04x03 - Breakthrough! The Trap Hidden in the Labyrinth

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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04x03 - Breakthrough! The Trap Hidden in the Labyrinth

Post by bunniefuu »

Ever since the powers of the Soul Reaper were thrust upon me,

my whole world has changed.

I'm Substitute Soul Reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki.

I wield this sword with all of my soul and strength

to protect my precious friends!

You are my one and only.

No one can take your place.

Never fade, my only flower.

The sun never blinds you.

You are like a flower that blooms in shade.

Exhale those feelings you hold inside.

You are my one and only; now and forever.

The day may come when all will rise against us,

but I will protect you.

Never give up, my only flower.



Good evening.

My name is Lirin. Pleased to meet you!

Why are you doing this?!

It's a game, a game!

Damn you!

That won't do anything

Well, see ya later!


What's going on?!

Urahara's Shop

– Wait a second! Hey! – Hey!

Why'd you do that all of a sudden?!


Could I leave my body with you for a while?

That all right. But what happened?

Chad was kidnapped too.

The enemy is attacking us one by one.

It's too dangerous to leave my body laying around unoccupied.

What am I going to do?!

Come with me.

Oh?! So you're finally acknowledging my abilities, huh?!

You should have told me earlier if that's the case!

Well, I understand the situation.

I'll take responsibility for your body.

Damn! What with those guys?!

It was incredibly hard to fight them--!

It means that there's more to fighting than charging at your enemies.

Could it be that Aizen is involved?

Who knows

Urahara, did you find out anything?

I analyzed the telephone conversation

but there wasn't a Riemon,

which is the spirit equivalent of a voiceprint.

What does that mean?

Who knows

At any rate, it probably means

that they're not humans or Soul Reapers

The Spiritual Pressure of those three are definitely a little strange.

You can tell?

Your ability to sense Spiritual Pressure is as poor as always

Shut up!

If the enemies' powers are derived from Kido,

it will be difficult to directly att*ck them with zanpakuto.

So does that mean

that I can't damage them with Zangetsu's Getsugatensho?

In theory, yes, but

Kurosaki, can you control the power of that technique?

It has enough power to match Captain Kuchiki's Senbonzakura.

Even if we do defeat the enemy,

we'll suffer too much collateral damage.

What about you?!

If you use Bankai,

you can do Kido-type att*cks, can't you?

I'm not confident that I can control my Zabimaru in Bankai.

Those in the ranks of lieutenant and higher, like me

are allowed only limited powers while in the World of the Living.

In that case

Ishida, you're the only one we can rely on.

Hit them with your Quincy's power!

Y-You don't have to tell me that!

The enemy targeted Miss Inoue and Master Sado first

because they were easier to take out.

Everything is going exactly as they planned

Thank you for your patronage. This is Urahara's Shop.

Where's Big Brother?

It's me.

Let's continue our game at the Karakura Museum!

Come with everyone!

Hey, wait! Hey!

What happened to Chad and Inoue?!

Are they safe--?!


It seems they're at the museum.


All right!

This time, I'm with you!

Put your minds at ease and follow me!


What's the meaning of this?!

Shut up!

I told you,

we don't know where this enemy is going to come from,

so keep watch behind us!

But did you have to modify me into a backpack?!

Don't pull. That hurts!

I wouldn't mind if it was Inoue's back,

but why do I have to be on this guy's back?!

Well, if I knew I was going to carry you,

I wouldn't have modified you!

It can't be helped

Renji and I have become Soul Reapers,

so people can't see us--!

I would have preferred Inoue's back

Ishida If something happens, you can throw him away and run!

What was that?!

I can't do that.

I have important tools inside him.




What the hell is this?!

I took out some of the stuffing in your stomach

and modified you so I can stuff things in there.

Ah Nicely done.

I think he'd sell if you made lots of him.

Damn you

I'll sue you for infringement of stuffed animal rights!

Just in case, should someone keep watch outside?

No, they have hostages.

There's no point in doing that.

Special Exhibit for Ichigo Kurosaki and the Others.


I've accepted your invitation! Come out!

Hide and go seek.

