03x18 - Conclusion of the Death Match! White Pride and Black Desire

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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03x18 - Conclusion of the Death Match! White Pride and Black Desire

Post by bunniefuu »

Ever since the powers of the Soul Reaper were thrust upon me,

my whole world has changed.

I'm Substitute Soul Reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki.

I wield this sword with all of my soul and strength

to protect my precious friends!

You are my one and only.

No one can take your place.

Never fade, my only flower.

The sun never blinds you.

You are like a flower that blooms in shade.

Exhale those feelings you hold inside.

You are my one and only; now and forever.

The day may come when all will rise against us,

but I will protect you.

Never give up, my only flower.



What incredible Spiritual Pressure

It just keeps getting heavier and bigger the closer we get to the top

Is this really Ichigo's Spiritual Pressure?!

I wouldn't know for sure.

We've reached the top!

Just beyond this, huh?

We can't see them

But I can sense him


No matter how big his Spiritual Pressure might have become,

there no mistaking the scent of it.

It can't be anyone other than Kurosaki.

That's strange


I don't sense Kuchiki's Spiritual Pressure

I thought she was crucified up ahead

She's already escaped.





Hey there, Maki Maki!

It seems my old nickname is back

What do you mean?!

If Ichigo was able to help Kuchiki escape, why is he still fighting?!

It means he's fighting someone powerful.

Just freeing her is not enough

because you know the enemy going to come after her.

To really save her

He needs to defeat his enemy thoroughly

and convince them out of the idea that Kuchiki should be ex*cuted.

It's the only way

That's why Kurosaki is fighting

He's probably putting everything on the line.

Th-There really is something wrong with all of you

What is Rukia Kuchiki to you?!

You're willing to risk that much for just a friend?!

Of course! She's our friend

She's not just a friend.

Kuchiki is an important person to Kurosaki


Because Kuchiki is the one

who changed Kurosaki's whole world.

Take a look, Ichigo Kurosaki.

This is what happens

when I abandon all defense

and risk everything to k*ll my enemy.

This is the true form of the Senbonzakura.


Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.

Don't worry.

This procession of a thousand swords

will not attack you all at once.

This Senkei

is the form I show to only those

who I've vowed to k*ll with my own hands.

You are only the second person to see it.

I'm flattered

Here I come, Ichigo Kurosaki!


Why you!

What is this Spiritual Pressure?!

Inoue, I think we should move a little further away.

There isn't much we can do here.

Thank you, Ishida.

But I'm sorry I want to stay here.

She knows

With her power,

she'd only be in Kurosaki's way if she tried to help him

She also knows that even if there were something she could do to help,

Kurosaki would never want that.

She understands all of that,

so she is holding herself back waiting

She's praying for your safety

And believing in your victory

Don't lose, Kurosaki

If you lose

I will never forgive you.

Win, Kurosaki!

He's fast!

He's become faster since he revealed his Senkei to me.

But it's still not a speed I can't match

I can go a little faster, too.

What's wrong?!

You've gotten quite a bit slower, Ichigo Kurosaki.

You think so?!

I still think you're moving so slow that your sword looks stationary

Hado Four.


It seems like this is it for you, Ichigo Kurosaki.

What did you say?!

My body

I can't move!

It seems that you thought

that I've gotten faster after using my Senkei.

But that's not true.

Senkei compresses my numerous sword fragments into blades

in order to explosively increase its k*lling capabilities.

I haven't gotten faster.

Are you saying

that it's my speed that changed and that I've gotten slower?!

You fought well.

You've defeated many captains

and survived slashes from the Senbonzakura.

It is impressive that you have fought this far.

But you can feel it, can't you?!

Your flesh and bone are already dead

You're only a human

There is a limit to what you can endure.

This is your limit.

This is the end, Ichigo Kurosaki!


Move Move!



Why have I come all this way?

Nothing will change if I don't win!

I want to win


want to win!

I thought I told you.

It a big problem for me if you get yourself k*lled


Who are you?!

