09x07 - Sugar & Spice, Malice & Vice

Episode transcripts for the TV show "m*rder, She Wrote". Aired: September 30, 1984 – May 19, 1996.*
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Mystery writer and amateur detective Jessica is a down-to-earth, middle-aged widow who ferrets out the criminals in idyllic Cabot Cove, Maine, which apparently is the m*rder capital of the United States.
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09x07 - Sugar & Spice, Malice & Vice

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm talking about your dirty
little deal with Hong Kong.

I'm talking about a m*rder.

Whatever it is, I
want no part of it.

Jess, what do you mean?

I just thought a drink
for old time's sake.

Uh, let's stick to
business, Paul.

Paul was kind and
gentle, and he loved me.

If you won't help me,
maybe I'll have to k*ll him.

Nobody is gonna take on an
ex-congressman and a respectable bank

without some kind
of a smoking g*n.


I'm calling it a
night, Paul. Here.

Me, too. Buy you a
gimlet on the way out?

I don't drink gimlets
anymore, Paul.

They leave a bad taste.

Besides, I'd assume you'd
have plans with your fiancée.

I do. Later.

I just thought a drink
for old time's sake.

Uh, let's stick to business,
Paul. It works a lot better.

Andrea has everything
you ever wanted.

Looks, money
and social position.

You always gave me
good advice, Laura.

I almost forgot that's
why I keep you around.

Is this merger thing
really gonna happen,

or are you just
playing games again?

Hey, bet the ranch.

And when it does, there's a vice
presidency with your name on it.

You're playing in the
big leagues now, Paul.

I hope you've got
your bases covered.

Oh, I do. I've got
insurance in spades.

But of course, you
already know that.

Close to my heart, and
that's where it's gonna stay.


Oh, excuse me. Laura

Mr. Quatrain, I'm
sorry. Good night.

Good night.

Paul, you're still here.

Well, I was just
wrapping up, Adam.

You work too hard.

A young man with a beautiful
fiancée shouldn't neglect her.

(LAUGHS) I wasn't planning to.

Good. Come on,
I'll walk you out.

So, Adam, what's happening
with the Hong Kong merger?

Brad Filmore
expects a green light

from the banking
committee in Washington.

But, uh, I don't have to tell
you, it's in a very sensitive stage.

That's what worries me.

Mr. Li's very happy with your work
on the merger, Paul, and so am I.

That's what I get paid to do.

Good night, Ed. Good night, sir.

Good night.



Hold it right there, mister.

Well, I'm glad somebody
finally showed up,

'cause I think there's been
a mistake in the work order.

This machine is a 457 with
a 2.5 spreadsheet loaded in.

They want the new 300, but
it's not compatible with the 457.

How'd you get in here?

The cleaning people let me in.

No, the cleaning people
don't get here for another hour.

Look, maybe I've
got the wrong office.

Does this say
"Marlow" or "Marston"?

I mean, can you believe
some people's handwriting?

May I help you?

Yes. Jessica Fletcher.
I have a reservation.

J.B. Fletcher. Yes, of course.
You've been pre-registered.

I have?

Mr. Smyth has taken care
of everything. Suite 614.

Mr. Smith? Yes,
Smyth, with a "Y".

It's all taken care of.
You can go right up.

Your luggage will be
up in a few minutes.

Uh, is Mr. Smyth with the
book convention, by any chance?

He didn't mention that, Mrs.
Fletcher. Elevators to your right.

I see. Well, thank
you very much.

Hong Kong bankers
place a premium on privacy.

It'll only take a few minutes.
You sure you don't mind?

Of course not, darling.
I'll meet you downstairs.


ANDREA: See you later, honey.



MAN: Well, now, you took
your sweet time getting here.


Yes. Listen to me carefully,
Jessica. You're being watched.

Watched? By whom?
What's going on?

Not so loud. He'll hear you.


There's a very dangerous
man in your suite.

Don't turn around,
and just keep talking.

Oh, Michael, for heaven sakes...

I have to ring off now, Jess.

There's a fascinating
woman standing in front of me,

and there's some
explaining I have to do.

I'll say you have some
explaining to do, Michael Hagarty.

Oh, you scared
the wits out of me!

But it made you glad to see me,
didn't it? Or are you disappointed?

Look, I should have
known, "Smyth with a 'Y'"?

Scraping the bottom
of the barrel, Michael.

Just my idea of
a little surprise.

