04x32 - An Ominous Foreboding! Bulma Unveils a Mystery

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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04x32 - An Ominous Foreboding! Bulma Unveils a Mystery

Post by bunniefuu »

"An Ominous Foreboding! Bulma UnveiIs a Mystery" Yum! This Ramen definitely makes the cut.

Chaozu, you do good work.

You're too kind.

The soup is delicious, nice and full-bodied.

You could get by as a cook with food like this.

Compared to the stuff Kuririn always makes us, yours is fantastic! How is it you can make it so well?

I'm always the one who fixed Ten-san's meals.

And so, little by little How about it, Chaozu?

Why don't you continue staying here with us some?

B- but It won't be so bad here, training at your leisure.

Isn't that just what he wants to hear?

You really just want Chaozu to keep on cooking for you! R- rubbish! I wasn't thinking anything of the sort! Sure you weren't.

No, really Ten-san! Tenshinhan Chaozu, let's go.

We have training to do.

Hold on there, Tenshinhan! What about the Artificial Humans?

Did you guys defeat the Artificial Humans?

What's that?

You don't mean?

In that case Is everyone okay?

It's all right.

Nobody has died yet.

Very soon, Kuririn and the others will be bringing Goku here.

Please have them fill you in.

W- what?

Wait for me, Ten-san! So what could have possibly happened?

so, to them it's like a game, but in any case, they intended to come k*ll Goku.

A- are they really all that strong?


You can even think of them as stronger than what Trunks warned us about.

This is terrible! All this time's been gettin' away while we've been sittin' here.

What a waste! What's the matter, Mother?

Well, get to it! At a time like this?

No matter what time it is, studyin' is important! You really are something else, Chichi-san.

So what do we do now?

Not that I would know What should we do?

H- how does this sound?

What if I took the time machine back further into the past, and destroy them before they're activated?

l know the location of Doctor Gero's laboratory and all I get you.

That's a good idea, isn't it?

Hold on.

I thought your time machine didn't quite work perfectly, did it?

And from what Goku said, it takes an awfully long time to store enough energy to make a round trip, right?

If you go further into the past, are you sure you can return to your future?

Not exactly You know, I was thinking, if Trunks-san goes back a little further in time, and even if you're able to destroy the Artificial Humans there, what will happen to the Artificial Humans that are here now?

Will they suddenly disappear?

Gohan, you should just be studyin' like a good boy.

T- that's right! I'd forgotten! Undoubtedly, if I were to go back to the past and destroy the Artificial Humans, the future of that world of that time would be saved.

But in this world, where the Artificial Humans are already activated, nothing would be changed.

How does that follow?

Let's see For example, Goku-san managed to hold on to his life with the heart medicine I brought him from the future.

However, in my future, Goku remains long dead from his heart disease.

In other words, while there may be a future where Goku-san survives, there's still another one where he died.

From very minor events, many different futures are created.

Just a minute, Trunks You mean, even supposing that Goku is capable of defeating the Artificial Humans, In your future, won't they still exist there, same as ever?

That's right.

In that case, Trunks, what did you even come here for?

After all, your world won't be changed.

Mom Mom was so ticked off by us always being clobbered by the Artificial Humans, she thought it would be nice if there was a peaceful future where they had been beaten.

But her primary goal was to have me fight with Goku against the Artificial Humans, to find a weakness in them.

lf that didn't work, l would have had Goku come to our future to defeat them there, or something like that.

[song lyrics.
What will become of us?

[song lyrics.
I don't know.

[song lyrics.
Even more important than what will become of us, [song lyrics.
What are we to do?

Forgive me.

Anyhow, it appears l've come to a different past than the one I knew of.

The timing of Goku-san's heart disease was off, for one.

For another, there are now three Artificial Humans Their strength so much greater [song lyrics.
What will become of us?

B- but why is it that so many things are different?

l don't know.

Why is it this bad?

l- is it because of me coming back in the time machine?

There's nothin' for you to be frettin' about.

lf you hadn't come, Goku would've died from his sickness.

