03x25 - Shen Long, Run Yourself Through Space!! The Time of Namek's Destruction Draws Near

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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03x25 - Shen Long, Run Yourself Through Space!! The Time of Namek's Destruction Draws Near

Post by bunniefuu »

"Shen Long, Run Yourself Through Space!


The Time of Namek's Destruction Draws Near" Enough with the false bravado!

The only thing that remains for you is death!

Before you die, there is one point I will praise you for.

Your superb, incredible strength, Super Saiyan.

It's certainly the greatest in the universe.

If only l, Freeza, weren't around!

Miserable idiot!

If you had only beaten Freeza before he attained full power, this wouldn't be happening.



This is the Kami over Earth.


I hear you.

Something I can do?

I have just received word from Mister Popo.

He has located where the last Dragonball is.

Yes, and ?

Ah, right.

Very shortly, all seven will be gathered together, and so we will be resurrecting Tenshinhan and Yamucha there with you.

Ah, that's right.

But, as I said earlier, unfortunately for Chaozu Don't worry, Chaozu.

I will remain here too.

We're always together, aren't we?

You can't!

Ten-san, that won't do!

If you guys are going to remain here, then as far as I'm concerned What are you saying!


You have Bulma waiting for you, don't you?

Y- Yeah, but Wait a second!

Hold on, hold on!

Say, Kami of Earth, can those Dragonballs resurrect two people at the same time?


Er, yes, so long as the conditions are the same.

For example, as we are to ask this time, "Please return to life those who were k*lled by Vegeta and his group" So long as the request is made in this manner, it will likely work on any number of people.

Then even with only the one wish, they surpass Planet Namek's Dragonballs.

Okay then, can the wish be granted even on worlds far separated from Earth?

Mm, probably.

Why do you ask such a thing?

You can't be thinking of bringing back to life all the aliens Vegeta has ever k*lled in the past, can you?

Naturally, such a thing is possible, but it would only be effective for those who had died within one year's time.

There's just one more thing I'd like to ask.

Can those who died having lived the full measure of their life be resurrected?

Unfortunately, that is impossible.

In the event of a natural death But what about the case of someone who met with evil beings, and even though indirectly, had their life's measure reduced as a result?

A good question indeed.

This is a first-time case.

But I believe they would be able to live for the portion of time that had been shortened from their measure.

I have no proof of such, however.

Kaio-sama, what is it?

All right, it's decided then!

Kami, change that wish for me!

Make it, Please return to life all those k*lled by Freeza and his ring, okay?

Aren't we to Son-kun's spaceship yet?

If we don't get off this dangerous planet as soon as possible, we'll never set foot on the soil of Earth again!

Yes, I know that.

You're really sure about that?

Yet you don't even know how hard I had to struggle up until now!

But I do know.

It was so awful, after all!

Being chased by dinosaurs, getting changed into a frog, almost getting pinched by giant rocks !

There it is!

That's it!

That's Father's spaceship!


Now we can return to Earth!

Hey, hold on!

Where are you going on your own!


The lifespan of this planet is nearly up.

Two or three minutes left at the outside.

You must be getting anxious, eh Super Saiyan?

So that's it, you're buying time, are you?

Enough for that kid and the others to leave this planet?

Well, that's okay.

I may let them go now, but I will make them my next target.

Their deaths will only be slightly delayed.

Buying time, did you say?

I don't have the need to!

You're going to die.

Here and now.

That's enough of your big talk!

I'm going to shut you up right now!

What's taking so long for Gohan and the others?

Get moving!

k*lled by Freeza and his ring, you say?

Kaio-sama, what is this about?

There isn't any time, so I'll explain this simply.

First, we use the Dragonballs on Earth to return to life those k*lled by Freeza and his men, meaning the Namekians.

By doing so, it is likely that the Grand Elder of Planet Namek will be resurrected, however briefly.

From that point, I'm not too sure this is going to work myself, but of the Namekian Dragonballs' three wishes, only two have been granted.

Once the Grand Elder is returned to life, there should be one more wish to be granted.

A- And then?

With one wish, instantaneously relocate all those on Planet Namek, except Freeza, to someplace like Earth!

l- I see.

That is one possible gamble, isn't it?

You guys' resurrections will be considerably delayed.

Can you put up with that for us?

I can't return to life in the first place, so Of course, that will be fine with me!

It's only one year, isn't it?

It is an excellent idea you have, Kaio-sama!

And that's that.

Now pardon me, but you must hurry!

The very planet Namek itself is just about to be vaporized!

Is that so?

Very well, I will tell this to Mister Popo right away.

- Bulma-san, come inside, quick!

- What's going on?

It's pitch black in here!

It can't be malfunctioning.

That's strange.

When I was here earlier, the lights were on.

W- Watch out!

The floor is slanted.

I'm not familiar with this thing, but I'll try this and that.

Could this be it?

l- Isn't that Piccolo over there!


Yes, it is.

What's he doing in a place like this?

I don't want to journey through space together with someone like Piccolo!

Piccolo-san helped save me and Father, so I am going to be sure to take him back to Earth!

You know, Gohan-kun, this is Piccolo's homeland.

I wonder if he wouldn't rather like to stay here.

O- Okay, already!

Well, what else can I do?

He's unconscious and all, so there's nothing to worry about, right?



We've reached the limit!

If we stay here any longer, we won't be able to take off!

You can't!

Father still hasn't come!

Son-kun will be fine!

He's sure to escape somehow or other!

Please, Bulma-san!

For Father!

Wait for Father, please!

Just one more minute will be enough!

G- Gohan-kun Hold out against this, Piccolo!

If you and I die now, all hope will disappear as well!



Kami-sama, Dragonballs gathered.

Can say wish any time.

Very well!

So, speak forth thy wish!

I shall grant thee any one wish!

Um, want to have those k*lled by Freeza and his men returned to life.

This on distant planet.

Can you grant wish?

I know not.

However, I shall try.

Not know is trouble.

Can only have do.

Request this.

Good luck.

Go to hell, Freeza!

What will be the outcome of this, the greatest conflict in the universe?

And will the wish to Shen Long be granted?

There is no more time remaining!
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