04x02 - Creeping Terror, the Second Victim

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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04x02 - Creeping Terror, the Second Victim

Post by bunniefuu »

Ever since the powers of the Soul Reaper were thrust upon me,

my whole world has changed.

I'm Substitute Soul Reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki.

I wield this sword with all of my soul and strength

to protect my precious friends!

You are my one and only.

No one can take your place.

Never fade, my only flower.

The sun never blinds you.

You are like a flower that blooms in shade.

Exhale those feelings you hold inside.

You are my one and only; now and forever.

The day may come when all will rise against us,

but I will protect you.

Never give up, my only flower.



Former Squad Captain, Sosuke Aizen, Former Squad Captain, Gin Ichimaru

and former Squad Captain, Kaname Tosen

The whereabouts of these three are still unknown.

Fortunately, according to the report

from the Department of Research & Development,

The Hogyoku in Aizen possession requires much preparation

and a good amount of time to utilize it.

Therefore, in my judgment,

it will be quite a while before it can be misused.

However, those three still pose a great threat

to the Soul Society and to the World of the Living.

I have therefore organized an Investigation Force,

and mobilized them.

That is all for today. You are dismissed.

So, they've organized an Investigation Force.

Well, he calls them an Investigation Force,

but they're just assassins, right?

Aizen in big trouble.

But I guess he asked for it.

By the way, that Renji I hear he been assigned

to the town where that Ryoka boy comes from.

Yeah Seems he been keeping busy.

Oh ?



it just that I heard some disturbing rumors

about that the other day.

What ?!


Damn We searched all night and got nowhere.

Yeah I don't sense Inoue Spiritual Pressure anywhere.

If only we knew what that thing was

It sort of looked like the Gate of Hell.

The Gate of Hell?

Don't you know what it is?

I do.

I saw it once before.

Well, there no way

Hell would make off with a living human being.

Hey, Renji Why are you here at school?

Stupid! I'm in charge of this town.

If something strange happens, it my duty to do something, right?

Renji, the point of your argument is slightly off.

You were asked what you were doing here at school.

Where am I off, huh?!

As I said, the question was

Stop it! This isn't getting us anywhere!

What bothers me most is what happened earlier

Hey, Tatsuki Isn't Inoue here?

Huh? Inoue ?

Who that? A new student?

What are you talking about? Orihime Inoue!

What the heck are you talking about?

There no one here by that name.

Huh ?!

Their memory of Inoue has been erased.

It like when Rukia disappeared.

I get it!

What is it?

Someone went to the trouble of using the “Memory Replacement.â€

That means they're taking our actions seriously.

Inoue hasn't simply disappeared. Someone behind this.

Okay! Then let go and check out her apartment again.

We might be able to find some clues.

That right. Come on. Let go.


Hey! Just a minute!

What about your classes?

This is no time to be worrying about that!

It won't open.

Then let me

You're going to break down the door?!

We have no choice. Let me handle this

Hey isn't that illegal?

There no other way, is there?

I suppose it might be better than breaking down the door.

But listen

Will you make sure no one sees me from the road?

Ishida, you're really good at detailed jobs like this.

Quit making me sound worthless.

Hey! What it like in there?


Damn, there isn't anything good

Hey, what are you eating?

I didn't get much to eat last night.

I'm starving.

Hey! Look at this!

There are two cups

What, and no cookies?

Do you have to keep talking about food?

I'm hungry! It hurts my stomach when you yell.

But you just ate!

That wasn't enough!

Shut up! What in the world are you guys doing?!

This means

the being that possessed the Spiritual Pressure we sensed late last night

was invited into this room by Inoue.

It really was a strange Spiritual Pressure.

I guess that means Inoue knew who it was.

Who could it be?

Who cell phone is that?

It my Soul Pager.

A Hollow?

No, it not. It a call


Hello? Can you hear me?

Hey, you guys! You're crowding me!

I've got your friend. She with me now.

A child?

Who are you?

Hm What should I do? Should I tell you?

Why'd you kidnap Inoue?


Calm down, Kurosaki!

Uh yeah

You shouldn't go into people houses without permission, you know.

Maybe I'll call the police

Were we being watched?

There no one around.

Do you want to see your friend?

Sure I want to see her. Bring her back, you!

Why don't we play a game?


Yes. If you boys win, I might return your friend.

You ! You think you're funny

Don't let her get to you! Calm down.

So what do we do?

Come to the park at -chome within three minutes.

If you're even one second late,

there no telling what will happen to your friend.

So long!

Within three minutes?

What do we do?

I don't know what what,

but we have no choice but to go there.

Damn! You'd better be safe, Inoue!

Renji, don't you have any idea who it is?

She called you on your Soul Pager.

I have no idea.

This was just supplied to me.

Anybody could find out the number.

We haven't got much time. Let hurry.



Looks like you got a little faster

in the short time we didn't see each other.

You just got slower.


Can you keep up?

Of course!

I won't lose to you!

Kurosaki! Kurosaki! People will think you're strange!

Stop it! You look weird!

We made it.

Hey, there no one here.

That strange

Hey! We got here in three minutes! Show yourself!


The first hurdle You passed!

Huh? The first hurdle?!


Just a minute! We got here in time!

Give Inoue back!

No, no! This is a game! It no fun if it ends so quickly.

Damn kid !

Get to the supermarket in the -chome shopping arcade

within three minutes!

W-Wait! That a crazy distance!

Then, maybe your friend will die

Let hurry!

We'll make it!

There it is!


Sorry. Get outta the way, will you?


The nd hurdle, you lose.

Wait! We made it in time!

Someone else answered the phone, so you lose!

Was that in the rules? You didn't tell us!

