04x06 - Can't Wait Until Morning!! Kami-sama Determines a Suicidal Course of Action

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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04x06 - Can't Wait Until Morning!! Kami-sama Determines a Suicidal Course of Action

Post by bunniefuu »

"Can't Wait Until Morning!


Kami-sama Determines a Suicidal Course of Action" You how!


You really expected me to do as you wanted?

Yeah, but you could have pulled your punches a little.

I mean, poor Gohan!

He's trained hard enough that our level of attack wouldn't have worn him out.

Kami-sama Piccolo-san There's no way I'm going to be beaten by just that.

In which case, I wish you had told us earlier what you were up to.

Listen closely, Kuririn.

I'm going to rough up Gohan some more.

Garlic wants to finish Gohan off for himself.

As such, he's certain to muscle his way in between us.

Then, when he lets his guard down, we'll get the bottle that Kami is in.

And so, we were able to get through this without creating any painful memories.

You know, Kuririn-san and Piccolo-san, your acting was pretty good.

I was completely fooled.

With Kami being held prisoner, this was the only way we could have gotten close enough to that punk.

I'm sorry, Piccolo, to have made you go through all that trouble for me.

Don't misunderstand!

I didn't do all of this for you!

It's because with you in captivity, I couldn't generate the power I would need.

Piccolo What are you dawdling around for?

Leave them to us, and go get the Ultra Holy Water!

You got it.

Garlic Jr.


Your lust for power ends here!

I'm going to send you back into that world of darkness once again!

Well, bring it on!

Even if you have managed to obtain the Ultra Holy Water, there's no way thatyou'll beable to use it in time.


Even if you unseal the Ultra Holy Water here, how many hours do you suppose it would take for it to cover the whole world?

Before it does, the sun will have risen, and they will no longer be able to counteract the Aquamist!

No matter what you do, you're out of time!

Your plan appears to have failed as well.

All that remains is for me to create an ideal world, filled with disaster and suffering.

The world, as I wish it to be!


Is there nothing we can do?

Kami-sama We've come this far.

We'll be all right.

What's wrong with those people?

Why did they suddenly become so violent?

It's because of that black fog.

I saw it.

In any case, I still have my eternal life!

No matter how you may struggle, this world, filled to overflowing with the Demon Clan, will continue as I wish through eternity!


It's okay, Kami-sama.

There is way to spread Ultra Holy Water in short time.


If use seven currents that cover whole world, spreading Ultra Holy Water easy.

Really, Mister Popo!



There is hole at bottom of Heavenly Realm where currents gather.

Just pour Ultra Holy Water there.

Then we'll go there now!

But Kami-sama, there is great danger.

At bottom of Heavenly Realm is Shinsenkai.


Yes, Shinsenkai.

Place where graves of former Kami are.

Very, very holy place.

If Kami-sama goes there, give up being Kami-sama.

Perhaps even have spirit pulled out and die.

Is that so?

Kami-sama I do not care.

Come, Mister Popo.

All of this is my responsibility.


Popo guide you.

I'm counting on it.

I won't allow it!


You'll have to deal with me!



Hurry and go!




I'll leave this to you!

How long do you guys intend to swear allegiance to Freeza?


To be defeated by a single Saiyan!

It's laughable that you would seek my life at your level.

This is what you get for underestimating a Saiyan.

It's true for you as it was true for Freeza.


Where are you!


See you in hell!


Don't toy with me!

Now to finish you!


Take this!


What's the matter?

Are you finished already?


You and Kami are of one heart and one body!

If Kami dies, you die as well, yes?

So whether he has his spirit taken from him and dies in the Shinsenkai first, or you lose your life to me first, either way there's no possibility of you surviving, is there?

Unfortunately for you, I'm not as weak as you are.

I am not going to die!



Like I said before, you're going to regret having eternal life!

Mister Popo, aren't we to the Shinsenkai yet?

Little farther.


Haven't you realized it yet?

That red star!

That is the home world of the Demon Clan, which has revived me and given me such great power!

The Makyo World!

It has returned near to Earth after 5000 years!

And when it draws near, the power of we, the Demon Clan, increases many times over!

So then, why don't I show you my true power now!


W-what's that!


Garlic Jr's power has suddenly risen sharply!

This is bad!

Gohan, Kuririn, get out of here, now!



It's up to you, Popo!


It's open!

He didn't have to do all that!


Gohan, stay sharp!

You certainly did us in pretty well earlier, little ones.

But we've crawled back out of hell to have our revenge!

Now with many times the power we had before.


Pitted against the terrifying power-up afforded GarlicJr.

by the Makyo World, Piccolo and the others face their greatest danger!

And will Kami and Popo be able to distribute the Ultra Holy Water around the world in the time that remains?
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