02x13 - Proud d*ck

Episode transcripts for the TV show "3rd Rock From the Sun". Aired: January 9, 1996 – May 22, 2001.*
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Four extraterrestrials who are on an expedition to Earth, the third planet from the Sun, which they consider to be a very insignificant planet.
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02x13 - Proud d*ck

Post by bunniefuu »

Hmm, I made the front page

Of the daily badgerian again.

What's it say?

"Physics professor
calls einstein idiot.

Proclaims self much smarter."

Something smells divine.

It's me.

I just know it's me.

[Wind blows]

Ooh, look at those clouds.

Oh, that one looks like me.

So does that one.

That one makes me look fat.

Look, that one
looks like a poodle.

A dark, menacing poodle.

Mmm, and it's
whizzing lightning.

Maybe we should go in.

Yeah. Yeah.

Harry, you coming?

Yeah, just a sec.

Don't be long.

Hey, that cloud looks
like a giant funnel

With mobile homes stuck in it.

Ooh, look, a flying cow!

[Wind blows]



Where am i?

Who am i?

Mary, you're here.

I didn't see your car.

I have a new parking space.

Really? Where?





What's the matter?

That's right there in
front of the building.

I can almost smell
your little pine tree.

Yeah, it's a great
space, isn't it?

I don't understand.

The university should've
offered it to me first!

I'm the star of the faculty!

I'm the one whose
brain everyone wants

To dissect for science.

Right, for science.

I deserve it!

I have tenure!


I suppose if someone
sticks around

A third-rate
university long enough,

They have to recognize
her lack of drive somehow.

d*ck, you're overreacting.

I'm not overreacting.

Overreacting would be going straight
to the president of the university

And telling him
exactly how I feel.

Where are you going?

Straight to the
president of the university

And telling him
exactly how I feel.

Oh, d*ck, it's a parking space!

You're acting like a child!




Sit down.

Tell me what's on your mind.

President dewey, a great
injustice has been committed.

Oh, have I been indicted?

Worse. I don't like
my parking space.

Yes, that is troublesome.

I was thinking of something
along the lines of g-34.

Now that's a good
spot. I like that spot.

And you're a good
man. I like you.

What's on your mind?

The space.

Oh, sorry.

That's for tenured
personnel only.

Then I order you to give
me an even closer spot.

d*ck, I'm gonna do you a favor.

You're giving me the space?

No, I'm gonna tell you a story.

Can't you see I'm upset?

You're right. I'm going to let
you do whatever you think is right.

Well, then i...

I'm going to take the space.

Sorry, no can do.


I'm warning you,

Either you give me
that space or I quit!

Ah, I understand.

What space are you in now?

X-17. Why?

Because I'm giving
that to my secretary.

All right, for starters,

Looks like the storm
knocked off some shingles.

You lose anything else?

I don't know. Like what?

I'll run down the list.

Did you have any gutters?


No. Screens?

Antennas? No.

Direct satellite tv?


Um, excuse me.

Um, is this 417 pensdale road?



Are you my wife?



Harry, you're back.

Oh, we were so
worried about you.


Are you my wife?

Yeah, right.

Harry, we have been
looking all over for you.

Jeez, harry, you're a mess.

Where have you been?

Well, I'm not sure.

My mind's a complete blank.

So then you're fine.

Yeah, that's a relief, honey.

You go watch your stories.

I'll make you some toast.

No sofa.

That's weird.


"High commander's log book."

Well, this sounds interesting.

"January 9th:

"We have successfully
assumed human form

"And have tricked the earthlings

Into thinking that we
are of their species."

Oh, my god.

They're aliens.

♪ La la la ♪

Mary: you've got to be kidding.

Nope. I did it.

Walked off the job,

Stuck it to the man,

Told him to kiss
my hairy polenta.


You can't be serious.

I couldn't be more serious.

Now, please, pass
me mr. Potato man.

Why are you doing this?

Because it's not fair.

Well, life isn't fair.

Well, you could
remedy that, mary,

By giving me the space.

But that wouldn't be fair to me.

Well, life isn't fair.
You said so yourself.

Let it go, d*ck.


Uh, that's university property.

Well, they should've
thought of that

Before giving away
my parking space.

Well, what are you gonna do now?

Don't worry about me.

I give dewey about 10 minutes

Before he comes
crawling back to me.

Nina, can you help me
with the water cooler?

Sally: d*ck?


You have been sitting
there for 10 days.

For the last time,

The university
is not gonna call.

Oh, they'll call.

Oh, they'll call.

And when they do,

This phone is going to really,

Really ring.

