04x24 - A Reality More Terrifying than the Future!? Trunks' Suspicions

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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04x24 - A Reality More Terrifying than the Future!? Trunks' Suspicions

Post by bunniefuu »

"A Reality More Terrifying Than The Future!?

Trunks' Suspicion" Oh.

Don't scare me like that! sh**t.

Not being able to see your foe like this is eerie.


Really, where did he disappear to, anyhow?

If this is the way it's going to be, I wish I'd done like Vegeta said and went home to have some milk! So then, whose energy should I take first?

It has to be Piccolo, the most powerful one next to Vegeta! With what I can get from Piccolo, anything becomes possible! You just wait until I come for you, Vegeta! Damn.

He might already have gotten away.

No one will find us! I know exactly where everyone else is! Now then, to take your energy G- Gohan, come here! Now! T- The Artificial Human's got me Piccolo-san! Which way?

A faint Ki disruption.

This way! Only a small amount of your energy still remains.

All that's left is for you to die! Y- You saved me, Gohan.

B- But how!?

There wasn't any way he could have found me! Kuririn-san! Let Piccolo-san have a Senzu! Yeah! I still can't beat Vegeta, not even with this level of energy.

You flea-market doll I'll have to take energy from the others as well.

Piccolo-san! Let me handle this, Vegeta! Stay out of this, no matter what! If you're wanting to die, that's up to you but won't you just be providing him with more energy unnecessarily?

''Stay out of this?

'' This is perfect! I'll just absorb his energy once again! And once I do Vegeta won't pose any That shouldn't have happened! I must have let my guard down, that's all.

I- impossible! There's no reason I shouldn't be able to defeat him! After all, it was his energy I took and added to my own! At the least, the power I have acquired should be more than equal to his! I- I was afraid of this.

I'm too late.

Both Goku-san's team and the Artificial Humans are no longer here.

The island is all blown apart, but just what exactly happened here?

I'd like to take the time machine a little further back in time, but I've just barely got enough energy to get back home.

On top of that the machine doesn't exactly work perfectly.

I might miss my intended time again.

Ki! I sense fighting Ki! So that's it! They're fighting in a different place! Piccolo-san! Incredible! Such strength! What kind of training could Piccolo have done?

He's not even a Super Saiyan! Why, you ! Hang in there, Goku! Get better quickly, so we can go back and beat those guys! I'm positive! They must be where that expl*si*n just was! There's no reason for us to go there, right?

Let's jes' go back home.

We'll be better off lettin' Goku an' them take care of this.

'Sides, we got this tyke.

Did you see that just now?

That was the boy from the future! Hey look it! Your raised yer voice and woke 'im up! That boy is on his way to fight! I knew this is the right direction! All right, Let's go!! Down there.

Behind you! Piccolo-san! Make a note of this.

As we fight, we can take our energy, as your call it, amplify it, then release it in one expl*sive burst.

This is why the energy your took from me earlier made so little difference.

We've won! Looks like what that young man from the future said was wrong! What kind of Artificial Human is this?

What is everyone else fighting against?

This isn't right.

What's going on?

The fight is still going on! That one was different from the Artificial Humans I know of.

How can that be?

Are there three Artificial Humans?

Curse you, Piccolo! To think even you raised your power by so much According to the original order of history, your two Artificial Humans were supposed to have k*lled just about every single one of us.

But it looks as though that future is going to change, doesn't it?

Does that mean you guys weren't as strong as you were supposed to be?

Or maybe we just became too strong for you?

Hey, we did it! We're going to win this time even without Goku! Right! I'm not all that happy with the unusual increase in power both Piccolo and Vegeta have undergone, but for now, at least I'm relieved about this.

Piccolo! Hurry up and put him away! That is unless you'd like me to do it?

Thanks anyway, but I am the embodiment of evil cast off by Kami, after all.

I'm not all mushy about this the way Goku is.

Who's that!?

I- it's Trunks!?



Trunks, did you say!?

But that's the same name as my kid! The same name! He came from the future.

So that's it! H- he's different too! A- another, new guy just arrived! Who is this one?

I- I have no data on him at all.

Regardless, this was all a terrible miscalculation, especially for me.

All that remains is for me to go back to the laboratory.

W- Who is that guy down there?

He is who you were fighting with, isn't he?


Who is he?

Isn't he one of the Artificial Humans you told us about?

What does this mean?

Y- you mean he isn't!?

W- what's this?

You're saying he isn't?

It can't be! Trunks unexpected statement Can this mean there are other Artificial Humans, in addition to No.

19 and No.


Further, what is the nature of No.

20, whom everyone has been fighting?
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