04x16 - Goku's New Finishing Technique!? Watch My Instantaneous Movement

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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04x16 - Goku's New Finishing Technique!? Watch My Instantaneous Movement

Post by bunniefuu »

"Goku's New Finishing Technique!?

Watch My Instantaneous Movement" Kakarrot, Tell us! How did you survive Planet Namek!?

Hey, that's right! Freeza's spaceship was all busted up, wasn't it?

Even Kaio-sama said there was no way you could survive.

I thought it was hopeless myself Move it! Move it! It's exploding! Namek is exploding! No, dammit! I thought I was really gonna buy the farm there.

But lucky for me, there were those ball-like spaceships nearby.

So that's it! The ships that the Ginyu Special Corps came in! Anyhow, I got into one of them, and started flipping every switch I could find.

Crap! Crap! Crap! Gohan! Looks like I came down pretty hard.

I guess this isn't Heaven, is it?

The Ginyu Corps were set to invade Yardrat.

The ships were input with instructions to land there.

That explains it.

That outfit must be from the people of Yardrat.


I made friends with them, and they gave it to me.

These clothes look a little funny, but minewere all torn up.

I know you well enough! You wouldn't go to Yardrat and come back empty-handed.

Those guys may not have much power, but they do employ some odd techniques! You learned them, didn't you!?

Bingo! So that's it! No wonder you didn't return to earth for so long.

So, tell us, what kind of techniques did you learn?

I didn't have much time, so I only learned one technique.

Even so, I had to work really hard to get it down.

I can now perform "Instantaneous Movement.

" Instantaneous Movement!?

Really, Son?

Show us! You want to see?


To do this, you have to bring to mind a person, rather than a place.

More precisely, you have to feel out that person's Ki.

That means you can't go someplace where there aren't any people.

So then, where should I go?

Got it! Bye-bye! He disappeared! So where's the Instantaneous Movement?

You're just trying to fool us by moving at super speeds.

Ta-da! What are these here?

Aren't those Muten Roshi-sama's sunglasses!?

He's right! They're gone, gone! My sunglasses are gone! But we're over 10,000 kilos from the Kame House! Incredible! Must be the real thing then, huh?

Kuririn, give these back to the old man when you see him.

You got it.

You can do anything now, can't you?

That's not true.

All right.

Well everyone, let's meet up again in three years where this is supposed to happen.

When and where should we go in three years?

Oh, that's right, he mentioned that.

I've already forgotten.

Three years from now, on May 12, around 10 a.


, on an island nine kilos southwest of Metro East.

We can get together at that island at 9 a.


, an hour earlier.

Thank goodness! Boy, it's a good thing Piccolo overheard you! Let me say now, that if any of you are unsure of yourselves, stay away.

Our opponents this time are even more terrible than any before.

We won't be any match for them if we have one of our own slowing us down.

That's right.

Stay away! Don't make me laugh.

Aren't you the least sure of yourself of anyone here?

What was that?

Should we find out!?

Easy, easy Hey, know what?

I was just thinking.

What if we get rid of this Doctor Gero, the one who creates the Artificial Humans, right now?

Even if we don't know where he is, we could use the Dragonballs and ask Shen Long.

He'll be sure to tell us where he is.

If we do that, then we won't have to bother going through all that agony in three years.

Hey, yeah! That's right, Bulma-san.

If we do so, we sure won't have to fight later! Great! Way to go, Bulma-san! If you pull an uncalled-for stunt like that, I'll k*ll you! You got that!?

What do you mean uncalled-for?

This isn't a game you know! The fate of the earth is in the balance! Bulma-san! Bulma-san! Son-kun, you agree with me, don't you?


To be honest, I want to fight them.

Besides that, this scientist hasn't even built anything yet, how can we take him out?

The rest of you! We don't have to go along with these Saiyans! They're just a race of fighting maniacs! If you die this time, there's no bringing you back to life! I'm going to fight too.

I want to see what I'm capable of.

If I die, then I'll concede that that's all I could do.

Well, I never! Bulma-san, this is the way I see it.

Everyone here used to be enemies in the past.

For my part, I hated Goku at first.

But when a terrible opponent appears, there's no choice but for everyone to join forces.

As a result, without us realizing it, we've also become friends.

Ordinarily, this type of thing wouldn't happen.

