04x15 - My Dad is Vegeta... Admissions of the Mysterious Youth

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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04x15 - My Dad is Vegeta... Admissions of the Mysterious Youth

Post by bunniefuu »

"My Father is Vegeta.

The Mysterious Youth's Confession" Son-kun! Father! Goku! How did you guys know I was going to be arriving here now?

This boy here, this boy! He told us you'd be coming here.

Father, you know this person, right?

Who is he?

You mean you don't know who he is?

Not at all?

No, I don't know him at all.

This boy knew when you would return here, Son-kun.


That's strange.

After Freeza's spaceship discovered mine, they must have known when I would arrive.

Speaking of which, who was it that defeated Freeza and his men?

That was an awesome Ki! Piccolo?

Or maybe Vegeta?

This guy here did Freeza and the others in, and it only took a split second.

Moreover He can become a Super Saiyan, the same as you.

A Super Saiyan!?

That's incredible, for being so young! And I didn't even know there were any other Saiyans besides ourselves.

There aren't! There are no other Saiyans besides us! There's no way there could be.

Well, makes no difference.

Anyhow, you're a Saiyan, right?

Of course it makes a difference! You're taking things as casually as you always do! Really?



I need to have a word.

-You mean with me?


Just the two of us.


What's this?

You mean it's a secret from us?

'Scuse us, guys, be back a minute! This is far enough.

Come to think of it, I've forgotten my manners.

Sorry for making you knock off Freeza and them for me.

Guess I really did go too easy on him.

I should have polished him off for good back on Namek.

Freeza and his men were actually supposed to have been defeated by yourself, but some kind of time discrepancy came up, making that impossible.

And so I had little choice but to step in.


Freeza's ship was faster than mine, and they passed me up.

He didn't seem at all sorry about what , he'd done, so I was going to put him away, and then you showed up.

There were three hours until you got here, so of course it was impossible for you to deal with him.

Oh, not really.

I've gotten myself a new technique.

A new technique?


It's what's known as "Instantaneous Movement" .

Instantaneous Movement?

The folks on a planet called Yardrat taught it to me.

They were some unusual folks.

Not all that powerful, but they did know all kinds of techniques.

I could have moved myself from inside the spaceship I was in to wherever Freeza was in an instant.

Is that so?

I wasn't aware that you had learned such a technique, Son-san.

I was certain there was no way you could have arrived without your spaceship for that three hours.

I've changed history for no reason.

On top of that, I only meant to meet with you, Son-san, but instead I've run into everyone else as well.


What are you talking about?

Before I answer, I have something to ask you.

Son-san, can you, of your own accord, become a Super Saiyan at will?


I couldn't at first, but I struggled with it and managed to bring it under control.

Then may I ask you to turn yourself, here and now?

It is my humble request.

What do you suppose Father and he are talking about?

You got it.

What happened to Son-kun?

What's the matter?


He's turned into a Super Saiyan.

That's what a Super Saiyan is?

He's not even fighting, but what a Ki! Is this okay?

Thank you very much.

It's amazing! You look so much like I do as a Super Saiyan.

Okay, now what?

I will also become a Super Saiyan.

That guy also turned into a Super Saiyan! What are they planning to do?

Dammit! We really do look alike.

Please excuse me.

Why is it you did not avoid me?

Your Ki was not that of a k*ller.

I knew you would stop.

I see.

Very well then, this time I will not stop.

Do you understand?

Got it.

Just as I expected.

The stories were true.

No, you're even better! This is the sword I used to slice up Freeza.

You just weren't trying your hardest.

I can put my trust in you.

I will tell you everything.

Did you see that?

They're incredible! Kakarrot, you rat! He's gotten even better.

Please lock away what I am about to tell you within your heart alone.


Feel at ease to tell me anything.

My lips are sealed.

This may sound unbelievable to those of you in this era, but I've traveled back from nearly twenty years in the future in a time machine.

From the future?

Twenty years?


My name is Trunks.

If you're wondering how it is I can have Saiyan blood, the reason is because I am the son of Vegeta-san overthere.


Are you really Vegeta's son!?


There's a resemblance! Now that you say so, there is a resemblance! He's you're pop, huh?

Two years from now, I was born.

This is quite a surprise! However, I didn't travel back in a time machine just to tell you that.

Son-san, there are important things I must make you aware of.

In roughly three years from this time, on May 12, at around 10 A.


, on an island located 9 kilos southwest of Metro South, a terrifying pair of villains will appear.

They will be monsters, both possessing a power so great, it will be unthinkable that they are of this world.

Who are they?



They are born of Earth.

They are Artificial Humans, sometimes called Cyborgs.

They were created by a maniacal scientist, formerly of the Red Ribbon Army, named Doctor Gero.

Red Ribbon Army!?

How long are those two planning on talking?

Red Ribbon Army?

You mean the same Red Ribbon army I wiped out?

That's right.

The army itself was struck down many years ago by yourself.

However, Doctor Gero survived, and continued his research.

What did he do it for?


I mean, was he after world domination?

