04x20 - The Cold-Blooded No. 20's Hideous Atrocities!! Goku's Super Transformation of Anger

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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04x20 - The Cold-Blooded No. 20's Hideous Atrocities!! Goku's Super Transformation of Anger

Post by bunniefuu »

Cold Blooded #20's Path of Evil, Son Goku's Transformation of Anger.

There's a large Ki in distress, and it's growing smaller! Whose is it?

Is that Yamcha-san?

They've shown themselves! Yamcha! Aw, Damn.

Krillin, Yamcha is still alive.

I left the Senzu back where we were earlier.

Take him there and feed him one.

You got it.

We're counting on you, Krillin! Yeah.

So you're the Artificial Humans?

About time you showed your faces.


How did you know we were Artificial Humans?

What's more you seemed to know we would be appearing here on this island.

Why don't you tell me how you knew?

Well now, how about you try to force the answers out of us?

That we will.

Wait! There'll be too many casualties here! Let's relocate to someplace where nobody's around! You guys okay with that?

Someplace where no one else is?

Very well.

However, we need not trouble ourselves with relocating.

STOP IT!! What was that?

What's happened?

It's them.

They did this.

How awful! Mommy! Why you I thought I would make us a place where no one else was around.

Apparently you still don't like it here.

Come with me! I'm going to smash the both of you!! You cannot defeat us.

Dammit! Very well.

We will follow you.

Choose the place you wish to die, Son Goku.

How did you know Goku's name?

We know who you are as well.

Piccolo and Tienshinhan, isn't it?

We'll talk about this later.

Let's go! It's Father, and the others! And those two guys are with them.


I get it, they must be changing locations.

This is bad! I've got to warn Goku! Those guys suck the power out of you! Oh, yeah! This is a special newscast.

We've just received word that the city on Amembo Island, nine kilos southwest of Metro South has been att*cked by an unknown party, and has in large part been leveled.

He said southwest of Metro South, right?

That's where Tien-san went! So then they've actually appeared.

Artificial Humans from the Red Ribbon Army.

Currently there is no communication with the city, and there is concern for the safety of its inhabitants.

Tien-san! Hey, there's nothing to worry about.

This time Goku's been there from the start.

This is sure to be an easy victory for them, you know.

That's right! Goku is a Super Saiyajin, the strongest warrior in the universe! Yeah, you're right.

Goku, we're all counting on you.

Yamcha-san, you say they can suck out your power?


I don't know how they do it, but just by him grabbing me, I could feel my power rapidly fading.

If that's right, then Dr.

Gero has invented quite a fearsome device.

This is terrible! We have to hurry and go warn Father and the others! To be honest, I don't even want to go.

I want nothing to do with it.

After all, I was helpless to stop them from nearly k*lling me! Gohan! Yamcha-san, I'm going.

I have to take them the Senzu.

You guys! None of you understand how terrible these Artificial Humans are! Dammit! I'm not going to do anything! I'm just going to watch now! Heh.

What a fool he is.

Say, aren't you going?

Of course I ain't goin'.

"Ain't goin'"?

Aren't you supposed to be pretty strong too?

At a time like this, we need as many guys as we can get! Your friends, the Earth, everything's caught in this pinch.

Yeah, prob'ly.

"Yeah, prob'ly!?

" You don't care about anything at all! How very shabby! I can't fly, y'know.


Enough is enough, Son Goku! How far were you thinking of going?

Right here is fine.

I'm making this the spot.

You have no claim over us to choose the location.

A tableland, but surrounded on all sides by rocks.

If it becomes necessary, they figure they can fight us while hiding among the rocks.

These guys have thought this out.

So, before we start fighting, tell us how you know so much about us.

What's going on?

Goku's out of breath.

All we've done so far is fly here.

Why is that?

Very well, I'll tell you.

Afterward, you'll probably wish you hadn't asked.

Son Goku, you've been under constant surveillance, through the use of miniature, grub-like spy robots.

During the Tenkaichi Martial Arts Tournaments as well as your battles with Piccolo and Vegeta.

The research has been ongoing from the time you destroyed the Red Ribbon Army.

How could Son Goku be defeated?

What kind of Artificial Human would be necessary?

This was to get even with me?

Yes it was.

Because of you, the Red Ribbon Army's dream of world conquest was shattered, and only Dr.

Gero remained.

The way you say that, it almost sounds as if you were Dr.

Gero himself.

Don't be absurd.

I am No.

20, an Artificial Human constructed by Dr.



Gero has died, and is no longer of this world.

I see.

So did you guys spy on me during the fight on the planet Namek as well?

There was no need.

After your fight with Vegeta, we had a complete knowledge of your strengths and abilities.

Of course, should you become more powerful still, taking into account your age it was calculated that there could be no more tremendous increases in your power.

This is bad! Looks as though no one's started fighting yet, and everyone is still suppressing their Ki.

We'll never find them like this! Where are you!?

Where are you!?

It looks as though you've failed to investigate the most important thing about me.

You guys lose! What?

It will cost you your lives not to have known about the Super Saiyajin.

Super Saiyajin?

This way! What an incredible Ki! Can his power really be this great?

You two stay out of this.

It would appear I'm the one they want most, after all.

You certainly have achieved quite an increase in power.


20, this seems to be a technique different from the Kaio-ken.

It's an unusual technique.

These readings are far higher than what was calculated.

However, it is still not enough to overpower us.

To say nothing of myself, at your level, it is unlikely you could defeat even No.


Oh really?

Well, why don't I have you show me this strength right now?

The day of battle at long last arrives.

However, even as they face a Goku who has turned Super Saiyajin what do these surprisingly at-ease Artificial Humans have planned?
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