I'm terribly grateful to you.

That's the right idea.

Something's going to turn up.

Y- yeah, absolutely right! We've been through so much before.

Something's bound to come up this time too! Isn't it?

lncidentally, do you even know where he is?

This Son Goku?

We'll come across that information before long,.

You mean you don't know?

My, my, l suppose it's just a matter of time.

There is a mountain village in eastern sector You're quite the know-it-all.

Did you learn that from Doctor Gero?

That's right.

lf we flew, we could be there in a matter of minutes.

Isn't that the truth! You say all the right things.

Yet you still want to take the trouble to drive there.

What's the point?

Stop saying that.

The point is to have fun, isn't it?

So this is where you are, Son Goku?

We've been looking for you, really.

Are you guys Artificial Humans?


We're the ones who k*lled Doctor Gero.

Now it's your turn to die.

Dammit! Stop! lf you take one more step towards my father, you'll answer to me! Gohan! Kuririn! Do you expect to stand in our way?

Apparently, they want to die.

Stop! W- why, you That's better.

Otherwise, this wouldn't be as fun.

Stop! Don't you do it! Chichi! Out of the way! l said move it! Stop! Chichi! Trunks Are you here for another beating?

Trunks, stop! Damn you! Now, then Stop! STOP!! Father! Snap out of it, Goku! Let me through! Goku-san is even fighting in his dreams.

Yeah, really.

That sounds like Goku.

[Android 18's voice.
Is the man Son Goku even stronger?

[Android 18's voice.
No kidding?

Neither one of you is all that great, are you?

Wasn't the Super Saiyan supposed to be invincible throughout the land!?

So what happened?

! How did it come to that-that debacle I suffered?

l- I am the super-elite prince of the Saiyans! And then, by becoming a Super Saiyan, I should have been greatest in the universe! Is it because my opponents were Artificial Humans?

Is this the most I will ever be?

No! There's still more to be had! I am Vegeta! No matter how strong my enemy is, I will surpass them! l will surpass them! Count on it! And Kakarrot, after I beat the Artificial Humans, you're next! We'll be at Muten Roshi-sama's island pretty soon.

Say, Kuririn, shouldn't you let Bulma know what's been going on?

Yes, you're right.

But you want me to contact her?

Aw, man You're the one who knows the situation best.


All right.

Your mother sure has a sharp tongue.

She's no different in the future.

Er, this is Kuririn calling, is Bulma-san there?

Ah, yes, Mistress Bulma.

One moment please.

Kuririn! What, you mean you're okay?

Where are you calling from?

l thought Gohan-kun should have been back by now, but when I called his house, no one was there.

Wait, never mind that, is the future, grown-up son of mine, Trunks there?

Yes, he's right here.

He's there?

Great! Would you let me speak to him?

You can go ahead and talk now, he can hear you over the speaker.


Well, the company here got an inquiry from some folks in a rural area to the west.

They came across a strange abandoned vehicle, and they wanted to keep it for themselves.

However, they couldn't figure out for the world how to start it up, and they were asking if we could tell them.


So we asked them over the phone what model vehicle it was, but they didn't know.

We asked them if they were sure it was one of our products, and they said, It says right here on the body, 'Capsule Corporation'.

We told them, in that case, please send us a photo, and they did.

l was so surprised when I saw the photo! It was the time machine Trunks rode in, but it's damaged! That can't be right No, it's right here.

I turned it into a capsule and took it with me.

He says it's right here with him.

l see, naturally So this isn't the one he came in.

There's some moss or something stuck to it, making it seem pretty old, so I thought it was kind of strange.

Say, how many time machines did my future self build?

How many?

It was all she could manage to make just one.

That's strange.

This is definitely a time machine.

I saw the one you were in before, so I couldn't mistake it.

Hey, do you have a fax there?

Take a look at this photo! Trunks, here.


This is the same time machine I rode back in.

What does this mean?

What's this?

A time machine, identical to Trunks'.

A cold shiver is followed by an ominous foreboding.
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