03x05 - Is This the End!? A Brutally Transcendent Power att*cks Gohan

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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03x05 - Is This the End!? A Brutally Transcendent Power att*cks Gohan

Post by bunniefuu »

"Is This the End!? A Brutally Transcendent Power att*cks Gohan" Bungling jackass! That's what you get for being distracted by that Nameksei-jin kid! K- Kakarotto, that smooth-headed one, and so on, all those guys from Earth take things too easily! Oh, my fault, my fault.

It seems I have too much power, and can't control myself all that well.

Krillin-san! Who would have thought you could still be this spirited? Gohan How does that feel? Not yet? Not yet? Damn it, not yet? Then how long? Calm down, Yamcha! It's not good to get so carried away! How am I supposed to be calm about this? Right now, Goku and Krillin and the others are off fighting for their lives against someone so awful, they don't know if they can beat him or not! And yet, here I am, so far away I want to go and fight as well.

However, getting worked up won't help.

Goku and Piccolo are sure to do well! You must realize the only thing we can do is to continue our training now, so that if we do get to Namek, we'll be able to fight as hard as we'd like to.

Goku, after how I warned you against getting near Freeza He wields enough terrifying power to destroy the entire universe! Kaio-sama? What is it, you guys? Why aren't you training? What is the matter? You are so absorbed in thought.

Your face is so pallid.

Are you all right? M- My face has been this color since birth! I- I trust nothing bad has happened on Planet Namek? Is it Goku? Or maybe Piccolo? I'm finished! I've had it! I want a bed! I want a shower! I want cake with strawberries, and lots of strawberry cake! I want to be a cloud, too.

Oh dear, that looks just like Krillin! Speaking of which, what could he possibly be dilly-dallying around about right now? I mean, really! I don't suppose they could have left me behind and gone back to Earth, could they? Or maybe they've been wiped out by Vegeta, or that Freeza guy! No, that couldn't be! I mean, Son-kun is here, after all! They're okay, for sure! They're okay So, this is the end for me? What a shame! I wanted to get married, even just once Krillin's Ki is dropping rapidly.

Hold on just a while longer, everyone.

Just until I've fully recovered.

Please! So, you've finally snuffed it, then? Krillin Krillin-san! So fast! You're thinking of saving him? It's pointless, he'll die momentarily.

How about instead, you worry about your own safety? Then again, you can worry all you like, it doesn't matter if you're a Nameksei-jin or an Earthling or a Saiyajin it won't, of course, change the fact that you're going to die.

Out Out OUT OF MY WAY!! What!? That kid's power is rising so fast! How can this be? Such incredible energy! I can't believe it! When that kid loses his senses and flies off the handle, he can call up that much power!? U- Unbelievable! H- He may be closer to becoming a Super Saiyajin than anyone else! K- Krillin-san! Krillin-san Krillin-san! It's okay! He's managed to hang on! Don't die, Krillin-san! We don't have time to be worrying about him! Do you think Freeza would die from just that? You aren't any ordinary runt, are you? Even I found that to be a little bit painful! You did that to the wrong person.

Of course, like I said before, the fact that you're going to die remains.

For all your effort, you've only managed to incur my wrath.

Damn it.

It looks like we were hoping for too much after all.

Now we're a laughingstock! Impossible! His Ki just keeps growing stronger and stronger! Who could have known he can control his battle power this much!? I will take the pain I have felt, and return it to you many times over! Freeza's power just billowed up suddenly! At this rate, everyone will be You idiot! Get out of there! Oh no, don't you suffer any damage just yet.

The fun is just beginning, after all.

You're just a kid after all, aren't you? Is that the extent of your power? Fool! You got full of yourself and dropped your guard, didn't you? You caught all of that blast! All right! Once again! I'll pound you with yet another intensive shot! Take this! And you said I wasn't going to be a match for you! You look awfully stupid now, Freeza-san.

Don't be in such a hurry, Vegeta.

Once I finish with the runt, I'll have plenty of time to play with you.

Our fates are sealed So then, how would you like me to deal with you, hmm? He's gone! Here I am! What's wrong? Can't you move? This is where it ends, isn't it? Die! Gohan's Ki is falling rapidly! I'm coming! Wait there, Gohan! Gohan Gohan's death draws near.

But what of Piccolo? What of Goku? Can those that love him do anything to save him?
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