04x10 - Gathering Bounts! The Man Who Makes His Move

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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04x10 - Gathering Bounts! The Man Who Makes His Move

Post by bunniefuu »

Ever since the powers of the Soul Reaper were thrust upon me,

my whole world has changed.

I'm Substitute Soul Reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki.

I wield this sword with all of my soul and strength

to protect my precious friends!

You are my one and only.

No one can take your place.

Never fade, my only flower.

The sun never blinds you.

You are like a flower that blooms in shade.

Exhale those feelings you hold inside.

You are my one and only; now and forever.

The day may come when all will rise against us,

but I will protect you.

Never give up, my only flower.



It seems they made it!

How are we going to get away?

We're going to do this!

Heh, so that's it

Let's go!

Here an added bonus!

What's wrong?


What are you doing?! Run away quickly!


C-Could it be--?!

What's wrong?

I just realized something terrible!

Kon! Calm down! What's wrong?!

There a possibility that among us among us !

There's a rain man!

Now's not the time to confuse us with superstitions!

I'm not the rain man!

Don't pay attention to that story!

You're persistent!



Sure is a nice rain.

The perfect conditions!

That's why we told you

You can't run away from water

Hey, lackeys!


Why didn't you notice this earlier?!

It's no good

That doll is difficult to track while it's combined with water

Really. What a troublesome opponent

Why you !

Don't you think it's about time we get them Ban?

I think so, Ho.

Here we go!

Here we go!

They combined!

And they're becoming bigger

Here it comes!

Inoue! Chad! Take Ishida and run away!


Roar! Zabimaru!

It came back!

I guess it really wasn't any good.

Sha! Red Flame Cannon!

Did that get'em?!

It's no good!



Ichigo! Ren--!


Chad! Inoue! Run away!


Stop already!

That's enough! Just leave me!

If you have the time to complain, then just go!

We can't allow everyone to be caught!


Inoue, let's go.


Ichigo is all right.

Let's protect Ishida!

That seems to be a valuable marionette

It's just old. I don't think it has any value

Kariya is worried.

Don't you think you should return?

I don't follow anyone's orders.

Even if it's an order from the man you love?

Even love grows old

It definitely grows old,

especially if you think you're being controlled.

It appears Kariya is making his move soon

I don't care.

Bounts are self-reliant.

Just let him do what he wants

Why is Kariya so soft on you?

You seem so slow to me

You're much more of a boy than you look.

The world doesn't move on just momentum.

Unnecessary ambition will destroy you

No comment.


I'm off for the night!

Starting tomorrow, I'll be working hard!

That storeowner sure was kind to let me work here.

He even let me have the remaining packed lunches.

By the way, Ganju


Why'd you come here?

Big Sis felt a strange presence so she told me to investigate

Is that so? Then that's the same as me.

Captain Unohana also ordered me

We both have it rough, don't we?!


Hey, Hana


This Spiritual Pressure Could it be?!

Red Flame Cannon!





What should we do?

At this rate, the Quincy will get away.

You're right.

We're saved!

What's going on? It suddenly cracked!

That's because those twin Bounts left!

That way!

They went in Ishida's direction!


Sado, where are we going?

At any rate, it's bad if we're in this rain

Let's go to the usual factory.

If we go there,

Ichigo and the others should realize and follow us.

What's wrong?

They're coming!


Oh no! They got ahead of us!

How terrible!



I reject!


You can't run away.

That's right, there's no escape.

Kurodo! Noba!

Take care of Ishida!

Huh?! Just the two of us?

We always have a chance.

But not you.

Not in this rain


It's useless!

It'll turn back to normal, no matter how many times you try!

Ban! We can't separate!




Sado! Now!


Let's go!

But what happened all of a sudden?

I don't know.

Those twin brats

What's wrong?

They never att*cked separately

Come to think of it

It feels as if

they control that doll by combining their powers

They're using that resonance phenomenon

which twins are said to have, huh?

That's why they can combine their dolls into one

Together, they're complete.

If that's the case

Is that Koga?

It's dark.

I can read. This is fine

You're the same as always, I see.

Dry your clothes. You'll catch a cold

I'll pour you some tea at ten o'clock.

