03x18 - A Super-Huge Genki Dama — I'm Playing My Last Card!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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03x18 - A Super-Huge Genki Dama — I'm Playing My Last Card!!

Post by bunniefuu »

"A Super-Huge Genki Dama - I'm Playing My Last Card!
" It's no good.

Not even with Goku's 20x Kaio-ken.

How can it be?

That didn't have much effect on him at all!
He wasn't bluffing this time either!
H- He really hasn't been using any more than half of his power!
Ow, ow ow!
Where am I?

Let's see I was a frog, and the frog was me, and Kuririn was there Um, and Son-kun might have been there Enough!
What's taking Son-kun so long?

Just take care of those aliens, already!
This planet really is the worst!
I've found you!
This is your fault!
You won't get away with it!
Goku's Kamehame-Ha just now had incredible power!
Y- Yeah Why, then?

Why is it that Freeza has barely taken any damage, then?

Father's Ki has dropped considerably!
To think that a guy like that could exist in this world!
It's utterly lost.

It's just as Kaio said.

No matter what, we should have kept our hands off of Freeza.

T- That was a close one!

How does that lower life form Saiyan have such awesome power?

This is the first time anyone has done this much harm to my body!
You damn Saiyan!
That one hurt.

It hurt!
What happened to all that energy you had a moment ago?

K- Kaio-sama, what is happening?

He's being beaten!
Goku is taking a one-sided beating!
- H- He's what!

- H- He can't be!
F- Freeza is frighteningly strong.

That twenty-power Kaio-ken was beyond Goku's limits after all.

What's wrong?

Have you finally used up the last of your power?

How dull.

And here I thought I'd found an opponent I could get somewhat serious over.

I really have lost a great deal of power.

Looks as though that 20x Kaio-ken had its price, all right.

Indeed, the Saiyans are a lower life form, whose only talent is in fighting.

Every last one of you are fools.

k*lling you off was the right decision.

It's all over Kakarrot, you disappoint me!
Is that the extent of your power?

Where has your Saiyan pride gone?

- I ain't no Saiyan!
- Are you still saying that!

You're a Saiyan unlike any other!
Vegeta, none of that matters now.

Team up with me You are a Saiyan!
You have the fighting Saiyan people's blood flowing through you!
Do you not feel the anguish?

The man who destroyed Planet Vegeta, the world where you and I were both born, is this same Freeza!
Does it not wound your pride as a Saiyan to be battered about by him!

Saiyan pride?

Your father, Burdock as well as my father, King Vegeta Kakarrot, you are the last remaining Saiyan!
He wants to k*ll every last Saiyan.

This is because he fears the birth of what is said to be the strongest warrior in the universe, the legendary Super Saiyan!
If I could have, I would have k*lled him by my own hand.

And then I get k*lled like a rag doll!
If you understand my anguish, then be sure to k*ll him by your hand!
I don't understand what it is you're thinking.

I hate that sort of thing!
But I won't let you die easily.

I still want to have some fun, you see.

Vegeta, I was raised on Earth, so I don't know anything about being Saiyan.

But I can at least understand your grief!
You're talking nonsense again.

I must not lose.

I must not lose, not to the likes of Freeza!
Stop messing with me!

Don't fool with me!
Why, you!
That was kind of close just now!
Looks like you've got a bit of fight back in you.

But you Saiyans are still lower life forms.

I can read what you're going to do next as you attack.

You will forever be unable to beat me!
F- Father!
Looks like this is it.

You'll be wanting to die pretty soon, right?

I'll put you out of your misery right now!
What's that?

What's the matter?

It's Bubbles-kun!
It sounds like it came from the house!
- What's the matter, Bubbles?

- Gregory!
It looks like there's someone in there!
Ah, yum!
- Look at all this food!
Yummy, yummy!
Who are you guys!

Together we are The Ginyu Special Corps!
It's missing something, huh?

Maybe because the Commander isn't here.

We haven't done this in a while, either.

No, it has to be the gravity!
Okay, let's try it again!
Together we are The Ginyu Special Corps!
All right!
That one went well!
We nailed it!
Okay, from now on, that's how we'll do it.

W- What's the deal with these guys?

I can't take it any more!
I'm going!
W- Wait!
- How come?

Father will be k*lled!
- Goku is about to do something!
But what?

What can he hope to do with such little remaining power?

What's this?

What are you trying to do?

A Genki Dama!

A Genki Dama?

T- That's right.

The Genki Dama, a last-ditch technique he learned from Kaio-sama.

The foliage and animals on this planet, as well as ourselves, and even microorganisms He takes a fraction of the Genki, the basic energy of life, from every living thing, and apportions it to himself.

And then and then he creates a ball of energy, and att*cks with it!

Damn, Kaio.

You kept that back from us, didn't you?

B- But will it work against Freeza?

There's a far smaller number of living things here than on Earth!
What choice is there!

Goku has to realize that too!
Are you saying there's another option left!

All we can do is gamble that this works!
I can't beat Freeza with just the energy from this planet.

Those planets in Namek, I only need a little from each of you Share some of your Genki with me!
T- This Genki Dama is the last thing I wanted to use.

There'll probably be too much force to it!
It will be hard not to squash the planet itself!
But if I don't wipe out Freeza here and now, the universe itself could be torn apart!
I don't know if this is going to go right or not, but it's all I can do now!
What's this you're doing?

You're still thinking of trying some kind of nonsense, are you?

What can you possibly do, as worn out as you are?

G- Goku Can you really beat Freeza with a Genki Dama?

W- What's this I'm sensing?

l- It's G- Genki Dama l- It can't be !
A Genki Dama, loaded with the hopes of the universe.

Will this turn out to be Goku's very last card?
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