Not with everyone as frighteningly powerful as they are.

What are you trying to say?

Without the target provided by a common enemy, even allowing that Piccolo wouldn't make trouble, we can pretty well guess that Vegeta is going to lord it over us.

Kuririn-san, you had such a good speech going there for awhile.

You be quiet.

I don't need any sass.

What I'm saying is the truth.

Fine, I understand you.

You can all do what you want.

Those city people caught in the crossfire will pay the price, being as fragile as I am.

Let's take back a peaceful future! You're just like some kind of crazy dictator! This time you're absolutely mistaken! It's abnormal! There's nothing I can do about it, so I'll keep associating with you for now.

Well then, three years from now- um, May 12, 10 a.


at that island.

We won't mind if you don't feel you're up to it.

Kakarrot! Just because you can become a Super Saiyan, don't get too full of yourself! I'm still going to beat the crap out of you some time.

Don't you forget that I am still the Number One Saiyan! Right.

We're leaving too.

See you in three years.


Chaozu, show up really strong now! Tenshinhan-san, come up with some incredible new techniques! Piccolo Why don't you come train with me and Gohan?

I want to spar and stuff.

Sounds good, I was hoping to myself.

Kuririn and Yamucha, care to join us?

I'm fine.

I'll be training at my own pace with Muten Roshi-sama.

I'll decline too.

Quite honestly, I don't think I could keep up with your training, Okay then.

That's right! Bulma! Have yourself a healthy baby! Baby?

Bulma-san, are you pregnant?

No, I'm not.

What could he be jibbering about?

See, in other words- He's saying why don't we finally get married, settle down and raise a happy family?

Now even he's starting to say so! And so, to prepare for the appearance of their fearsome foes in three years, everyone departed for their respective training grounds.

Muten Roshi-sama! Kuririn, there was a ghost! Earlier, Goku's ghost appeared and made off with my glasses! Huh?

What are you doing with my glasses?

I wish to once again further my training Now I can look without being worried.

Um, I was thinking of restarting my training, you see Uh Muten Roshi-sama, my training! Build you a 300G gravity room, you say?

That's right! I heard Kakarrot trained under the force of 100G.

So I'm going to undergo triple that! That's unheard of! Vegeta-kun, assuming you weigh 60 kilos now, you'd end up weighing 18 tons! I'm afraid it's out of the question.

Build it! Just build it for me! I have had enough!! You gotta be kiddin'! Goku-sa, how long are you gonna stand in Gohan-chan's way before you're satisfied!?

I wanted to get Gohan-chan to study even more, so I bought that Academic Dresser Center, and the Somnioscholastic Bed! And now you want to take him trainin' with you to strengthen him up!?

You just butt out! Goku-sa, you can just train with Piccolo by yourself! But I already told you, we're going to need Gohan's power too.

I understand about studying, but in three years, Earth itself is going to be in great danger.

You talk so big! Goku-sa, you never do any work, you can't take care of Gohan-chan! Have you ever earned even a penny, in all the time we've been married?

When you say it that way, I'm sorry, but this isn't the time for that.

Gohan's already made up his mind to fight with us.

No way! No way! Nothin' you say will change my mind! Then, you think Gohan's studying is more important than the future of the world?

That's right! Of course it is! It doesn't matter whatever else may happen! Gohan-chan's studyin' is more important than anythin'! You're such a kidder! Sorry, Chichi! I've gotten too strong, and meant to just tap you! I really am sorry.

I can't believe I let this happen.

It's all right! The woman always backs down eventually.

But three years from now, I'm going to be putting an end to his kung fu.

Three more years, that's it! So, even Super Saiyans have weaknesses.

And so, the harsh training begins all around Ten-san Ten-san, nicely done.

Oh, this is great! Hey, Kuririn! These are great! Hey, Kuririn, why don't you come check this out?

Let's go, Gohan! Right! Soft! Should we call it a day?


Pl- please, let me try a little longer.

I want to become stronger.

Just like you two, Father and Piccolo-san.

You there, stop looking elsewhere and start using the machine.

Oh, right.

I guess using these machines won't serve as training.

I will surpass them! I will surpass even the Super Saiyans! The harsh training continues.

Three years from now, who will defy their destiny and remain alive?

Come on!
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