04x22 - The Might of Vegeta!! The Blood of a Super Saiyan Awakens

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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04x22 - The Might of Vegeta!! The Blood of a Super Saiyan Awakens

Post by bunniefuu »

"The Might of Vegeta!! The Blood of a Super Saiyan Awakens!" Just a minute.

What happens to me?

Am I k*lled too?

In a short time, you will become very sick.

Soon after, you will pass away.

It will be a viral infection of your heart.

Not even a mighty Super Saiyan can win against this illness.

Oh no, Senzu won't have any effect on the illness either.

Aw, crud! When your symptoms first appear, take this.

What have you got?

It's medicine for you.

There is no treatment in this era, but twenty years from now, we have a cure.

That medicine will allow you to make it through alive.

Gohan, stop kidding around.

That special medicine of his must have cured his heart virus a long time ago.

Goku's just had his Ki sucked out of him by those guys.

Such pain! What's going on?

What's wrong with me?

Goku! Here's a Senzu! Take it! Thank you.

This will see me through.

So that's a Senzu, capable of healing great injuries and restoring energy, is it?

Judging by the fact that he was all but dead, but is back here among us now, they must be for real.

The Senzu had no effect! It has to be his heart! How could it be?

Didn't he take the medicine to cure himself?

He never got sick.

He's been healthy the whole time, so he never took the medicine! Father! Now he's no longer Super Saiyan! How can this be?

This is bad! Goku's having his energy drained from him! You cannot proceed one centimeter further than this.

Do you want to try it?

I will.

Piccolo-san! So fast! He's unbelievably quick! I can't call Piccolo's actions just now brave.

He was only being a reckless fool.

At this rate, Son will soon be It is my task to defeat Kakarrot.

You flea market mannequins have no place in this.

Vegeta! Vegeta-san! Did you say Vegeta?

Piccolo-san! Here I am doing a lousy job acting hurt just so I can save Goku when they aren't looking Then Vegeta, you had to butt in where you weren't wanted! Piccolo-san, you mean No matter how strong those guys may say they are, I won't be defeated by an attack such as that one.

I saw everything.

Even realizing there was something wrong with yourself, you went ahead and turned Super Saiyan.

You ldiot! Doing something like that only assures the disease will progress that much faster! My life's goal, no matter how long it takes, is in you, Kakarrot.

Father! Stay with us, Father! Goku! Are you all right, Son?

Hey, Goku, hang on now! Someone get Kakarrot out of here, take him home and give him that medicine he received back then! Father! I'm going to take you home now! No, I'll go.

It's pathetic of me to say so, but I'm the least use to anyone around here.

This heart disease was said to be viral in nature.

It maybe contagious, so you should take a little of that medicine yourself.


Please be careful, Yamucha-san.

So, get going! Well, everyone, hang in there! I'll be back, I promise.

Goku! Get better soon! No.

19, let him go! There's something to be said for saving the best for last.

Let us take care of these other annoying insects first.

Now that Vegeta has joined in, it should prove somewhat entertaining.

Lookie lookie lookie, they call me Yajirobe! You're much more a family man than I would have guessed.


You'd make a good papa for someone.

Up high, up high, up high, up high! Looks like he's wet himself again.

Okay now, okay now Uh oh, I didn't bring anything else to wrap you up in.

Now what do we do?

Now we're stuck.

If only there was something else we could use Good, everything's okay now.

You really saved us! We can always count on you, Yajirobe-kun! Leave me outta this.

Now then, let's go! Where to?

Isn't it obvious?

After coming this far, I'm not going home without a good look at those fearsome Artificial Humans.

Well, I ain't goin'.

Hey, you, how can you just sit there and silently watch a helpless lady and her little baby head off into an area of danger?


You don't suppose he's chicken, do you Trunks-chan?

Well, hurry and get in! We're just goin' to watch, now.

Soon's we see'em, we head home, 'kay?

I got it already.

Hurry up and get in! Blast-off! Hey, Gohan, don't you think it might be better if we pulled out?


No, seriously.

Didn't that boy from the future tell us this would happen?

Goku would be stricken with a disease, and all the rest of us, even Vegeta, would be k*lled by these Artificial Humans.

Some of the circumstances may have changed, but isn't everything still just as he warned us?

But if we run now these guys will destroy the whole earth, just like they did that city earlier, I'm sure of it! I'm saying, just until Goku recovers from his illness There's no reason to still think that we will all be wiped out, like he said.

Look at how the time of Goku's predicted sickness was way off, for example.

It's likely that his coming here has generated subtle changes in history.

History has changed?

That doesn't make these guys any less fearsome, does it?

No 20 if you please, allow me to finish off Vegeta.

Selfish pest! After you've already taken so much energy from Goku, raising your own absolute power?


Oh, very well.

In exchange, I will take all four remaining others.


I've watched all of your little moves up until now, and I've got you figured out.

You guys aren't the terrible punks you've been made out to be.

Apparently you draw energy out through your palms; that's all I need to watch out for.

You may have been observing us all this time, but there's one important thing you haven't heard yet.

Vegeta, I know everything there is to know about your own fighting style.

So you say, but when Goku turned Super Saiyan, you had a look of surprise on your faces.

In other words, your data from the time before our fight with Freeza up until now is mere conjecture.

You can't rely on calculations for understanding.

Not when it comes to the power of us Saiyans.

There's something I want to know.

Do even you Artificial Humans tremble with fear?



Him too?

Vegeta-san also turned into a Super Saiyan! How can that be?

How could he be a Super Saiyan?

I thought if you didn't have a calm, still heart, you couldn't become a Super Saiyan.

My heart was calm and still.

Still and pure.

However, it was purely evil.

The only thing I desired was to grow stronger.

I put myself through much fierce training! Damn The time came when I realized I was at my limit.

I'll never surpass Kakarrot like this! And then, from the anger I felt toward myself, the Super Saiyan within me suddenly awoke! I was left shaking from the joy it gave me.

Finally I had overcome Kakarrot, and the time for me to return as Prince of the Saiyans had come! That's enough of your rambling.

You may have changed yourself, but you are still no match for us Artificial Humans.

Just like Son Goku before you.

At length, Vegeta has become a Super Saiyan.

Has Vegeta really surpassed Goku?
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