05x05 - Piccolo's Grievous Mistake! Cell Turned Loose on the City!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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05x05 - Piccolo's Grievous Mistake! Cell Turned Loose on the City!

Post by bunniefuu »

"Piccolo's Grievous Mistake! Cell Turned Loose to the City" What the hell is happening!? What is it!? Cell, even figuring in the arm's worth of energy you drew from me, my power is still much greater than yours! Get ready! You sure thought that through.

To think you would pretend you'd lost one of your arms just to get me to talk You're quite the clever one, aren't you? That was the wisdom of the one who used to be Kami, not my own.

What? S- so that's it! You're the result of Piccolo and Kami merging together! That's right.

Heh, you just now figured it out? Which means the Dragonballs have also disappeared.

Once dead, no one can be returned to life.

That's rather convenient! Then it's no wonder you're so strong, even though you still look as if you were Piccolo Daimao.


You still do not know my true power.

I'll show you now exhaustively what that true power is! There's no doubt about it, he's merged with Kami-sama! Who's that guy over there? That's probably him! The monster that came out of that shell! Trunks! What's he doing here!? I get it.

So then he also came to this era in the time machine? What a fool! That he should be k*lled by me in the future, only to be k*lled in this era as well! H- he's a freak! I- is he the one that k*lled the people of Gingertown? That's right.

Watch out for his tail.

The people here were all k*lled by it.

Why is it we feel Goku, Tenshinhan and the other's Ki from that guy? I'll tell you all about it later.

Putting him away comes first! Put me away, you say? You think it will be that easy? It s- spoke! Under the circumstances, I don't think you have much chance of winning.

I certainly have no choice but to withdraw from this situation.

I'm not letting you get away! You can't escape by using the sort of Kamehame-Ha you did before! Kamehame-Ha!? How can this guy use Goku's Kamehame-Ha!? Not just the Kamehame-Ha, Kuririn! If I wanted to, I could probably even form a Genki Dama! I'm stunned! He even knows my name! How!? When I tell Goku, I'm sure he'll be surprised too! Oh? Son Goku is still alive, is he? Of course he is! So, he's still alive It appears things are turning out slightly different from the history I know.

I will acquire No.

17 and No.

18 no matter what! No matter how you may try to prevent me from becoming my perfect form, it will come to nothing! Not as long as the only one that can hope to fight against No.

17 and the others is Piccolo! What!? T- that's-! Taiyo-ken! Ah, dammit! Damn! He's gotten away! That bastard! Kuririn! Wasn't the Taiyo-ken Tenshinhan's technique!? The Taiyo-ken isn't all that difficult a technique! Goku- and I can do it too! Why, you-! He's suppressing his Ki dissipation! He can even do that! That was easy! I'll never be caught again! So long as I act while controlling my Ki like this, there's no way they can find me! You guys! This is dreadful! M- Muten Roshi-sama, Goku-sa is What? What's happened!? Calm down, Mother! Everyone, just come up here! What is it, what is it? Just what is the matter up here!? Shh! Be quiet! See that!? Goku-sa just smiled! Oh, he certainly did! It's true! He smiled! Hey, that means he's all but recovered, doesn't it? It's really great! Have you guys noticed it yet? His smile is different from any ordinary smile.

It's the same as the excited one Goku gets before he fights someone strong! Oh! Now that you mention it! Looks like we can count on Goku after all! He must be anticipating fighting the Artificial Humans, and he's starting to get excited! That's just like him! Once he starts to get a little strength back, he starts thinking of fighting again, even in his sleep! We can relax now! H- hey, Yamucha? Right? Isn't that so, Roshi-sama? Absolutely! What a guy! Y- Yamucha! Huh? What's wrong? U- uh, Chichi-san, I didn't mean anything by that.

I am utterly against havin' Goku-sa fightin' so soon after his illness! Mother, Yamucha-san didn't necessarily intend You hush! There's nothin' I hate more than the barbaric idea of you makin' him fight right away! S- sure.

Yeah? I'm talkin' to each one of you here! You got that!? Y- yes! In that case, Keep it quiet!! Gingertown, 50 km As I evade their view, I'll absorb more and more humans' life energy, and increase my power more and more! And then, once my power exceeds No.

17 and the others, I'll force them to merge with me! My next catch is in Nickytown, is it? Welcome! Nickytown, 30 km Senseless idiot! You got a death wish!? What concerns me most is whether or not there exists a Controller that can shut down No.

17 and the others.

Hey! Don't just stand there like a moron, get out of the way! Once incapacitated, even if we are talking about No.

17 and No.

18, destroying them will be easy.

But it's all right.

Such a Controller no longer exists.

--What's the matter? --What's going on out there? Who do you think you are, wearing that strange costume? Leave him to us! I was just getting the urge for a little light exercise! Hey, you deranged punk, move it before you get hurt! I can't count on much, but even these guys will contribute some life energy.

And if Piccolo and company discover me, I'll just move on to another place! Damn you! Battle Formation! W- what!? Vegeta!? Then he hasn't been k*lled by No.

17 and the others either? Still, even he has a much greater power than expected.

I'll probably have to hurry this up.

Of those two guys with the mysterious, incredibly large battle powers, one of them has disappeared! H- however, one of them is still there! It isn't that Artificial Human No.

17 or whoever, those guys don't dissipate the slightest Ki.

So who the hell is it then? Dammit, I got careless! I should have beaten him easily! Incredible! You lousy scum! I will absolutely not let you become your perfect form! P- Piccolo! It can't be! Vegeta! D- Dad! Talk! What happened here!? Tenshinhan appears to be headed here as well.

Once he arrives, I'll tell everyone all at once.

Well then, beforehand, I want you to answer me this.

Are you really Piccolo!? How did you come to have all that battle power? Why, you! P- Piccolo-san has Piccolo-san has once again merged with Kami-sama.

W- what's this? You merged!? J- just from that? I'm sure the battle power I felt before was even higher than mine as a Super Saiyan! Impossible! He's just a mere Namekian! He's here! It's Tenshinhan! What do we do? With No.

17 and No.

18, as well as No.

16 Even with all the super power I've obtained, I probably can't handle them.

Indeed, All we can do is defeat Cell himself.

Um, Piccolo or rather, Kami-sama or rather, um What should we call you now? Tenshinhan is here! All right.

I'll tell you everything.

Vegeta and Tenshinhan didn't see him, but that monster that was just here was an Artificial Human, independently created by Doctor Gero's computer.

What!? Say, just so you know, I don't like these clothes, okay? If we come across a good city somewhere, you've got to take us there! I know, already.

Sure enough, I'll just have to go to the city and take its citizens one by one.

I- it can't be! Me and Kakarrot's cells!? That's how it is.

In order to prevent Cell from becoming his perfect form, we have to either seek him out and k*ll him, or seek out either No.

17 or No.

18 and k*ll them, either way.

As far as I'm concerned, I think all we can do is beat Cell while he still doesn't have all that much power.

They dare to make a fool of me!? Everyone is easily outpacing the Super Saiyan, greatest in the universe! It's pissing me off! What about you, Kakarrot? Here, here the humans are! You just sit tight, No.

17 and No.

18! In just a few days, my power will far surpass yours, and I will absorb you! It's a bad situation, ringing of ill fortune!
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