06x08 - Dende's First Task!! The Dragon Balls Restored

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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06x08 - Dende's First Task!! The Dragon Balls Restored

Post by bunniefuu »

How are you? It's good to have you here.

Goku-sa had to leave on the drive here.

What's the matter with him? My people, I'm your President.

As you have seen, our army was totally wiped out by Cell.

It's all my fault.

I'm so sorry.

But there was nothing else I could do.

To be frank, we really don't know what to do.

But please don't panic.

Maybe we will have a savior like the young man who b*at the monster, Piccolo Daimao.

Let's all pray to God.

Even if we pray, Kami-sama doesn't exist anymore.

I see.

The artificial human Cell? That is certainly an unexpected thing But in your world, unexpected things like this happen all the time.


That's why I want to find a Nameksei-jin to be Kami-sama so we can bring the dragonballs back to life.

Hmm Can you help me to find out where the Nameksei-jins' planet is? Umm I'm not sure.

Let me try.

I just hope you can do it.


Popo is very lonely without Kami-sama.

I don't blame him.

How can one live in the Palace by himself? You're too noisy! Shut up! You're distracting me! I don't sense them.

Please concentrate.

Sorry, sorry Oh I've found it.

This time it's right in this direction.

Really? Thank you! Alright, this direction.

Though it's far away, if I can feel their ki, I'll make it.


That's instantaneous movement? Where did you learn that marvelous trick? I know.

Instantaneous movement is the ultimate trick of Yardraatseijins.

You must have learned from them.

I see.

This is definitely convenient.

Please be quiet.

Don't get upset.

Bingo, that's their ki.

It has to be the Nameksei-jins' ki.

Thank you, Kaio-sama.

W-What? It's a ton of Piccolos.

Who are you? What do you want? My name is Son Goku and I'm from the earth.

Wow, are you the same Goku-san that saved us Nameksei-jins from Freeza on our planet? Yeah, but Namek exploded Looks like something bad has happened on Earth.

You know about Cell too? Not the details, but a steam of evil has come this way.

That saves me a lot of effort.

In fact, I'm here to find the right person to be Kami-sama.

We need to bring the dragonballs back, so we can bring the people k*lled by Cell back to life.

In fact, Piccolo is from Namek too.

Piccolo? Ahh, the son of Katatsu.

As long as there is one person who can be Kami-sama, he can help me save the earth.

I see.

I have just the right person for you.

Really? Hey, Dende.

Come here.


This is Dende.

He's a good friend of your son, Gohan, and of Krillin.

He's been talking about the earth a whole lot.

He always wanted to see Gohan-kun and the others again.

That's great, but he has to know how to use the dragonballs.

No problem.

Dende is an outstanding person of the Dragon race.

He will be a good Kami-sama.

Alright, it's good to have you, Dende.

Right, and the same to you.

Okay, let's go now.


Thank you.

I will do my best to take care of Dende.

Bye, everybody.

Take care.

You must work hard, Dende.

Goku-san, we wish the earth peace.

Okay, thank you.

Kaio-sama, everything went smooth.

He's the new Kami-sama of the Earth.

Goodbye now.

Hey, I went to the new Namek planet.

D-Dende!? He's the new Kami-sama? Yes.

Is Dende really good enough to be the new Kami-sama? Of course he is.

Wait a minute.

I'll bring Gohan and Krillin here right away.


Our audience, we have good news.

A martial arts master, Satan, has decided to take part in the Cell games.

Super hero, Satan! Who is he? Champion of the Martial Arts Competition.

Are you sure you can b*at him, Mr.

Satan? Cell managed to wipe out the whole army.

That was just a trick.

He set up some expl*sives beforehand.

I could easily tell he doesn't know anything about martial arts.

My friends on the earth, please don't worry! I'm sure I can b*at him.

He's such an idiot.

Goku-san, where were you? Leaving us behind like that! Chi-Chi, wait a minute.

Krillin, Gohan come with me.

I've brought with me the new Kami-sama.

You know Dende, don't you? That little Nameksei-jin guy.

Really, Dende? Gohan-san! Krillin-san! It's really Dende! It's been a long time.

It is good to have you here, Dende.

So, you've really become our new Kami-sama? Y-Yes.

You were already great before.

We can meet everyday from now on.

By the way, Dende You're able to use the dragonballs, right? Of course he can.

The old Nameksei-jin man said Dende is outstanding in the Dragon race.

The old man? He means the Elder.

Yeah, that's who I meant, but I know the Elder can't be wrong.

It'll take 100 days to make the dragonballs.

It really takes that long? Right, but if we have the model of the dragonballs, the dragon you had in the past could be brought back to life right away.

Really? Those dragonballs have become stones and are scattered around the earth.

I have the model of the dragon which I made.

Good, then everything is ready.

Great! But is it like when we were on the planet Namek with three wishes? Yes.

Can it be like it was? Can we bring back the lives of many people just by one wish? For example, to bring back all the people Cell k*lled.

If you make it clear at the very beginning, it's possible.

But then, you'll only have two wishes.

You can make it do that? Yes.

Sounds good, so let's start.

Alright, where's the model of the dragon? Mr.

Popo, bring out the model.


This is what Mr.

Popo made.

That is an interesting dragon.

Alright, let me try.

Dende, good luck.

Just relax.


I think the dragonballs that became stones have been resurrected.

Good! Fantastic! Amazing.

He has great potential.

Alright, I'll borrow the dragonball radar from Bulma to find the dragonballs.

Thank you, Goku.



You don't need anymore special training for the Cell Games.

Have a good time with Dende.

But It's alright.

Don't worry.

Uh, Goku-san, can I ask you a question? What? Goku-san, you are so relaxed.

You must have found Cell's weakness, right? No.

Does he have weaknesses? I'm going.

Oh, Son-kun.

The structure of this artificial human is very advanced.

Though Dr.

Gero is a wicked person, you must admit he's a genius.


Can you lend me the dragon radar, Bulma? I've brought back a new Kami-sama from Namek.

That's fabulous.

The radar is in the drawer.

Thank you.

Got it.

It's still working fine.

It can tell me exactly where the dragonballs are.

Thanks again.

Wait I wanted to know how Trunks was doing, but he's probably okay.

Around here Alright, right here.

This place is huge.

Gohan-san, do you know what this is all about? Goku-san clearly said that he's weaker than Cell and that he didn't know his weaknesses.

Then why is he so calm? My dad hasn't told me why either.

He just told me to look forward to it.

Look forward to it? But if he said "look forward to it" then it must be something good.

Maybe it's only the beginning.

It has to be around here somewhere Hey, Mister! There are sand storms coming! Be careful! That's right.

The sand storm must've made the dragonball sink to the bottom.

Thank you! Alright.

What's going on? A tornado? Somebody help me! I found it.

They really have become dragonballs again.

The dragonballs have come back to life.

Everyone is busy working on their own.

Time is flying by.

The second one.

The Cell games will begin very soon.

I'm bored to death.

Ten days take way too long.
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