Oh, I've had too many of your
surprises in the past, thank you very much.

Jess, what do you mean?

Whatever assignment
you're on for MI6,

whatever caper you're involved in,
whatever lie you're trying to sell me,

count me out.

Jessica, how could you
even think such a thing?

The truth of it
is, I'm on leave.

I found out you were here, and
thought you'd be glad to see me.

And, uh, you're welcome for
the flowers. Don't mention it.

I know you're very busy.
I'll just be on my way.

Oh, for heaven sakes, the
flowers are lovely. Thank you.

Mmm. How did you
know I'd be here?

Well, I am in the spying
business, my dear.

Besides, I read it in
the Chronicle yesterday.


Look, I know you've just
flown in from New York,

so I'll give you a
breather to freshen up.

I know this little
Italian place,

does a scaloppini that'll
bring tears to your eyes.

And I won't take
no for an answer.

I'll pick you up in an hour.



I would like to express my
gratitude for your very special help

in arranging the merger of
our two banks, Mr. Marlow.

I will see to it that you're
very generously rewarded.

I'm glad you bring
that up, Mr. Li.

The figure I was thinking
about is, uh, five million.

The amount agreed
to was one million.

Yeah, but that was before I did all my
homework on Mainland Hong Kong Bank.

Like, who really owns it, and
where your deposits come from.

I think five million
sounds just about right.

I assure you you're
misinformed, Mr. Marlow.

Look, five million
is chump change.

I'll bet you spend twice that much on
your lawyers and lobbyists in Washington.

Oh, and just to prove to
you that I'm on your team,

I want to share a little problem
that I have, uh, discovered.

We have this hidden video
as part of our security setup,

and last night this man
broke into my office.

We have invested too much in this
merger to let anything spoil it now.

I think you and I can
deal with the situation.

Unless I'm mistaken,
some of your investors

do have people to
handle damage control.

Possibly. But it may be difficult
to find this mysterious intruder.

Oh, that's not a
problem. I know who he is.

So, tell me, how did you happen to
pick San Francisco to take your leave?

Just coming back from some
routine stuff in the Orient.

The old calendar's
a little quiet now

that the Cold w*r's
gone into the deep freeze.

And San Francisco's a
beautiful city. Why not?

Now, Michael, I
know you too well...


Jess, they do a pasta
primavera at this place

that is absolutely to die for.

Oh, coming from you, Michael,
"to die for," isn't a very happy image.


We'll have to figure out a way to get
you out of that silly book conference.

Well, that won't be so easy.




Oh, Michael.

You all right?

Yes, I think so.

On second thought, there's a perfectly
good restaurant back at the hotel.


Darling, I don't know
what's so important

about having dinner with your
assistant and his little fiancée.

Cynthia, Paul is my
executive vice president.

He's a young banking genius.

Be nice to him, darling.

Well, they could
at least be on time.

For God's sake, Cynthia, don't treat him
like the assistant tennis pro at the club.

There they are.

Mmm, a Bryn-Mawr type.

I suppose dinner conversation will be
mostly about saving the environment.

Paul, Andrea. We're so
happy you could join us.

Cynthia, I don't believe you've
met Paul's fiancée, Andrea Cromwell.

Oh, it's so nice to meet you. Adam's
told me so many nice things about you.

Well, it's a pleasure to
meet you, Mrs. Quatrain.

We're sorry we're
late. Are we ready?

Yeah, by all means.

That is a lovely dress.
Is it a Bertalucci?

Yes, it is.

Look, there's something
you're not telling me. It's obvious.

Absolutely nothing
to worry about.

What you need is a
square meal, Jess.

Yes, party of four? Half an
hour? That should be fine.

MAN: Thank you.

Are you following me?

Andrea, look, we have to talk.

There's nothing to talk about.

You can't keep
avoiding me this way.

Whatever was
between us is finished.

Just stay out of my life.

I'm sorry, Jess. I'm
really not hungry.

Oh, for heaven sakes, Michael.

You're not going
to let a little rejection

by an old flame spoil your
whole evening, are you?

She isn't an old flame, Jess.

Michael, who is she?

Andrea is my daughter.

Michael, I don't remember
you ever mentioning a daughter

or ever having been married.

Well, it wasn't much
of a marriage, Jess.

Didn't last very long, either.

Her mother was a
New York society girl.

The family never
really bought my act.

An honest, forthright
man like you?