I just wonder if it's worth
getting all meshugenah

Over a parking space.

d*ck, I hate to
interrupt the creepfest,

But would you stop thinking
of yourself for a minute

And think of the mission?

Oh, my god.

They're on a mission.

I am the mission!

Here we came to
this pitiful planet

To experience the
human condition.

And from all that
I can ascertain,

The human condition
requires nothing more

Than complete and utter

Solipsistic self-absorption!

And you can include that
in your next transmission

To the you know who!

Aw, who?

The big giant head!

Haven't you been listening?!

Oh, the big giant head.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Thank you for seeing me, father.

I didn't know
where else to turn.

Well, that's why they pay me

The big bucks, you know.



If someone, say a family member,

Had helped you, cared for you,

Given you shelter,

And you knew something
terrible about them,

It'd be ok to turn them
over to the authorities

For dissection, wouldn't it?

Are they dangerous?



I don't know!

I'm so alone and confused.

You're not alone.

There's someone up there

Who's watching over
everything you do

At all times.

There is?


Is this person called

The big giant head?

He goes by many names.

And you know him.

Know him?

I work for him.

I see.

Well, thank you for
your time, father.

That's fine.

Oh, my god!

They're everywhere!

We're out of cereal.

We're out of milk.

We're out of money.

What, no milk?

What am I gonna
use in my coffee?

No problem. We're
out of coffee, too.

Harry keeps drinking it.

It's like he's afraid
to go to sleep.


Harry, come in here.

Are you feeling all right?

Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Fine. I'm fine.

When I'm fine, I'm fine.

How are you? 'Cause I'm fine.

Uh, tommy, go tuck harry in bed.

See that he gets some sleep.


No, no.

No, I'm fine.

Well, I guess this has been
kind of tough on all of us.

d*ck, why don't
you just apologize

And get your job back?


Should the venus
de milo apologize

To the thug who
broke its arms off?!


Should the sphinx
apologize to the desert winds

For eroding its nose?


Should jim carrey
apologize to america

For the cable guy?!


No, I'm not going to apologize.

I can play their waiting game.

Yeah, well, if you want
to play the eating game,

You've got to do something.

Oh, I plan to.

I'm gonna get myself a new job.

A job worthy of me.

Oh, really? And
where would that be?

In america,

Land of opportunity.

Welcome to rusty's.

How may I serve you?

How do you make your burgers?

Excellent question.

First, a clamp comes
down onto the cow's head,

Forcing it onto a conveyor belt

Where a prod is inserted
into the cow's rectum,

Electrocuting it.

Gimme 2.

Thank you.

And remember, at rusty's,

E. Coli is not on the menu.

Stop saying that.

Welcome to rus...

Rustybuger and a monster fries.

Very well.

Solomon, you're
supposed to ask him

If he wants a fried
apple pie with that.

But, dougy, I can't.

I mean, just look at him.

The rustyburger alone is
enough to give him a coronary.

The fried pie will
be the death blow!

Look, I didn't go to
hamburger college

To take crap from you.

Hamburger college.

They're not, by chance,

Looking for a physics professor,

Are they?

It's a hamburger school.

Once again I find myself
at the mercy of someone

I wouldn't let pick my nose!

I'm the most qualified!
I'm the smartest!

I should be running rusty's!

That's it!

You're off register.

Report immediately to
the drive-thru window.


Dougy, no!

Well, I don't know

If I could come back
to the university.


Uh, well, I am deeply hurt.

I don't care how much you beg.

I am not coming back.

No. No.

Well, to be honest,

I'm entertaining some
very interesting offers

Even as we speak.

Well, you better
get going, d*ck.

You know how dougy
hates it when you're late.

I'll go as soon
as I find my hat.

Uh, you're wearing your hat.

Don't be ridiculous.

Don't you think I'd know

If I were wearing my own hat?

Ah! There it is.

Yes, operator,

You have to listen
very carefully.

I'm at 417 pensdale road,

And I'm surrounded by aliens.

I need to talk

To the president
of the united states.

Yeah, I know I need help,

That's why I'm calling.

Hello? Hello?


They've gotten to the
phone company, too.

And thank you for making rusty's

A part of your day.

Hello, bug, pitman.

Welcome to rusty's.

How may I serve you?

We're not hungry, dr. Solomon.

We just wanted
to come in and see

If you were really
flipping patties

In the hamburger freak-out ward.

You insolent little
twerps! I should...

Well, what do we have here?

A customer satisfaction card.


"Rate the performance
of your server."

F. F.

Thank you for making rusty's

A part of your day.

So this is where the great
minds of rutherford go

When they're feeling

Hello, mary.

Hello, d*ck.

I see they've got you
back behind the register.

No, I'm just covering
for maurice.

