04x30 - Piccolo's Resolution!! The Last Measure in His Reserve

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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04x30 - Piccolo's Resolution!! The Last Measure in His Reserve

Post by bunniefuu »

"Piccolo's Decision! His Last Resort'' That's right, I have to help everyone! Let's see There are six Senzu left.

I just split them up between myself, Tenshinhan and Piccolo.

Hey, Tenshinhan, stay with us! Here, have a Senzu.

I guess I should feed one to Vegeta too.


You mean they even knew the word "Senzu!?

" What does it mean?

If they knew so much, why didn't they k*ll us?

Good question.

Are they saying they don't need to k*ll us?

That were no match for them!?

Of course they are.

Those guys are incredibly strong.

They're too strong! How could anyone have guessed they were as strong as that?

Vegeta! Trunks! Don't go after him! Stop! Leave him alone.

He had become a Super Saiyan, and utterly regained all of his pride and self-assuredness.

And yet, even though they were Artificial Humans, he was soundly beaten by a woman.

His shock must be pretty great.

As for the rest of us, to think that we even teamed upon them and couldn't beat them I'm sorry.

My legs just cowered on me, and I wasn't able to fight with you.

Don't worry about it.

Our opponents were such that Trunks had even turned Super Saiyan yet he was still all but defeated in one blow.

If you had joined in, there's not a thing you could have done.

Dammit, if only Goku were healthy! This guy easily took care of even Freeza.

And yet, he was powerless to do anything against the Artificial Humans.

Let's be frank.

No matter how strong Goku may be, he can't be that much different from Vegeta or Trunks.

There's absolutely no one who can beat them, Goku included! They were also somewhat different from the Artificial Humans I knew.

How do you mean?

The ones I know didn't have this kind of unbelievable strength.

I was able to at least hold my own against their strength.

At any rate, the path ahead is in complete darkness.

What should we do now?

First, you guys go to Son Goku's house and move him to a different location.

Whatever we do next, we can't think of doing it until Goku recovers.

That's for sure.

So, Piccolo, what are you planning to do?

Good question.

W- What's up with that expression on your face?

You must have some kind of strategy, right?

Come on, tell us! We're all friends here! Friends, you say?

Don't get carried away with yourself! When did I ever become friends with any of you!?

I am a demon clansman! Don't you ever forget.

I'm just using you to help me take over the world! That's right, I'd completely forgotten.

He is, after all, the reincarnation of Piccolo Daimao, who Goku and I fought against so long ago.

Damn, don't tell me Piccolo is still bent on world domination.

All his talk about scheming to take over the world?

I don't think he means it.

He's just like Goku or Vegeta.

I bet all he thinks about is being stronger than anyone else.

Therefore, he's flown off to take the very last measure left in his reserve.

Probably so, anyway.

What is this last measure you're talking about?

Piccolo flew off in that direction.

Do you know what's over there?

That direction?

Beats me.

Nothing comes to mind.

Is it somewhere I know of?

Kami-sama's place.


I'm sure everyone already knew, but Kami-sama and Piccolo Daimao were once one Namekian.

Once they divided, they went their separate ways.

And Piccolo's been reincarnated since then.

When I was on Namek, the Grand Elder-san told me something.

He said if Kami-sama and Piccolo hadn't split up, they could have stood up to even a Saiyan.

What I'm saying is, I think Piccolo has gone to Kami-sama's place in order to become his one, original self again.


If Kami-sama and Mao join bodies, they'll return to a Namekian warrior.

However, since Piccolo is so much more powerful now, they'll become an exceptional warrior! If Goku and company are Super Saiyans, then Piccolo would be a Super Namekian! Super Namekian?

That's incredible! But if so, and Kami-sama disappears, won't the Dragonballs also vanish?

Yeah, probably so.

But if Piccolo or Kami-sama were to get k*lled, the Dragonballs would vanish anyhow.

If Piccolo really is planning on reuniting with Kami-sama If he really feels that boxed in by the three Artifcial Humans, it should tell us how fierce an enemy they are.