I see that the suite that
you pre-registered for me

just happens to be right across
from your daughter's suite.

Michael, don't you ever get tired
of trying to manipulate people?

You're right, Jess. Let's order
up a sandwich, and I'll explain.

The truth is, Jess, I
wasn't much of a father.

Presents sent from
exotic locations,

weekend visits I had to
cancel because of assignments.

And all of it slowly
poisoned by an ex-wife

who wanted to cut me
out of the child's life.

She died last year, leaving
Andrea with too much money

and a deep
resentment against me.

I'm sorry, Michael.

But we all have to live with
the choices we've made.

I may have neglected
her in the past, but damn it,

I can at least stop Andrea from
making a mistake that could ruin her life.

You mean, with that good-looking
young man that she seemed so happy with?

When I heard they were
engaged, I did some checking.

Not every father has access
to CIA, FBI and MI6 files.

Her young fancy
man belongs in jail.

Are you sure you're
not exaggerating?

I wish I were.

With ex-congressman Adam Quatrain
smoothing the way in Washington,

Paul Marlow is arranging
a merger between

a small American bank he and
Quatrain have gotten control of

and a Hong Kong bank,
owned by a man named Luc Li.

Is that illegal?

The problem is the Hong
Kong bank is really owned

by some Middle Eastern gangsters
in the arms peddling racket,

and the funds come indirectly
from the Colombian drug trade.

And Paul Marlow is
in it up to his eyeballs.

But, that's awful.

Shouldn't you report this
information to the Justice Department?

(SCOFFS) It's not
that easy to prove.

It'd take a small army of accountants,
court orders in a dozen countries,

even to pick up the threads.

These guys are good,
and they play rough.

The shot that was
made at you, you mean?

That's why I need
your help now, Jess.

I need to keep
kind of a low profile.

I thought maybe you
could talk to Andrea.

You know, woman-to-woman.

Oh, no, no, no, no, Michael.

No, you can't expect me to fix
something that you broke years ago.

If you won't help me...

Maybe I'll have to k*ll him.

I appreciate your seeing me on
such short notice, Mr. Quatrain.

I wanted Brad
Filmore to be here.

I mean, he is our point
man in Washington.

What's your problem, Mr. Li?

As a businessman, I'm very
disappointed in your Paul Marlow.

I thought you were
very high on him.

He is demanding $5 million from me,
Mr. Quatrain. Are you aware of that?

For what? I mean, personally?


And I find particularly
disturbing, Mr. Quatrain,

is that Mr. Marlow
made certain threats.

Threats? What kind of threats?

About stopping the merger
from being approved.

We've spent months stroking
the right people in Washington.

The merger's a done deal.

I'm also disturbed to learn that
the father of Mr. Marlow's fiancée

is a British intelligence agent.

Good Lord.

Do you know anything about this?

There's been no indication
of a problem with the British.

My business associates do
not like surprises, Mr. Quatrain.

Paul Marlow is your man.

I suggest you rethink
your situation with him.

You know where to reach me.

I'll show you out, Mr. Li.

You were a fool to let that
young man into the firm.

This whole merger was his idea.

Oh, it's not just
the merger, Adam.

It's our bank that's threatened.

So the way I see it, we'll hold
onto your place in New York,

and we'll buy something here. I
mean, my place is way too small.

What? What?

As long as we're
together, I don't really care.

Oh, I almost forgot.

What's this?

Well, it's just a little
engagement present.

Can I open it now? Sure.

Oh, Paul.

Oh, they're beautiful.

You like?

Do you fancy a drink?

Now? Isn't it a little early?

Then we'll have coffee.

And talk about how we're going to get
you out of this boring book conference.


Michael, you're
being compulsive.

You know, you're not going to
win any points spying on them.

I don't know what you're
talking about. It's a public place.

Mr. Marlow? A
telephone call for you, sir.

Thank you.

Paul Marlow.

How could that happen?

Now? Where?



Paul, is something wrong?

No, no, it's nothing.

I've gotta meet
someone. It's business.


It won't take long.

Look, I'll meet you up in your
suite in half an hour, okay?


Maybe I'll wear my pearls.

Honey, I think
that's a great idea.

But you know what? I think we
should put these in the hotel vault.

Can't be too careful.

Okay. I'll take care of the
check, and I'll do it right away.

See you upstairs.

Excuse me, Jess, there's
something I have to do.

Michael, you'll only
alienate your daughter.

