02x04 - Big Angry Virgin from Outer Space

Episode transcripts for the TV show "3rd Rock From the Sun". Aired: January 9, 1996 – May 22, 2001.*
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Four extraterrestrials who are on an expedition to Earth, the third planet from the Sun, which they consider to be a very insignificant planet.
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02x04 - Big Angry Virgin from Outer Space

Post by bunniefuu »

You know, mr. Randall,

We've only been out on 6 dates,

But already I feel
comfortable with you.

You make me feel so
feminine, which is ironic,

'Cause I could snap
your neck like a twig.


Oh, mr. Randall...


Sally, do you want to
go back to my apartment?

Oh, ho!

I know what's
gonna happen there.

We'll continue to kiss and
touch and kiss and touch,

Just like the movies, and all
of a sudden the scene ends,

And we're in the park
eating hot dogs and laughing.

That's such a
sally thing to say.

You're never what I expect.

Yeah! Like that time you
didn't have to pay for dinner

'Cause I got us thrown
out of the sizzler!

Like that. Yeah.

But that's what you
like about me, right?

Right? Right?
Right? Right? Right?


But now it's starting to, uh...

I don't know...

Irritate me.

I'm not the perfect woman?

This close. Really.

Just a couple, 3, 4
things you could change.

Maybe let me be in
control sometimes,

Just a little.

You're gonna see a whole new me.

[Country music plays]

Not that again.

It's gone!

Oh... I shoulda let you do that.


Captioning made possible by carsey-werner
productions, national broadcasting company

And coca-cola company

Good-bye, basket of kittens.

I can only pray that
next month's photo

Will bring us a fraction
of the joy and whimsy...

That you did.

Thank you, bank of rutherford!

What? That's a
monkey playing golf.

I know, but he's
puttin' with a driver.

You know, you never
see yourself clearly

Until you see yourself
through your lover's eyes.

I am red freakin' hot!

Good for you.

But I'm a loud, destructive,

Irritating pain in the butt.

Mr. Randall's not crazy
about me anymore, d*ck.

Sally! Don't tell me you're
failing at your relationship.

How could you?

I don't know!

I thought I had this
whole woman thing aced!

My performance has
been technically flawless.

He wants me to change.

Well, sally, here on earth,

Humans change for their lovers.

August and I always accommodate

Each other's wants and needs.

For example, I stopped
wearing old spice,

And she stopped telling
me to stop wearing old spice.


Don't compare my
mature relationship

To your little tiger beat tryst.

She's right.

Tommy, adults have far
more complicated problems.

Although, come to think of it,

Dr. Albright and I are adults,

And we have none.

I've struck gold with her,

Grabbed the prize,
hit the jackpot!


You're a winner!

You didn't win. You lucked out.

Love doesn't just
drop into your lap!

You've gotta force it there!

I don't know. I'm beginning to
wonder if I've got what it takes.

Of course you've
got what it takes.

You're a warrior, lieutenant!

And this is the
battle of the sexes!

You can win it!

You know, I envy you.

Everybody in this house
has got somebody except me.

But when I do make my love
connection... Lady beware.

I change for no one.

Harry, you know,
you sound like an idiot.

And that will never change.


Let's say I got into
this horrible car crash

And I wasn't really hurt,

But my hair fell
out from the shock.

Would you still like me?

What about the eyebrows?


Oh, yeah, yeah. Sure, I'd
still like you. Of course.

It'd take a couple days
to get used to and all.

Did you see the...
Yeah, I saw the monkey.

What if my sight went next?

I'm bald...

With no eyebrows...

And I can't see.

Would you still go out with me?

I'd stand by you.

Of course, you wouldn't know it.

Harry, why don't you go out
and find your own girlfriend?

Ah, with my schedule,
where would I find the time?

Oh, my god.

I have got the
most brilliant idea.

You should contact
a video dating service.

Oh, you think?

Yes! August, that's genius!

In fact, harry, I bet
they're open right now!


Yes. Yes!

There's a woman out there

With my name on her!

I will find her,

And nothing's gonna stop me.

Unless I get distracted
by something shiny.

You look lovely today.

Thank you.

And do you like everything
else about me, too?


Have I done anything
to upset you?


Great. 'Cause I'm really
trying to change for you, kevin.

I have been so bad!

Have you decided on a wine?

What do you feel
like, red or white?

Oh, I don't know. You decide.

We'll have a bottle of merlot.

We're out of bread.
You want more bread?

I don't know. You decide.

Is it cold in here,
or is it just me?

Mmm. I don't know. You decide.

Sally, what are you doing?

I don't know.

You decide.

If there's a
problem, just say so.

There's no problem. I'm
just trying to please you.

Would you just drop this, o.k.?