Since Piccolo hates Kami-sama's guts.

What is my fath-I mean, Vegeta-san planning to do?

Hey, there's no need to hide it any more, Trunks.

We all know you're the grown-up version of the baby Bulma-san was holding.

The only one who doesn't know is your father, Vegeta.

Is that so?

Please excuse me.

It's really nothing you need to apologize for.

Vegeta is definitely not the type to run away just because he's lost a battle.

He's nearly the incarnation of pride itself.

I'm sure he'll come up with some new finishing technique.

He'll be back to face the Artificial Humans again.


Damn those Artificial Human bastards! Toy with me, will they!?

They're going to regret turning me, Vegeta-sama, back without finishing the job! Forget about me.

I don't know when I'll be back again.


I'll be waiting for you.

Until you come back to me No matter how long it takes, I'll wait for you! Love is sure beautiful.

It's true.

In the end, love will overcome.

Maron-chan! Huh?

Has Kuririn come back?

Maron, I've been looking for you! Well, if it isn't Mark! Hey, Maron! Ah, Tommy! Maron! I love you! I came flying back for you! Oh, you've all come for me?

Maron's so touched! W- What's all this commotion?

Just a minute, guys! Oh, Maron-chan, what is all this?

Things got dull, so I called my boyfriends.

Y- You mean these guys are all your boyfriends, Maron-chan?

That's right! Each of them has proposed to Maron, but they're all so handsome, I can't decide! Everyone else is waiting, so I'm leaving! Give Kurin-chan my regards! See ya! She really left.

This maybe for the best.

She's not a bad girl, but she just doesn't suit Kuririn.

Listen to me.

We're going to keep the fact that Maron came back for Kuririn a secret.


Still, even if it were just once I wanted to pafu pafu with Maron-chan's chest! What a pity! Say, Trunks, how long will it take Goku to get better with that medicine you gave him?

Knowing Goku-san, I'd say he'll be fine in ten days or so.

Ten days, huh?

I think we can manage to keep him hidden that long.

Yeah, one way or another.

Although, the idea of Goku getting better and winning this fight seems a little too good to be true now.

In any case, we're lucky those three don't seem to have any kind of radar device that can track our power.


Goku-sa, are you okay!?

Chichi, hurry, his medicine! It's gone! The medicine's gone! Isn't that it over there?

Oh, is this where it was?

Goku-sa, I got your medicine.

Take this.

Goku-sa, Im beggin' you, get better quick! Huh?

Oh my! Bulma! Gohan-chan! Trunks-chan! Mama! We're back! My, welcome, all of you! Gohan-chan, look how big you're getting! You look so much more brawny every time I see you! Come, make a stay of it.

I'll prepare some cakes and tea right away.

There's no need to be so modest! Actually I have to hurry back to my father.

I'm stayin' for the chow 'fore I leave.

It's good manners.

Goodbye! Dear me, has he left already?

I'm sure he must be busy.

I wonder what the matter is?

What's the matter indeed?

There's nothing like playing the wetnurse.

Now, I'd better hurry! So, Piccolo, you've finally made your decision?

Long ago, myself and Piccolo Daimao were one and the same.

We were a single, gifted martial artist.

The time came when I learned of Kami's existence, and I came here.

Unfortunately, even a Kami dies.

I wanted to be Kami's newest successor.

However, no matter how much time passed, Kami would not approve my request.

"There is an evil that dwells in the deepest reaches of your heart.

" "As long as any amount of evil dwells there, you cannot become Kami.

" This was because in the depths of my heart, there lurked the slightest amount of evil.

Kami was able to see throught to it.

However, after rigorous training, I was able to drive that evil out.

That became Piccolo Daimao.

I became Kami's successor but Piccolo Daimao fled to the ground, and seeking to rule the world, became a cause of suffering to many.

But as he did, one young man appeared before him.

It was Son Goku.

And so, what was reborn is the Piccolo we know now.

It appears that the time for that which was divided to be brought back together has come.

Piccolo's final resolution: Reuniting with Kami-sama.

The outcome of everything will be changed by this.
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