03x23 - The Destruction of Planet Namek!? A Demonic Flash Pierces the Ground

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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03x23 - The Destruction of Planet Namek!? A Demonic Flash Pierces the Ground

Post by bunniefuu »

''The Destruction of Planet Namek!


A Demonic Flash Pierces the Ground'' I- indeed.

It appears that somehow you really are a Super Saiyan.

Having a calm, quiet heart, then awakened by intense anger, huh?

I see.

Which is why no matter how hard Vegeta worked at it, he could not become one.

Kuririn-sanDendeFather will surely win against Freeza!

He will surely win, and avenge you, Kuririn-san and Dende!

You bastard!

W- what humiliation on my part!

That I-that Freeza-sama should take this from him-- from this Saiyan monkey scumbag!

It's unbelievable!

I didn't think this sort of thing could happen!

Contact with the gentlemen from the Ginyu Special Corps has been cut off, and the signal from Freeza-sama's Scouter has also disappeared!

Whatwhat the hell is happening on Planet Namek!


Perhaps it has finally come!

A new era, that is!

A new era?

Freeza, the one who wiped out my species, has finally been defeated!

You miserable fool!

C- Commander!

That we may stand here this day, triumphant over the rest of the universe, is due entirely to Freeza-sama!

And that is not all, he has promised me that some day, my clan would be raised higher than any other!

Isn't that true of your races as well!


Freeza-sama is the very savior of the universe!

Treachery will not be tolerated!

Signal on sensors!

It is Freeza-sama!

It's an incredible battle power reading!

That's it!

Freeza-sama must finally have gotten serious!

Another one!

What is this other giant reading?

What's the matter!


There is another, incredible reading right near Freeza-sama!



-I will give you a level reading.

You're finished, Freeza.

I- I am Freeza!

You're telling me I'm finished!


That's it!

The spaceship that Father rode here in!

Still not yet!


If you don't cut that out, I'm really goin' to get angry!

I have mentioned that this would be a piece of cake-yeow!

-if you would not rush me so.

Someone has gotten aboard Goku's spaceship!

I installed sensor devices in there.

So, who could it be?


Piccolo-san, wait here a moment.




You're alive, aren't ya!


Thank goodness!

Really, thank goodness!


--Gohan, what about Goku!


-What are you doin'!


How are Goku and Kuririn!


Father is fighting against Freeza.

Kuririn-san has died.

-W- what did you say!


-I'm sorry, I don't have the time to go into detailed circumstances right now.

I have to go get Bulma-san!


Don't you be goin' anywhere!

You stay right where you are!

--I'm waiting here for you!

-Wait, Gohan!

Wait, I say!

If it is to come down to me being k*lled by the likes of you, I will choose death by my own hand!

Whichever you like.


You expect me to die?

It is you who will die.

I can continue to live, even in the vacuum of space.

I wonder though, how about you Saiyans?

Now perish, together with this whole planet!


Blow up!


-W- what is it?

What's that light!




What is this?

What's happening!



K- Kaio-sama!

D- don't tell me!

Son Goku did well.

Against Freeza, his overwhelming strength proved him entirely triumphant in their battle.

So then, Goku is?

He's defeated Freeza, hasn't he?


Having been cornered, Freeza destroyed the entire planet of Namek itself.

So then, what about Goku and the others?

If the planet is lost, no one can survive.

No one except Freeza.

T- that can't be!

It's over.

All of it.

Kaio-sama Kaio-sama, are you able to hear me?

It is I, the Kami of Earth.


What is it?

I hear you!

I am now having Mister Popo gather the Dragonballs of Earth.

I believe he will have all seven together very shortly.

Is that so?

If I could have you wait briefly, I can have those who have been in your care resurrected.

However, Chaozu there is now dead a second time, and so That is J- just a moment!

Are you alive?

Y- yes, gratefully so, thanks to the Dragonballs of Planet Namek Which would mean that Piccolo is not dead either, correct?

A- as I believe you are aware, myself and Piccolo were originally one single -That's right!

Then perhaps -Kaio-sama!

Er, Kaio-sama?


Are you hearing me?

-Hey, keep it down!

-What a start!

I- I'm not going to let myself die in a place like this!


Planet Namek has not been lost!

Goku and Gohan and Piccolo and the girl called Bulma are all alive!

--All right!

--Thank goodness!

I restrained my power too much, did I?

That's because you were fearful of being caught in the expl*si*n of the planet.

You failed.

As a result, I've hung on to life.

Hung on to life, you say?

You don't seem to understand at all, do you?

You have avoided the planet's instantaneous expl*si*n, but I've completely destroyed its core.

Do you understand what that means?

Five more minutes.

Five more minutes, and then Planet Namek will undergo a great expl*si*n, becoming space dust!

Five minutes will be plenty.

I will defeat you, then leave together with my friends in my spaceship.

Unfortunately for you, it will be I who can hope to do so.

At least, it's a much greater hope than you have.

In this event, I will show you my There's no way you can defeat me!

Prepare yourself for this!

Why wait until now for full power?

I know why.

If you used all your power, your body couldn't withstand it!

I can't let you stall for any more time!

I'm going to settle this now!

There are five minutes until the destruction of Planet Namek.

What will be the outcome of this fierce battle?
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