This might be a grand time to
have a nice chat with Andrea.

I think I'll pass. If you need
me, you'll find me in my room.


(g*n COCKS)




Mrs. Fletcher? Yes.

I'm Andrea Cromwell,
Michael's daughter.

Can we talk?

I think that would be
very nice. Come in.

Well, I know you're
a friend of his.

We don't talk that often,
but he's mentioned you.

Well, I'm sorry to say that he has
neglected to mention you to me.

Mrs. Fletcher, please, you
have to tell him to leave me alone.

I'm afraid I really don't have
that much influence over him.

He's a very hard-headed man.

And he's very worried about you.

He's trying to poison
my mind against Paul.

I mean, he dropped out
of my life 10 years ago,

and when he shows up, it's just to
ruin the one good thing I have left.

You know, he's a father,
Andrea, and he's a man.

And I'm sorry to say that
diplomacy isn't his long suit.

But he loves you.

Of that, I am quite sure.




Put your hands over
your head. Real slow.

You know, it looks like
we got a cold piece here.

No serial number. That's funny.

But my nose tells me it's got
warm fingerprints all over it.

Get this down to the lab.

So, uh, give it to me again,
Charlie. How'd you make him?

I'm up in the security office, I get
a call. It's one of the staff people.

They tell me they heard a g*nsh*t
down here in the service area,

so I come down to check it out,

I see this guy bending
over the deceased.

So I cuff him and I call
my old friend, Pat Hogan.

You did good,
Charlie. Anything else?

Yeah. It turns out our suspect
here is the father of the fiancée.

Oh, gets better all the
time. Where's the girl?

Is this man your father, miss?

How could you do
this? How could you?

Andrea, I didn't k*ll him.

I'm sorry, miss, but
I'll need a statement.

There's no hurry. Maybe
when you're feeling a little better.

Take him down and
book him. m*rder one.

Okay, Mrs. Fletcher,
I've checked you out.

So you've got friends in high
places. By me, that's no problem.

Uh, Lieutenant Hogan...

I've only got one question. What
exactly is Michael Hagarty to you?

He's a good friend.

That's fair enough. Did
you know he worked for MI6?

Yes, I was aware of that.

They never heard of him. But that's
the party line. Want some coffee?

No, thank you.

He claims somebody slugged
him, but they all got a sad story.

Has a doctor seen him?

No, he said he didn't want one.

Anyway, we didn't
see any marks on him.

Look, this one's a
lock, Mrs. Fletcher.

The g*n has his
prints all over it.

I'd like to see him.

Sure, why not.

I was set up. I
was following him.

Somebody hit me, and when I came
to, he was there, dead on the floor,

and that damned hotel
cop was standing over me.

And did you see anyone else?

The room was dark.

I remember searching
for the light switch,

and the next thing, I woke
up with a face full of floor.

Michael, think for a minute.

When you were
investigating Paul,

was there anyone who...
Well, who might want him dead?

You mean, besides me?

Paul Marlow was a white-collar
crook, playing for high stakes,

mixed up with dangerous
people on four continents.

Well, that certainly
narrows it down.

What I need from you,
and I need it desperately,

is for you to make Andrea
understand that I didn't k*ll Paul.


Jessica, I don't
want her to hate me.

There isn't much I care
about, but I care about her.

Talk to her.


I'll try.

When I was a little girl,

I thought he was the most
handsome man in the whole world.

I hardly ever saw him.

Just, you know, holidays and
birthdays, special occasions. Mmm-hmm.

But I worshipped him.

My mother said he was
irresponsible. Didn't really want a family.

He and my mother
never really got along.

Even as a child
I could see that.

You know, children are always more
perceptive than we give them credit for.

I guess I grew up believing
that he abandoned me.

He chose a very
difficult life, Andrea.

And I'm certainly not making
excuses for him, but I can tell you this,

I don't believe for a moment that he was
in any way responsible for Paul's death.

But why did he hate Paul so much. I
mean, why did he have to spoil everything?

Oh, but he didn't hate Paul.
I mean, he didn't know him.

Your father was
concerned about you.

He was convinced that Paul was involved
in something illegal, something dangerous.

Paul was kind and
gentle, and he loved me.

He wasn't involved in anything illegal.
He had a bright future at the bank.

I mean, he told me he was
in line for a big promotion.

Did he ever talk to
you about business?


Andrea, somebody k*lled him.

