05x04 - A Life Form of Evil and Destruction!! His Name Is Artificial Human Cell

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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05x04 - A Life Form of Evil and Destruction!! His Name Is Artificial Human Cell

Post by bunniefuu »

"A Life Form of Evil and Destruction!! His Name is Artificial Human Cell" Ka me T- that stance! It can't be-! ha me How can this be? Ha!! It's the real thing! Your life is mine! I struck your arm, did I? The outcome is the still same.

I will take your powerful life's essence from you! Still, who could it be that Piccolo is fighting now, anyhow? I don't think there's any mistaking that it's the monster that hatched after riding back in my time machine.

Why do you suppose that thing has Goku, Piccolo, Vegeta, not to mention Freeza and his father's Ki? Why indeed.

Damn! Just what exactly is going on!? Goku-sa is gettin' just about over it, huh? Isn't that great, Mother? G- Goku-sa? Father! Huh? He's gone back to sleep.

But he should be opening his eyes soon, right? A-yep! I'm going to go tell Oolong-san and the others! Guys! We have received word that currently, the armed forces at Metro West have at length commenced an emergency mobilization toward Gingertown.

Armed forces? In consideration of the safety of the neighboring districts, it is hoped this will allow area citizens some peace of mind.

It would be nice if there were no further casualties This information just in: Please watch, as we have images of one of the t*nk divisions as they head toward the scene.

The images, please.

Currently, we seem to be having trouble connecting with our remote unit Ah, they're waiting? We appear to be connected.

T- that's him! Hey, you up there! You are completely surrounded! Surrender yourself, without any useless resistance! You dare interrupt my meal!? Dammit! Attack! Attack! We got him! He's still alive! What!? You miserable cockroaches! Dammit! Fire missiles! That was quite the annoyance.

So then, shall we continue the meal? Kami-sama Something the matter, No.

16? There's been a fluctuation in that power reading from before.

It appears a conclusion has been reached.

From before? You mean that one with the power that rivaled our own? That's right.

Are you still saying that? Your power radar is malfunctioning, No.


There's no way in the world a power level that rivals ours could exist.

Don't make me say it again.

You were lucky to get away.

But not having use of one arm, it seems the advantage has been reversed! Certainly true.

My balance is thrown off like this, making it quite difficult for me.

Unfortunately, it would seem you have won! Not even you can help admitting when you're beaten! Rejoice! Once I absorb the magnitude of your life's essence, I will have drawn much closer to my perfect form.

Perfect form!? You will be of great service to me.

Aren't you glad!? Before I am to be absorbed by you, you have to tell me something! What in the hell are you!? Why is it you have Son Goku, Freeza and everyone's Ki, and are even able to perform the Kamehame-Ha!? Very well.

You're going to die anyway.

I'll tell you.

My name is Cell.

I am an Artificial Human.

A- Artificial Human!? I was born of the computer used by Doctor Gero.

Doctor Gero again! A long time ago, Doctor Gero began collecting the cells of the greatest warriors, to research how he could synthesize an Artificial Human from those cells.

However, because it was taking too much time, he gave up on it partway through.

But the computer continued its operation.

Piccolo Son Goku and Vegeta's cells were collected at the battle when Vegeta first came to Earth.

Hmph, Goku from that period of time, huh? That explains why your Kamehame-Ha before wasn't all that great.

Further, we had the good fortune of obtaining Freeza and his father's cells when they came to Earth.

We could have taken the cells of that guy Trunks as well, but there was already enough from the Saiyans.

H- how did you collect the cells!? There wasn't anyone suspicious there at the time! You should have heard this from Gero, how all your actions have been examined via a spy robot.

There is a small robot, similar to myself.

No one is likely to have noticed it.

That's what took the cells.

Take a good look! It's here even now, relaying the data of our situation back to the computer.

It probably wants to take your cells as well! You bastard! It's too late to destroy it now! The necessary cells have already been collected, and the experiment has begun! Indeed, it will be twenty-four years from now when I will be completed.

Impossible! Doctor Gero's laboratory has been destroyed! There is still a room beneath the laboratory where the computer is! So that's it.

Once you came to this era, why has it taken you three years to change from an egg to the way you are? Once I return myself to an egg, I require three years underground to mature again.

That's how much time it takes.

That's all I have to say.

It's about time you let me absorb you.

One last question! For what reason did you go to the trouble of coming here from the future? In order for me to become my perfect form, the absorption of human essences alone is not enough! It is necessary for me to merge with two essential specialized life forms.

The computer has told me that those two specialized life forms were the Artificial Humans that Doctor Gero had created, No.

17 and No.

18! What!? However, in the future, where I was, for some reason- perhaps they were defeated by that Trunks guy, I don't know- No.

17 and No.

18 weren't around.

But luckily for me, Trunks had his time machine! After k*lling Trunks, I used the time machine to come to this era in search of No.

17 and No.


W- why did you choose this era!? Well now, Trunks' time machine was already set for this era.

All I did was push the switch.

So that's it.

Trunks must have set the time machine so he could come tell us that somehow he had destroyed the Artificial Humans.

A- and then he came along The computer also told me this Once I become my perfect form, I will have a terrible power, far beyond imagination, in the palm of my hand! For what reason!? Why is it you seek to have that much overwhelming power!? What reason? You ask such a nonsensical thing! The computer had been input to create a strong being, one to the very limits of its consideration! Or for that matter, it may be what the blood of the Saiyans, Freeza, and Piccolo that flows within me seeks! I get it.

So then, are you satisfied?.

My gratitude.

Thanks to you, all of the mysteries have now been solved.

You've been quite informative! Y- you did all that to get me to talk!? I will not allow you to become this perfect form of yours! For you to have inherited my blood and not realize that I could re-grow my arm makes you an idiot! The situation has reversed! However, the beast's depth of power is still unmeasured.
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