Something's wrong, isn't it?

You play naive, but you
know what you're doing.

O.k. Back up! Is naive in
a woman good or bad?

Are you trying to drag me
into some neofeminist debate?

I don't know. You decide!

Fine. I've decided.

Lunch is over.

Oh, listen, hon.

There are other fish in the sea.

I don't want to hear
about the specials, lady.

Hi. My name is harry solomon.

My turn-ons are sunshine,

Beach houses,

And baking bread
with my blouse off.

I wasn't rolling.

Oh, I'm sorry.

All right, harry,

This is all about just
being yourself, o.k.?

So just relax, act
natural, you know?

And have fun! O.k.?

All right. Here we go.

[Speaking soul man] I was
brought up on the back streets.

Learned to love...

Before I could eat.

Every payday...


♪ I'm a soul man! ♪

Friday would be fine.

Yeah, I see no problem with...

Fr... Friday. I'll
call you back.




Dis is mr. Poopie bear.

Is this my wittle
bunny face doll?

Hi, mr. Poopie bear!

Is woo happy?

I'd be happier if I was
in a big snuggle buggle

With woo!

[Kissing sounds]

Snuggle, snuggle,
snuggle, snuggle.

Snuggle, snuggle.




Oh. Hewoo.

d*ck, I need to talk!

Whoa, whoa. Sure.

I just had a horrible
lunch with kevin!

Tell me what happened.

I tried to change, but
he still got mad at me.

I thought I'd done
everything right!

I'm sure you did.

What do you think he
needs from me, d*ck?

Sally, sit down.
Honey... I'm a man.

And here's something
that I've learned.

How can I put this?

Men are...

Completely incapable of...

Talking about...


Here's two women. Dump on them.


Ahh! Ahh!

What does this remind you of?

That time in vienna.


That waiter.

Those long walks.

And this coffee.

Tch. Yeah.

What's going on?

Sally's tense. I'm taking her
away with flavored coffee.

Oh, who am I kidding?

I've never even been to vienna!

Well, this is amaretto!

A broken heart
demands mocha mint!

I'm sorry!

You know nothing about this!

Sally, what's wrong?

These chairs! I don't know
if it's the fabric or pattern

Or that mr. Randall hates me,
or maybe we just need a couch!

The fabric is a bit loud.

It's mr. Randall!

Please stop being so sad.

I'm not sad. I'm angry!

Then why are you leaking?

I don't know! It's
a whole new leak!

My relationship with
mr. Randall is broken,

And no matter what I
say to him, I can't fix it!

Stop saying and start doing!

You've got to have more sex!

More? I've never had any ever!


Well, pff!

There's the black fly
in your chardonnay!

You've got to start.
Sex fixes everything.

It's the neosporin of amore.

d*ck, I don't know about that.

August says it's
very in nowadays

To save yourself for marriage.

Excuse me. Could we please
not talk about marriage?

I can't even get through
dinner with this guy!

So you'll just give up?

He's just not happy
with me anymore, d*ck.

You think you
could just walk out

And find another man? I mean,
really! Just look at yourself!

[Gasps] what?

Those comically long legs.

That blindingly shiny hair.

Those unruly breasts!

All right! I get the picture!

Sally, he seems like a nice guy.

Maybe he'll do it out of pity.

Are you sure?

I know the thought of

Giving yourself to someone

Is at once frightening
and exciting,

But embrace it.

Let go of yourself.

Dr. Albright dove right in,

And it was her first time.

Pff! Ha ha!

Oh. Ahem.

Coffee, anyone?


Maybe you need a
little something to, uh...

To get you in the mood.

I have a movie that
you can borrow.

Homeward bound.

Is this supposed to help?

Couldn't hurt.

The scene where the
cat falls off the wet log...

You'll notice that part
of the tape is a little worn.

Here. Mocha mint for you.

Oh, thanks, tommy.

Yeah. Ahem.

You know, personally I think

d*ck's going a little
overboard with the whole thing.

You have to realize
making love to mr. Randall

Is your decision.

You're right.

I'll do it.

I mean, what do I have to lose

Except my virginity?

Good-bye, mr. Hymen.

You're firing our accountant?


Man: what do you look for

In the opposite sex, harry?

Big bosoms.

And teeth.

Harry, you're so natural,

And so sincere...

Not to mention your features
are positively chiseled!

Yeah. I had no idea

That you prefer
one large meal a day

Or that your favorite
color is clear.



Bah! Aah! Aah!

We have to talk.

August, what... Are you o.k.?

I'll be all right.

Fortunately, the
hamster didn't have rabies.

Uh... The hamster?

The hamster that
bit my nose off.

Yes. That's right, tommy.

My nose... Is gone.

So... I suppose you
want your ring back.


