04x11 - That There is Earth, Papa... The Counter-Attack of Freeza, Father and Son

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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04x11 - That There is Earth, Papa... The Counter-Attack of Freeza, Father and Son

Post by bunniefuu »

"That There is Earth, Papa 'Freeza, Father and Son Counter attack" Ripped & Encoded By Venares Ka me ha me Ha!! sh**t! It's no use.

At my level I don't even hold a candle to Goku.

The time when I, Muten Roshi, could be hailed as the greatest under the sun is now a thing of the past.

Yeah, and now you're no more than a simple, dirty old man.

Goku must be off in space somewhere, continuing his training.

Roughly one year's time has passed since Son Goku, having become a Super Saiyan, and waging the most difficult of battles, had managed to defeat Freeza in an incredible display of strength.

However, Son Goku had still not returned to Earth.

Gohan-chan, are ya studyin'?

Mother! Gohan-chan, what are ya doin'?

Gohan-chan, this is Shu Saiaku-sensei, a private tutor who startin' today'll be helpin' with your studyin'.

Private tutor?


Lately, you've been goofiin' off too much, an' you've gotten too far behind in your studyin'.

Startin' today, I'm havin' the Sensei here strictly oversee your learnin'.

Mother, I can do this on my own! No way! Soon you'd be off playin' with Haiya Dragon! With Goku-sa not coming home in all this time, an' with my good looks an' youth, to feel like a thermos I mean, a widow is a terrible thing.

I don't have anyone I can count on except you, Gohan-chan.

I want you to do everythin' the Sensei tells you.

Sensei-sama, please accept our request.

I am the strictest, most superior private tutor in the world.

By obediently doing exactly as I say, even the most stupid pupil can succeed.

Gohan-chan ain't stupid.

If you want to get into a good school, you will submit to me! Now then, we will begin with a test.

It sure is nice to be at peace.

I've been wondering, where do you suppose Vegeta went off to?

Most likely he's flying around in space, trying to catch up with Goku.

The guy is obsessed.

Just looking at him makes chills go down my back! If you look closer, you'll see he's a good guy.

Where do you see that?

He's a spaceship thief! To go through all that just to pursue Goku, you have to admire his guts.

Hey, Bulma, are you ?

Yamucha, don't be jealous, don't be jealous! Makes no difference to me.

From what Papa tells me, he should be out of fuel soon.

I wonder if he found Son-kun or not.

Let's see, this is Can't you solve a problem as easy as this?

It's only a first year high school level problem! Yeah, well I haven't learned this yet.

Don't talk back to me! What kind of attitude is that?

I will not tolerate any rebelliousness toward me! Do you really want to deny your mother wishes?

Aw, crap Now Gohan-chan will be all right.

We're lucky to have found a good Sensei.

I'll cook them somethin' yummy.

Such a low level of intelligence! Don't give me that impudent look! You brat! Don't mess around with me.


I'd like to see the face of the father that ran out on you two.

Haiya Dragon! Haiya Dragon, we can't let Mother or the private tutor find out.

Haiya Dragon, wait! Hey, Gohan.

How've you been?

Father! Father! Goku-sa! Chichi! I just got back.

Goku-sa! Chichi, I'm hungry.

Let me have something to eat.

Goku-sa, it's bad manners to go in through a window.

What'll we do if Gohan starts doin' it too?

Chichi, less formality, more food! Okay, then! I'll put all my skill in to makin' you somethin'! Father, tell me a story about how you fought with Freeza! What have you been doing up until now?



How did you get back?



Tell me?

Father, tell me! Let go of me, kid! Let go! Owww, let go, kid! Hey, kid! Let go! Let go of me! Let go of my hand now! You nasty brute! If you've got that much power, you don't need to nap, you should be applying that power to your studies! Oh, it was a dream?

Well, I guess I should have expected as much from the son of a man who so inhuman, someone who directs all his attention to his own physical strengths, isn't that right?

Well, you lousy dropout?

What are you looking at me like that for!.


I thought I told you to submit to me! Stop talking badly about my father!.

Stop talking badly about him.

Stop this.