He's out back having a smoke.

A man of your brilliance

Quitting his job

Over a stupid parking space.

If it's so stupid, why
don't you give it to me?


Aha! So you admit
it's important.

I admit nothing.

Gimme a rusty dog, no onions.


Would you like a
fried pie with that?


No, mary, don't do it!

Gimme the pie!

Mary, you have your
whole life ahead of you!

Oh, d*ck, why are you
doing this to yourself?

Can't you just come back?

No, mary.

I have my pride.

So you're working at rusty's.

Yes. They have some
wonderful opportunities

For advancement here.

Did you know that the fry
man who used to work here

Is now a multi-millionaire?

What happened?

He lost his arm
in the patty press

And got a great lawyer.

All right, gentlemen,

Prepare yourself
for a fancy feast.

A fancy feast? Can
we afford that?

Yes, we can.

Because while I
was shopping today,

I found this aisle in the back

That had these
unbelievable savings.

Tuna, liver, and
new seafood blend

For you finicky types.

Wait a minute.

You're feeding us cat?

It's not cat, tommy.

It's salmon.

There's just a picture
of a cat on the label.

The best part is,
next to the food,

They had these adorable
little gifts. Look.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

I've never been
happier in my life!

I was playing with it today,

And it got stuck
behind the refrigerator,

And I went went
nuts trying to get it!


Hel... Aah!

I've been awake for 16 days.

That must be a record.

So, I've got to know,

Are you one of them?

I'm just going to step
out of this closet now.

Aah! Wait!

If you are who you say you are,

Then who won the
world series in 1956?

Huh, huh?

Who, who?

I don't know!

I don't know either!



Oh, I see what it's come to!

You're too good
for a rusty's man!

d*ck, it's not what
you think it is.

I'm not sure what it was.

I only came by to tell you

That I spoke with
president dewey

And he's willing
to meet with you.

Never! I have my pride.

All right, all right,
keep your pride.

Suffer all you want.

But what about your family?

There's nothing
wrong with my family.

Your son is eating cat food!

Cat food? Cat food?

Puh, puh!

Maybe you're right.

I'm beginning to
wonder if I was rash

Quitting my job
over a parking space.

Stop wondering.

I can't help thinking
that it was my pride

That clouded my judgment.

Stop thinking.

It did.

Was it folly or sheer idiocy
that lead to my downfall?



I change my vote to idiocy.

Hello, president dewey.

Hello, mary.

Dr. Solomon and i...


Hello, president dewey.

And thank you, dr. Albright,
for announcing me.

I believe you have
something to say

To president dewey?

I would like to
discuss the terms

Under which I will
return to pendleton.

He wants to drop
the parking thing.

That's good to hear.

And in return, you will admit

That you were wrong

And that this university
is falling apart

Without me.

Or not.

We're getting along
very well without you.

Thank you and good-bye.

Oh, no.

President dewey,
dr. Solomon is aware

Of how pathetic
he's been over the...

Mary, mary, mary, mary,

This is beneath you.

Why don't you wait outside,

And I'll settle this on
my own terms, all right?


Please, take me back!

Sorry, can't do it.

Please, please,
I'll do anything,

Just name it!

You can apologize.

You want me to apologize?!


I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

Fine, you can begin tomorrow.

In my new parking spot?

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

So, d*ck, any problems
getting your job back?

Are you kidding? He begged me.

Well, he didn't beg beg,

But it was clear enough.

I take it you didn't
get the space, either?

Not the space space.

But, you know, I learned
something very important.


That even if you're
the high commander

And brilliant,

There's still time

For a little humility.

Thankfully, that
time is now over.

[Bell rings]

Ah, dinner!

Come on, let's eat, harry.


Did you just say,
"let's eat harry?"

Yeah. We're hungry,

So it's time to eat, harry.

Eat harry.

I see.

Could I just have
a moment, please?


Would you hurry it up?

I'm starving.


Wow, that was a close one.

Mmm, my favorite,

Meat loaf deluxo.

Harry, we haven't had that

Since d*ck quit his
job 3 weeks ago.

d*ck quit his job?

Yeah. Why do you think

He was working at rusty's?

d*ck was working at rusty's?!

Jeez, harry, don't
you know anything?


All I know is I got a
transmitter in my head

And charlie's angels
is on weeknights at 7:00.

Oh, my god!

It's 7:00 now!

Aah! Bosley, bosley!

Mmm, thanks for
the ride this morning.

Oh, I couldn't let you walk.

It's pouring.

So how's your new parking spot?


My house is closer!

Dewey is gonna hear about this.

And after that, for lunch,

I'll have a
rustyburger with fries.

Actually, it's not so bad.
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