You guys are it!


What's the meaning of this?!

If you find us, we'll return your friends.

All right. We'll find you.

Also, leave your weapons here!


You don't know what'll happen to your friends.

Threatening us, huh?!

Put them in that case!

Zabi- “maru†(“circle†)

They're screwing with us!

I think a circle is fine.

Shut up!


I'll pummel them!

You two, don't fall for their cheap sh*ts!

– Shut up! – Shut up!

It's no good

Everything's going just the way she wants.

What's this?

What's wrong?

Don't you feel something?

Hmm? Not really

But I've been feeling strange Spiritual Pressure

since we've been here.

I see

Kon, tell me if anything out of the ordinary happens behind us!

Leave it to me!

What's with this place?

It seems like the same room goes on forever.

Was this building ever this big?

We're over here

Over here Over here

Over here Over here Over here.

Which way?

The way to get out of a labyrinth is

to advance with your hand against the same wall.

Let's go right.

There doesn't appear to be anything especially strange.

That's odd.

We kept going right.

So this room should be the room next to the hall

from where we entered.

But instead there's another entrance to the right.

It's the same room

What's going on?

At any rate, let's head back.

What's wrong?

The entrance is gone!


Kon! I told you to keep watch!

Shut up!

I was watching,

but there wasn't anything out of the ordinary!

That's no good.

At this rate, you'll never clear this!


At this rate, I'll break down this wall!


There's no point in doing that.

Judging by what they said, this is a game

in which we have to solve a puzzle or something.

A puzzle?

Yes There should be some sort of hint

It's as the boy with the glasses says!

They're making fun of us!

We shouldn't indulge them.

They're just stalling us by doing that.

They're such a pain in the neck!

They're using a fighting style

that restrains our power and keeps it to a minimum

while making the best use of their power.

We're going to lose if we don't do this calmly.

All right.

Wait just a second!

– Huh? – Huh?

Ah That tickles

Let's use this room as the basis of our investigation.

This role again, huh?

No, this is an important job that only you can do.

We're counting on you.

Oh well

If you put it that way, I guess I have no choice!

Be thankful to me!

What a simple guy

At any rate, let's go straight forward.

What's that room?

Let's check it out.

There's something here!

It's a display case?

Ichigo Kurosaki


Renji Abarai

Over here, too!

There's one for Ishida as well

What's wrong?!




Kurosaki! Abarai!

What's this?!

Hey, this doesn't look good!

I can't raise my arm

M-My body

This is bad

Da mn !


Wake up!


Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

Wake up! Wake up! Wake up--!

That hurts, you bastard!

My stuffing is coming out My stuffing

That's it!


Hey! Renji!

It's dangerous here!

Hurry! Let's go back to the previous room!

This way! Follow me!


I was surprised that you suddenly passed out and collapsed!

Be thankful to me!

Did that mist have hallucinogenic effects, or something?

Be careful.

Damn them!

It seems safe here.



That was close

The floor suddenly disappeared

Too bad


This is really strange.

This kind of infinite loop is impossible

even considering the size of this building.

Even so

Hey! Come over here!

This is the pole we tied that line of yarn to earlier!

Could it be?

Ishida, put Kon down.


Kon, don't let go!

Huh? What?

It's a möbius strip!

They've twisted space to connect this labyrinth!

So that's why we were going around the same place

Is it possible for them to do that?!

That's the only thing I can assume.

Anyway, right now, we have to solve this game.

Drawing out the path we've taken

It's like this

There were traps in this and this room

If we go to the room ahead of us,

there'll definitely be a trap in it.

But if we move in an L shape, we won't come across any traps

That's it! That's the secret of this labyrinth!

All right!

Now we can get past this!


That would be great, but


We must have missed something.

How many things do you have stuffed in me?

What's going on?

I haven't heard those guys' voices for a while

Shut up. Use your head a little!

It's amazing you worked as a lieutenant

of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads!

What did you say?!

Stop, both of you!

Besides, you're in charge of this town.

If you did your job,

none of this would have happened!

Be thankful that a lieutenant took his time to come!

They're fighting!