Now, you'll never know any
peace until we find out who and why.

Andrea, I'm so terribly
sorry about Paul.

It's just awful.


He was a wonderful man. I
learned so much from him.

Everyone at the bank
is going to miss him.

Mrs. Fletcher, this is Laura Downing.
She worked with Paul at the bank.

How do you do, Miss Downing?

It's a pleasure, Mrs. Fletcher.

Andrea, um, Mr. Quatrain
asked me to come and see you.

Apparently there are some papers,
something to do with the merger,

that Paul may have
taken from the office.

He thought that they might be
in Paul's briefcase or something.

Uh, he may have left his
briefcase up in my suite.

Why don't you come up
with us and have a look?


Well, what exactly is
missing, Miss Cromwell?

As far as I can
tell, nothing is.

What little jewelry
I have is still here.

Aren't you going to inform
the police, Mr. Bennett?

Well, I'm going to make out a report,
but since nothing has been stolen,

the police really won't
be able to do anything.

Well, in view of the fact
that Miss Cromwell's fiancé

was m*rder*d
yesterday in the hotel,

I think the police would
be very interested.

That's a good point, Mrs.
Fletcher. I'll call Lieutenant Hogan.

Well, I'd better get
back to the bank.

If there's anything I can do...

Thank you, Laura. I'll call you.

All right. Bye-bye.

Meanwhile, we'll move you to a
new suite, uh, with our apologies.

Oh, that won't be
necessary, Mr. Bennett.

Miss Cromwell will
be staying with me.

Appreciate your
help, Mr. Quatrain.

As Paul Marlow's employer and personal
friend, I want to see his k*ller convicted.

Has this Hagarty been making
any wild accusations, Lieutenant?

About what?

Uh, excuse me, is this a
bad moment, Lieutenant?

Oh, no, no, come
on in, Mrs. Fletcher.

I got a message you
wanted to see me.

Thank you.

Uh, do you know Mr. Quatrain?

We haven't met formally.

No, I believe we almost met
the night before the tragedy.

I didn't know who you were then,

but it's a real pleasure
to meet J.B. Fletcher.

Uh, my attorney, Brad Filmore.

How do you do?

I'm sorry, but Miss Downing didn't
find the papers you were looking for.


At the hotel. The ones that Paul
might have taken from the bank.

Well, it's apparently something
Miss Downing forgot to mention.

Well, we mustn't take any more
of your valuable time, Lieutenant.

My wife will be impressed.
She's quite a fan.

Thank you.

A pleasure.

Lieutenant, you know,
I am very concerned

about Miss Cromwell's
suite being ransacked.

Wait a minute. Her hotel suite?

Somebody broke into Paul
Marlow's apartment and tossed it,

but I didn't know
about the hotel.

Well, didn't Mr. Bennett
report it to you?

No, not to me, he didn't.

(SIGHS) An ex-cop
like Charlie Bennett,

he ought to know enough
to report something like that.

Look, Lieutenant, Paul
Marlow's apartment was searched,

his fiancée's suite at
the hotel was ransacked,

and someone arrives from the bank
looking for some papers that Paul

may have absentmindedly taken home
from the bank. Does that tell you anything?

What does it tell
you, Mrs. Fletcher?

That it's possible that
someone k*lled Paul Marlow

to get their hands on the
papers that he was carrying.

We didn't find any papers, either on
the victim or on your friend, Mr. Hagarty.

Look, Michael Hagarty
did not k*ll Paul Marlow.



Take a look at this.

Did you know that
Hagarty tried to break

into Paul Marlow's
office at the bank?

(LAUGHS) He is some piece
of work, your Mr. Hagarty.

Where did you get that?

From Quatrain and his lawyer.

He tells me that
Hagarty had some kind of

twisted grudge against
his future son-in-law.

Whew, it's gonna
look great in court.

Michael thinks that
Paul Marlow and the bank

were involved in some kind of
international criminal conspiracy.

What kind of conspiracy?

I think you should
hear that from Michael.

So when the bloody deal's done,

they can recycle drug
money into the arms trade

via Hong Kong, through San
Francisco, in lily-white U.S. dollars,

right under Washington's nose.

You gotten any proof? Anything
we can show the D.A.'s office?

Ah, most of it I put together on an
"eyes only" basis from CIA and MI6 files

that I'm not even
supposed to have access to.

Nobody is gonna take on an
ex-congressman and a respectable bank

without some kind
of a smoking g*n.