Too bad

I guess your friend gonna die. So long!

Hey! Hold on!


Hey! Hey!

Hello !


What do we do ?

What do we do?

What do we do? Damn it!

Calm down, Kurosaki!

That right. There no use in your getting excited.

We lost our lead!


Fooled you! Shall we go to your third hurdle?

Listen, you Making fools of us !

Kurosaki, Inoue safety comes first!

Hey, is Inoue all right? Let me hear her voice!

I'll let you hear her voice if you pass the third hurdle.

Okay. Hurry up and tell me what it is. Where now?!

This time




Urahara's Shop

Yikes! What are you guys doing?!

Hey, your phone! Where your phone?!

Hurry up and tell us!


Kurosaki, what are you all so excited about?

Our phone is inside

Sorry! We're going in.

Pardon us!

What the big hurry, anyway?

Are you hungry, or what?

Mr. Freeloader, it not time for lunch yet.


Wow! You made it!

Hey! How did you know this number?

Where are you calling from?

Can't you tell where it's coming from?

I can't tell you that!

Since you passed the rd hurdle

You mean, trace the call?

Only the police can do that.

Maybe I'll give you a bonus!

Shall I make a recording of the call?

Eight o'clock tonight try going back to her apartment.

You may find her there.

Why tonight? Bring her back now! Now!

Now, now Don't get so excited.

Hey! At least let me hear her voice!

Tonight. See ya!

Hey! Don't hang up! Hello? Hello!

How noisy! What in the world going on?

Yoruichi !

Now, now. Don't get so excited.

Hey! At least let me hear her voice!

Tonight. See ya!

It sounds like a kidnapping, doesn't it?

It is a kidnapping!

I doubt anyone who would do this

would just hand Inoue over.

It some sort of trap.

Judging from the fact that she called this shop,

I'd say she not an ordinary person.

Then a Soul Reaper?

Not necessarily.

There just isn't enough information to be sure.

What do you think?

The same as Yoruichi. There too little to go on.

Isn't there any way you can check, Mr. Urahara?

I guess I'll have to try.

However, this is the first case like this for me,

so don't expect too much.

Okay. Thanks.

: tonight Are you going?

Of course! We can't leave Inoue to them.

I guess not.

: PM?

Huh? Are you going too, Jinta?

No. It's just, if they're going at : ,

our freeloader won't need dinner tonight.

What ?!




Anything going on inside?

No. Nothing yet.

Ishida, you didn't bring your cape?

Well, uh, I sent it to the cleaners.

You send it to the cleaners? That thing?

Why not? It : .

What that?!

That Inoue apartment!

Damn! It locked again!

Okay, I'll open it

There no time for that! Chad! Break it down!


Kurosaki ?

Inoue ?!

Did she really bring you back to us?

What going on?

Are you all right?

Huh? What do you mean?

You were kidnapped last night.

What? Me? No way!

You don't remember anything?

Think hard, Inoue.

What the last thing that happened?

What ? Let see, today

It a new semester, so I went back to school

met up with everyone

I ate shaved ice with Tatsuki and got a headache

Then I went home and after eating dinner,

went right to bed, I think

The new semester started yesterday.


They got to her and erased her memory.

Well, anyway, I'm glad you're okay.

But we can't breathe easily yet.

That right. Let keep an eye out for a while.

Try going back to her apartment. You may find her there.

Now, now Don't get so excited.


Did you find something?

No. I sent it through the voice analyzer, but

this voice has no Reimon, Spirit Crest.

No Reimon, Spirit Crest?

That would be equivalent to a voice print in a human.

Could it be broken?


Huh? What is it?

Look there.

Hmm I've never seen a cloud like that.

Is it Menos ?

No. It differs somewhat.

What in the world ?

Nothing happening.

Shall I make some tea?


Something coming!

Here it comes!

Inoue! It not safe near the windows!

The door won't open!



L-Let go of me!

Inoue! What are you doing?!

What could it be?

You You're not Inoue! Who are you?!

Damn it!

What the matter, Chad?

Never mind! Just shake her off!


Damn you!

Don't use your zanpakuto.

They may just be using her body!

Wh-What the ?!

Who are you?! You're not the one who called us!

Or course, not!

It would be weird if I had a voice like that, wouldn't it?

My name is Kurodo. And here someone else

Come on out, Noba!

Glad to meet you.


I've got another one!


It that kid! Where are you?!

I'm over here!

Good evening!

You're the one who phoned us, aren't you?

I am! My name is Lirin. Nice to meet you!

Why are you doing this?

It a game! A game!

She has some nerve !

It hard fighting a kid I'll take the guy on the left.

I'll take the guy with the hat!

Ishida! You take care of the kid!

It no good, I told you!

See you later!


What going on?!

Count one! And move on

Count two! And take a break

Count three! And think through

I'll just go at my own pace

Time goes by, and I get left behind.

But I say, “don't forget that anxious feelingâ€

They tell me, “A reckless challenge is meaninglessâ€

But I say “don't give up.â€

(Offense!) At times when the going gets tough, I raise my voice.

(Offense!) And head toward the direction of my goal.

There is nothing to be afraid of that towering wall.

Never losing sight in this life without answers

Keep My Pace

Count one! And move on

Count two! And take a break

Count three! And think through

I'll just go at my own pace

There something wrong with my gigai, I tell you.

I just can't get out of it quickly.

Then, shall I lend you my Soul Candy?

Oh! Thanks! That'd be great! Let see, yours was

Yo, did you want something from me?

I changed my mind. I think I might get stupid

Just one second!

The Golden Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers after these messages!

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers


Don't make a sound


Too easy

Tune in again!
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