Hey! Cut it out and show yourselves!

Understand that it's pointless unless we solve this puzzle.

You don't know how to do it either!

What did you say?!

Stop! Everyone's just tired and annoyed!

Calm down!

Shut up!

Ichigo, I'm going to do this by myself!

Yeah, you do that!

I don't want to work with you anymore!

Oh come on

A split among friends--!

– I wasn't this guy's friend to begin with! – I wasn't this guy's friend to begin with!

Really !

What's this? The space is twisting?

What's wrong?

By this order, there's a trap in that room, isn't there?

Advancing in an L-shaped route

space loops and traps that block us

When that gate mysteriously appeared

When Inoue and Chad disappeared

And ever since we've entered this building,

this Spiritual Pressure I feel is

I see!



I know the secret!

What did you say?!


Listen closely

Could it really be so simple?

Is that really all right?

Yeah. Leave it to me.

Also, Kurosaki, lend me your Substitute Combat Pass.

What are you going to use it for?

It's just in case

Here I go!


I knew it!


This is

How did you figure out the secret?

We had the hint for a while.

I figured it out once I drew it.

This is a child's game.

There are nine rooms placed in a x format.

You just made them loop infinitely.

If we were to go three spaces forward or horizontally,

we would win.

So whenever we were close to getting to three spaces,

you'd create trouble for us.

Your traps were all illusions.

There was no way you could set up real traps

to match our movements.

With illusions,

you could lead us any way you liked.

We discovered the way that the traps were set

and avoided them.

But that was a psychological trick.

Our friends were kidnapped and we became extra cautious.

So we moved as a group.

You never expected that

we'd suddenly go in separate directions and

by chance, take up three spaces.

You probably started to worry when Kurosaki and Abarai

went more than nine spaces apart from each other.

That's when the twist in space appeared.

Well, finding that was a coincidence.

At any rate, we just had to pass through the rooms with traps

and connect three spaces.




Even if you solve the puzzle,

the game won't end until you catch us!

It's finished!

I thought so, you really are mod-souls.

Oh How did you know?

I noticed that the small traces of your Spiritual Pressure

that I felt when I entered the Museum,

matched that of Kurosaki's stuffed animal.

I was carrying this embarrassing backpack

So I got to learn about the characteristics of a mod-soul's Spiritual Pressure.

Don't call me embarrassing!

Renji, did you notice?


The one who appeared from nowhere

used his power to control space.

Are you the one who showed us those illusionary traps?

Tell us what you plan to do!


Inoue! Chad!



I don't know. We were just suddenly thrown out here


Are you trying to use that gate again?

No, that's not it.

You won at playing hide-and-seek,

so we just gave your friends back.

I'll give these back, too.

Where are you going?!

Well then I'm going to start the next game!

School is about to begin!

Students should go to school!


If you don't go quickly, your friends will continue to disappear!


Count one! And move on

Count two! And take a break

Count three! And think through

I'll just go at my own pace

Time goes by, and I get left behind.

But I say, “don't forget that anxious feelingâ€

They tell me, “A reckless challenge is meaninglessâ€

But I say “don't give up.â€

(Offense!) At times when the going gets tough, I raise my voice.

(Offense!) And head toward the direction of my goal.

There is nothing to be afraid of that towering wall.

Never losing sight in this life without answers

Keep My Pace

Count one! And move on

Count two! And take a break

Count three! And think through

I'll just go at my own pace

Now that we know that our enemies are mod-souls,

we can set up a plan.

You shouldn't group us with a certain idiot we know.

Who are you calling an idiot?

You do know that

she's only referring to you because you reacted, right?


The Golden Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers after these messages!

– The Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers – Golden!

The Female Soul Reaper Association It's

An official association of Soul Society

which was created to elevate the status of Female Soul Reapers.

The matters they decide on,

even affect the management of Central .

It is a powerful underground organization.


Thank you for waiting.

Vice-Chairwoman: Nanao Ise

Our chairwoman has arrived.

Go right ahead, Chairwoman.

Chairman: Yachiru Kusajishi

What shall we play today?

Tune in again!
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