W-well, no.


Can't they, like, stick
it back on somehow?

And that would be the only way

You'd continue to see me,

With my nose back, that is?

No. I didn't say that.

I guess we'll just work through
this whole nose thing together.



I never should have
doubted you, tommy.

[Continuous knock on door]

[Pounding on door]


[Thud thud thud thud thud thud]


Hi, sally.


I wasn't expecting to see you.

Well, you know me.

Little old impulsive sally.

I've decided we
need to take things

To another level.


I think we have a lot of issues

That need to be resolved.

By another level, I mean this.

We could put those issues
on the back burner for a while.


I really want to
please you, kevin.

You didn't have to
stop to tell me that.

I'm sorry.

This is gonna fix
everything, right?

Well, it's gonna fix
a couple of things.

If it's not gonna
fix everything,

Why are we doing it?


This wasn't my idea, sally.

It wasn't mine either.
It was my family's.

Your family convinced
you to sleep with me?

Yeah! We really
think you're worth it.

What am i, some
kind of experiment?

You make that
sound like a bad thing!

Why is everything
so difficult with you?

If I'm so damned difficult,

Why do you want
to have sex with me?

Because you're
laying on top of me!

That's your answer
for everything!

I give up! Good! I win!

No, you don't win.

You win?

I don't win, either.

No one wins.


This really sucks!

Yes, it does.

I don't wanna play anymore.

Neither do i.

I think one of us should leave!

And since this is
your apartment,

I guess that would be me.


You know, I've...

Never lost before.

I'm sorry.

Tell me what happened.

I went over there to fix things,

And instead, I
ruined everything!

And the worst part
is, I'm still a virgin!

Oh, my god. You're a virgin?

Yes, I know!

It's horrible!

No! No, no, no, no.

It's wonderful.

It is?

Oh, yes. It's
perfectly all right

So save yourself
for the right man.

Like you did for d*ck?


The point is, breaking
up with kevin was smart.

He wanted you to be
something you're not,

And you're fine
just the way you are.

I like you, sally.

I didn't know you liked me.

Well, I do.

You're a strong, opinionated,

Intelligent young woman,

Unpredictable at
times, a little scary,

But, hell, that's you!

That is me.

I like me, too.

But why didn't mr. Randall?

He's just not the
right guy for you.

But you'll find someone.

Just look at you...
Those legs, that hair...

Please! I've been dragged
through the muck enough today!

Just chock this
up to experience.

Thanks. Dr. Albright.

You're so nice.

I always thought
you were such a bitch.

Oh, I am.

But, hell...

That's me.

Well, hello.


I gotta say, I'm shocked.

That videotape did
not do you justice.

What videotape?


That must be lydia.

Little more knuckle hair
than I'd hoped for, but...

A guy's gotta start somewhere.


Ahh. Ahh ahh. Ahh.

You know what this
coffee reminds me of?

That little cafe in amsterdam?

No. That I used the coffee pot

To drain the freon out
of the air conditioner.

[Everyone, dreamily] yeah.

It's a beautiful
morning, isn't it?

The birds are
chirping. The sky is blue.

You're awfully cheery,

Considering you just
lost your boyfriend.

I'm o.k.

You know, I feel sorry for you.

This afternoon, I'm going
shopping for drapes

With dr. Albright,
and you'll be alone.

And tomorrow I'm taking
dr. Albright to the recycling center,

And you'll be alone.

The way I look at it, d*ck, I'm
embarking on an adventure.

The dating world is like
a huge food court for me,

And I can take my little
red tray anywhere I like.

I don't follow.

Well, you see, d*ck,
it's like, with you,

You know you're gonna
have grilled cheese every day.

Day after day
after day after day.

But me, tonight I
might go italian.

Tomorrow, greek.
Next week, who knows?

Mexican, chinese.

Hot dog on a stick.

Hey, harry.

Come on, it's singles'
day at the mall.

Lock and load.

[g*n noise]

Grilled cheese.

Ha ha ha ha!


We're late.

Enjoy your lunch.

Captioning made possible by
carsey-werner productions,

National broadcasting
company and coca-cola classic

Captioning performed by the
national captioning institute, inc.

Yeah, you, too.

God, I love grilled cheese.

[Small voice] yeah.

I could eat it every day.

Day after day
after day after day.


Hey, do you have
any sliced tomatoes?

Yes! Yes, we do!

Perfect mate has hundreds
of compatible people for you.

Let's go.

My name is sally,

And I'm strong,
loud, opinionated,

And aggressive.

I'm a big, angry virgin,
and I'm happy about it!

Oh, and I also enjoy
walking barefoot in the sand

And, um, the poems
of rod mckuen.

So, if you're man enough for me,

Let's make a date.
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