I was hoping to find something.

That's why I tried to break into his
computer, that's why I followed him.

You know, I wouldn't be
surprised if that's why he was k*lled.

Maybe they were looking for some
documents that Paul was carrying

when they ransacked
Andrea's hotel suite.

They came after Andrea?

Oh, she wasn't there. They
only searched the room.

Andrea is staying with me. I'm sorry,
Michael, I didn't mean to worry you.

I've got to get out of here.

Talk to your lawyer.

Michael, I've
contacted my attorney.

He's trying to arrange a
bail hearing in a few days.

OFFICER: What's the score?

When they brought me up, the Giants
were ahead by two in the seventh.

Still two-zip.

May I have a drink of water?

Go ahead.

You got a cigarette?
I left my pack...

I'm sorry about that. Time
you quit smoking, anyway.

I'll just take this for luck.

He's very worried about you.
And to tell you the truth, so am I.

Miss Cromwell.

And I believe you must
be Mrs. J.B. Fletcher.

Who are you? How
did you get in here?

My name is Luc Li.

Are you the one who
ransacked Miss Cromwell's room?

I'm not a thief, Mrs. Fletcher.

Merely a businessman with interests
in Hong Kong and San Francisco.

Hello, operator? Hello. Hello?

I took the trouble to disconnect
it to avoid interruptions.

Calm yourself. I'm only here to make
Miss Cromwell a business proposition.

Something has disappeared since the
tragic death of your fiancé, Miss Cromwell.

Something that belongs to me,

and for which I would be willing
to pay a substantial finder's fee.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I don't have anything
that belongs to you.

What exactly is this something?

A boring list of business details,
probably on a computer disk.

I'm prepared to offer $2
million U.S., no questions asked.

I think that you'd
better leave now.

Miss Cromwell, I personally abhor v*olence,
but I have certain business associates

who place a very low
value on human life.

If you or any of your thugs so
much as lay a finger on my daughter,

I swear, I'll k*ll you.

You misjudge me, sir. I'm only a
businessman on a business errand.

But if you, sir, can deliver
my missing property,

I will consider raising
my bid to three million.

Now, if you will excuse me.


Oh, Daddy, I'm so
glad you were here.

Are they handing out, uh,
g*ns at bail hearings these days?

Well, I couldn't wait around
while they came after Andrea.

Li's coming here
only proves my theory.

Paul must have had
some incriminating details,

and was probably
holding it over their heads.

And they k*lled
him for it, Andrea.

And somebody still
seems to be looking for it.


Michael, where are you going?

If you don't know, you
won't have to lie to the police.

Don't let her out
of your sight, Jess.

I'll be in touch.


How did you get in here?

It's my trade, and
I'm damn good at it.

I also know how to make people
vanish without a trace, so don't tempt me.

What do you want?

Answers, Quatrain.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I'm talking about your dirty
little deal with Hong Kong.

I'm talking about a
m*rder that was laid on me.

Somebody phoned
Paul Marlow for a meet.

They hit me and used my
g*n to terminate Marlow.

Maybe it was you, Quatrain.

Maybe Marlow threatened to blow off the
deal, and you didn't want that to happen.

No, it couldn't have been my husband. He
was with me when Paul Marlow was m*rder*d.

You tell your friends to stay away from my
daughter, or so help me I'll have you all.

And don't bother
phoning the police.

I cut your phone line
when I took out the alarm.

Thank you, my dear.
That was very convincing.

But you weren't here
when Marlow was k*lled.

You said you were
at the hairdresser.

Odds are it was Luc
Li's people that shot at us,

and probably ransacked
Andrea's room.

Maybe Paul was
going to see Luc Li?

Andrea, think.

What did Paul say when the phone
call came through for him in the lobby?

Not very much. It seemed like
somebody he knew. He looked worried.

He told me he had to meet someone,
and that he'd see me up in the room later.

Did he say anything else?

No. Well, only to put the
pearls in the hotel safe.

What, Jess?

Andrea, was he paged
for that telephone call?

No, the bartender just brought the
phone. They knew Paul at the hotel.

Of course. That must be it.

Here you go, Miss Cromwell.
If you will just sign for it.

Thank you, Mr. Bennett.

Is everything there?

Everything's here.

Mr. Bennett, you told Lieutenant
Hogan that a member of the hotel staff

had phoned to report hearing a
g*nsh*t that k*lled Paul Marlow?