Who am I?!

I have no name!

Ichigo, you really suck!

You were crushed by your own Bankai's Spiritual Pressure.

All the bones in your body are creaking!

You really are hopeless.

I'll show you

how to use the Bankai!

A black Getsuga!

This Spiritual Pressure that mask

Are you a Hollow?!

Who cares?!

You don't need to know, since you're going to


Damn! Let go of me!

Don't interfere. Disappear!

You're the one who interfering! Don't you get it?!

You'll win if you just leave it to me!

Damn! Damn!

You fool!

Sorry for the interruption.

An interruption?!

I see

I guess defeating me in that form

is not what he wants

Very well

I won't ask you about what just happened.

I don't think either of us has enough strength left

to continue this fight for very much longer.

We'll finish this with the next attack


Can I just ask you one more question?!


don't you save Rukia?!

If you defeat me, then I will answer that question.



That's amazing.

Sorry, but I don't have any amazing techniques like that.

Zangetsu only taught me the Getsugatensho.

The only thing I can do

is to put all of my Spiritual Pressure into one attack.

Here I come

Byakuya Kuchiki!

I won't fall!

You wanted to know

why I would k*ll Rukia.

Sinners must be brought to justice.

Once their punishment is decided, it must be carried out

That is the law.

So because it's the law

you'd even k*ll your own sister?!

Sympathy towards a relative?! It worthless.

What did you say?!

Compared to the law, feelings mean nothing

I don't have such worthless sentiments like that to begin with.

The Kuchiki family is one of the Four Great Noble Clans.

We have to serve as examples for all Soul Reapers.

Who would enforce our laws if we didn't uphold them?!

Sorry I still can't understand

If I If I were in your position

I would fight the law.

I see

I was never his true enemy.

He's been fighting the law of the Soul Society from the beginning.

Ichigo Kurosaki

My sword was shattered by your reckless abandon

I won't chase Rukia anymore.

You win.

Oh no

I can't stand any longer.


I'm sorry, Kurosaki! Are you all right?!

Sorry I have such a hard head!

I was trying to catch you


Ishida, Chad, Ganju!

Thank goodness everyone's all right.

We're not all right.

But compared to how beat up you are,

we're like unharmed.

What about you, Inoue?! Are you hurt?!

Huh?! M-Me?! I'm fine!

I wasn't of any use! But Ishida protected me!

And Mr. Zaraki carried me piggyback!

So I'm fine!

I wasn't in any danger

It just

It just I was so worried about you

Sorry I couldn't protect you

Thank you for surviving

I'm glad you're all right

Thank you Inoue

What should we do?!

I got no choice.

Stand back.

You don't really plan to

This is the door to Central ! Doing something like this

The alarm hasn't gone off.


I broke down the door, but the alarm hasn't gone off.

Someone must've defeated the guards and gotten inside,

then locked the door and made sure

that the alarm wouldn't go off if someone tried to enter after them

To keep things quiet

Wh-What is this?! What's going on?!

All the days gone by have made me what I am

Life not easy; that why I can go on.

To the people hurrying by,

“Have your dreams come true?â€

I'm still struggling

Forget returning to my youth; I want to live today well.

I was born timid.

Out where the sun shines I fisted my hand tight.

Break out of that place, that time, and I can change my life

But I could never express everything deep in my heart

Life not easy; that why I can go on.

Captain, is it all right for us to just barge right into Central ?!

Why not?!

Well, there are a lot of important people there, aren't there?!

If I touch up my make-up and act sexy,

I may be able to get someone rich to marry me!

Matsumoto Go home.

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers


It seems the guys from Mitsumiya have hired someone to help them.

So what?! We've got the strongest helper right here.

We are counting on you, Sensei!

Yeah. Just leave it to me!

Sorry to keep you waiting!

You're late!

Those are the kids from Urahara's Shop!

They're the helpers?!

There's a girl!


That kid is even carrying a stuffed animal.



That's me!

Tune in again!
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