03x13 - The Curtain Rises over the Ultimate Battle!! I Am Going to Defeat You!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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03x13 - The Curtain Rises over the Ultimate Battle!! I Am Going to Defeat You!

Post by bunniefuu »

"The Curtain Rises Over the Ultimate Battle!! I Am Going to Defeat You" For all the Saiyans who were k*lled by you as well as for the Namekians here I am going to beat you! Such drivel.

It utterly sickens me how you worms can share this consciousness among yourselves.

A worm is a worm.

Your legend will not be fulfilled.

I don't have anything to do with this Super Saiyan stuff.

Still I am going to defeat you! How is the situation on Namek? Vegeta has died.

W- What's that!? Vegeta, did you say? That's right.

He was k*lled by Freeza, and easily so.

Even though he served as Freeza hands and feet, working exactly as ordered, in the end he was betrayed and k*lled by him.

What a shame! It was his pride as a Saiyan, I suppose.

So that's how terrifying a guy this Freeza is, then? They touched that which must not be touched.

That which must not be touched! Damn it all! Not even Goku is a match for a rat like that! So, what about Goku? He intends to fight.

It seems that, no matter what, he's determined to defeat Freeza.

Goku! G- Goku Goku! He's got such power under wraps.

Goku, when did you find all that power? I implore you, Son Goku, defeat him, and give me another chance to challenge you! You guys, get away from this place! We're in the way here! Gohan! Hurry up! Gohan! Father! Father, don't die! Let Freeza have it! - So fast! - Father I get it.

He can't sense Ki! - Father! - Gohan! It's incredible! It's too incredible! That got him for sure.

T- This is a Saiyan? So many of these insects have overestimated their own power, and defied me up until now.

I've never seen a Saiyan able to take things this far! Over there! H- Has something happened? D- Don't tell us Son has ? He's putting up a good fight.

These Saiyan are strange ones.

Or perhaps this is limited to Goku, There's no limit to his strength.

He's a different person from when he trained here.

He really is impossible to understand, indeed.

- Such an unusual guy - Such an unusual guy! Ah, that was good! But it's no use.

I can't walk any more! I'm going to die here.

Without ever getting back to Earth without anyone to watch over me quietly It's true what they say, beautiful women do die young.

That's enough! Who would ever expect me to die here among all these frogs!? Oooh, yow.

Now, then He's not that bad You're an impudent one! What's this? l- It's an eruption! What's it doing there? - Father! - Gohan! If you go, you'll just get in the way.

Have faith! Goku isn't as green as all that! - Father - Son That's far enough.

I wonder if he's burned up.

What a disappointing way to end the scene.

Goku! Oh dear, you didn't have to come all this way.

I would have come to you.

I'll k*ll you quickly.

That was close, that was close! If I'd fallen in there, I would've died! Here goes.

Son! Son! Behind you! I'm not going to keep falling into the same trap like that! Don't go messing up other people's planets so much! What will you do once you break it!? Frightening powers tear the land and rend the sky.

However, Goku and Freeza display nothing but confidence on their faces.

Is this decisive battle just getting underway?
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