I won't let you talk badly about Father! Stop this! I am your private tutor! Ma'am! Gohan-kun is having a tantrum! Gohan, what are you doin' to the Sensei?

Mother! What kind of parenting are you doing to be raising a child like this?

Indeed! Such a rebellious nature as this is out of the ordinary.

How dare you look at me like that?

Gohan This is all your fathers fault, him not coming home.

Goku-sa's fault!?

That's right! It's his father's fault! This has nothing to do with Father! You be quiet! This is the second year now that you haven't heard from him, isn't it?

How incredibly thoughtless of him! Stop talking badly about Father! But, since this is my job, if you were ask me to teach a pig or for that matter, a monkey, I would teach them.

You'll have to provide five times my usual tutoring fee, though.

Gohan-kun is even harder to teach than a monkey, you see.

And he has no real potential You've had your say, now get the hell outta here! Mother! Gohan The blame for that brat's poor upbringing lies not only with his father, but even more so with his mother! You shut up! Oh, dear! The spaceship thief has returned! Vegeta! What do you want!?

Oh, dear! Oh, dear! Oh,dear! I see Kakarrot hasn't returned yet.

You mean you didn't meet up with Goku out in space?

I don't have any compelling need to answer you.

Hey, hey, that's enough talk, you two.

Why don't we let him take a shower?



You're so dirty, aren't you?

So, it's this way.

Well, hurry up! You're being impolite in front of a Lady.


What's this?

Vegeta is at her mercy.

So, anyone for tea?

I've left you something to change into here.

Kakarrot, hurry up and get back here.

Show me the power of a Super Saiyan.

Oh, so it was Vegeta, was it?

And here I came over, certain that it was Goku instead.

Even now, the only thing Vegeta seems to have on his mind is Goku.

I don't suppose he's ever worn our kind of clothes, huh?

There's no way to know.

Hey, woman! Uh Woman! Hey! Can't you hear me, Earthwoman?

Now listen here! My name is "Bulma"! Call me by my name, you boor.

What have you done with my clothes?

They were dirty, so I put them in the wash.

You did what!?

You've got a change of clothes there, right?

You presume to make me, the prince of the warrior Saiyan race, wear something like this!?

Well then, how about going naked?

Man, what a vulgar woman! Why, you Oh, my, it suits you better than I thought! Don't laugh! If you value your lives, don't laugh! Until Son-kun gets back, how about staying here?

That's a brave front, but I bet you don't have any money, do you?

And if you stay here, you'll know right away when Son-kun comes back.

It's your own fault for hirin' that private tutor, Chichi! An' on the other hand, I bet the tutor sure was surprisified, huh?

Gohan-chan's studyin'.

Oh,that's right! But I still bet that private tutor was really surprisified! Pa! Can'tcha be more quiet?

Can you feel it, Gohan?

That incredible Ki?


This isn't a very good Ki, is it?

It's awful! And it's approaching fast.

You must also be vaguely sensing this- This Ki, it belongs to Freeza, doesn't it?

It couldn't be.

And yet, it certainly does Impossible! I'm certain that Goku took care of Freeza! It's not just one there's another impossibly large Ki.

How can this be?

Kakarrot, you scum! You didn't finish him off! This Ki, are you sure it's Freeza?

You think I could be mistaken about this?

Under what stupid reasoning?

What did you say!?

Vegeta! This isn't stupid reasoning, it's Yakiniku seasoning! I have a feeling that even if the earth were gone, Bulma would survive.

How can this be?

That there is Earth, Papa.

It looks as though we've arrived here before the Super Saiyan that did all this to me has.

It's a small planet.

We could blow it away with one blast if we wanted.

If we did that, I wouldn't be satisfied.

I want to teach him a lesson.

Now that I'm powered up like this.

You mean this "Super Saiyan" guy?

I can tell by the radar here, that you're also on a course towards Earth.

I'll make you understand soon enough- Just who the strongest being in the universe really is! This is terrible.

Gohan-chan! Hold on, Gohan-chan, where are ya goin'!?

Today I'm havin' a new private tutor come over.

Freeza was supposed to be dead, but instead he's returned in a powered-up form! Once again, with Goku still away, the Earth stands in the shadow of an approaching great evil.

Goku, hurry back home!
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