04x04 - Direct Confrontation with Piccolo!! An Angry Masenko in the Heavenly Realm

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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04x04 - Direct Confrontation with Piccolo!! An Angry Masenko in the Heavenly Realm

Post by bunniefuu »

"Direct Confrontation with Piccolo!


An Angry Masenko in the Heavenly Realm" Even your beloved Piccolo-san here has become Garlic Jr.

Sama's obedient servant.

He has become one of us Demon Clansmen!

Just like your mother has.

Son of Son Goku or, as I recall, you have the name Gohan I have a question for you.

It's a simple question.

You'll answer me, yes?

Where is your father?


That's right!

Son Goku, the man foolish enough to oppose me!

You and your father' caused me to suffer a severe disgrace.

I intend to take that humiliation and return it to you many times over.



The world is already in the palm of my hand.

However, without taking revenge against you, I cannot declare my victory complete.

So, tell me, where is Son Goku?

Where is he hiding himself?

Why hasn't he shown himself?

Father is neither running nor hiding!

He just doesn't know you bad guys are around!

He doesn't know?

How do you mean?

I'm going to I'm going to take care of you!

If you don't want to talk, that's fine too.

As long as you're around, Son Goku will show himself eventually.

You miserable brat!

You brat!

Your power is not greater than mine!

What was that power just now?


You won't get away with this!

I will not let you get away with this!

If you can sh**t him, then go ahead!

If Kami here dies, Piccolo dies too.

So long as you don't mind.

Kami-sama Gohan!

Whoa, there!

I will be your opponent!

Garlic Jr.

-sama, can I ask that you leave these two up to us?

Wait just a moment.

Very well.

Until Son Goku arrives, you may thoroughly amuse yourselves.

However I strike the finishing blow.

Hurt them, but do not k*ll them!

You hear that?

He's given us his permission!

Get ready, kid!


Save some of that for us, too!

Don't get reckless and k*ll them, now!

Yeah, I'll try to be as careful as I can.

Well, kid, bring it on!

As for you, the previous Kami-sama, feel free to observe this as well.

What's the matter, kid?

If you aren't going to start this, then I will!


Whoa, I told you that I was going to fight you!

What's wrong with you?

Is this all the power you have?

Come now, you're supposed to be Son Goku's son.

Don't you die from just that!

Gohan Gohan!

Hey, what's the matter, let's get going!

I see, you've already had it.

In that case, I'll just finish you off!



You fool!


A-one, two, three, four, and one, two, three, four, A little more, one, two, one, two, and three, four This side, the other side, a-one, two How lucky you had these clothes in a place such as this!

One, two, ah,.

they're so nice!

A-three, four, a-one, two I hope you like them.

If you need anything else, just tell me.

I am a great, great sage after all.

I sure will!

Say, Yajirobe, this young miss doesn't seem to be paying me quite enough respect, does she?

Quite enough?

She ain't payin' none at all.

Um, Yajirobe and Kitty-chan Excuse me, I do have the name Karin-sama.

It doesn't matter what your name is.

I'm so hungry!

Make me something.




That's right.

Hurry, okay?

Sure, but, when it comes to cookin', we, uh, that is right?

Pretty please?


Right away!

Hey, Yajirobe, can't we do something about that little lady?

You're just too indulgent with her, Karin-sama.

Can'tcha be more tough with her!


But I'm a kind and gentle sage.

I couldn't do that, could I?

Kind an' gentle sage, huh?

Yeah, right.

Without your help, she'll never come to respect me.

'Kay then, I'll do everythin' I can.

Excuse me, Kitty-chan!




Ain't no way he can get her to respect him like that.



This is from me having slacked off in my training lately I couldn't move around the way I wanted to Kuririn-san!

Gohan, never mind about me You've got to get your hands on that Ultra Holy Water by tomorrow morning Otherwise Piccolo, your mom, and everyone else can't be returned to normal!

What is it?

What am I lacking to become a Super Saiyan?

Why was Kakarrot able to become one?


That oversoft scum!



This Ki A Super Saiyan Ki Kakarrot?

It is!

I've found you at last, Kakarrot!


On top of that rock.

He's there all right!



Is this all?

What, was it an illusion?


That was no illusion.

This land used to be flat, but he blew this away with his Ki, leaving this mountain.

The only one who could have done this was you, Kakarrot, as a Super Saiyan!


Apparently you've raised your skill level again.

Well I'll raise mine even higher!

You just wait, Kakarrot!

Why, that kid!

He's got even more power than before!

He's got such power!

It's no use.

Let's get to it.

But Garlic Jr.

-sama's orders were to not-- It's nothing to worry about.

Either way, he's just as dead.

I guess you're right.

Why those two It's all right!

Let them go.



Gohan Masenko!

Rotten brat!

Miserable fool!

You lousy punk!

Don't get too full of yourself!


Most interesting.

Piccolo, squash him!

Pic colo-san Gohan is in an utter pinch!

At last, there is a direct confrontation with the demonified Piccolo.
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