05x02 - To Face an Unprecedented Foe... Birth of a Super Namekian!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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05x02 - To Face an Unprecedented Foe... Birth of a Super Namekian!!

Post by bunniefuu »

"To Face an Unprecedented Foe Birth of a Super Namekian!!" Trunks-san Trunks-san!? Er, yes? What do you suppose that strange shedding was, anyhow? I- I don't know.

For one thing, we don't have creatures like that in my era, either.

You said it came back a whole year earlier than the time you arrived three years ago, which makes it a full four years ago that it arrived in this era, right? Yeah.

That's what the chronometer inside the time machine indicated.

So without anyone realizing it, a creature that came from a good 23 years into the future has been growing and developing on our earth for the last four years.


Who could possibly have sent that creature, and for what purpose? These are the best clothes the store has? Yes, quite so.

They look very flattering on you.

How do you like them? How do you think I like them? They're the absolute worst.

But considering how rural this place is, I guess I'll have to make do for now.

See you.

E- excuse me, ma'am, you haven't paid! Hey! Hey now, see here! How frightful! Hello, is this the police? My store has been robbed! T- they drove away in It's the police again.

They're sure starting to get bothersome.

Don't you find this a little painful to just be dreaming? We interrupt this program to bring you this late breaking news.

About an hour ago, we took a number of calls from Gingertown, a suburban area of Metro West.

We immediately dispatched an investigate crew to the scene, but according to their report, the town's citizens seem to have all suddenly vanished, and there is no sign of anyone.

Gingertown? The cause for this unexpected state of affairs is currently under investigation, as we That's near where that other time machine was! C- can it be? Yes, hello? Hello? It's Bulma.

Who's this? Kuririn? Yes, it's Kuririn.

Gohan and Trunks? No, they haven't come back yet.

Okay, turn on your TV there.

It's probably on every channel by now, but I'm watching it on channel 872.

Has something happened? Just hurry! What's the matter? Who is it? It's Bulma-san.

She wants us to watch TV.

What is she telling us to watch? Knowing Bulma, she's probably on right now.

Could be.

We've just received some new information.

According to the investigation of our on-the-scene crew, the clothing of the apparent victims of this incident is being discovered in great numbers.

Our camera crew has just arrived in the area, so let's go there for a live update.

W- what could this be? I've just arrived here in Gingertown, where over 15,000 residents have suddenly vanished.

We have just made a new discovery.

There are many sets of clothing here.

It appears as if the people inside them simply melted away.

As you can see in these images, from the outlay of the clothing and the presence of the r*fles, it appears they were fighting against something W- what's this? T- the Artificial Humans! So, they've finally started! I don't think so.

And I think that Gohan-kun and Trunks will say the same thing.

Which means, you think there might be some kind of link to the other time machine? I don't think there can be any doubt.

When Gohan-kun and Trunks get there, have them tell you everything.


Goku-sa's sleepin' tight now.

He seems to be restin' a lot easier than before.

Muten Roshi-sama! Forgive the intrusion.

Uh, Kuririn-san? G- guys, come watch this news, then answer me a question- News? What's this? We heard a scream just a moment ago.

g*nf*re! We're hearing g*nf*re.

It appears that the investigative team or the police in this direction are agitated! It's become quiet once again.

We're going to move in as close as we can to see- What is it!? What is happening!? Come on!! K- Kami-sama! W- what is it? What is that monster? Did you say monster? What do you mean, monster!? Say something!! What? Change it to a different channel! Right.

Help us! The screaming has stopped.

Enough already! Stop keeping it all to yourself! You're going to tell me exactly what you saw.

Hey!! V- very well.

All right, start talking.

What kind of monster did you see in the lower realm? There's no need for me to bother speaking.

What's that? Once you and I merge and become one being, you'll know what it is I saw.

K- Kami-sama! So, you've finally made up your mind, then? You must have seen some kind of monster, all right.

Let's hurry this up.

We cannot allow there to be any more victims.

All right! We will be fundamentally based on who I am now, got that? That will be fine.

You are much younger than I, and have a far greater power.

It is a matter of course.

I serve as nothing more than a means to power up, and to contribute my vast wisdom.

Now, since you are to be the base, you will place your hand upon me.


K- Kami-sama! The time is upon us, Mister Popo.

Right now what the earth needs is not a Kami but rather, the mighty.

Piccolo has changed.

The evil in his heart has mostly disappeared.

Once we merge, it is unlikely we will ever need to divide again.

Thank you for all your help, Mister Popo.

K- Kami-sama! F- farewell, Kami-sama.

Don't die.

I am neither Kami nor Piccolo any longer.

I'm a Namekian who has long since forgotten his real name.

So then, I'm off.

We have received no further reports from the scene.

In all likelihood, our own staff members have become victims of this same incident.

So, you think it's because of whatever monster came out of that shell, then? Yeah, probably.

That's what I think.

The locations are pretty close, an all.

I'm going to go make sure.

Whoa! Hold it! It's okay.

I can become a Super Saiyan.

The ones we should really be fearful of are the Artificial Humans.

M- maybe so, but I- I'm going too! You can't go! Goku-sa is still sleepin' up there! Why can't you behave a little better!? Mother, it's exactly because Father is sick that I No way! Even if the whole universe is blowin' up, you'll stay at my side! You mean-? I'll go by myself.

Gohan-san, if anything happens, you and the others have to be here, to protect Goku-san from the Artificial Humans.


Very well.

Hey, don't do anything crazy.

If it gets dangerous, come back here quick, okay? Yeah, he's right.

You're an important part of our resistance force against the Artificial Humans! Right.

Now then, I'll be back.

So, you've shown yourself, you beast.

The mysterious monster finally reveals himself.
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