! Come on, you guys!
Will you quit playing around?

-This is a great opportunity!

-Don't forget to throw the Beast Ball!

-Got it.
-[all] Right, right.

-[Kiawe] Zwole!

-Zwole! Zwole!
-[Kiawe] Zwole!


Go, Beast Ball! [grunts]


-[Kiawe] Zwole!
-[Ash] Zwole!

-Pikachu! Pika!
-[Kiawe] Zwole!


I can't believe it was that easy!

-Will it hold?
-Stay in there, please?

-Pretty please?

-[gibbers and giggles]

-[gibbers and giggles]

-[gibbers] Poipole!
-Pika? Pika!

Poipole! Poipole!



-[all] It stayed inside!
-All right!

I ultra-caught a Buzzwole!

-Pika! Pika!
-[all] All right!

-Find anything?

Yeah. It's here somewhere.

Once an Ultra Wormhole opens up,
it's easier to open again.

[Burnet] Setup, complete!

I know what's next. [grunts]


Buzzwole? Huh?

-It's much more impressive up close.


It looks like it figured things out.
It can go back to its home!

Buzzwole, now you can go back
to your home. Go on!

[Ash and Kiawe] Buzzwole?





[all] Buzzwole!


Well, it's gone now.

You know, I'm starting to miss it already.

Me too. Buzzwole sure is amazing.

Thank you so much, Ultra Guardians!
Mission One was a great success!

[all] Ultroger!

[narrator] Our Ultra Guardian heroes were
able to return Buzzwole to its world.

However, it's uncertain
when another Ultra Beast might appear.

But rest assured when it happens,

the Ultra Guardians
will be on the lookout,

as the journey continues!
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