That's right.

Which member of
the staff reported that?

I have no idea. I asked around,
but nobody claimed to make the call.

Ah. Was it a woman's
voice or a man's voice?

Oh, it was a woman's voice. It must
have been one of the kitchen help.

I mean, who else
would be in that area?

Who indeed?

Yes, I think I have the
item you were looking for.

Yes, it's a computer disk.

Paul gave it to me for safe
keeping minutes before he was k*lled,

only I didn't know I had it.

Yes, an hour will
be fine. I'll be waiting.

Well, it's a gamble. But if we're
lucky, we may have Paul's m*rder*r.

I don't like it one damn bit.

It's the only way
it'll work, Daddy.

And if it gets you off
the hook, it's worth it.

No. It's too risky for Andrea.

Michael, for once you're going to
have to butt out and leave it to us.

It was where? No, wait
a minute, wait a minute.



Okay, okay, I'm in.



Come in.

I really appreciate
your calling, Andrea.

That computer disk must be what
Paul inadvertently took from the office.

Mr. Quatrain will be so
pleased to have it back.

Um, where did you find it?

We were having a drink in the
lounge right before Paul was m*rder*d.

He gave it to me. I
didn't realize I had it.

I see. What beautiful pearls.
Paul had such nice taste.

Well, may I have
the disk now, please?

Well, you see, I'm not
sure I should give it to you.

What are you talking about?

A Mr. Luc Li phoned me. He
offered me money for the disk.

I was wondering if you or
Mr. Quatrain might want to buy it.

Honey, I'm not planning
to pay you anything.

Are you looking for this?

Why would you look for
it in Andrea's jewel case?

I didn't. Oh, but you did.

Because you saw Paul
give Andrea the pearls

just before you telephoned
him in the lobby lounge.


I'm afraid it all fits.

They didn't need to page Paul,
because you knew he was in the lounge.

Hi, it's me.

You told them where he was, because
you were calling The merger's off.

From a house phone
where you could see him.

You're making all this up.

You had to have seen
Paul give Andrea the pearls.

There's no other explanation.

What you didn't see was Paul
slipping the disk into the jewel case

before he left to meet you.

But when Andrea told you that Paul had
given it to her just before he was k*lled,

and when you saw the
pearls and the open case here,

well, you're a clever
young lady, Miss Downing,

not to mention
ambitious and ruthless.

I learned it from Paul.

Oh, yes, Paul taught me a lot.

His problem was that he didn't
know that I was smarter than he was.

The information on that
disk? I dug it out for him.

Did he think I didn't know
what he was going to use it for?

Didn't know what it was worth?

So you decided to cash
in on it, take over his game.

You phoned him, said
you had to talk with him.

But why did you frame my father?

I didn't plan it that way.
But Hagarty followed Paul.

Paul had spotted Hagarty
following him. It was Paul who hit him.

It just flashed into my
head. The perfect cover.

Now, I had to k*ll
Paul either way.

I had the g*n in my purse, but Hagarty's
g*n was j just lying on the floor.

Give it to me. I swear
to God, I don't have it.

LAURA: It was even better.

Then you slipped out and phoned
security, reporting the g*nsh*t.

It was almost a perfect plan.

Except for the fact that
Paul wasn't carrying the disk.

How did you figure it out?

You made a couple
of slips, Miss Downing.

When you came looking for the
papers Paul took from the office,

you said that
Mr. Quatrain had sent you,

but he didn't know
anything about any papers.

Then when we found Paul's briefcase
in Andrea's ransacked hotel room,

you didn't even bother
to look at the papers.

That's because you'd done
the ransacking yourself.

But it wasn't papers you
were after, it was the disk.

Well, it doesn't
matter now, does it?

I don't think either of you
will be telling anyone anything.

Put it down, Miss Downing.

You're already
in enough trouble.

You know, when you called
me and you suggested this,

well, I thought you
had a screw loose.

Well, I only said it might work.

Jess, guess what Andrea
and I have decided to do.

I don't have a clue.

Well, I still have a
week left of leave,

so we're going to go down
to Carmel for a few days.

I thought we'd do some poking
around in some of those cute little shops.

Find you something
pretty to wear.

Forget the presents, Daddy. I'll settle
for some nice long walks on the beach.

Of course, we'd both
like to invite you along.

Oh, not a chance. I'm a
week behind on my schedule.

And in this case,
three's a crowd.
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