No one is really sure, but I think Doctor Gero was after at least that much.

However, those Artificial Humans, built to be ultimate k*lling machines- -also k*lled their own creator, Doctor Gero.

In short, all that remained were the Artificial Humans, who liked nothing better than causing death and destruction.

Well, like he said, if Son Goku really does show up here, we should be able to unravel some of this mystery.

must mean they're pretty tough.


I've stood up to them, but there's two of them, after all.

Even one-on-one, it was all I could do just to escape them.

Hold on, if there's two of them Don't you have any allies?


Twenty years from now, I am the only warrior still alive.

In twenty years, I will be the only warrior to survive! In the battle three years from now, my dad Vegeta, Kuririn-san, Yamucha-san, Tenshinhan-san, Chaozu-san, and Piccolo-san, were all k*lled.

Son Gohan-san was just barely able to escape.

Gohan-san served as my master, and taught me everything I know, up until four years ago, when he, too, was As you are already aware, with Piccolo gone, the Dragonballs also disappear, so we were unable to bring anyone back to life.

As a result of the Artificial Humans taking so many lives to amuse themselves over the years, the future that I come from is a living hell.

They're too strong! They're just too strong! Just a minute.

What about me?

What happens to me?

Am I k*lled too?

You won't even fight.

In a short time, you will become very sick.

Soon after, you will pass away.

It will be a viral infection of your heart.

Not even a mighty Super Saiyan can win against this illness.

Oh no, Senzu won't have any effect on the illness either.

Aw, crud, I'm going to die?

What a rip-off, I wanted to fight them! sh**t! You're really that disappointed at not being able to fight?

Aren't you afraid?

Sure I'm scared, but these guys are incredibly strong, right?

I sure would like to give them a shot! You certainly are a true Saiyan warrior.

You're exactly how Mom and Gohan-san described you.

We can surely count on you.

I'm glad I came! When your symptoms first appear, take this.

What have you got?

It's medicine for you.

There is no treatment in this era, but twenty years from now, we have a cure.

That medicine will allow you to make it through alive.

You mean it!?

All right! I wish you'd told me that a lot sooner! It really isn't good for me to be doing this sort of thing.

It changes history.

But considering the history we'll be changing I believe that you will definitely manage to do something about all this.

My mom also hopes so, which allowed her to struggle through and finally complete her time machine.

Hold on! Your mom knows me?

Yes, quite well.

And she built a time machine?

Don't tell me! Your mom is Yes, right over there.

B- Bulma!?

How long are they going to yap!?

This is ticking me off! Son-kun looks like he was bowled overby something! This is the biggest surprise of all! I thought for sure that Bulma would take up with Yamucha.

But instead, she goes with Vegeta there! Yamucha-san was, well, somthing of a playboy, and she got fed up with him and they split up, I understand.

What's wrong?

When she did, she saw how alone my dad seemed, and somehow, before she realized what was happening However, they never married.

That's just the way my mom is.

Boy, I don't know.

But when it comes to that issue, it sounds just like her.

My dad died before I had any memories of him, so I was quite moved to finally meet him a little while ago.

He's looking over here at something.

It looks like he's smiling a little.

Now, please be sure to especially keep this matter a secret, okay?

If you say anything, and the feelings between the two of them go bad, then my very existence will be erased! Yeah, I got it, I got it! Well then, I will excuse myself now.

I want to return to the future and reassure my mom as soon as I can.


Tell her I said thanks for saving my life.

It'll be nice if we can change the future, huh?


Knowing your strength, Goku-san, has raised my hopes.

Will we meet again?

I don't know.

It takes a long time to gather the energy necessary for the time machine to make a round trip.

If I'm still alive after that time has passed, I will definitely come to help out! Three years from now.

Be sure you survive.

You've got yourself a good goal.

I'll be training as much as I can the next three years for the same reason.

Hey, he took off out of there! Now what do I do?

How am I supposed to explain this to everyone?

Father! Goku! What did he say?

Um, well, it wasn't all that much.

Start talking.

This is an important matter for all of us, too.

Piccolo, you overheard us?

My sense of hearing is a bit different from the rest of yours.

What does he mean, an important matter?


Tell us! Um, you see.


If it's too hard for you totell them, I'll do it for you.

Yeah, but- Don't worry.

I won't say anything that will thr*aten his existence.

And we can't afford to get let our selves get k*lled because we didn't put in the due training.

-Ki- k*lled!?

Piccolo told everyone what was to happen, while skillfully leaving Trunks' nature a mystery.

As might be expected, no one was able to conceal their shock.

Isn't this all a little hard to swallow?

A time machine?

Any of you who don't belive him, that's fine.

Enjoy yourselves.

But I'm going to train, because I don't want to die.

What's that!?

Dad, you were strong, proud, stern, and lonesome, just as Mom said.

Please don't die.

Young Mom, you hang in there too.

He vanished! I'm going to train.

Me too.

I'm in too.

Dammit, three years from now I am going to survive! Having delivered the hard truth, the mysterious young man departed.

Will such a terrible pair really appear in three years?
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