Don't trouble yourself.

By the way, what happened to everyone else?

You're the first one

A place with no water?

This place is leaking!


It's better than outside.



Ishida has a fever

This is bad

Everyone Just leave me here

No way!

Thanks for your concern, but

I don't want to be a burden on you any longer!


There's a limit to how pathetic I can get!

Then come with us!

We'll make you even if you don't want us to


We've got

a Quincy!


You can't use that.


Is it all right?

Don't you care what happens to this Quincy?





We're too late!

Let go of Ishida!

Why? Are you stupid?!


you should run away quickly if you care for your lives.

What did you say?!

We still haven't shown you

Ghoul and Günter's true abilities, have we?

Ghoul and Günter tell us they want to k*ll you.

What's this?

I can't breathe

Oh Sister!

This is terrible!

Hey! What are you doing?!

We can go anywhere there's water!

A human body is % water, isn't it?

Ghoul! Günter!

Tear their bodies

Into pieces from the inside!


Kon! Do something!

Don't say unreasonable things like that!

There's nothing I can do!

What should we do?!

Let's go!


Let's try!

Try what?!

It should be over soon.

If we get serious

Huh?! Ban!

Ho! What's going on?




Ban! Ban!


Where are you?! Where'd you go?!

All right, this is good!

Keep it up!

Can you take them further away? Noba!

This is the best I can do Just a little further!


All right, we're back.

You saved us, Noba

They're one person in two

They were controlling two dolls by sharing their thoughts via resonance.

Conversely, if one loses consciousness, they can't resonate

So neither one can control their dolls.

Isn't that right, Noba?!

That's right!

Ban! Ban!

Ban! Wake up! Please wake up!

Now's our chance!

You've lost! Give up!


I can do this! I can! I can do this by myself!

Zeige dih Ghoul!

Shakkaho! Red Flame Cannon!

Do it, Ghoul!

Here it comes!

It's useless! We don't have enough firepower!


Where are you aiming?!

I can do this by myself!


It's around here. Let's go, Hana!





This technique!

Could it be?!

Ah! There you are. I thought you were here!

Looks like it.

Huh?! You!

Hey! Ichigo, it's been a while!


It's been a while.

Hanataro?! Why are you both here?!

That doesn't matter!

Besides that,

did you say that you didn't have enough firepower?

Firepower is a Shiba family patent!

Fireworks, huh?!

That's it, Ganju!

Hit an extra large one against that thing!

All right! I want to eat that packed lunch I got from the boss!

Ghoul! What are you doing?! Go! B : : : : : : Number One

Here I go!

Move, Ghoul!

Ta ma ya!

You idiot! It went out!

Well, just watch.

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!

Wh-What's this?!

What's going on?!

They've turned to dust!

Even though they looked like children,

they were probably past their limits as living beings

Losing their dolls may have pushed them past that point


What's wrong, Inoue?

Where's Ishida--?

Master Kariya, welcome back.

Yes, good work as usual.

Not at all.

You suck up!

Udagawa, where are Ho and Ban?

It seems that they were defeated.

Their presence has disappeared.

I see

Count one! And move on

Count two! And take a break

Count three! And think through

I'll just go at my own pace

Time goes by, and I get left behind.

But I say, “don't forget that anxious feelingâ€

They tell me, “A reckless challenge is meaninglessâ€

But I say “don't give up.â€

(Offense!) At times when the going gets tough, I raise my voice.

(Offense!) And head toward the direction of my goal.

There is nothing to be afraid of that towering wall.

Never losing sight in this life without answers

Keep My Pace

Count one! And move on

Count two! And take a break

Count three! And think through

I'll just go at my own pace

Ishida, that bastard! Where did he disappear to?!

Even if he's lost his Quincy powers,

he still has the important job of doing maintenance on us.

We've got to save him.

Is that all I'm good for?

Don't worry.

I don't have enough clothes to wear in the human world.

I won't go back!

The Golden Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers after these messages!

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!


H-Hisagi I-It's painful

Kira I may not be able to go on any longer

If I die take care of my subordinates

No Hisagi, get a hold of yourself

Their livers are weak.

They drink too much sake!

Tune in again!
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