04x12 - I Will Defeat Freeza... The Mysterious Youth Awaiting Goku

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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04x12 - I Will Defeat Freeza... The Mysterious Youth Awaiting Goku

Post by bunniefuu »

"I will Defeat Freeza The Mysterious Youth Awaiting Goku" Why is this happening?

This is the worst, Father! That's Kuririn-san's Ki.

Yo! Kuririn-san, have you sensed it?


But, then again There's no way I could have missed this.

Not after having gone through what his Ki did to me Die!! Goku! So what does this mean?

Freeza wasn't k*lled by Father after all, Kuririn-san?

That's what I'd like to know.

Nothing is adding up.

It doesn't hurt to travel through frontier areas like this once in a while.

You sure are all fired up, aren't you, Freeza?

You needn't work yourself up so much for such an opponent.

I'm just so excited, I can't help it, Papa.

It's nearly enough to make me hop up and down in here.

Where does Vegeta get his speed from?

It's all I can do just to keep up! If Freeza has survived, that means Kakarrot went too easy on him, as I feared.

But never mind that, who is this guy with Freeza, the one with the Ki so much larger than his?

Ten-san! Could this Ki be ?

King Cold-sama, Freeza-sama, we are about to land.

They should probably come down around here somewhere.

You sure about that?

Anyone who doesn't know him can keep their mouths shut! At least I've actually fought against this guy.

Hey! It's Bulma! Vegeta, Yamucha, yoo-hoo! Down's-a-daisy! Yamucha-sama! What do you guys think you're doing here?

We came to see this Freeza.

After all, when I was on Namek, I didn't get to see him once! You came to see him?

Surely you know how dangerous he is! Sure I know, which is why we came! If Freeza wanted to, he could ''BOOM'', blow up the whole world, right?

It doesn't matter where we are.

So that's why I wanted to have a look at him.

I thought she was just a vulgar woman, but she's got plenty of guts.

Tenshinhan! Chaozu! Vegeta! Are you back here on Earth again?

Sounds like you got something you want to say to me.

You bet I do.

I've got plenty to say to you.

After all, we were k*lled at your hand.

I can't fathom how Yamucha can stand to live together with you.

You runt.


Hey, hold on now! This isn't the time nor place for this.

What's happening is terrible.

Is it Freeza?

Yeah, apparently so.

Hey, you two! Don't just stand there talking! Mask your battle powers now, you pinheads! Those guys will have Scouters with them.

That Namekian is doing an excellent job of it.

Better than I expected.


Piccolo! How long has he been there?

Gohan! Everyone's down there! Piccolo-san's there too! Everyone else has been able to sense it.

Hey, everyone! Yoo-hoo, Kuririn, Gohan-kun! Gohan! Is Goku ?

So, he's not back yet, huh?

They're here! Oh, hell.

They're landing over there! It's unmistakable.

That's Freeza.

He's survived! Not only that- There's definitely someone else there, besides Freeza.

King Cold-sama, Freeza-sama! The landing sequence is complete.

Listen up, guys! Do not fly! Approach on foot, so they don't pick us up on their Scouters.

Are you going?

Yes! Just a second.


This Freeza has a Ki as unbelievably huge as that one?

It's not just that.

It gets much, much stronger.

And you guysfought against someone that strong?

You've gotta be kidding! Even if we get closer, what can we possibly do?

He's an unbelievably powerful beast! And there's two of them! There's nothing we can possibly do! So what are you going to do?

Stay here and rot?

Be my guest.

Everyone knows there's nothing we can do.

Shall I say it plainly for everyone?

This is the end of the earth.

So this is Earth?

Not a bad planet I am the Super Saiyan who has come here from Earth in order to k*ll you.

I am Son Goku! I am the greatest in all the universe! I am Freeza, emperor of the universe! And so You You stinking monkey You must die at my hand!! You must be must be k*lled by me!! You damned fool!! I can't believe I was beaten by that stinking monkey King Cold-sama, the planet Namek has indeed been obliterated.

It appears to have been blown into a million pieces, destroying it.

Under the circumstances, it appears that Freeza-sama was lost as well.

I can't believe I lost Freeza.

Are you saying there is someone stronger than our clan, famed as the strongest in the universe?

If such is the case, then I, Cold, vow to squeeze the life right out of them! What is this?

Send a lifeboat! Bring Freeza back quickly! Curse you, monkey! We'll be going to Earth next, Papa.


Why go to such a place?

So that we can k*ll the Super Saiyan.

W- what!?

I will take the unbearable pain of my body's injuries, as well the pain to my damaged pride, and return it to him many times over! The Earthlings don't matter to me, but I'll be sure we snuff out the life of the Super Saiyan.

No matter what steps need to be taken.

The being with the greatest power in the universe must be from among our clan.

Papa, if the two of us fight him together, we're sure to beat him.

What with my power-up and everything, I may be able to take care of him by myself.

So, then, there are three hours before the Super Saiyan returns.

Shall we wait for him, Freeza?

Of course we will, Papa.

However, when he gets here, I want him to be mortified, so we'll k*ll all the Earthlings first.

There's a considerably large number of people here, but three hours should be enough time.

Take this, Son Goku!! I've returned from the depths of hell itself to have my revenge on you! Damn.

I've just been brought back to life, and now I have to die again?

All right! Everyone spread out and k*ll off the Earthlings here, one by one.

Go! Can we help you with something, Earthling?

I have come to k*ll you.

A mysterious young man suddenly appears to stand against Freeza's forces.

Who can he be?

What of Goku?

And what of Earth's fate?
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