05x16 - Suddenly Full-Throttle!! The Super Power of a Radiant Vegeta

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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05x16 - Suddenly Full-Throttle!! The Super Power of a Radiant Vegeta

Post by bunniefuu »

"Suddenly Full-Throttle!! The Super Power Of a Radiant Vegeta" It's no use, no matter how well you're hiding! You won't get out of this by concealing yourself, No.

18! Are you saying that that isn't him being serious!? Yeah, I am.

At this rate, it's only a matter of time before he finds us.

You sure are an odd one.


18 No matter what, I will absorb you and become my perfect form.

That is the reason I came here from the future, after all.

That's the level of Cell's battle power? Kakarrot and you guys, what were you so frightened of? Dad's Ki has risen.

To think that he's capable of putting out that much Ki so easily! I don't know how much Vegeta and Trunks have powered up, but Cell's power is nothing ordinary.

He's of a different dimension! If Cell were to absorb No.

18 and become his perfect form before Goku finishes his special training then not even Goku can b*at him.

It could be the end.

Damn! My entire life, one day has never felt so long! You're a fine man! What are you wavering about!? Son-kun is the strongest in the universe! He will win for sure! That's just how it's going to be! You got that!? Oh, there, there, don't cry! Trunks, you're a big boy, right? You're fine, you're fine! E- everything is snow-white! M- my body feels heavy too, and it's so hot that it's hard to breathe.

Once the doorway to the outside is closed, any contact from the outside world is completely shut out.

See? You can't sense either Cell's Ki or Vegeta's Ki any more, right? It's true! I don't feel a thing! Over there is the bath and the toilet.

This is the food storeroom.

There's a year's worth of food in here.

What do you think? So, even my big-eating father will be all right, huh? Gohan, we've covered just about everything.

Right! It looks like I'll be able to make it through like this.

Really? Go take a look out back.

You'll understand what I meant when I said it was too tough for me to stay here even a month when I was a kid! W- what's going on!? We're inside a room, yet the place is this expansive! What's more, there's nothing there! I hear it's about as big as the Earth! I- it can't be! You haven't come out, huh? You must surely be on one of the islands around here.

It seems you understand that it won't do any good to escape underwater.

Anyhow, it appears I can't do anything else but examine the entire ocean in this area.

Don't sh**t! You will be detected by Cell! Dammit! He's finally arrived at the next island over! Calm down! Cell is only looking for anything that leaves the islands! Just sit still like this and hang on! You at least will be spared! That single island there is all that remains.

One left He's coming! Calm down! Don't give up until the end! If you are absorbed, it will be the end of everything! Well, you better come on out, No.

18! You're Vegeta! So you're Cell? Land! Vegeta? What have you come all this way for? Don't tell me you've come to make jokes, such as you have come to defeat me, have you? I haven't come to defeat you.

I'm going to knock you into so many pieces there won't be anything left afterward.

Me? You? Amusing.

I'm shocked to think that my cells were being used by a repulsive monster such as yourself! I wonder if you were supposed to have turned out a little better.

They're being used by me, the strongest in the universe! Just for that, you should be honored.

Not so, monster! You are not the strongest in the universe.

That would be me, the prince of the Saiyans, Vegeta! What is he, stupid? What can someone who was so utterly helpless against me now do against Cell? Trunks, huh? There's been quite a change about you.

Well, it doesn't matter to me how many of you may come.

If you like, shall I wait for even more to arrive? He's just a spectator.

I alone will be sufficient to bury you.

What was that? Did you say that you alone were sufficient? That's right! Got any problem with it!? I've got no problem.

I'm just astounded by how absurd you're being! Cell is right! No matter what may happen, Vegeta is no match for him! Still, No.

16, this may be our chance to escape! Hey, No.

16! Wait! We only move once the fighting has started.

Besides which, it's strange.

Vegeta's battle power has gone up a great deal since that time previously.

Ridiculous! There's no way it could change all that much in this short a time! He didn't look like he was holding back or anything Watch very carefully, Cell! I'm going to erase that disagreeable little smile of yours for you! Dad's planning on changing right off into that.

It's begun! His Ki is rapidly rapidly increasing.

S- such a terrific Ki! Let's have a look, Vegeta, at this power that goes even beyond Super Saiyan.

Be careful! If you go too far away, you might not be able to find your way back here, get lost and die! R- right! The temperature varies from 50 degrees to minus 40 degrees.

The air is about one-fourth that of Earth, and the gravity is about 10 times greater in this pure-white world.

It's gonna be awful! O- o- one year in a place like this? Gohan, we start training right away! We didn't come here to play! How about it? Awfully terrible, ain't it? This is the first time you've ever done gravity training, huh? Well, you'll get used to it soon.

Right! First of all, Gohan, we're going to make you a Super Saiyan.

--S -Super Saiyan? --Yeah.

I- I'm not sure I can become a Super Saiyan Of course you can! You've inherited genuine Saiyan blood! We've got to make you a Super Saiyan.

Then we'll start the full-fledged training.

But, isn't it possible that I will get in the way of your training, Father? Yeah, at first.

But then, Gohan, if you can so much as become Super Saiyan, you'll be much more help to me as a drill partner! You are my son.

Have faith in yourself! Okay? R- right! Okay.

Naturally, I intend to obtain power beyond Super Saiyan! I want to be stronger than anyone else, after all! But Gohan, I intend to have you even surpass me! M- me surpass you, Father? That's right.

That's my ideal.

I'm positive it will happen! I- I wonder Trunks-san said, you know, that in the future I will become a Super Saiyan, and get k*lled by the Artificial Humans.

What are you talking about? Things have already changed considerably from Trunks' future, ain't they? I'm here, alive and well.

Besides that, the you that d*ed in the future never trained in here, right? That's right! It's all up to your own determination! Father, if you please! All right, that's the spirit! I'm going to be far more hard on you than Piccolo was, you know! --Prepare yourself! --Right! D- don't tell me it's still increasing! What is that!? How can Vegeta have that kind of power? I don't believe it! Is training in the Room of Spirit and Time as magnificent as all this? Say, what's wrong? What's happened to Vegeta? Trunks is okay, right? W- what is this!? Without a doubt, he has surpassed Super Saiyan.

Vegeta's super power explodes, exceeding even that of the monstrous Cell!
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