02x33 - Come Forth, Super Shen Long!! Grant Me My Wish

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x33 - Come Forth, Super Shen Long!! Grant Me My Wish

Post by bunniefuu »

Looks like Freeza is out and about, all right.

And so then, right there, I told him Wait, hold on now What's this? --What was that!? --What's going on!? W- what was that expl*si*n just now?! V- V- V- Vegeta! Damn! Hey! Where are the Dragon Balls? Look at all of you, lined up so loyally! If you don't want to tell me then you don't have to tell me.

Lousy small fry.

You can swear your allegiance to Freeza from the Other Side now.

Damn it all, Freeza Seeing as how Ginyu stayed behind, the Dragon Balls must be around here somewhere.

In any event, those Earth punks can locate them with that strange device of theirs.

They should be here very shortly now.

Until then, I'll see about changing into some new battle wear.

So, this is what it's like to have a body with a power of 180,000? However, I think my previous face was more handsome.

Right, Jheese? Absolutely! I- I've got to go faster, or Kuririn and Gohan will get k*lled! That way? No, this way! Ribbit ribbit ribbit Damn it, I can't keep my balance very well in this body.

You know, there's something very unusual about the medicine Kakarrot was using.

Not only does it heal injuries, but it completely restores one's strength as well.

The only ones in my size are the older models, huh? We're almost there, Kuririn-san! Kuririn-san, there it is! G- got it! So that's their spaceship, huh? So, you've arrived, Earthlings.

It's no good if they realize I'm here.

I have to suppress my battle power, the way they do.

Let's hurry and find them! No one else seems to be here.

Kuririn-san, wait! According to the readings on the Radar, the Dragon Balls aren't inside the ship, but away from it.

Where are they, Gohan? Let's see this way.

Right over here.

Here they are, Kuririn-san, here! Yeah, looks like something was buried here, all right.

Why would they put them here? Okay, let's dig them out! Right! Here's one! I found one! There's another one over here! Hooray! Here's another! Looks like all seven are here after all! So that's where they hid them, huh? We've got them all! We've got them all! Good.

Now just summon that Shen Long thing.

l'll put you two away, and then have my wish of eternal life and youth given to me! We did it! Hey, Gohan, what's that on your face? Well, what about you, Kuririn-san? Hurry up and summon it, would you!? We sure worked hard for this, huh? Yes.

Now Piccolo-san and everyone else can finally be brought back to life.

Do it already! Summon it! Okay, here goes.

We've come such a long way for this moment.

Let's have ourselves a look at what the original Shen Long looks like! Right.

Come forth, Shen Long, and grant me my wish! Come forth, Shen Long, and grant me my wish! The incantation is as simple as that? W- what's wrong? lsn't something supposed to happen? What is this Shen Long? H- h- he's not coming out Shen Long isn't coming out.

Why not? Why isn't Shen Long blasting out of there? Maybe the incantation is a little different.

--Shen Long, come forth! --Those dirty punks! What are they doing? --Please grant us our wish! --Those dirty punks! What are they doing? Maybe his name isn't Shen Long.

That's strange.

Kuririn-san, someone is coming this way! Hey, I can feel two Ki! Is it those two Ginyu guys? If so, does that mean that Father was beaten? Things are turning for the worse again! They're evil Ki! There's no mistake, it has to be those two from before! W- what happened to Goku, then? We've got to suppress our own Ki and take cover, Gohan! Right! The Dragon Balls have been dug up! What's going on? How did anyone know where they were buried? Goku! It's me, it's me! You sure surprised me! I thought, " Ginyu! It must be that Ginyu guy coming!" I didn't know you had beat him, and convinced his pal to come over to our side.

Are you the one that found the Dragon Balls here? How did you know where they were? What are you talking about, Goku? I used the Dragon Radar to find them, of course.

Radar, did he say? Damn, they've got something like that? So, have you gotten your wish granted then? That's the funny thing.

It didn't work.

Shen Long won't appear.

I can't figure out why.

The password may be different from what we use on Earth.

So, it didn't work, huh? Goku, is something wrong with you? Something about you It just doesn't seem right.

And how come you're wearing that Scouter, or whatever it's called? You really want to know? Kuririn-san! That isn't Father! Kuririn-san, run! So, there's another one of you, huh? I didn't get any reading on my Scouter.

Apparently you can control your battle power all the way down to zero.

What do you think you're doing, Goku?! It's not Father! That isn't Father there! I- if that isn't Goku, then what's going on? He looks just like him! I don't know, but I can just tell.

I've switched bodies.

This one was so much stronger, you see.

What!? H- he's switched bodies? That's right.

Red Magma of the Ginyu Special Corps, Jheese! And I am Commander of the Ginyu Special Corps Ginyu-sama! D- damn This unfamiliar body makes it hard to read Ki, as well.

" Unfamiliar body?" That's right! If I ain't used to this body, he shouldn't be used to my body, either! You've switched bodies? That's impossible! I think I'll test it out right now.

The incredible power of a better-than-180,000 battle power! D- don't do it, Goku! You're being controlled somehow! You've been hypnotized or something! Whether he's actually switched bodies, or has just been hypnotized, Kakarrot's strength would still be the same.

Things are getting worse and worse! I'm going to keep increasing my power even higher and higher! I hope you're ready! Commander Ginyu! That other bastard followed us here.

What? I've found you! You've done well to make it this far.

I should have made the wound more severe.

K- Kuririn, Gohan, listen up! That ain't me! He's taken over my body! You mean, it's true? I- i- it can't be! That's Father? Yahoo! Yum, yum! I couldn't stand that! That guy is Ginyu! Don't hesitate to take him down! There's no way he can defeat you at your present levels! Go on, start beating on him! S- start beating on him, you say? Fool! You think I cannot defeat them? This was originally your body! It's battle power is over 180,000.

There's no reason why that would have changed! You'll see, once you give it a try.

That's my body there.

How do you even expect to use its Ki well, let alone Kaio-ken? If body and mind ain't completely united, you won't get any great power! Your lies won't work on Ginyu-sama.

I'll show you what my battle power is right now! Jheese Yes, sir! Jheese! How high is my battle power? Just how high a battle power does Ginyu have, now that he has stolen Goku's body? Moreover, will Goku be able to get his own body back?
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